Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 04, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Similar to - city .systems Liberty
school is now privileged to have de
partmental work In art, music, buai
aess ponmanshlp and gymnasium,
which Includes folk dancing and mili
tary drill. Miss Parkhurst teaches art
tor the entire school and gymnasium
for the eirls two days in each subject
' each week. Miss Hastings ' instructs
from intermediates up In music three
(lays a week. Mr. Webb alternates
daily between the Intermediate and ad
vanced grades in business penmanship.
He also gives military drill to all boys
- .bore the fourth grade twice a week.
Such a plan has given variety to the
work and created much interest besides
permitting specialised effort in certain
Enrollment Big.
liberty has enrolled 36 pupils In pri
mary, 40 in intermediate, and 26 ad
vanced, making a total of 102. Some
families have left the community since
last year, but many more have moved
Hallowe'en Social Ileld.
Those of Liberty community brought
refreshments to the hall and gathered
for a social time, Friday evening. Fol
lowing many delightful games supper
was served as one general spread. The
Hallowe'en spirit was there among the
grownups as well as the young. . The
lights mysteriously went out a few
times, boys and girls bit at or bobbeA
for apples, many sought the fortune
teller, and then a track meet of ten
events followed. These and other
Karnes filled the evening. Much credit
la due Mr. Mumford for conceiving of
this social and for the success of the
School Is Improved, t
The following Improvements and ad
ditions have been made to the school
house this year: a conorete foundation
for stairway in rear has been laid, two
revolving chair and a new dictionary
ataad have been purchased, and the
l)iaio has been repaired and tuned.
IPh4 wainscoting of the building has
teen painted and the floors oiled. The
buIfdlnK has been cleaned and repaired
Arguments In the case of the state
vs. the Maurits . Kllnger eBtate, in
which the state treasurer's office is
seeking to Increase the appraised valu
ation of the estate from $76,000 to
$90,000 were heard by Judge Bushey
of the Marlon county court, Monday
and the case taken under advisement
by Judge Bushey.
Claiming that her husband, J. L.
Cooper, accused her of being in love
with other men, and that ha often
pursued and "shadowed" her in at
tempts to find her In the company of
other men, Mrs. Marie F. Cooper,
Monday started suit for divorce in
district court here.
They were married In Salem, Jan
uary tl, 1105. Mrs. Cooper asks for
ownership of half of the property of
her husband, valued at $3,000 in addi
tion to a divorce.
Showing at Ye Liberty
- oassssw-ssrtr J n
Bert Lytell v 'Lmbardi, LJ'
J si- ., .
to the estate of $1500 is a daughter,
Grace Nichols, and she, waiving the
right of administratrix to the estate,
recommended that Osburn, her uncle,
be named. . .
Eliza T. Wilson, widow of Ceorge M.
Wilson, who died here July 29, 1919,
was made administratrix of her hus
band's estate by an order of County
Judge Bushey today. The estate is
valued at $5000.
Seeking an order from the district
court compelling Adan Orey, W. S.
Bishop and the Oregon Electric com
pany to abide by the terms of a certain
kop contract, Harry I Hart Monday
filed suit with the county clerk. Hart
also asks $1500 for attorney's fees en
the suit, and an order restraining Orey,
fcishop and the company from taking
further action on the contraot.
Mart -claims that he recently came
Into possession of a contract held by
Ceorge Bird & company with Orey
and Bishop, calling for the transfer of
lfi.000 pounds of hops. Toward the
costs of these hops George Birds &
company had paid $9000, according to
Hart's complaint, before he became
owner of the agreement
Several weeks ago.- Hart claims, he
went to a warehouse of the Oregon
Kleotrks company to look at his hops,
and that there he met Orey and Bishop
who refused to let him Bee and Inspect
them. This. Hart says. Is a violation
of the contract. This attitude has been
maintained by the defendants. Hart
claims, although he has offered to pay
the remaining money pending in the
contract.. , .. ... , ,
A motion of attorneys for the Uni
ted 11 rowers company, recently a de
fendant in a suit for judgment brought
$y J. W. Collins, farmer In the Lake
liabish country, for a new trial was
overruled Tuesday by District Judge
Bingham, of department No. 2. Col
lins secured Judgment against the com
pany after testimony proved irregular
ity on the part of the firm in handling
m shipment of onions for Collins,
An order appointing L. H. Osburn
administrator of the estate of Nina
Nichols, who died in Malheur county
May t. 117, was made Tuesday by
County Judge Bushey. The only heir
a w iuj
When You Drink
This healthful drink has
long been the fhvorite of
. train workers and others
wto hove felt riarm from
coffee drinking.
"Tftarei a Reason"
St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 3. Two plans
to bridge distance to save life were
beaten early today by death. '
John Hevlin, here on business, learn
ed his "sonny," John Hevlin Jr., one
year and one week old was dying. The
mother at Pawnee, Okla., said there
could be nothing done for the baby.
Hevlin first arranged with a spe
cialist In childrens diseases here to
direct a delicate operation by tele
phone from here while a physician in
Pawnee, carried out the long distance
Instructions, At the lasUminute It was
decided telephone connections might
make this hazardous.
It was then determined to fly by
airplane to Pawnee at daybreak to
day. At one a. m. the telephone mes
sage came that the child was dead.
(Continued from page one)
Cross during the roll call, November 2
11, will be given a button and a win
dow service flag. The service flag con
sists of a large red cross on a white
background, with the figures "1920" in
blue, beneath the cross. The flag
should be displayed when the first
member of the family Joins, and should
be kept on , display throughout the
year. As other members of the house
hold Join, additional service stars will
be plaoed in position on the flag.
Homes that do not display service flags
will be solicited again during the last
two days of the roll call.
.Local Chapter Efficient.
Mrs. A. J. Rahn, chairman of the
third Red Cross roll call, received a
personal communication today from C.
D. Stlmson, war time division manager
and chairman of the advisory commit
tee of the northwestern division of the
American Ked Cross, expressing his
appreciation of the work that the Wil
lamette chapter is accomplishing. ' As
additional proof that the work of the
chapter Is duly noticed, the following
article appeared In the last Red Crons
Bulletin, Issued from division head
quarters In Seattle:
"With the exception of the Spokane
and Portland chupter.a the Willamette
probably has more branches than any
other diopter in the northwest divis
ion, comprising the rich and populous
counties of Marlon and. Polk. It has
the largest membership of any chapter
In Oregon outside, of Portland, and Is
authorized to send in a whole book of
membership blanks, twenty names to
Khe blank." . '
Marriages And
Births Mount
New York. Nov. 4. (United Press.)
When Mars stepped out, Cupid step
ped in.
And now -practically a year after
signing of the armistice births anil
marriages for last month show a de
cided Increase over the same month
last year, according to nation-wide re
ports gathered by the United Press to
day. In many cities the births arid mar
riages for October of the present year
are nearly double those of last year.
Oklahoma.. City's babies Jumped from
81 In October, 1918, to 160 In 1919 and
marriage licenses increased from 67 to
157. Atlanta added 393 youngsters to
its population this October, compared
with 24S last year. Kansas City has
647 new babies last month compared
to 479 a year ago.
In Chicago 4430 couples marched to
the altar last month. A year ago only
1961 licenses were taken out In Den
ver the ligures more than doubled, 307
marriage Unceses this October to 148
last year. ;...
Billings. Mont.. Nov. 4. The public
schools were closed here today on ac
count of a coal famine resulting from
the strike.
The Joy Of A.
Perfect Skin
W)Know the joy and
Y nappmess intu comes
to one thru possessing
a skin of purity and
beauty. The soft, dis
tinguished appearance it
renders brines out your
natural beauty to its full-
est. In use over 70 years.
There is one sure way that never
falls to remove dandruff completely
and that is to dissolve it This de
stroys it entirely. To do this, Just get
about four ounces of plain, ordinary
liquid arvon; apply it at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub tt in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning, -most if. not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single Bign and trace of it, no
matter how much dandruff you may
have. .
You will find, too-, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
, You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It Is Inexpensive, and four
ounces is all you will need. This sim
ple remedy has never been known to
fail. . (Adv)
The first assembly In observance of
National Better Speech, held Monday
afternoon at the senior high school
building, was a student body sing led
by Mr. Davison, director of music.
Principal Nelson and Ralph Wilson,
president of the student body, made In
troductory remarks in keeping with
the occasion . The verses used for the
songs were written by Audra Bunch,
Lucile Matlock and Ralph Hamilton,
all students of the high school.
on Eczema
It will take joit few morwoti tottep
in and ask us what our experience hoi
been in tha way of grateful euitomers '
with the toothing wain of oils, D. U. 1).
85c, ooc and 11.80. Your money back
onleu the ant battle ralievu you. a
M Ioticinibr SKn Disease
J. C. Perry's.
'''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -
Buster Brown Shoes
Are always in the lead. In wet weather
they protect the feet and in dry weather
they develop the feet They come in all sty
les and air sizes, but in only one quality, i. e.
the very best. v,
We carry a complete stock. Bring the
children to us for proper foot care. All are
rightly priced from $3.00 up.
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
125 North Commercial Street
MM .
We Are
I Overstocked 1
on 30x3 Smooth Tread Casings
To re-tire your Ford for wet weather driving at this
exceptional low price
rrs ECo::o;.iY
Discard your partly worn ut tires and put them
away for next season's driving. By so doing vou can
double your mileage: Partly worn tires do not last
long when driven in wet weather. '
Formerly Vick Brothers
President's Message May
Ask uoYercment Ownership
Washineton. Nov. 4. After a con
ference with Secretarv Tnmultv nt the
White House, former Senator Lewis of
Illinois predicted that the president's
message to the December session of
the congress would contain -recommendation
that the srovernment mir-
chase coal mines, coal fields, oil wells
and oil lands throughout the United
No Need To Be Thin,V
bcrawny Or Sallow
If you are thin and want to be
plump; if you have wrinkle in your
face that you are not roroud of: if the
skin Ui sallow or subject to pimples or
blackheads, take Mi-o-na stomach tab
lets lor two weeks and notice the
change. ,
The majority of the thin people are
thin because the stomach does net per
form its duties properly. It is not se
creting sufficient of the natural di
gestive juices and in consequence does
not extract from the food enough, nu
tritive matter to nourish every part of
the body.
Jdino-na stomach tablets are intended
to build up the stomach so that it will
act properly and extract from the food
tne elements necessary to form flesh.
If you are thin try two weeks treat
ment of Mi-o-na stomach tablets they
are small, eass'lv swallowed and are
sold on the guarantee of money back
if they do not overcome chronic indi
gestion, acute or chronic, stop stomach
disturbance, belching, heartfburn, sour
stomach, and any after dinner distress.
For sale by Daniel J. Fry 'and aH
leading druggists. (Adv)
Portland, Or., Nov. 3. Burglars
jimmied into an outside show case of
the Wonder Millinery store, on the
brilliantly lighted Sixth and Alder
street corner, in the heart of the
business district last night and stole
two fur coats valued at J1.009.
Look at Tongue! Eemove Poison From
Stomach, Liver and Bowels
Accept "CaEfornia" Syrup of Tigs
only look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most harm
less laxative or physio for the little
stomach, livter and bowels. Children
love its delicious fruity taste. Full di
rections for child's dose on each bot
tle. Give lit without fear.
Mother! You must say "California"
"Gets-If Peels Off
Corns Painlessly,
Off They Come like Banana Skin. 2
Or 3 Drops, That's All
mi,ni.nfd a murfformifl- riftinful 'way ta
A then there is the-
peaceful, glorious 'pecl-it-off " ''ets
It" way. After you have tried ' "Gets-
It" you will say "Never again" to an
i Cutttf Quit hi . "CuJfrtcklil
other methods. This is because 'Gets'
It" is tho only corn remover on earth,
that makes corns peel off just like al
banana skin. Two or throe drops will
do the work, without fussing or trouble.
You apply it in 2 or 3 seconds. It drien
immediately. ''Gets-It" does the rest,
without bandages, plasters, blood-bringing
knives or razors. Get rid of that
eorn-pain at once, so that yon can work
and play without corn torture. Be sure
to use "Gets-It". It never fails.
"Gcts-It, the only sure, guaranteed,
money-back corn-removor, costs but a
trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E.
Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111.
Bold in Salem and recommended as
tho world's beat corn remedy by J. C.
Perrv. D. J. 'Fry. Wm. Ncimeyer and.
Capital Drug Store; (aav.)
I . - mJi - - j I
The Keith Konqueror
Shoes for Women
Need no introduction regarding Style, workmanship, quality. This shoe will
stand the hardest wear. But, on account of the fact that we cannot buy' any
high heels from this maker, we are going to ;
To" Close Them Out
Regular $13.50 shoe, brown kid, closing out price $10.90
Regular $13.50 Genuine Calf, closing out price ....$10.90
This Shoe is Ideal for Winter Wear
Regular $13.50 Beaver Brown Kid, Closing out price. $10.90
Regular $13.50 Two-tone Calf shoe, closing out price ..$10.90
An Excellent School Shoe for Growing Girls
Regular $9.00 Brown or Black Oxfords, closing out price $7.50
Regular $9.00 Brown or Black Kid Pumps, closing out price ...$7.50
Nurses and Teachers
We have the ORTHOPEDIC SHOE which is made in laststo give the neces
sary comfort without sacrificing Style. We have these shoes in black, kids
Simply put them on and forget that you have a new pair of shoes.