Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 05, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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oday -Where Small ' AdsjGet Results at Small Cos
Kate per word Each Insertion one
cent, six insertion 5 cents, one month,
6 insertions, 17 cents, uu Mar, per
month, S cents. Minimum per ad 25
cents. ' r.
First insertion only in yew Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, ifnless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance for
phone errors
For Sale.
for Salk-
ii. .
-FreBh cow. 'Phone S4F
FOR SALE Or trade horse and veal
calf for cow. Phone 3'lb'. 292
TWO New Zealand and two Belgian
hares for sale. 235 S. 14th St. 202
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
plants 70o a hundred, l'hone bbl-?.
New Today.
Ti'AKTED Sewing. Call 1984M. 256
-Practical nursing. Phone
FOUND Fountain pen,
before 6 p. ra.
Phone 820
FOR SALE Ford 5- passenger, per
fect condition. Call 1515M. 265
FOR RENT 4 room cottage, large
lot, 1 block north of asylum on D
St. f 285
WANTED Girl to do upstairs work
and help with children. Phone 658.
.. 24
WANTED 'Competent weman for
dining room and house work. Phone
FOR SALE Or trade, two horses,
heavy harness, single wagon and
buggy. Inquire 1186 Ferry St, 263
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladies and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State Sf 286
WANTED Fir fence posts, also lo
, ganberry wire, H. C. Hummel.
Phone 2097.1. 262
Optometrists. '
cialist in the Mddern Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
; ing. PhoneS, office 145; res. 1244.
WANTED To buy roadster in goodlDR ALBERT JR. MILLER, Optomet-
condition from private owner. 548
State St. . 2bo
FOR SALE Cheat seed. Phone 80F
11, 2b;
WANTED A horse for his care. Leo
Doerfler, Rt. 7, box 231, Garden
road. " 264
FOR SALE-f-Span of mules. Center
street feed barn. znz
WANTED Job driving truck or auto
mechanic. Phone 7.3F14. 2ba
FOR, SALE 6 room house, 1239
Broadway. Phone 2057R. ' 264
FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l con
dition. 1720 Chemeketa St. 278
BEAUTIFUL wall, tints 10s pound
and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St.
! 276
FOR SALE Good farm team, six or
eight years old, 1400 lbs. Phone
9FU. 267
FOR SALE 8 weeks old pigs, 1 reg
istered Berkshire boar, 7 month old.
Phone 38F5. 204
WANTED Wood haulers, trucks and
teams. A. J. Anderson, at Blessings
cigar store. 203
FOR SALE Pigs from five to six
weeks old. G. -W. Thurman, phone
3F13. 263
FOR SALE Ford delivery and trail
er cheap. Imlah Fruit farm. Phone
52F11. 262
WANTliW-To buy old horses, all
kinds. Center St. 225. George Smith
WANTED Second hand 12 gauge
shot gun. Phone 52F11. ,263
WANTED To rent furnished house.
Room 14, Baker npts. 263
WANTED Moving and hauling. The
Biederman Transfer. Phone 1608J.
rlst, eyes examined and glasses fit
ted. Broken lenses duplicated.
Hours at office daily, 4 p. m. to 6
p. m. Saturday a. m, to 5 p. M.
Appointment by phone any hour.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 141. 278
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Lodge Directory.
meets . every " Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. ball.
McCornack' hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry LevK C. C; P. J. Kunta
K. R. &. S. " ' : --. . '
Oregon Grape camp No, 1380 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator Bervlce. Oracle.
- Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 48 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
Office 124 South Liberty street
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate ' and
stock sales.-' ' ' "
WANTED Highest price paid for
. fat cattle and milch cows. , Phone
1576W. 279
W. F., WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent., ... , ,
WANTED Position by experienced
stenographer. Best of references.
Box 81 care Journal. . 265
FOR SALE 7 room modern house,
good location. $2500. F. L. Wood.
Bayne bldg. ' - 8-71
WANTED A man wants a Job of any
kind, inside work preferred. Box
Job care Journal. 264
FOR SALE 3barrel gasoline tank
and pump, good condition. Write
Box 43, Marion, Or. 262
FOR SALE Fresh milch cows, three
blocks from end of 12th St. carline
C. L. Davidson. 264
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmerman
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
E. C. Cross & Son.-,
FARMS FOR SALE A few bargains
in dairy farms. Write to H. C. Por
ter, Aumsvllle, Marion Co., Or. 261
WANTED Assistant lady cook and
dishwasher. Home Restaurant, 223
N. Commercial. 264
FOR SALE 20 acres bearing prunes
$9000 was cleared on place last 2
years. Want larger place. C. A.
Clark, 141 N. High. 262
FOR SALE 8 or 15 acres berry land
nt Claxtar station, O. E. Call 2490
Myrtle ave. Phone 950M. 263
WANTED Second hand incubators,
, also oil and coal brooder stoves. E.
L. Ostergard, . Independence. 263
FOR RENT Office rooms, light and
clean, well located. Call at Salem
" Studio, 384 State St. upstairs. 264
FOR SALE 40 acre prune orchard
5 miles south of Salem, 1-4 mile
from end of paved road for sale at
$400 per acre, terms, Call at 1099
S. High St. or Phone 1142J. 262
WANTED To rent by young couple,
3 or 4 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. Address Box 33 Journal. 263
LOST Gold watch and chain, works
number 687709, case 206520. Find
cr leave at Journal office. Reward.
I 267
jy, WANTED Position as hardware or
grocery clerk, or -what have you?
Experience and references. 2220 S.
Com'l. m ....... t 263
FOR SALE Good young goat meat.
7 to 8c pound, by half or whole
goat. Price's Meat Market. 326 N.
Commercial St. - 263
FOR SALE 3 colonies of bees, wm
deliver - in city or suburbs; also
couch and black walnut bedstead
Address 25 Journal. 262
FOR .SALE Some fine pure bred
Puroc Jersey pigs for breeding pur
poses; both male and female. Ad
dress Turner, Or. Rt. 2, box 15.' 265
FOR SALE A bargain 2 1-4- ton
Bethlehem truck with body com
plete, good as new, driven about
2000 miles, $1700, terms. See Salem
Velic company, 162 N, Com'l. 267
FOR SALE 18 acres five miles east
' of Salem, on graveled road, all
cleared, woven wire fenced. Good
well. Small house, barn; 8 acres
seeded to clover. Phone 67F5. 267
OR RENT Good farm close to Sa
lem, stock and implements for sale.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. . ,271
WANTED Ranch hand $50 month
and board. Phone- 93F23 or call at
586 N. High St. 263
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem. Ore.
WANTED Two purebred Duroo
Jersey gilts, 6 to 8 months old. G.
W. Trussell, box 66A, Rt 2. 265
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith. . ;
FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I. Red
pullets and White Leghorn hens.
Call at 1135 S. 16th St. 265
FOR SALE 40 acres best soil, all un-
rw cultivation, some orchard, stock
and imrjlemqnts, 6 miles north, $10,
"fl. T-44 care Journal. 268
WANTED High school boy wants
place to work for room and board.
Address box 100 care Journal. 265
WANTED Modern five or six room
furnished house, good locality.
References. C S care Journal. 262
WANTED Two wood cutters. Long
contract, good living quarters and
close to school. Hawkins & Roberts,
205 Oregon building. Phone 1427
WANTED Have a buyer for 6 room
bungalow within reasonable dis
tance, not to exceed $3500. Room
328 Oregon bldg., H, . Bolinger,
BOOKlvEEPER wanted (man) for
large firm, $125 per month. State
age, education nnct experience in
detail in your application. Box 240
Capital Journal. .
FOR SALE 3 young mares suitable
for riding and driving, sio.eacn;
Digs 2 months old $5 each; shoats NOTICE Notice is herebv given that
nnd brood sows. Simon Hop ranch, t will not be responsible for any
Rt. 8, Salem. Phone G9F14. 2b3 debts contracted by any one except
those contracted by me in person
FOR SALE 28 acres extra good berry Nov. 4. 1919. E. L. Hill. Z6
land, trood house, barn, family or
chard. What have you to offer for gjNGER Sewing Machine Co. now at
..... annriv in frn.lA nr Cish? Infill . c ...... c. tt .:...ui. ......I
548 State St. Hemstitching careful
ly and neatly done. 268
Money To Loan.
bly No: 84- meets every Thursday at
8- p. m In Masonic Temple. Glenn -C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary. 340 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in' McCornack building,
Court arid Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons, V. C. Frank A. Turner,
clerk. .. .
DR. JOHN L. LTNCH Otseopathio
physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 58F5. Office
phone 1394, - - - - ' . 270
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice,- 34 1-2 years time, reoerai
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonio Temple,
! Salem,. Oregon.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable .monthly ,in advance.
Phone 606. ' " ' ' ' .
lnv eatiftv in trade or cash? Call
phone 393AV from to ,9 a. m. or
6. to V p. m. up to iTiuay noon, so
CHIMNEY Sweep, furnaces cleaned
Fori HALF. Ten room double bouse Phene 191V - 282
fin Kt.ntn St.. five rooms to a side.
itrnrtom with furnace heat. Large RUGS cleaned 4c per rug. pnone a u.
lnt with fruit trees, cherries, apples I L. L. Buckner. 264
nnrl nflnrs. Owner moving to Cali
fornia will sell cheap. Inquire 585 "WALFELT" superior to cloth at
m nnttno-A st Phnn 1901. 265 about half price. Max O. Buren,
UOWI, t. in-
. ; . Niemeyer's Buys. ; ...
it,:' NEW. TODAY:
7 room house oh South 13th, 2 lots,
fine water; good fruit. $1800.
5 room mastered house on Hazel
avenue. 2 lots; good fruit. $1600. Installments.
6 room strictly modern house on
Court St. More than two lots. Good
fruit. $4200.
8 room strictly modern house on
Center St. $4200." - ,-
90 acres 6 miles out on frospecc
road. 40 acres prunes; 10 loganber
ries; 5 strawberries;. 20 hay; 15 tim
ber and pasture. $52,000.
6- 1-2 acres l-2.milo north. Logan
berries, strawberries, fruit. Good 6
room plastered house; barn first class
14 acres in Marlon. All cultivated.
Good buildings. $1700. Will trade for
California" land.
80 acres all cleared' near The Dalles
small house and barn. Spring on place
$1200. Trade tor none m aaiem.
C. W. Niemeyer.
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. -215-218 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. Phones 1000, 1014. 262
rT.nsTNrs an estate
A good modern 8 room cottage, tun rex Dry paste, no cooking required,
cement basement, cement nun,
large corner lot, fruit, berries and
grapes; you'll, have to hurry to get
this. $2250, $1000 ;cash, balance to
suit. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228
Oregon bldg. "
works better and sticks tighter
than flour. Max O, Buren, Com'l
St 270
Help Wanted
WANTED Girls to work in parlor
at Spa.
WANTED Married men to work on
farm. Phone 71F2 evemngs. 268
Snlciu Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore.
FOR SALE A snap, nineteen room
house fit for apartments or room
ing house, also a five room modern
house for rent, and a store room
for rent. Call 399 or 6S8J. 262
WANTED Woman to wash curtains
at home. Call housekeeper Hotel
Marion. . 262'
WE are prepared to cut and haul
four foot wood. Timber must De at
or near rock road.- Please give
stumpage price, amount of timber
and if old or second growth and dis
tance from Salem. L H care Jour
nal. 263
3 SALESMEN with roadster, steady
employment. See Knicaid, 648
State St. 266
Real Estate Huses
FOR SALE 1 grey horse, 12 years
old, weight 1500 lbs, price $50; 1
bay horse, 8 years old, weight 1.
fi 00 lbs. price $75; both good farm
horses in good condition. Claude H.
Stevenson, Rt. 3, box 175, Salem.
Phone 36F16. 267
WANTED Experienced Ford driver
knows city, desires position driv
ing delivery car or truck. Address
box 65 Journal. 2 b J
For Rent
FOR RENT Furnished room for
rent with or without meals. 245
Union St. 1517W. 262
FOR RENT Apartment to refined
people without children. Inquire
152 S. Church. 264
FOR RENT Housekeeping and
sleeping rooms. 257 N. Liberty. 265
FOR RENT One furnished room
with housekeeping privileges. Stu
dent preferred. Phone 1136M or
call at 1768 Court St. 262
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent.
One large front room partly furn
lulled, one suite of rooms unfurn
ished, 359 Center. 264
A SNAP House at 1768 Court street,
lot 75x150. Price $2700. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St. 262
No Safer Buys In Salem
8 room house, modern, adjoins
good business block, $4000.
8 room house, modern, close in, a.
Salem. $2750.
5 room cottage, plastered, z good
lots. N. Salem. $1200.
11 lots, mostly in commercial rruit,
good $ room house, good outbuildings
Price 83000 ler snort time omy.
6 1-acre lots. 4 wltn cottages en,
best of soil, selling from $1000 to $2,-
5 acres, best of soil,-no buildings.
2 blocks off paved road, $1600.
25 acres, best of black loam, s miles
out, buildings not very good, $200 per
120 acres, 20 In cultivation, balance
mostly oak timber, poor buildings,
close to rock road, 6 1-2 miles out,
Enough timber to pay for the farm
$40 per acre short time only.
Walter McLaren
Room 25, 180 N. Com. St. 262
4 ROOM plastered house anl lot,-1-2
block from west Salem sonooi,
clear title, $950; terms or light auto
Owner, L. Mann, 273 Columbia St.,
Portland, Or. 263
WIDOWER with three children, ages
7 to 12. wants housekeeper, Chris
tian Scientist preferred, but write
me anv wav. Chas. E. Rogers, Kt.
2, Turner, Or. p0t SALE By owner cheap, 4 room
house with 6 lots, some cherries,
walnuts, prunes and berries. 2580
Laurel Ave. 263
AM locating in Salem and want some
kind of employment, unorougniy
understand paint and painting,
hardware, furniture or sash and
doors. Would buy interest in small
business. S G R, box 327, Dallas,
Or. 262
Some Snaps,
Used Cars for Sale.
FOR SALE Ford roadster. Inquire 2&j. terms.
8 room plastered house, large lot,
Improved street, S. Salem. For quick
sale $1700, terms.
6 room plastered house, electricity
bath and toilet, improved street. $1,-
365 S. 16th after 6 o'clock.
FOR SALE Buiok roadster. Excel
lent condition. See Smith, Marion
earage. 2b J
Lost And Found.
LOST Or taken Hallowe'en night, a
trailer. Reward for any information
as to its whereabouts. B. C. Zlelin
aki, Rt 9, Salem, Or. 264
UOST Lady's black porketbook con
taining keys, about $8 and papers.
jfrn to Journal office. 262
LOST Purse containing some sil
ver aua card with owner's name.
Finder phone 403R. 263
IOST Open face gold watch in South
Ralem. Initials W P C on case.
Watch has K P fob. Finder return
to P. R. L t P Co. Office. 262
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre-
5 room modern, new bungalow, S.
Salem. 12000. terms.
5 room modern, new bungalow.
500, terms.
10 acres 4 miles out, 7 acres rrutt,
good improvements, water piped to
house. For quick sale $4000,' terms.
A ... ,1 . . .... t .-, r.I !i ut o rcl
pared to take care oi your cars no h0U6e a ln gooa family orChard and
- -"" M.j,..2 acres of good timber. Hurry,
and can guarantee absolute satis- i. J JZ.,nK
faction, we are also prepared 10 ao 14 acref). mnall house; 4 acres clear
first class repair work on any make La 200 bearig prUne trees, 1 acre
oi cars, iuirenutii "- ogans, family orchard, good spring
: of water and wen, wooaea. zd'
Qaaaw J TTo A ClrAa item-id.
oavim uauu uwuo, , iii n - , lth
modern bungalow, eood barn, chick-
Investigate These Bargains.
10 acres of best soil. 5 acres bear
ing prunes, 2 acres loganberries and
2 acres strawberries, new set ouuo.
inns. Snap. $4000.
30 acres river bottom choice gar
den land, buildings and orchard. Only
$200 per acre.
35 acre farm a miles irom ssaiem,
best loam soil, good buildings, orch
ards, berries. Snap, $300 per acre.
Choice 19 acre bearing prune orch
ard near Salem, best buy around Sa
lem at $500 per acre; will pay 60 per
cent on investment.
125 acrs river bottom farm near
S&iem, farm buildings and 60 acres
bearing orchard. ine investment lor
$16,000; terms.
For bargains ana investments.
Perrine & Marsters
212 Commercial Club bldg. '
Good Buys. 4
: 11 acre tract located 4 miles south
of Salem, 5 acres of 12-year old Ital
ian prunes, rock road. Price $5000.
$1000 down, balance 5 years . 8 per
cent Interest.
20 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres
of logans, 10 acres cherries and ap
ples; good plastered house, barn, well,
rock road, close to highway. Price
4.81 acre tract all cultivated, best
of prune or loganberry land, rock
road, 4 miles out. Price $1250.
6 acre tract, house and barn 3-4
acre logans, some prunes and cher
ries. Price $1600. . -
6.67 acre tract all cultivated, ' 5
acres in prunes, good house and barn.
Price $3500.
10 acre tract, " 5 acres bearing
prunes, 3 acres 3 -years old, 2 acres
apples. Price $3750. .
iv acres goou sou ait cultivated, a
miles out. Price $1500.
-j 17 arere tract, 10 acres bearing or
chard, mostly prunes. .3 .room, house,
barn, well, located on .main . Pacific
highway. Price $5500, $1500 down,
balance 6 per cent interest.
Well improved 10ncre tract locat
ed ln the Liberty section, good plas
tered bungalow, barn, 1 acre logans,
3-4 acre prunes. Price $7000, $5000
10 acre tract, all cultivated, best of
bottom land, small buildings, 100
bearing apples. Price $1850.
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
6 and 9 years old. Price $5500.
10 acre tract located east of Salem
good 7 room modern house, barn, all
stock and machinery goes. Price $8,-
20 acre tract located 1 mile from
city limits, 5 acres in prunes, 6 room
house and barn, well, best of soil-,
good gravel road on two sides. Price
28 acre tract of first class sou 10.
cated on paved road.. Price $9000.
20 acre tract of good sou an culti
vated and located on main gravel
road, ood plastered house and barn,
best of dark prairie soil. Price $6000,
acre farm located on Howell
prairie, 60 acres cultivated, balance
pasture and timber, house and barn,
orchard, located on main Silverton
road. Price J13.000.
112 acre farm, 70 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, "good modern house
and barn, rock road, 5 miles trom Sa
lem. Price $165 per acre.
130 acre farm, 120 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, good modern 6 room
bungalow, good barn, good water sys
tem, 60 acres fall wheat seeded, bent
of soil. Price $20,150.
320 acre farm, 240 acres cultivat
ed, balance pasture, good buildings,
on main highway. Price $135 per acre
Good 8 room modern house and
large lot. Price $2850.
5 room modern oungaiow locaiea ri
620 South 18th street. Price $1650.
6 room modern house located at
735 Ferry street. Price $2000.
8 room modern house at lia i erry
street. Price $3600.
fl room modern house located at
1330 S. Commercial street. Price $2,-
8 room modern house at 1057 bag-
inaw street. Price $1750.
3-4 acre tract and 5 room nouse
located in Salem Heights. Price $1850
7 room home located at lie w.
Miller Btrect. Price $2500.
8 room modern home located at
1760 South Liberty street. Price $3,
800. - ' '
9 room home located at 1395 South
High street. Price $3500.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street 203
' Best Buys.
$600 for 5 room house, lot 100x100
feet, lots of fruit, terms all cash.
$1000 for 5 room house, lot 100x100
feet, half cash, balance 6 per cent.
$1750 for 5- room house, modern,
garage, macadamized street, $600 cash
balance . 6 per cent. .
$1800 for 10 room house, fair con
dition, half . cash, balance 6 per cent.
S2500 for 7 room modern plastered
mouse, $500 Cash, balance $25 per
$2000 for 6 room- modern house,
good condition, lot 80x360, terms oh
part. "
$3000 for 7 room part modern
house, . one fourth block of ground,
lots of frdit, half cash, balance 7 per
cent. -
$10,000 for 40 room apartment
house, all- furnished, basement, two
furnaces, close in, half cash, balance
6 per cent.
acres, .all in cultivation, well
fenced, close to town, $2300, half cash
balance 6 per cent.-
1 28 acres, all good land, running wa
ter, . fair buildings, family fruit, $4,-
ooo, $150 casn, balance per ceni.
This place- is a snap, located 1 1-2
miles from town on pavea roaa.
60 acres, 46 cultivated, balance tim
ber, best of soil, rolling, ordinary im
provements, silo, best of fencing, rock
road, half mile of scnooi, two mues
of three towns, price $6000, $2500
cashi balance at 4 per cent.
94 acres, half cultivated, balance
tlmlmiv a acres family1 orchard, 5
room house, new barn, gravel sol,.
2 1-2 miles of town, $75 per acre. $2,
000 cash, balance 6 per cent.
27 1-2 acres. 20 cultivated, 870 ap
pie trees 9 years old, 30 Royal Anne
cnerry trees, 1 wainuis, iv yearn um
4 room house, barn; 8 miles of Sa
lorn, $5000, $3800 cash, balance 8 per
239 acres, all cultivated, family or
chard. fHrk prairie soil roiling,
room bungalow, good barn and out
build ngs. well fenced wltn woven
wire, only $65 per acre.
247 acres. 157 cultivated. 90 timber
20 prunes, 12 years old; waterfall for
water power on place, o room- nouse,
barn, close to town, well woven wire
fence. $19,000, $6000 cash, balance 6
per cent.
316 acros. 100 cultivated. 250 till
ttbl. 2tu timber, lots of saw timber.
4 room house, large Darn, o nines oi
railroad town, macadamized , roan
close to school. $65 per acre, jnuuo
cash, balance 8 to 5 years at 6 per
If this list does not contain what
vou ire looking for; kindly i give me
a call as 1 muy nave otner iisungs
that may be what you want. If you
want to exchange city property or
vallev land for eastern Oregon or Ca
nada land, come and see me, as i nave
a number or. sucn properues ubibu.
For best buys see
;.' 341 State street
You may never have heard of the
town of Lacomb, but nevertheless it -is
on the map; more than that. It U
in Oregon. F. M. Downing of Lacomb.
attended to business in Salem Tues
day. 1
Walla, Walla resembles Salem In aa
much as it boasts of a college, and
that the state penitentiary Is located
there. D. H, Cox of the Washington
city, is a Salem visitor today.
A meeting of the committee la
charge of arrangements was held this
afternoon, for the purpose-ot making
the final plans, for the bazaar to- b
given by the women of the Presbyter-
Ian church next week. -
The Rogue river valley is, perhaps.
the Willamette valley's greatest riv
al, and Medford holds its head as high
in that section of the state as Salem
does in this part. A. C. Taylor of Med
ford, is a guest today ut the Bligh ho
Clark Leiter formerly connect
with Portland newspapers and later
chairman of the Oregon Welcome
commission ln New York oity, was a
Salem visitor Tuesday afternoo
Leiter is now advertising manager for
the Brownsville Woolen mills store
at Portland. .
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 5. -A Suit
for$5000 was brought against the es
tate of Theo. Roosevelt by Giles Otis
Pearoe, resident of the Sawtelle Sol
dier's home, was dismissed yesterday
in the federal court here on grounds
of no Jurisdiction. Pearce alleged
Roosevelt had promised to pay him
A marriage license was issued Wed
nesday to D. Albert Yoder, 23, a gro
cer of Canby and Elizabeth Smucker,
21 .Aurora.
By a decree given Tuesday by Dis
trict Judge Bingham Janet M. E. Bur
ton was granted a divorce from P. H.
Burton, the custody of their two chil
dren, Lucille and Robert, - and $2
monthly alimony,, v. ,
In an amended answer to the com
plaint of the Salem Fruit Union
against the Phez company, -attorneys
for the Phez company today askea
Judgment against the Fruit Union to
the extent of $28,139.7S, ana that mo
case against the Phez company be
- In the answer the Phez company al
leges that the Fruit Union entered
into a contract in 1917 with them
whereby a quantity of loganberries
were to be delivered to the - plant,
The attorneys for the Phez company
claim that the loganberries were not
all delivered, and that considerable
damage to the company resulted. .,
To clean flatlrons, rub them when
hot on a damp rag that has been rub-
"u. Z: bed over with soap. This te.arae
certain Bums iur huksboliuiib j
better than using powders.
fe LOW
205 Oregon Birillng
Everything Electrical.
Temple, 127 North High. Phone
We Want.
LIBRARIES bought and sold. Sims, enhouse and garage.- $2250, terms.
143 N. High. Phone 240. 266
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. '
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinishing of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742; I Salem Bcavanger Garbage and re-
Wood Saw.
PHONE 1754R, Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N
Cummer Btreet. Salem, Or;
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
nd Hardware Store. 21 N. Coin
' mercial street. Phons 734.
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
No Cash Required Jood overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles, heating
rtoves, gas stoves, suit cases and luoo ,
other useful articles to wU or trade.
What have you? The Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dea'd animals
removed. Office phone Main 167.
Your used furniture, stoves, ' carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial Bt
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 56 to 58
Inches high. Paints, olf and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry "od hop
hooks Salem Fence am' Stove
Works, 250 Court street. Phnt 124
Oleson's Auto Exchange
34 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
Light Studebaker, electric lights,
six good tires, $275
1919 Chevrolet, almost new, shock
absorbem, 5 tires, $750.
6 Studebakcrs iSOO to 1300
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
Advance Rumely Ideal
.... - Separators. ' '
A separator to fit every farm, 4
sizes, 22x36, 28x44, 32x52 end 36x60.
Wood or steel, and a Rumely tractor
to fit every size separator.- '
Wm. H. Trumn, local agent, Salem,
263 N. Commercial. Phone 413. -
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2
feed oats 80c; milling oats 80c j hay,
hest, new 17; hay oats, new it
20; mill run $44f45
-Butterfat: Buttcrfat, 69c; croam-
r butter. 67(ffi69c.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot
13c; veal fancy 20c; steers
7 8c; cows 57 l-2c; spring lambs
10c; ewes 45c; sheep, learlings 8c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 4c;
light hens 18 20c heavy hens 24c; old
,nnt.ra IRfftlRr: sDrlncs 20c.
Vegetables: Onions, per BacK, .
celery doz. 90c; potatoes 2c;4 sweet
potatoes 5 l-2c.
Fruit: Oranges 7(7.50j lemons ;
bananas 11c; honey extracted, zc;
bunch beets 45c; cabbage 2ci- head
lettuce 75c; currots 45c; grapes, 10-
kays 10c.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen uc;
creamery butter 75c; country, butter
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.10 3.26.
Portland! Or., Nov. 5. Butter, city
creamery 667c; Eggs selectea local
ex 76'80c; hens 2628c; broilers 22
0 27c; geese 16c; cheese ajitfioo.
Live Stock.
Cattle. Receipts 35; tone, of mar
ket steady;'good to choice steers $9.00
09.60; fair to medium steers tivi;
common to fair steers, 5.606.60;
choice to good cows and heifers $6.60
7.50; canners $34; bulls I5W6.50;
calves $8 14. '
Hogs: Receipts 183; tone of market
hiirher: prime mixed $14.50i& 15.00
.medium mixed $13.50 14.50; rough
1. ..... ...... I,, intm
Iheavies iiz.soib, i"s ".
A Comrwive: pcruR
. or ;
T NuwBtn Or Pmfti AyWD In (Sun frftft Vila Ruch IH 0 0m-I-1e
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ing pnwdan. Ltnt MUbUdMd trMtol
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