Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 06, 1919, Image 1

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AWant Ad in Capital Journal
Reaches 25,000 Readers
ralGet Want A a Habit
Weather Forecast
Tonight nnd Friday rain. '
Maximum 40.
Minimum 31.
Rainfall .55 inches. ;
Circulation Yesterday
5 3 39
Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
of Circulation. -
For The Journal
carrier's whistle
If you don't get
your Journal by
0:30 o'clock tn
the evening
. ' i - -" .
Resolution Defeated First By
Vive Voce And Later By Re
cord Vote; Lodge . Lines Up
: With Democrats. ;
' . Washington, Not. 6. -By a vivo
toco vote' nnd then by a record
vote the senate twlco rejected the.
Gore amendment today; The
record vote wns 67 to, 16. '.. ;
Senator Lodge voted with the demo
crats to reject the amendment.
The record vote was requested by
Senator LnFollette. The-amendment
would have provided for a referendum
vote by the people of a country before
a declaration of war would be possi
Democrats Meet Tonight.
Democratic leaders in the senate are
planning a caucus tonight to determine
upon their final attitude on the treaty,
it was learned today.
., Senator Hitchcock Issued the word
for the meeting which will follow a j
conference between him and President
Wilson at the White House.
HitcVicock will outline, (he reserva
tion situation to the president and
jjhopos to reach a decision as to whether
the majority reservations shall be ac
cepted or whether . administration
forces will be turned against the treaty
with opposition, reservations. .
Hitchcock to See Wilson -
Washington, Nov. 6 Senator Hitch
cock, administration leader, within the
next two days will confer with Presi
dent Wilson on plans for final disposi
tion of the peace treaty, Secretary Tu
multy said today.
Tumulty will announce the exact
time for the interview later today. Dr.
Cary T. Grayson has consented to the
The conference between Hitchcock
and the president is regarded as an
other indication that the treaty Is near!
ing a vote in the senate.
With the defeat of the LaFollette
amendment to strike out the labor
ciause of the treaty, there still remains
to be voted upon the Gove amendment,
providing for a referendum on decla
rations of war. ,
With the Gore amendment out of the
v ay, the senate will be free to take up
the resolution of ratification with a
discussion of reservations.
Harrisburg, P. Nov. . A plea
for greater production as a remedy
for high prices was made by Attorney
General Palmer here today in a speech
before Pennsylvania mayors, state of
ficials and fair price committee men
called in session by Governor Sproul.
Palmer laid part of the blame for
high prices on labor, saying:
"I venture the assertion that if men
would work ten per cent more, prices
would be at least 20 per cent lower!
Poor Hardest Hit
"If we can Btop this vicious circle
increased wages, increased prices
and Increased cost of production,
chasing each other around, as a dog
chases its tail and hold the line
steady, prices will drop, Just as sure as
a gun is Iron." '
Palmer emphasized that classes of
the population hardest hit by high
prices are widows and orphans living
on income estates and millions of sal
aried workers whose income, he said,
always is the last to Increase.
"High prices," he said, "are used
as a justification in many instances
for demands for Increased wages, yet
I sometimes doubt if it Is a good jus
tification, because while there may be
individual Instances where it is not
true, still as a whole the wages of
liibor have Increased more in the last
four or five years than has the cost
of living.
' Wages are Relative
"The man who works for wages,
therefore, is not the worst hit and he
will not suffer In any respect if his
wages do not increase beyond the in
creases In the cost of living. After
all, a man's wages are not what he
brings home with him in his pay en
veloDe at the end of the week, Dut
SUM lilt
what his wife brings home in the marjgan Diego for his health. Mrs. Rout-
ket basket at the end of the weeK in
exchange lor his weekly wage.
,-; 1
. - a i
Wilson Says Brown Fired
First Shot (n Quarrel In
Which Latter Was Killed
Marysville, Cal.; Nov. 6.--Declarations of District At
torney Ray Manwell that Charles Brown, wealthy young
sheep raiser, was murdered. as a result of the rage of "a
woman scorned," were answered today by Fred J. Wilson,
who said Brown fired the first shot in the quarrel that re
sulted m his death.
Wilson, a newspaperman V San
Francisco and New York, is the hus.
band of Mrs. . Gertrude Wilson, who,
with Frank A. McCormick, her brother
are held in jail although no charges
are against them.
Manwell has said he is merely wait
ing for the formality of the inquest to
night to file murder charges against
the pair. He said Mrs. Wilson incited
her. brother to kill Brown after Brown
had jilted her and made love to her
younger sister.
Attorneys for McCormick have filed
habeas corpus proceedings, and Judge
E. P. McDaniel has issued a writ re
turnable at 10 a. m. tomorrow.
"Brown fired the first shot in the
quarrel that resulted in his death,"
said Wilson. "The defense will pro
duce Wesley Potts, a carpenter, who
will testify that Brown fired several
shots at McCormick before the latter
obtained a rifle.
"Brown's associate, Arvin Ward, Is
Marysville, Cal., Nov! 8.
.James Brown, brother of
Charles Brown, who was killed
Saturday, today swore out war
rants for the arrest of Mrs..
Gertrude Wilson and F. A. Mb-'
Cormick, her brother, charging
them jointly with the murder
of his brother.
not telling the truth when he says
Brown had no gun,
Wilson said McCormick went to
Brown's cabin to remonstrate with him
over an alleged insult to Mrs. O. X
Howard, McCormick's younger sister,
Wilson said Brown became excited and
struck McCormick In the face several
times. McCormick then took Brown
by the throat and choked him severely,
according to Wilson.
It was then, according to Wilson,
that Brown followed McCormick and
began shooting.
"The motive Is the age old one of
the woman scorned," said District At
torney Manwell. .
Washington, Nov. 6 Prohibitionists
in congress today moved to prevent
President Wilson from raising the war
time liniinr ban.
Believing that Wilson intends to end
war prohiujtion as soon as the peace
i treaty is ratified. the aggressive dry
plemfmt , the houBej Jed by Repre-
sentative Randall, California, laid its
plans to checkmate him, it was learn
ed. '
Without waiting for the president to
act, the drys will ask that the war
time prohibition law be extended six
months after the proclamation of
peace. This would make war time pre
hiibtioh overlap constitutional prohibi
tion. '
Randall today declared his intention
of seeking this extension through nn
amendment to the bill to extend for
six months the Lever food and fuel con
trol act, as requested by Attorney Gen
eral Palmer. '
The unrest throughout the country
has caused many members to question
advisability of lifting the war ban.
More serious disorders would result If
saloon were re-opened, they think.
Should congress fail to extend the
war time ban, Randall said he plans to
risk the ways and means committee to
recommend a prohibitive tax on sale of
liquor during the wet period. The
present tax on bonded spirit at $6.40 ajsueh as salesmen or any other craft,
gallon moans more than $400,000,000 come under the head of associate mem
for the government if the ban Is lifted, bers. It was announced at the club to-
N. W. M. P. CHIEF.
Portland. Or., Nov. 6. Colonel W.
H. Routledge. assistant commission
er of the Canadian Northwest Mount
ed' Police, Regina, Bask., died of heart
disease on a train enroirte from Seat
tle to Portland this morning.
Routledge. accompanied by his wife
and three' children, was bound for
I ledge discovered him dead in his berth
when the train reached Portland.
when the
jjj .....
' '
Balllnioi'e, Md., Nov. 6. .
'..(United Press) Albert T.
Ritchie a plurality of 326 over
for governor, apparently was
ijs elected In Tuesday's vote by
$ the narrowest margin In the
' history of Maryland,
sje Unofficial returns today gave
Ritchie a plurality of 326 oeer
sjs hia republican opponent, liar-'
. ry V. Nice.
Although Portland just began its
Red Cross drive today, Willamette
chapter is far along the high road to
the completion of its campaign. Ev
ery day new means are devised to
keep the interest of the public keyed
up to the, highest pitch. Robin Day,
of the American has secured the ser
vices of two Willamette university
boys, both of whom are members of
the American Legion, and they will
speak in the local theaters during the
remaining days of the drive..
The Oak Lodge district, of which
Mrs. H. V. Compton was captain, as-
Bigted by Mr8i wluiam : Buslck and
Mrs. Frank Myers, will be finished to
day. Most of the down town sections
have been completely covered, and a
numoer oi me rural districts are rap
idly Hearing their completion.
Mill Workers Respond
Mrs. R. B. Fleming, In charge of
the Spaulding mill is enthusiastic
about the generous response among
the employes. Mrs. John McNary, as
sisted by Mrs. George Waters has tak
en over the fairgrounds section and
is working the district thoroughly to
diiy. The leaders are deeply grateful
to the management of the Marion ho
tel for the Red Cross poster display
in the lobby.
From out of town comes most grat-
ifvlng reports. The Women's club in
Woodburn has taken charge of the
njininnifn in thnt pit'. TlnllTia nno nf
the most energetic divisions of the
chapter, sent, yesterday, for 1500
more buttons and service flags, while
Silverton telephoned frantically for
once again as many sullies as was
thought necessary to send in the be
ginning. Red Cross SHU Needed
Dreading, still, lest the interest in
the undertaking lag, the public Is re
minded, by those 'upon whose shoul
ders rests the responsibility of the
drive, that thirty thousand young men
are still in hospitals throughout the
United States as a result of wounds
received in the war, and that thou
sands have brought their broken bod
ies home, and for all time will need
the assistance and sustaining care of
the'American Red Cross.
, Upon the recommendation of a com
mittee working on the revision of rules
of the Commercial club, the board of
directors voted approval last night of
a. change providing an entrance fee of
, $ 3 for associate members. ,-All employ-
es. other than managers nnd foremen.
day that new members will be taken
in under this rate from now on.
The committee on revision of rules
was W. M. Hamilton, chairman; Isa-
dore Greenbaum and R. O. Knelling.
A new membership committee for
the coming month, consisting of 12
men was appointed with Frank Davey
to act as chairman.
August Meibrodt was fatally scalded
with live steam at Astoria Monday
night when a tube in a boiler on the
dredge Natoma broke.
NOVEMBER 6, 1919. f
Hitchcock Requests Straight
Forward Balloting On Re
jection, Or Ratification Of
Pact Today, f ,
, Washington, Nov. , 6. -Consideration
of reservations to the peace
treaty began in the senate today.
The preamble requiring assent
by exchange of notes of three
allied powers to the reservations -was
taken up first. )
Before rcservatloiis wore taken .
up attempts by treaty supporters
to- obtain a vote oh unqualified
ratification were blocked by obi
jeetlon of anti-treaty senators. X
' Washington, Nov. 6. (United
Press.) Senator Hitchcock, dem
ocratic . leader, 'unexpectedly
moved today for a vote on the
treaty without qualifications.
Ayes and noes were demanded.
Senator Lenroot,. Wisconsin, nsked
that the motion be amended so that in
case it was defeated the treaty would
still be before the senate.
Senator Fall, New Mexico, obtained
the. floor and indicated he might ob
ject to Hitchcock's request; although
his first words did not -state this spe
oiflcally. roll is opposed,
Vice-President Marshall dictated to
til o stenographer a statement adding'
to Hitchcock's proposal for a vote as
"If the treaty is rejected the senate
will take up its consideration again as
though a vote had hot been Jaken at
all." "
Fall declared that the rules required
the senate to vote on the motion of the
foreign relations committee, This con
struction would make Hitchcock's mo
tion out of order. - '"..-.-
"Such a motion is entirely out of
order," Fall said.. .. . .
Fall then offered formal objection
to Hitchcock's motion.
"It Is ridiculous," Fall declared.
"We are playing with the entire sub
ject. There is no necessity for viola
tion of all the rules of the senate."
Scene Dramatic One. ,
' It was the most dramtlc moment of
the entire fight. Senators rushed in
from cloak rooms. Galleries filled
quickly and house members rushed
over to the senate side.
Senator Underwood, Alabama,
amended the Hitchcock motion so that
the senate proper and not the commlt-
lee of the whole would vote on straight
.ut ratification to meet Fall's objec-
Senator Jones, Washington, a repub
lican, objected to Underwood's motion
Jones' objection killed, the motion
for a direct vote at once on the treaty.
With the preparation of the new
annual budget for the city more po
lice protection will be Insisted upon.
This statement was made today by
Councilman Utter, chairman of the
police committee.
"For the the present," he assert
cd, "we believe in sustaining the ac
tion of the council, and will abide by
their decision
There was a rumor this morning
that a special meeting of the council
will be called for the purpose of tak- vice would ie given tnem Dy me spe
Ing definite action of reducing the clallsts conducting the tests. They
force. Mayor Wilson, however, said wish it emphasized that the clinics are
.that he had heard nothing of it; but
:was undor the Impression that the ac-
tlon of the council in failing to ratify
the appointment of Officers Ganiard
and Moffitt was sufficient evidence
that they had been dropped from the
Senators To Meet Inbound
Ship Laden With Dead Yanks
Washington. Nov. 6. A committee
of senators was appointed today to
meet the ship which will arrive at
New York, probably Sunday, bearing
bodies of American soldiers killed in
Europe. A similar house committee
will be named. The senators are
Wadsworth. New York: Chemberlain,
Oregon; Newberry. Michigan; Beck
ham, Kentucky; McCormick, Illinois
nnd Pomerene, Ohio.
Union Thanks
Newspapers for
News Fairness
At a meeting Tuesday night of We
Timber Workers' union here a resblu
tlon thanking Salem newspapers for
the "unbiased presentation of . the
cause of the laboring classes,' in the
recent controversy was adopted unan
Imously. It follows:
. "For the unbiased presentation of
the cause of the laboring classes of
Salem, and especially the Timber
Workers, in their recent adjustment
of labor disputes, by the newspapers
of Salem:
"Be it resolved that the members
of the International Union of Timber
Workers do hereby extend their
hearty thanks and appreciation to
The Capital Journal and The Oregon
(Signed) - ' W. A. COLE, Pres.
A. ACKLEY, Fin. Secy.
County Treasurer D. G. Drager, re
futing a statement made at the state
treasurer's office that Marion county
will be penalized for Its failure to
pay up the last half of the taxes by
November 1, today explained the rea
sons for holding up the funds. Mr.
Drager said, that under the state
law, he still has 80 days, or up to
December 1, in which to turn the taxes
over to the state, treasurer... He said
that he is retaining the taxes, amount
lng to $64,064.30 in local banks un
"1 the 30 days have expired that the
county may benefit on the interest,
.which would be $214.
Attorney General Brown said this
ion in ' tht matter until thatSHRDL
afternoon he would rendered no opin
ion in the matter until requested to do
so by State Treasurer Hoff, who is
out of the city.
At a meeting in the Commercial
club auditorium this afternoon, the
Salem chapter of the Oregon Con
gress of Mothers made the final ar
rangements for the next baby clinic,
which will be held two weeks from
today, November 20. One of the
principle matters of business taken
up was the plan for securing the
necessary equipment with which to
conduct these monthly clinics. What
is most needed ut present is a pair
of scales, and steps will be taken to
obtain them in time for the next
Ten Now Registered.
Seventy-five babies were registered
last week, of which only sixty-five
were examined, thus leaving Jen
children who are already registered
for the 20th, The women In charge
suggest that those mothers wishing
to enter their babies would telephone
Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. E. E. Fisher
or Mrs. Vori Eschen, and register
them before hand. They will be sent
a card, which they should bring with
them when they come. This will
avoid a rush on the day of the clinic
and assure the child of Its examina
tion. One Scores Perfect.
Of the sixty-five children exam
ined last week only one scored 100
per cent nnd very few were above
98. 'The lowest score was 88.' The
chapter is very pleased with this fact,
as it proves that the women appre
elated that sound and important ad-
held particularly for ailing babies,
and their object Is to bring the stand-
ard of Salem children to the highest
possible tests.
Riverside, Cal., Nov. 6.
Hundreds of tourists who are
here for the winter from the
east experienced their first
earthquake today. Occupants
of apartment buildings had the
real thrill, but those In bunga
lows saw electric light fixtures
swing to and fro and heard
doors and windows as well as
dishes rattle.
Sixth Day Sees
Strikers Completely In
Firm Deadlock
Washington, Nov. 6. Issuance of a court order com
manding of ficials of the United Mine Workers union to
withdraw the strike order will be urged upon Judge An
derson in Indianapolis Saturday by Judge Ames, assistant
attorney gneeral.
Ames was to leave Washington for
Indianapolis late today.
He will argue that the strike is a con-
spiraoy against the government under
the food and fuel act and that as such
the . union officially acted illegally In
Issuing the strike order. '
Issuance of this order was requested
ti. the application for a temporary In
junction filed with the federal court
at Indianapolis Friday. The brief
reached here today. '
The application asks "that the court,
after notice to and hearing of the de-
mendants, issue its temporary injunc
tion pendate lits enjoining the defend
ants and all other persons from con
spiring, combining, agreeing, etc., and
"commanding them to Issue a with
drawal and cancellation of said strike
order." . .
By Ralph JF. Couch
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 6-The coal strike
situation was completely deadlocked
on this, the sixth day of the walkout.
There were Indications that the first
pinch of a fuel shortage was being felt.
Demands for immediate delivery of
coal poured Into the railroad adminis
tration offices here from schools, fac
tories, governors, mayors and local of
ficials in all parts of the country.
Train Service Cut.
Railroads were reported cumns
down their train service to the mini
mum. The government was making no ap
parent move toward mediation following-
the announcement of the depart
ment of justice that the Injunction
against the strike would not be with
drawn, i Operators replying to the gov
ernment's contention that the settle-,
ment of the. strike is a private ques
tion which is up to them and the min
ers again made clear they are willing
to negotiate provided the strike order
Is withdrawn.
"We cannot negotiate as long as the
injunction 'remains valid," was the
stand of Edgar Wallace Washington
representative of the strikers who went
out Saturday and still are out.
Few Miners Return,
Few miners are returning to work,
according to reports to both the opera
tors and the government.
Mean while, the public which the
government sought to protect by the
injunction, is being forced to get along
on the four millions tons weekly which
IB 0,000 non-union miners are getting
out, plus the tonnage being doled out
by the railroad administration from
the reserve supply that was on hand
when the strike began Saturday.
Emergency Causing Dry Law
Passed, Attorney Contends
New York, Nov. 8. (United Press.)
President Wilson's veto of the Vol
stead prohibition enforcement bill was
cited today by William D. Guthrie, law
associate of Elihu Root, as evidence
that the emergency which made war prohibition constitutional had
Congress Laying Plans to
Adjourn Without Passing
Reconstruction Measures
By Raymond Clapper.
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Nov. 6. Congress is preparing to ad
journ without enacting any big reconstruction measures.
It has been defintely decided by sen-1
ate leaders that no raoN domestic leg-
islation of Importance can be Put!H I H Villi I H lAHril
through at this session. They hope to ; UHLLHtJ I UU III I HllLII
finish the peace treaty next week and
go home for a fortnight's vacation be
fore the regular session opens Decem
ber 1.
This will leave undisposed the big
reconstruction measures providing for
the peace time military policy, reor
ganization of the railroads and the
House leaders are still fighting for
k taction on the railroad bills but the
disposition of the senate interstate
sk commerce committee to abandon the
Cummins bill until next session dash-
es that hope.
Th'e army program Is in a similar
situation. Hills have been introduced,
hearings held, but no bill can be put
through until probably after the Christ
mas holidays.
Ttarif f legislation has struck a snag.
The house has passed several bills to
protect the dye industry and other in-
dustries likely to be hit by European
competition. These have bumped up
'against th stone wall of the' senate,
Owners and
r '
By y. L. O'Sulllvan .
(United Press staff correspondents
Indianapolis, Ind Nov. 6. Henry
Warrum, chief counsel for the Unitea
Mine Workers of America, today fil
es a petition In federal - court here
asking dissolution of the restraining
order which prevents" Union miners
leaders from furthering the strike. -
The action gave the miners the ini
tiative in the oourt battle. Govern
ment attorneys will be on the defens
ive when arguments are heard Satur
day by Judge A. B. Anderson in th
injunction proceedings. '
Petition Sworn to '
The petition is in Heven paragraphs
and is sworn to by Acting President
John L. Lewis and Secretary Treasur
er William Green.
The motion ieclared that "the Unit
ed States Is without' clean hands in
the prosecution of the Buit." It states
that "the real and substantial pur
pose of this suit Is to have and pro
cure this court to extricate the admin
Istation from the unfortunate state
oTdisorder In which it has involved it
self by Improvident conduot and to
destroy the mine workers union and
to destroy the right of 'working men
to strike; and these defendants say
that mine working men now and ever
have been ready, willing and able to
confer with the operators of mines)
for the satisfactory adjustment of the
issue between them as to . hour of
service and rates of compensation for
the labor of mine workers."
; Summary Mmle
Paragraph 1 The government to
not the real party In interest.
2 Officials of the United Mine
Workers are merely acting as agents
under orders Issued by the national
convention and cannot properly be 1
3 Miners have the right to strike
and that It is not unlawful for them
to "confer, consult or advise" wlh
one another for the purpose of iin
provlng common welfare.
4 The federal government has no
Jurisdiction to issue the restraining
order under the Clayton- act.
- 6 War time powers of the govern
ment have ended. .
6 Acts of the defendants are not
transgressions against the United
States and are acts within the right
of the defendants .under the con
stitutions of the several states.
7 The strike benefit fund which
the miners' offlciuls were restrained
from tributing is the property of the
mine workers.
- . . aA vmpii
Charged with obtaining money un
der false pretenses, Claude Taswell, it.
was arrested this afternoon by Con
stable DoLong, and lodged In the coun
ty jail. Young Taswell was arrested 30
minutes after Constable DeLong had
been given a warrant at the Center
street barns.
Taswell, who resides at Dallas, is at
horse trader. He is accused by Ken
neth Dayne, of Salem, of selling to him
a team, representing them to be "fine"
horses. Rut when Mr. Dayne gave, thenv
a tryout they proved to practically
worthless, the complaint says. ,
On account of more than a foot of
snow, construction crews have aban
doned work for the season In the San
tlam, natonal forest.-