Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 04, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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IMetv Today- Where Small A ds Get Rem
7r m O
For Sale..
Rate per word Each insertion one! FOR SM.K Cheat seed.- Phone SOF
rent, six insertfon 5 cents, oae month,
26 insertions, 17 cents, uin Ji-ar, per
rr.ontb, 9 cents. Minimum per ad 25
cents, i
FUSt insertion only In New Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance for
phone; errors
New Today.
FOR SALE Fresh cow. Phone 84F
11. . 263
WANTED Girls to work in parlor
at Spa. '
WANTED -shot
- Second hand
Phone 62F11.
FOR BALE Or trade horse and veal
calf for cow. Phone 34F13. 262
WANTED Maruied men to work on
farm. Phone 71F2 evenings. 266'
FOR SALE Span of mules.
street feed barn. .
.. 262
FOR SALE Ten milch cows.
34F2 or 2357J.
FOR SALE Late 1917 Ford,
body. 1023 N. 17th.
WANTEDr Job driving truck or auto
mechanic. Phone Tib 14, i
WANTED To rent furnished house.
Room 14, Baker apts. 263
WANTED &ady cook, dishwasher
and waitness, 223 N. Com'l. 261
WANTED Moving and hauling. The
Biederman Transfer. Fhone 1608J.
MAN to work on farm, good home.
A. E. Petersen, 228 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE Ford roadster. Inquire
365 S. 18th after S o eloeK. 2bZ
WANTED Country butter, 2 pounds
a week. A. lv. Swanson, 1757 wal
ler St.- - . - - - 261
FOR SALE 6 room house,
Broadway. Phone 2057R.
FOR SALE Coot- stove in A-l con
dition. 1720 Chemeketa t. 278
FOR SALE 4-horse boiler and en
gine, 1st class shape. Phone 35F11.
- - - .261
TWO New Zealand and two Bel;
hares for sale. 235 S. 14th St.
WANTED To buy 'Old horses, all
kinds. Center St. 225. George Smith
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
plants 70c a hundred. Phone 8BF5.
, . 265
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
. and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St.
. . 276
FOR SALE 6 room semi-modern
house, $700. Inquire 1105 Leslie St.
FOR SALE Good 4 year old horse.
One Shropshire buck. Phone 107
F4. 261
WANTED A horse for his care. Leo
'Doerfler, Rt. 7, box 231, Garden
. road. .264
WANTED Woman to wash curtains
at home. Call housekeeper Hotel
Marion. - 262
FOR SALE Ford delivery and trail
er cheap. Imlah Fruit farm. Phone
52F11. - .262
FOR SALE Buick roadster. Excel
lent condition. See Smith, Marion
FOR SALE 7 room modern house,
good location. $2500. F. L. flood,
Bay ne bldg. 271
S SALESMEN with roadster, steady
employment, See Kincaid, 548
State St. 266
WANTED To buy roadster in good
condition from private owner. 54S
. State St. 266
SINGER Sewing Machine Co. now at
548 State St. Hemstitching careim
ly and neatly done. 266
WANTED Fir fence posts, also lo
ganberry wire. H. U. Hummei.
Phone 2097J. ; 262
LOST Men's auto gloves. Cloth back,
black leather front. A. E. Laflar,
phone 891. -, 261
ttor TiF.NTT Anartment to refined
people without children. Inquire
152: S. Church. . - 264
LOST Purse containing some sil
ver and card with owner's name.
Finder ohone 403R.' 203
MR. and Mrs, Sparks, ladies and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. z
FOR RENT Furnished room for
v rent with or without meals. 245
rnion St. 1517W. .262
WANTED A man wants a jpb of any
klnB. insider work preferred. ' Box
JolV care Journal. 261
WANTED Highest price paid for
fat cattle and much cows. Phone
1576W. ' 279
WANTED Position by experienced
stenographer. Best of references.
Box 81 care Journal. .265
WANTED Ranch hand $50 month
and board. Phone 93F23 or call at
586 N. High St.. 263 if desired.
ifi clalist in the Modern Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of -eye strain
and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
rist, eyes examined ana glasses iitr
ted. Broken . lenses ' duplicated.
Hours at office daily, 4 p. m. to 6
p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. .to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
Safety.. Razor Blades,
SAFETT razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Best Buys.
30 acres all cultivated, well fenced,
woven wire fence on -three sidest one
side rait, good barn, half mile from
town, great snap. $2350, terms on part
t, o.TTm w ,. ' J 110 acres, 95 cultivated, 15 pasture,
FOR SALE Two teams, harness and somB tlmDer 12 acres in 6 and 6 year
two wagons, ready for work. West ld pruneSi n acres in one year old;
ou.:ui nuuuu, iuuui uiuii. i f,ii rcharA In heRriner. 1 acre
Royal Anne and Governor wood cner-
WANTED Two purebred Duroc
Jersey gilts, 6 to -8 months 'old. G.
. W. Trussell, box 66A, Rt 2. 265
FOR SALE Pigs from five to six
weeks old. G. W. Thurman, phone
3F13. 263
FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I. Red
pullets and White Leghorn hens.
Call at 1135 S. 16th St. 265
FOR SALE 3 barrel gasoline tank
and pump, good condition. rite
Box 43, Marion, Or. 262
WANTED Higli school boy -wants
place to work for room and board.
'Address box 100 care Journal. 265
WANTED Modern five or six room
furnished house, good locality.
References. C S care Journal. 262
WANTED We have two good teams
nnd will-do plowing by day or con
tract. 804 S. 20th and Waller, Sa
lem, Or. . . 261
FOR SALE 15 cords of oak wood in
Polk county.. A. J. Anderson, at
Blessings cigar store. 261
FOR SALE One bay mare 7 years
old, weight 1300, gentle, well brok
en. A. Eugene Aufrnnc, Rt. 6, box
6. Phone 19F5. 261
FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa
lem, stock and implements for sale.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 271
FARMS FOR SALE A few bargains
in dairy farms. W rite to H. C. Por
ter, Aumsville, Marion Co., Or. 204
WANTED Two wood cutters. Long
contract, good living quarters and
close to school. Hawkins & Roberts,
205 Oregon building. Phone 1427
FOR SALE 100 head god stock ewes
or will put 50 head on share. Phone
26F33. B. H. Kaiser, Macleay, Or.
WANTED Have a buyer for 6 room
bungalow within reasonable dis
tance, not to exceed $3500. Room
328 Oregon bldg., H. E. Bolinger.
FOR SALE 40 acres best soil, all un
w cultivation, some orchard, stock
and implements, 6 miles north, $10,
""i. T-44 care Journal. 208
BOOKKEEPER wanted (man) for
large firm, $125 per month. State
age, education and experience in
detail in your application. Box 240
Capital Journal. -
FOR SALE 40 acre prune orchard
5 miles south of Salem, 1-4 mile
from end of paved road for sale at
$400 per acre, terms. Call at 1099
S. High St. or Phone 1142J.. 262
FOR SALE 3 young mares suitable
for riding and driving, $15 each
pigs 2 months old $5 each; shoats
and brood sows. Simon Hop ranch,
Rt. 8, Salem. Phone 59F14. 263
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
inches high. Paints, oigv and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry Mid hop
hooks. Salem Fence anf Stove
Works, 250 Court street. Phoao 124
LOST Lady's black pocketbook con
taining keys, about $8 and papers.
Return to Journal office.- 262
A SNAP House at 1768 Court street,
lot 75x150. Price $2700. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 Stale St. 262
FOR SALE--28 acres extra good berry
land, good house, barn, family or
chard. What have you to offer tor
my equity in trade or cash? Call
phone 393W from "6 to 9 a. m. or
6 to p. m. up to rioay noon, so
CHIMNEY sweep,
Phone 191.
FOR SALE Or trade two horses,
heavy harness, single wagon and
buggy. Inquire 1166 Ferry St. 263
FOR RENT 5 room semi-modern
house. Inquire 755 Bellevue. 261
WANTED Chamber maid. Call 1979
FOR SALE Ten room double house
on State St.. five rooms to a side.
Modern . with furnace heat. Large
lot with fruit trees, cherries, apples
and pears. Owner moving to Cali
fornia will sell cheap. Inquire 565
N. Cottage St. Phone 1901. 265
WANTED Experienced Ford driver
knows city, desires position driv
ing delivery car or truck.- Address
box' 65 Journal. 262
LOST Or taken Hallowe'en night, a
trailer. Reward for any information
as to its whereabouts. B. C. Zielin
Bki, Rt. 9, Salem, Or. 264
FOR SALE Farm- for sale, nearly
24 acres of first- class fruit land
about 14 acres under cultivation ;-
all new building, gravity water sys
tern, close to school on good gravel
road, one block from Yeoman sta
tion. C. M. Robinson, Rt 6, box
25A. Salem. Or ... - . 261
'4 ROOM plastered house anl lot. 1-2
block from West Salem school,
clear title, $950; terms or light auto
Owner, L. Mann. 273 Columbia St.,
Portland, Or. 263
FOR SALE River bottom land sit
uated 15 miles north of Salem, or
151 acres. 40 acres cleared. Hard
and Cottonwood timber, house and
barn. The finest kind of loganber
ry land at $65 per acre. Will take
some trade. Merlin liarcuug at sa
lem Hardware Co. 261
FOR SALE By owner cheap, 4 room
house with 8 lots, some cherries,
walnuts, prunes and berries. 2580
J-nurel Ave. 263
FOR "SALE 20 acres bearing prunes
$9000 was cleared on place last 2
years. Want larger place. C. A.
Clark, 141 N. High. 262
HELP WANTEDGood position open
for, good lady typist, also for young
man witn some cieneni inuniug.
Phone 228 between 4 and 6 o'clock
p. m. - 261
WIDOWER with three children, ages
7 to 12, wants housekeeper. Chris
tian Scientist preferred, but write
me any way. Chas. E. Rogers, Rt.
2, Turner, Or. 263
FOR SALE 45 acres land near New
berg. 25 acres fruit, mostly Italian
prunes, all ii bearing. Comfortable
buildinirs. good teams, implements,
feed, good dry house, under good
fence. Will sell or trade for. acre
or two that would make good home
M. B. Ebbert. Newberg. 261
FOR SALE 130 acres east of Salem
on good road, 120 acres cultivated
and 50 acres now sowed to wheat.
The buildings are new and modern.
The house has 5 rooms and is on
sightly location;- has fine water sys
tem to all buildings. This place is
s real snap at $20,150. See Fred
TV Durbin, 276 State St. 260
KOTICK Notice is hereby given that
I Will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by anr one except
those contracted by me iu person.
Nov. 4, 1919. E. L. Hill. 263
A good modern 6 room cottage, full
cement basement, cement wains,
large corner lot. fruit, berries and
grapes; you'll have to hurry to get
this. $2250, $1000 cash, balance to
suit. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228
Oregon bldg.
AM locating In Salem and want some
kind of employment. . Thoroughly
, understand paint and painting,
hardware, furniture or sash and
doors. Would buy interest in small
business. S G R, box 327, Dallas,
Or. 262
For Rent
FOR " RENT Housekeeping and
Bleeping rooms. 257 N. Liberty. 265
FOR RENT One furnished room
with housekeeping privileges. Stu
dent preferred. Phone 1136M or
call at 1768 Court St. 262
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent,
One large front room partly furn
ished, one suite of rooms unfurn
ished. 359 Center. . . 264
Lodge Directory,-"-. -
--J meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. halL
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kunta
K. R. & S.
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder, Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 4. (United
Press.) With near freezing tempera
ture prevailing throughout the state,
Iowa today prepared to shiver through
another day with -its mines closed
down by the miners' strike. No defec
tion in the ranks of the strikers was
reported and the operators have made
no move to reopen the mines. .
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Nlles. M. A.: C. A. Vibbert, secretary.-
840 Owen street. "
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons, V. C. .Frank A. Turner,
clerk. ' '
Stove Repairing.
furnaces cleaned.
RUGS cleaned 40c per rug. Phone 16.
L.- L, Buckner. . . 264
WALFELT" superior to cloth at
about half price. Max O. Buren,
, Com'l. St. ... . - 276
EXCHANGE 26 acres improved.
paved road, $4000, for modern
house. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 261
REX Dry paste, no cooking required.
works better and sticks tignter
than flour. Max'O. Buren, Com'l
Bt - . , 276
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
6 RadlatorSj ' Fenders and Gas:
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators, for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore,
ries, 12 years old; all orchard in good
condition: 7 room plastered nouse, e
years old; hot and cold water, barn
30x48x18. machine shea ana garage.
all necessary out buildings, place wa
tered by well and spring, ail woven
wire fenced and cross fenced, 3 miles
of Oregon normal school; equipment
as follows: S horses, 2 colts, 4 milk
cows, 2 yearling calves, 15 head hogs
including brood sows, 50 -chickens, 2
wagons, 7-foot binder, 3 plows, spring
tooth harrow, corrugated roner ana
lot of other tools and implements.
$18,500, $8000 cash, $10,500 terms 6
per cent.
29 acres. 21 acres cultivated, E
acres stumps, 3 acres mixed orchard,
fair house and barn, ' water system,
macadamized road, half mile from
school and church, 6 miles from Sa
lem. $7350, terms on part.
60. acres, 46 cultivated, 15 timber
pasture, all but 6 tillable r woven wire
fence, well watered, fair 6 room house
good barn and out buildings, . 2 1-2
miles from good town, macadam
road. $6000, $2500 cash, $3500 terms
4 per cent. I:
40 acres river bottom land, 20 cul
tivated, good improvements, good
fence, stock, farming implements, etc.
all included; 2 miles from good town
on paved road. $8000. -
219 acres, 125 cultivated, 94 timber,
139 river bottom. 7 room house, large
barn, other out buildings, all stock
and equipment, hop houses, 6 miles
from gcod town, so per acre; xerms
on part.. - . -
137 acres, 90 cleared, Daiance pas
ture and timber, family orohard
house, barn, dandy good ranch. $80
per acre; mile and half from town in
very prosperous community; terms
on $5000 6 per cent.
7 room fully modern house, finest
panel and wood work, lurnace, large
lawn, complete set of out ouiiamgs,
garare, cement floor, cost $7500 six
years ago, all in first class condition,
offered for a short time at $5000,
terms on part.
5 room modern Bungalow, wen
planned, eood porches, curbed lawii,
cement walks, garage, wood shed,
chicken house. $1760, $300 cash, $25
per month, 7 per cent.
Well built 6 room modern house,
east front, lots of fruit, close to school
graveled alley. $1850, $1050 cash, bal
ance terms.
6 room bungalow, fire plaoe, large
porch, east front, fine garden spot.
$2000, half cash.
5 room cottage, large rooms, 2 ou-
foot lots, macadam street, good re
pair. $1350, half cash.
7 room plastered, well Bunt nouse,
7 5 -foot front on State street, pave
ment paid; fruit and shrubbery. $2,-
360, $750 cash, balance 7 per cent.
. Socolofsky.
341 State rtreot .
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Otseopathio
physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 58F5. Office
. phone 1394. , T ; ' . 270
Lift off. Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona
costs only a few cents.
. Auctioneers.
Office 124 South Liberty street.
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales.
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent.
Money To Loan.
. On good real estate-security - .
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith. 1 -
Federal Farm Loans
With your fingers! You an lift off
any hard corn, sou corn, or com jd
tweon the toes, and the hard skin cal
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "xToezone" costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callus. Instant
ly it stops hurting, then shortly you
lift that bothersome corn or callus right
off, root and all, without one bit of
pain or soreness, 'iruiyi no numiougi
S 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A.- C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonio Temple,
Salem, Oregon.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606. .
WE are prepared to cut and haul
four foot wood. Timber must be at
dr near rock road. Please give
stumpage price, amount of timber
and if old or second growth and dis
tance from Salem. L H care Jour
nal. 263
NOTICE This ranch for exchange,
will take a residence not over $1500
as part pay. I wish to exchange my
ranch at once for part cash and
part mortgage bads. Will take a
residence up to. $1500, and $1500
in cash and carry back $2000. The
ranch consists of 28 acres of the
best of land, fair improvements, lo
cated 1 1-2 miles from town, on
paved road. If you are interested
see me at once. Room 1, Bayne
bldg., Salem, Ore.
Used Cars for Sale.
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are In
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
first class repair work on any make
of cars. American Automobile Co.,
Second Hand Goods.
LIBRARIES bought and sold.
143 N. High. Phone 340.
Some Snaps.
6 room plastered house, large lot,
improved street, 8. Salem. For quick
sale $1700, terms.
6 room plastered house, electricity
bath and toilet, improved street. $1,-
260, terms.
6 room modern, new bungalow, .
Salem. $2000, terms. .
5 room modern, new bungalow, $2,-
600. terms.
10 acres 4. miles out, 7 acres rrutt,
good Improvements, water piped to
house. For Quick sale $4000, terms.
10 acres, modern 7 room plastere
house, all in good family orchard and
1-2 acres of good tnnoer. nurry.
$3000. terms.
14 ncres: small house; 4 acres clear
ed, 200 bearing prune trees, 1 acre
logans, family orchard, good spring
of water and well, wooded. $2500,
I acres joining city limits with
modern bungalow, good barn, chick-
enhouse and garage. $2250, terms.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
No Safer Buys In Salem
8 room house, modern, adjoins
good business block. $4000.
8 room house, modern, close in, S.
Salem. 82750.
5 room cottage, plastered, 2 good
lots. N. Salem. $1200.
11 lots, mostly in commercial fruit,
good 5 room house, good outbuildings
Price $3000 for short time only.
6 1-acre lots, 4 with cottages on,
best of soil, selling from $1000 to $2,-
6 acres, best of soil, no buildings,
blocks off Daved road. 11500.
25 acres, best of black loam, 8 miles
out, buildings not very good, $200 per
120 acres, t9 in cultivation, balance
mostly oak timber, poor buildings,
close to rock road, 6 1-2 miles out,
Enough timber to pay for the farm,
40 per acre short time oniy.
Walter McLaren -
Room 25. 180 N. Com. St. 282
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinishing of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate yonr work. Phone 1742
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
- .. 273
Lost And Found.
I.OST Open face gold watch in South
Salem. Initials W P C on case.
Watch has K P fob. Finder return
to P. R. L. & P Co. office. 262
Wood Saw.
PHOJTE 1754R. Our prices are right
W.' M. Zandler. proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kind of musical
instruments, shotguns, riHes, heating
stoves, gaa stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to vU or trade.
What have you? The Capital Ex
change. S37 Court St. Phone 493.
Why Sell For Less?
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
lv contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167,
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
nnd Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
848 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Boys, sells and exchanges used cars
Light Studebaker, electric lights,
six good tires. $275
1919 Chevrolet, almost new, shock
absorbers, 6 tires, $70.
C Stndebakcra irOO to 11300
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Manv other rood buys.
We sell oils, grease-, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
Investigate These Bargains
1 1t Rornn nf best soil. 6 acres bear
ing prunes, 2 acres loganberries and
acres strawberries, new sei ouiia-
lngs. Snap, $4000.
30 acres river bottom choice gar
den land, buildings and orchard. Only
$200 per acre. '
35 acre farm 3 miles irom oaiem,
best loam soil, good buildings, orch
ards, berries. Snap, $300 per acre.
Choice 19 acre bearing prune orch
ard near Salem, best buy around Sa
lem at $500 per acre; will pay-M per
cent on investment. .
125 acre slwr bottom jarra near
,5m. farm buildings and 60 acres
bearing orchard. Fine investment for
$16,000; terms.
For bargains ana investments.
Perrine & Marsters (
212 Commercial Club bldg,
: Everything. Electrical.
Temnle. 127 North High. . pnone
Main 1209.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay lair prices lor
everything. Call 47.
' 285 North Commercial, St.
Good Buys.
11 acre tract located 4 miles south
of Sajeni, 5 acres of 12-year old Ital
ian prunes, rock road. Price $5000.
iuuu uown, Daiance 5 years 8 per
l-ciu interest. , .
20 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres
of logans, 10 acres cherries and ap
ples; good plastered house, barn. well.
rock road, close to highway. Price
4.81 acre tract all cultivated,-best
of prune or loganberry land, rock
road, 4 miles out Price $1250.
6 acre tract,- house and barn 3-4
acre logans, some prunes and cher
ries, jfrlce $1600. .
6.67 acre tract all cultivated. E
acres in prunes, good house and barn.
Price $3500.
10 acre tract, 5 acres , bearing
prunes, 3 'acres 3-years old. 2 acres
apples. Price $3150.
10 acres good soil all cultivated. 6
miles out. Price $1500.
17 acre tract. 10 acres bearing or
chard, mostly prunes. 3 room house,
barn, well, located on main Pacific
highway. Price $5500, $1500 down,
balance 6 per cent Interest.
Well improved 10 aere tract locat
ed in the Liberty section, good plas
tered bungalow, barn, 1 acre logans,
4 acre prunes. Price $7000, $5000
10 acre tract, all cultivated, best of
bottom land, small buildings, 100
bearing apples. Price $1850.
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
6 and 9 years old. Price $5500.
10 acre tract located east of Salem
good 7 room modern house, barn, all
stock and machinery goes. Price $8,-
500. .
20 acre tract located 1 mile from
city limits, 6 acres in prunes, 6 room
house and barn, well, best of sou,
good gravel road on two sides. Price
2s acre tract of first class soil lo
cated on paved road. Price $9000.
20 acre tract of good soil all culti
vated and located on main gravel
road, good plastered house and barn,
best of dark prairie soil. Price 15000,
98 acre farm located on Howell
prairie, 60 acres cultivated, balance
naature and timber, house and barn,
orchard, located oft main Silverton
road. Price $13,000.
112 acre farm. 70 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, good modern house
und barn, rock road, miles irom ea-
lem. Price $165 per acre.
130 acre farm, 120 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, good modern 6 room
bungalow, good barn, gooa water sys
tem, 60 acres fall wheat seeded, best
of soil. Price $20,150.
0 acre farm, 240 acres cultivat
ed, balance pasture, good buildings, I
on main highway. Price $135 per acre
Good 8 room modern house and
large lot. Price $2860.
6 room modern bungalow located at
620 South 18th street Price $1650. -
6 room modern house located at
735 Ferry street. Price $2000.
8 room modern house at 746 Ferry
street. Price $3500.
room modern house located at
1330 S. Commercial street. Price $2,-800.
6 room modern house at iooy eag
lnaw street Priee-$1750j .....
3-4 acre tract and 5 room house
located in Sidem Heights. Price $1850
7 room home lecated at -18 -W.
Miller street Price $2500.
8 room modern home located at
1760 South Liberty street. Price $3',
800. 9 room home located at 1395 South
High street. Price $3500.
. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street., . ,263
Niemeyer's Buys.
5 room modern house on N. 18th I
St., 2 lots 45x130. Young fruit. $1500.
6 room house on Chemeketa St.
Strictly modern. Garage. Lot 60x66.
8 room strictly modern house on N.
Cottage St. $4000.
1 room modern house on saginaw
St. Garage, and fruit Lot 62x160.
$1750. Installments.
5 acres on Cherry Ave. juoaern s
room house; gooa Darn; uuuincu
house. All In fruit Implements, chick
ens ,etc, included. $10,000. Will ex-
chanee for property in Salem or
160 acres near Harney, Oregon. 4
acres cultivated. 50 pasture; balance
timber. Good 8 room house; large
barn; well fenced; good water; farm
n excellent shape. $30 per acre.
50 acres near Independence. 6 acres
prunes; 5 pasture and Daiance culti
vated. Family orchard. 6 room house;
in me ham and outbuildlngB. Good
water. Well fenced. Some stock and
lmnlements. $7500.
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 2J.5-218 Masonic bldg., Ba
lem. Phones 1000, 1014, .. 261'
Graiar Wheat, oft white No. 1-12;
feed oats 80c; milling oata 80c; hay,
heat, new iv; nay, oats, new fitngi
20; mill run $4445 :
Buttetfats- Butterfatj .. 69; cream-
erv butter; 6769c - .. .
I'ork. veal ana mutton: pork on loot
13c; " veaf fancy 20c,- : steor
7(g 8cf eows EW7 l-2c; spring lambo
10c; ewes 4Dc: sheep, 1 earrings Sc.
.Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 14c;
light hens 18 20c heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 16 16c; springs 20C. ;
Vegetables: - Onions, per- sack,
celery dos. 90c; potatoes 2c; sweet
potatoes 5 l-2c. - ' '-
Fruit: Oranees $7(517.50: lemons t9z
bananas llcr . honey extracted, 2e:
bunch' beets 45c; cabbage 2c; he
lettuce T5c; carrots 45c; grape, To
kays 10c. ; ' '
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 70o;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.10 3.25.
Portland, Or., Nov. 4. Butter, city
creamery 6667c; Eggs selected local
ex 74 78c; hens 26 28c; broilers 23
27c; geese 15c; cheese 33 35c
Live Stock.
Cattle: Receipts 246; tone of mar
ket weak; good to choice steers $
9.60; fair to medium steers $78;
common to fair steers, $5.50 6.50;
choice to good cows and heifers $6.6
7.50; canners $334; bulls $3 6.60;
calves $814. ,
Hogs: Receipts 223; tone of mark'
steady; prime mixed $14.25 14.75; '
medium mixed $13.25 14.00; rough
heavies $11.35li.8C; pigs. $12.S0(
13.00. :' ' '' -' .
Sheep: Receipts 772;tone of market
steady; prime lambs $11.00 11.68;
fair to medium lambs $10.00 19.60;
yearlings $8.009.00; wethers (I.Hff
8.50; ewes, $5.00 7.00.
Bismarck. N; D., Nov. 4. Governor
Frazier today called a conference ot
North Dakota coal operators for to
morrow afternoon to discuss his pro
posal that the Btate operate the mine
during the nation-wide coal strike. It
is understood miners ot this state will
join the strike unless their demands
are met, as a result of this conference-.
Governor Frazier continued his con- .
ference today with District President
Henry Drennan of the United Miiw
Workers, Drennan had ordered tl
North Dakota miners to remain at
work pending negotiations with th
state government.
From Independence, Dallas' rival
for the title of the most important
town in Polk county, comes E. A.
Foster, a guest today at the BUgh ho
tel. ' ' ':';'; .-' -
205 Oregon Bji3&g
Advance Rumely Ideal
A separator to fit every farm, 4
sizes. 22x36, 28x44, 32x52 and 36x60,
Wood or steel, and a Rumely tractor
to fit every size separator.
Wm. H. Trumn, local agent; Salem,
263 H. Commercial. Phono 413.
i'f i xt YvV n wm f v i i 1 1
I 11 II ai- - ' 'ii
I I L . .
Portland, Or,, Nov. 4. Continue
heavy rf.lns of the last few days re
sulted in a sudden rise In the Wil
lamette liver today which caused log
rafts and ioat houses to be torn from
their moorings, some of tlio mtaklng
a nil spin down sltcam. The Wll-
mette rcre three Yeet here in the
i st 24 ho-rs.
Good home managers make money these day
out of old clothing, shoes, furniture and household
articles by selling them for cash. And it's just
like finding money to get cash for something you'll
never use again. Go through your wardrobe and
your attic today. Get out the old shoes and
clothing, and then 'phone the second-hand dealers
who advertise in our Want Ad columns If you
have furniture or rugs or a piano to dispose of,
sell it with a Want Ad in this paper.
Get Attention with Want Ad$ Like Theset
WANTED Will tmj UOU kllMt oL HLS
Ktm Mwa-ku4 rfothlnt, 'ur r laii. TMr fnt kih. Hu piu
uiim. run. kltohw slmll Mm - I""' " j"":
us. TMwhoo Bl 411 m mIom. ! tut Hi IB
4B0BXSSS - im du MidlUau AUUKBSSl
When you restore to use goods ot equipment
you are no longer using you help yourself and you
help the country. ?
Read and Use the Want Ad in