Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 06, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    I IIIIHH t...w.
"UttlllUtt 'utt
Nov. 8 Salem Woman's
club, 2:30 p. m., Commercial
Nov. 1 1 Housing mass meet
Jng 7:30, city hall.
Nov. 11 American Legion
dance, armory, evening.
Nov. 7. North Salem Im
provement Association, High
land school, 7:30 p. m.
Nov. 12 Commercial club
membership meeting, 8 p. m.,
banquet and entertainment.
Nov. 12 Shriners theater
party. Opera house, 8 p. m.
Nov. 10 Business Men's
luncheon, Commercial club,
1 Reverend George A. McKinley, left
touay on an extended visit to Califor
nia, where he will spend the winter
as the guest of his sons in Los Ange
les and San Francisco.
Dance Saturday night, armory. 263
Esten Williamson is enjoying , a
short visit with relatives in Portland.
Dance Saturday night, armory. 263
Oregon Taxi & Transfer Co. Phone
77, for quick taxi service. 263
Will H. Bennett, superintendent of
banks, left this morning for eastern
Oregon, on official business.
The funeral services of Bernard A.
Natham, for more than 40 'years a
resident of Gervais, who died at his
home here Tuesday at the age of 74
years, were held this morning from
the Gervais Catholic church.
A. Jacobs, Is under way. New addi
tions are being made to the present
structure, and with its completion it
is estimated there will be 100,000 feet
of floor suace. El
i apparatus essential to a modern whole
jsale firm will be. installed. Mr. Bo
sielf said today that he expected to
"uve me estaDUsnment open for bus
iness by December 1. They have se
cured a 10 year lease on the Baum
gartner property. The firm has a tem
porary office in the building with the
Salem Fruit Union, Trade and High
streets. !
Harry Percy, associated with Percy
brothers, and J. W. Marunv. president
of the Salem floral society, motored-
to uorvallis today to decorate the Per
cy brothers fruit display at the Cpr
vallis horticultural show.
Oneida Community Silver nnnh.
tainable. The Rexall company could
not lurnisn us with silverware and
We Will be Vnable to snnnlv na 9,'.
tlsed in our sale bills. Perry's drug
store. 263
Mr. and Mrs. Georee H. GuthHo nf
Portland spent Tuesday in Salem. Be
side being an attorney Mr. Guthrie is
connected with a line of theaters! thru
out the valley, and was in town on
ousiness concerning them. .
Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of sing-
I ing. 12 Liberty St. N. Phone 334 or
Dr. S. C. Stone oan be found at
Tyler's drug store, 157 South Com
mercial. street. 263'
R. M. Thomas of Portland called
on State Engineer Cupper this morn
ing relative to irrigation matters.
A. Franzke, a merchant of Newport
Is passing a few days In Salem at
tending to varlotfs business matters.
Zenith carburetor, coils and springs
for all make of cars. Marion Auto
Co. 264'
Charles Emmett, well known stock
buyer, has opened up a real estate of
fice in the Bayne building.
Zenith carburetor, coils and springs
for all make of cars. Marlon Auto
Co. ' 265
The Woman's Alliance t the- Uni
tarian church will meet with Mrs.
W. J. Culver, 185 South 19th street
FrUay afternoon at' 2:30. :
Have lunch with us. Woodmen of
the World, Friday night, Nov, 7. Mem
bers only. ' 264'
j Mill creek, due to the heavy rains
of the past few- days, is at its highest
point for several months. ,r
Good five piece orchestra. Take a jit
ney 25 cents. ' 264
Norma N.TerwilllgerIcensed lady em
balmer with, Terwilliger Funeral Home,
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724. .
Harry K. Mills and his wife, who
have been visiting relatives in Salem
since the first of the week, motored
back to Portland today, .
Home study class of the Industrial
Normal begins next Monday. Grades
7 to 12 for teachers and students. J.
J. Kraps, Salem, Or. 265
A new orchestra has been formed
in Salem and will be known as the
Revalation Jazz orchestra. It consists
of the piano, saxaphone, xlyophone,
banjo and drums.
Al Steiner,"chief of the auditing de
partment of the industrial accident
commission, is in Portland today on
business for the- commission.
Rexall One Cent Sale Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Nov. 6, 7, 8. Circu
lars at store giving list of goods and
prices. Perry's Drug Store. . (adv)
Fred G. Buchtel and Fred A. Wil
liams, public service commissioners,
went to Portland Wednesday, on of
ficial, business.
The official title of E. B. Cox Is
"assistant to the president of the
Washington Mutual Savings bank."
Mr. Cox is registered at the. Marion
hotel from Seattle.
W. C. Dibble and W. fi. Franklin
owners of a bulb farm on the Wal
lace road, have received a shipment
of 15,000 tulip and daffodil bulbs
from Holland," which they will use
for their own planting. The bulbs
were held on the docks at New York
for four weeks because of the long
shoremen strike in the east.
It was reported to the police last
night that a woman, driving a car
ran into a woodpile, escaping, how
ever with no personal Injuries and
with but slight damage to the automo
bile. Hereafter, in accordance with
a city ordinance, all wood piles must
display a lighted lantern after dark,
or the owners will be prosecuted. '
Plans for the bazaar to be given
next Friday, November 14, by the
members of the Presbyterian church,
were developed at a committee meet
ing yesterday afternoon. The bazaar
which is an annual event in the
church, will be one of the big fall af
fairs this year. Among the many in
teresting features will be the cafeteria
supper, served by the women of the
congregation in the evening. ,
Mrs. Devler Pllv HimM fMm k
Standard Fashion Co. nf Nru,
will be at the Gale & Company store
for several days to assist the women
of Salem and vicinity in their sewing
uruuiems. Mrs. miy is one of the
"artists" Of the count In tv,l- n
of work having made it her profession
iur me last, seventeen years, during
which period she has 'visited here on
several occasions. 263
t . I J II U H n 1.1 V H H i H
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sampson of Camas,
Wash., spent yesterday in Salenu
Seth L. Roberts, representing an
accounting firm of the metropolis, is
in Salem today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lacey of Port
land are spending a short time in Sa
lem as the guests of friends.
RepresentinK the Western Rwtrin
company, M. H. Nichols of Seattle is
in me city oa official business.
During the past week three army
and navy discharges have been re
corded at the court house. They are
for: Howard I. . Eberly, Malcolm L.
Gilbert and Walter William Weinert.
County Commissioner L. T. Hunt is
copfined at his home on Front street
with a severe cold. His condition is
not regarded serious, and it is be
lieved he will .return to work'dt the
court house in a few days.
On official business for the U. S.
navy, L. B. Crawford of Mill -itv
otuppea over in Salem today.
It is not. Of course llio I..ln,..
that you read about in your history
when you were a child at school, but
is just as important, In the eyes of
the residents of North Dakota, as the
historical citv nt iua
church tower. N. P. Jensen of the
modem Dakota Jamestown, was a
guest last evening, at the Bligh hotel.
Almost any sicn nost von ,t
along the Salem-Dallas hlo-hwuv .m
tell you where McCoy is; evidently the
citizens there believe in advertising.
ueurge u. Kichards of McCoy is in
Salem today.
1 he Grande Rond vnllev u f,a
in the poetry and prose of Oregon., as
"lie ui me most beautiful spots in the
state. A. J. Hudson fill ft Hon ff riivi n rlo
Konde spent AVednesday in Salem.
U. G. Boyer, county clerk, today re
ceived a leter from Cashier L. B. Me
Bride, of the First National Bank, of
Nortonvllle, Kans., asking for infor
mation af the whereabouts of George
W. Weidnr. The letter "stated that
Welder. March 24. 18S6. hurt hn.r, n-
j pointed administrator of the estate pt
inarrtson welder. The letter did not
I explain why Mr. Welder is being
sought. Mr. Bover asks that nnvnn
I having any information ..that would
'aid Cashier McBride to notifv him t
aid Cashier McBride to notify him at
the court house.
ACCOrdiniT to n. numhrnonf
salesmen, who met bv rhinna in tho
Bligh hotel last evening, tractor firms
are receiving more orders for their
products than they can fill. The fol
lowing tractor men were guests in
the city yesterday: I. C. Bracken, of
the International Harvester com
pany; Clifford Harol. Fordson- .T n
McFall, La Crosse Happi-Farmer; J.
F. Foley, Moline company; L. R. Wat
ers, J. I. Case company.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 6. Frank Far
mer, Tacoma heavyweight, wnn art
easy decision over Gunboat Smith, vet
eran mnier.m the main event at the
arena here iant nle-ht'" Trnrmir
every round of th six cantos.
Chief of Police Vn
ing issued explicit instructions to his
umcers to observe the provision in
the city charter relutive to obstruc
tions on sidewalks. The nniioonn
were told to cause the arrest of any
iJt-iMons violating the charter by leav
ing obstructions on the .wi,0ii.
Attention of the police were called to
this particular phase of the charter
after several complaints of a certain
market,- a second hand store and
grocer leaving crates and boxes on
the sidewalk had been received.
The annual 1nhiia
iJtuiav meeung
Of the Women's -Missionary society of
nrauj-ienan cnurch will be held
in the church parlors tomorrow after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. A splendid mus
ical program has been .rrj -j
several interesting readings will be
delivered. An enjoyable feature of the
Bothering will be the reading of let
ters from former members of the so
ciety, Which Will he fnll.l v...
cial hour. All the members are re-
--cu iu anena and a special invi
tation is issued to the other women of
the church, particularly the elder
Switching charges between the
Oregon Electric and Southern Pacif
ic unes in Salem will be reduced from
50 cents to 25 cents ner ton if romm.
mendations to be made by the1 public
service commission with, the approval
of railroad officials are approved by
me western traffic committee . with
headquarters in Portland. The move
for a reduction is made upon a mo
tion of the commission based on com
plaints to the effect that present
charges are prohibitive. The proposed
reduction was approved by H. A.
Hinshaw and R. W. Pickard, trav
eling freight agents for the Southern
Pacific and Oregon Electric lines, 're
spective! v. With Office In Pnrtknd
at .a conference, Wednesday, with
members of the public service com
mission. The recommendation for a
reduction also provides that th.
shall be a minimum charge of $7.60
for switching services between the
two lines.
Cause af Stomach Sickness.
E. W. Powers and son are loading
a car of prunes to be shipped to South
Dakota this week. The fact that they
are Oregon prunes, packed by an Ore
gon concern is made known by the
wa i vvuiiv,uuuo manner.
E. L. Buchanan is agent in Marion
and Polk counties for the National Life
Insurance Co., U. S. A. See him for a
full return premium policy on your
life, it's the only hind. Phone 1332J
for interview. 267
Mr. and Mrs. George Roy and
giandson, Kenneth Reed, left Wed
nesday for Phoenix, Arizona, after an
extended visit with relatives and
friends. Mrs. Roy's mother, Mrs. N. J.
Hinton accompanied thera and will
spend the winter there.
.W. T. RIGDON ft CO.
S52 North High Street ,
The LItera.tiiro ettn . n
i. a , ' "L 1118 oa-
em Art league will meet in the pub
lic library Friday .nin. r.i.,
week. Professor Rentfro. professor of
English In the university will speak
to both groups at seven o'clock in the
educational room m "Th i.s..
the short story." The study to be fol-
lur me nrst weeks is the study
or the short storv i,., mv.o
of study shall be, .and whether the
"i me snort story shall be
taken ud at th , .
-- nine jB io oe
decided at this time. Jill who are in-
wu , me course are invited to
attend this meeting whether or not
they have yeti(iome members of
the league.
The following program is being fol
owed in the classes of Miss Ada Ross
m the Washington school during
better speech week:" Monday ex
planation of better speech week.
Tuesday:: Poster display; pictures
cut out of magazines and put on
posters with some slogan for better
speech beneath the picture. Wednes
day: Tag dav. Thr..i.,. o,
i... - JI "K.IUH I UJ
better speech. Friday: Pledge to be
..,.,.u.,u. t pienge myself to do all
m my power to use and to establish
pure, forceful English ,t .
ate a love for the most widely used
"-f.-..B in lne world.
The North Salem Tmnr -
. - -',"- i: III,-J ! i.
sociatian will meet tr.
!at 7:30 in the Highland school. Fol-
.uw.og me ousmess of the evening an
entertainment will he n.
Salem residents are invited to attend.
Work of rp mfi,Um 4.x.-
- in ouiKjinc:
on the Joseph Baumgartrfer place!
Front street, to be occupied by the
jobbing firm of W. J. Buslck and F
How to Believe Stomach Distress in a
lew Minutes Money Back if
Treatment Does Not Overcome
AnyjForin of Indigestion
If VOll tV-cl .la thmnrli dir. .
lump of lead at the pit of the stom
ach, take a couple of Mi-o-na stomach
tablets and in five minutes you should
ee that nil stomach distress has vanished.
If VOu bctoh pns. have heA.rt.hilrn nr
sour stomach, you need Mi-o-na. If
your stomach feels upset the morning
after the nicrhrf: before, tolto tmn iw;.,.
na taiblets and ee how quickly you get
If you have shortness of breath, pain
in the stomjip.h. watflr.hrnali n, fnnl
breath, yion need Mi-o na and the soon
er you get it, the sooner your stomach
should perform its duties properlv.
If you use1 a Ibox of Mi-o na tablets
Pn'd, foe! that it has sjpt overcome your
iimigeswon or stomacn trouble, take
the empty box -to your dealer and he
will refund your money. For sale -by
D. J. Fry and all leading druggists.
Indicating his desire of beooming a;
citizen of the United States, William I
Gaylord Fisher. 31, a Canadian resid
ing on Route 3. Salem, today mnde a
written declaration of his intention of
becoming an American subject at the i
county clerk's office. I
IsJn., I
Bf Ha Wouldn't Lose ij
fJ Hrforth,o.ld NJ
This girl's "boss" finds
his desk a model of
busineit-li ke order
every morning. His
mail is opened and sorted,
ready for prompt attention.
At night he signs a pile of
neatly typed letters that sra
rest letters. Our Want Ads
found her for him.
Rssd msj Us the Wart U In
The Capital Journal
MEYERS QUALITY Th 0n ni bhAS0N S SUIT and all of the
! i
Formerly 45.00
uvau IU .
Sold to
Tomorrow's Big Sale
Economy Square
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge No. 60, A. F. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the F.
C. degree. Visiting brethren
welcome. 263
Our estimable con
duct has caused us
to be commended
by the people of
this co mmunlty.
They have faith in
our ability and de
pendability and we
will see to it that
no incident of our
professional career
shall lose us their
esteem. -"
This is Imperial Long
Cloth, Standard Qual
itybetter and finer
to work with than
Cambric, and much
pleasanter and more
serviceable for wear. .
36 inches wide. 90
Tomorrow only.'C
New Shipment
Thread Silk iTllOSe
This is a new line
for Salem, the
Pure Silk Thread
Hose. They come
in White, Black,
Field Mouse,
Beaver, - Cordo
van. .Some of
them are "richly
embro i d ere d.
others daintily clocked, while others
are plain. On display -and sale in hos
iery department.
Who Always Does Better By You
1 ... .
There is only one Columbus; ak
anyone from the Buckeye state and
they will tell you ho. C. K. RuhhcII of
Culumbus, Ohio, paid a business visit
to Salem yesterday.
fCor. Male a?ct
MAgbmmercaI Sts.
TmOZb JSdmOr.
I 11 M.M
coiiai nils,
Iverton. ,
Stay ton. I faej j
BLIGH Theatre
I Free Dance!
1 Under new management
The hall has been re
modeled and gayly dec
orated in anticipation of
I IiUlMlDLA Dill.
I Uil.. 1 ....
rive oeauuiui prizes
will be given away to
the ladies holding the
lucky numbers.
(Some Music I'll Say)
Refreshments A good
time assured. Dance'
every Saturday night.
Municipal Bonds
To Net 4.80 Per Cent to 6 Per Cent
Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold
205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Ore.
g& Make No Mistake
Stove Pipe, 25c
$75.00 Range $65.00
Coiled and Connected
$115.00 to $300.00
$5.00 to $24.00
$3.75 to $28.50
Genuine Leather .
Peoples Furniture Store
New and 2nd Hand Goods Bought, Sold
and Exchanged.
271 North Commercial St. Phone 734
HI ,
For Long Distance Auto Trucking
Willamette Valley Transfer Co.
We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbors for their sympathy and
kindness to us during- our recent be
reavement, also for the beautiful
floral offerings. Chas. K. Denlnon,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Lucas. Kloyd Lu
cas. 263
Mrs. Juidia M. Weigel
Teacher of Piano
1560 S. Church Street
Telephone 1391-R