Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 06, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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rmrninriiT irril
mwlM ILUl.U
By Carl J. Groat
(Unite J Press Staff Correspondent)
Berlin, Nov. 4. President Wilson
. . . u
Vas a sphynx upon wnom one raum
not entirely depend, when Ignorant of
tiis plans," former : Chancellor Von
BeOimann-Hollweg declared, when he
resumed his testimony today before the
ceichstag committee investigating con
duct of the war.
Germany wanted America to remain
utni it thn close of 1916, Bethmann
Hollweg said, but considerable douot
lied tn the Vilhelmstra3se aB to
Wilson's ability to bring about peace
nl his intentions regarding uermany,
Neither Von Bethmann-Hollweg nor
former Foreign Secretary Zimmerman,
who followed him, discussed the notor-
of Daner" incident.
President Wilson was "unwilling to
V,i!u his cards on the table," Zlmmer
nan fiifl the committe. "and it was a
fni-Afrone conclusion his peace offer
would be badly received in Germany
because of American- munitions ship
ments to the allies."
Germany knew.Wilson's peace offel
of December 1916, was coming, Zim
merman said.
""" San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 8.
(United Press) C. O. Davis,
employe of Neustader Bro
thers, wholesale grocers, stop
ped Judge Fitzpatrick on the
Hall of Justice steps.
"You're a lawyer here, aren't
you?" he asked. "What kind
of a gird is this guy Fitzpat
rick? I come up before him
for speeding. Do you think he
will fall for the broken speed
ometer stall or the hurrying
for a doctor gag?"
"Either might do," replied
the Judge.
Davis, half an hour later, ap
peared before the Judge and
recognized him.
"Whioh is it, the broken
speedometer or the doctor?"
asked Fitzpatrick.
"Er what's the fine?" re
plied Davis.
Take "Cascarets" for Your Liver and Bowels and
Wake Up Clear, Cheery, Fit Don't Stay Sick!
fff-l - mrll
Tomorrow the sun will shine for
you. Everything will seem clear, rosy
and bright. Your system is filled witn
liver and bowel poison which Keeps
your skin sallow, your stomach upset
vonr head" focev and aching.
meals are turning into poison
and acids. You can not feel right.
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
uniamiiii aiwnvH bv takine Cascarets
occasionally. They act without griping
or inconvenience . rney never sicKen
you like calomel, salts, oil or nasty,
Your harsh pills. They cost so little too
gases Cascarets work while you sleep.
Just Is Right
STEEIj cells junked
3C Sfc 3)C ! SC 3)C aC 3C Sffi SS 3C
The four steel cells installed in the
state training school, for boys under
the administration of Will H. Hale are
to be Junked. The cells have never
been used since Superintendent Gilbert
took charge of the jinstitutlon two
years ago.
Conditions under which pupils in the
county schools may be exempted from
eighth grade examinations are con
tained In a circular letter sent out to
uay to alb, teachers in the county by
the county school superintendent.
' The pupil must have" attended 450
days during the last three years. At
tendance for the month Just preceding
the examination may be reported as
- Deportment must average 85 per
ent for the last three years.
Exemption will be granted in any
subject In which excellent work has
been done.
it nmntlons are accepted a writ
ten statement to that effect will be
mailed 'to the teacher or principal.
Those in charge of the examinations
' should require all pupils to take the
examination unless said statement has
been received.
; The superintendent or supervisor
must O. K. all applications for exemp
tion. klEM I'Ss FINED
Portland, Or., Nov. 6. Paul Herman
and I Griffith of McMinnville were
arrested at McMinnville by Roy Brem
.mi iir a. K. Downs, deputy game
wardens, for hunting without a license
and were fined $25 and costs at jvic
". JUinnville, according to a report re
ceived at headquarters of the state
fish and game commision here.
C. Smith of Portland was arrested
Sunday by H. E. Clark, deputy game
-warden, for hunting ducks on Sauvies
Island and was fined $25 in Portland
Tuesday. Albert Leisi of Salem was
arrested near Salem for hunting on a
game reserve and was fined $25 and
47.S0 costs.
Portland, Or., Nov. 6. The state
highway commission yesterday award
ed contracts as follows:
Prineville - Davis ranch section.
Crooked riger road, grading, $199,588
Prineville-Redmond, grading and
i4.i miles gravel surface, $73,417.
Bend-Jefferson line, grading, $84,-
942. - .
Bend-Allen ranch, grading, surfac-
Ine. J25.019. .
Algona section, Klamath county,
grading, surfacing, $124,422.
Klamath Falls-Dairy, grading .sur
facing, $146,008. - '
Klamath Falls-Merrill, grading, ma
cadamizing, $155,032.
Merrill-California line, grading, ma
cadamizing, $115,580.
Pendleton-Cabbage Hill, grading,
graveling, $100,710. -
Cow Valley-Brogan, Malheur coun
ty, grading, $81,154.
Warehouse at Salem, $5473.
Seven of the eleven contracts were
awarded to Oskar Huber.
The commission was swamped with
requests from counties for the survey
of roads to be improved under the
market road law. The commission de-
elded to make these surveys as soon
as practicable.
Telia How To Get Quick Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid 1
All vuv uiiuuvg JUUl VLVgCU uvh tu,
will open, the air passages of your head
will clear and you can breathe freely.'
No more hawking, shuffling, blowing,'
headache, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
mill ha
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
xiiiira irum your uruggiss now. . .appiy
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
liaalintr imam in vnnr Tinatrilo. Tf. npn.
. . ... j - . r
etrates through every air passage of the
i i 1 1 1 1. : n i 1 1
mucous membrane and relief comes in
stantly.. It's, just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh Belief
iiJiiU'- The third Generation
County Supernitendent Frost reports
90 per cent of the teachers of Wash
ington county signed up to Join the
State Teachers' association.
The local camp of the W. Q. W. is
Innkinc forward with pleasure to the
visit of Prospect Camp, W. O. W., of
Portland, at one of their regular meet
ings this month, when the work of
initiating a large class of candidates
into the mysteries of woodcraft will be
put on by the Portland visitors.
A special committee has been busy
for some time preparing for the enter
tainment of the visiting Woodmen who
are expected from the surrounding
Thn Inn? eveniners and the lares
attendance has combined to make the
meetings this winter more interesting
than usual, also the committees have
something special every meeting night.
The camp quartet has been mucn in
evidence this winter. They have one
man In reserve and are known as the
his five." There Will be lunch for
the members tomorrow night.
Thirty-seven applicants, 10 of whom
wpre women, took the examination at
Albany Saturday for positions as cen
sus enumerators.
Women, Save $10
i By Dry Cleaning
Save five to ten dollars quickly by
dry cleaning everything in the hiome.
You an dry clean, 'brighten and renew
chaldron's coats, suits, .caps, woolens,
Swiss, lawns, organdie and chiffon
Uncuta riA arlnvpa. ehAAS. furs, neck
ties, ribbons, satin, ' lace, ilk waists,
draperies, rug everything that would
be ruined by Boap ana water.
Tloia a crallnn tor IDOTfl of ffaSO-line
in a dishpan. or wash boiler, put in the
things to ibe cleaned, tnen wasn mem
with Solvite soap. Shortly everything
comes out lOOKing lute new. v
JNotlung lados, snnnxs ior wruuinra.
No pressing needed. Do not attempt
tn -loan witliniit Solvite sosd. This
gasoline soap is the secret of all dry
cleaning. . paeK&ge- or ooivue op
with directions for home dry cleaning
KABt- -Ttf 'a faw ie.Titn At anv drill?.
grocery or department store. Dry clean
out of doors or away irom uau.
- (Adv)
My Mother used
MotiierS Friend
before J was born
26 years ago and my birth was prac
tically a painless' one," writes one en
thusiastic mother. How very natural
then, that her own mother, whose ex-
: perience had unqualifiedly proven the
virtue of Mother's Friend would have
her daughter enjoy the same benefits.
' Mother's Friend is used external..
At all Druggist!.
Sptdal Booklet on Motherhood and Baby free.
Bradcll Regulator Co, Dpt.F-ll,Atlanta,Ca.
Get busy and relieve those paint
with that handy bottle of
Sloan's Liniment '
WHAT Sloan's does, it does
thoroughly penetrates without
rubbing to the assailed part and
promptly relieves all manner of ex
and nrhwi. ' You'll find it
clean and non-skin-stainingT Keep it
haady for sciatica,, lumbago, neuralgia,
t. I nil ft ininta naina
bruises. BtaWis. sprains, bad weather
For 38 years Sloan's Liniment has
helped thousands the world over. Vou
won't be an exception. It is unequaled
in producing results.
All oruggist-jOJC.8uci:wv
Planting Time-We Have the Trees
Italian Prunes Bartlett Pears
Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Nut Trees, Ornamentals,
Loganberries and Other Small Fruits
HERE'S the newest style in an ENGLISH
SHOE. It has the racy lines that make it so
popular. IT is the smartest shoe of today. It
has room for five toes and is a wonderful glove
fitter. WE are keeping just "a bit" ahead of
the times; announce the 1920 style shoe for the
coming year.
"THERE comes a last for the more conser
vative men. Here it is. More roomy and on the
straight toe last and is bound to be very popu
lar. This shoe may be found in the Black and
Cordovan. It is an extremely dressy number for
these who demand a roomy shoe.
nam ci
Here's Foot Ease
At last. IF you have been pinching your feet in
some extreme style and suffering discomfort
all day, slip into a pair of MUNSON shaped
lasts. They're "NATURE SHAPED." YOU'LL
sigh to yourself, "That's Fine." You'll go out
with your feet rejoicing at the change.
AFTER you have reached home and stretched out before the fire rest
ing and reading the evening paper, you will wonder why you never pur
chased a pair of BISHOP'S slippers, they 'come in several styles and are so
ROMEO comes in the high heel and full leather, making a comfortable
slipper for the evening's wear. ,
THE EVERETT has a low back and a half heel and is made of very soft
comfortable leather. . "
JUMBO, is like it's name made large and roomy, extra wide and a very
heavy sole and a straight back. . . . ' . .,
Your foot comfort should lead you to make a choice at once and avoid
all discomfort. '
"Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron"
Salem Woolen Mills Store
ll K
The big plant of the California Pack
ing company at Dallas has been busy
the past several days preparing a ship
ment of 100,000 pounds of prune to
Military credit toward graduation Is
beine allowed by the University of Ore
gon to students who did work in train
ing camps in the United States and
Drink More Water
If Kidneys Bother
Sat less meat and take Salts for
Backacbe or Bladder trouble
Neutralizes acids
Albanv collece will send three rep
resentatives to the student volunteer
conference at Des Moines, Iowa, dur
ing the Christmas holidays.
Ji. B. Brandt just arrived from Iowa
St ,-ite cnlleere. has been armointed in
structor In farm mechanics at Oregon
Agncultral college.
Tho cnuntv ronrt of Wheeler county
has sold to'the Clark-Kendall company
of Portland the J44,uu issue or roaa
bonds at about $1.06.
Farmers of Polk county have adopt
ed a resolution asking for the appoint
ment of a county agent.
Oirio acid in meat excites the kid
neys, they become overworked; get
sluggish, ache, and feel liks lumps of
lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the
bladder Is irritated, and you may be
obliged to seek relief two or three
time during the night. When the kid
neys dog you must help them flush
rr ih hodv'a urinous waste or you'll
be a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery in the kidney
region, you suffer from backache,
Bick headache, dizziness, stomach gets
wur, tongue coated and you feel rheu
w.ti.. twinsrea when the weather Is
Bat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon
ful In a glass of water before break
last for a few days and your kidneys
will then act fine. This famous salts
la made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with lithia
i... h..n naed for generations to
clean clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity, also to neu
tralise the acids in urine so tt no
longer is a source of irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot In
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep
the kidneys clean and active. Drug
gists here say they sell lots of Jad
fialta to folks who believe in over
coming kidney trouble while it is only
trouble. (Adv)
At once! Relief with
"Pape's Cold Compound"
in Economical, Delightful, Light Place To Trade
November Apparel Sale
Your Choice of this
tiest otitis
at Reduced Prices
Girls ! Your hair needs a little "Danderjne" that's all ! When
it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful,
dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair,
also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too
The first dose eases your cold! Dont
stay stuffed up! Quit blowing ana
anuffllnir! A dose of "Pane's Cold
Compound" taken every two hours un
til "three doses are taken usually
breaks up a severe cold and ends
all grippe misery. "
Relief awaits you! Open your clog
gedup nostrils and the air passages of
vour head: stoD nose running; relieve
the headache, duUness, feverishness.
sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance. Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on
Pape's! (Adv)
- -. -
I wil sell at Auction all of my Stock and Farm Ma
chinery on the George Savage Farm on the. Sil
verton Road, north of Fair Grounds gate.
FRIDAY, NOV. 7th, 1 91 9
I Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Machinery,
Harness, and Small Tools
. T
I J. C. MULLEN, Owner Pbonel580R J
G. SATTERLEL Auctioneer.
Phone 1177 or 1211, Salem, f
Such sales are usually conducted a month from now. By that time
Thanksgiving needs have already been supplied.
We're offering you the opportunity of wearing our new suits Thanksgiv
ing by selling them at a reduction now. That's the reason for this sale,
The Following Prices Make Further Argument Unnecessary
3 ft.---'.. ' '
High Crade Suits
Serges, Delphtine, Tricotine, Silvertone, Mode, Hatter, Etc.
Regular $75.00 Suits - g JJ
Regular $69.50 Suits - 49'5W
Lot of $69.50 Suits in Silvertone, Brown , Taupe, Blue and Tan,
Very beautiful '. - - gjJ
$65.00 Suits .... - gj
$48.50 Suits - - gfg
Choice Assortment of Blue Serge Suits ....:...ou
Ladies' Store
State Street
Men's Store
State Street
Salem's Exceptional Store