Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 03, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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W. C. Knighto of Portland, chair
man or the state board of archjteet
examiners, was a business visitor at
the state capitol this morning.
Answering the nlea of "The rjrent-
jst Mother n the World" R. W:
loungr, 'a returned- soldier, was the
first dollar subscriber to -.the third
Red Cross roll call In Salem.
77, for quick taxi service.
I mm. it I I : ' : -- . . UU rXVUi.
All A j T mmm MEET ME AT MEYERS mMmxmiSl
riiui Arornid lown
.. rp.:: u:-: LI-J V -f jjl f- ' lrJlv; v- - 1 KiAV U-'S
! ' The music department of the Salem i S I " 1 111 A liSs- . $i H II' . -if, If II CO
Woman's club will meet tonight at m J LA V I: 11 if II , , VT. ' ! ! I! H 11 i! V: E ' ' if II'' . "GO
7:45 at the home of Miss Dorothy . I fltl "' II iXll M ii 0 f'! U 1 f V II " FwW II H ffi
fcjPearce, 267 North Winter street. This OS I t i 11 I i 1 H 1 I II I fi" If 11 I II 8 I I I f
(e department is open to all members of i (35 -l J Li . , L lA ii Li 'sb ' 1 -t JJ fl II 4 i J tl JJ II k S5J
jthe club. j Sg .- . u d U M . U Ll Ii Li f j H
I -nif n ' . . V,.Waz , fl
11UW Suits -.-SB 2-a.M-rS 100 S
To clean up. they are 'lfa-: !Ml'tJ
; -priced l'ess than MfJ iff' 'M l" '""""iPf
" Nov. 3 and 4 Bazaar In St.
Josephs hall.
Nov. 3 Businessmen's
luncheon, noon, Commercial
Nov. 3 American Legion
meets 7:30, Commercial club.
Nov. 4 Salem Floral soci
ety, 7:30, Commercial club.
Nov. g Salem Woman's
club, 2:30 pj m., Commercial
w,,r,f0i o-i-i., i i , J ltoy ""mart has" returned from
g Wanted, girls to work in. parlor at;pringle where he hag been Te3iaing
j for the past two years and will again
Viavi, the home remedy. Jlrs. Poor, ,mart was formerly proprietor of the )y
Hotel Marion. 201 Liberty store. , . ' O,
I flf
G. H. Binkert and" Paul M. Smith I George L. Cooper, deputy head con- iCf.
were over from Dallas Friday. sl of the Modern Woodmen of Amer-
, "I'ica, will spend the coming week in
Oreeon Taxi & Transfer Co. Phone iIal!as where he has installed a court
L. A. Miller of Hubbard was among
the guests at the Bligh hotel Friday.
with a large membership.
State Senator M. D. Shanks of Con
don, a former Salem resident and a
graduate of Willamette university, has
, . moved his law office to Lebanon, ac-
SpecialCretonnes, values 60c, 60c, ,n ,j i , t. j
. r ... , ' ' cording to word received .by friends
75c and $1 now 35c. Hamilton s. 262 j,v.
Wanted, girls to work In parlor at
Spa. ;
Portlanders who visited in Salem
Friday were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cox
S. B. Catterlin, pioneer real estate
dealer of Salem, who was -forced to
reire because of ill health some years
ago, has re-entered the business and
opened offices at 540 State street.
t r'.i " Tacoma never worries its head
gents tailors, want garments to re-! about the , 0regon R A
model. Room , 442 State St.
A resident .of Silverton is J. E. Ho
baugh, who spent a few hours In Sa
lem Friday as the guest of friends.
Leather belting. P. E. Shafei, liar
ness and saddlery. 170 S. Commercial.
From Broadacres come the Whit
ney brothers, A. L. and O. C. who
visited here Friday.
Astoria, which from a naval standpoint-Is
the .most talked ef town in
Oregon, was represented In Salem
Friday by J. K. Series.
AH This Season's
Must be sold this week.'
To clean up they are '
priced less than
Wanted, girls to work In parlor at
J A party of tourists from Monango
North Dakota, stopped over in Sa
lem Friday, on their way to Califor
nia. Those in theparty were C. C.
Colwell and family Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Colwell and Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Colwell. '
A prune buyer from Portland is
J. Ji Lasselle, who was In the capital
city on business Friday.
Dr. S. C. Btone will he found at Ty
ler's Drug Store, 157 South Commer
cial street.
A little town, named after a big
man, is Lafayette, the home of George
Kodama, -a visitor in Salem Friday.
Norma N.TerwilliKer,licensed lady em
balmer with Terwilliger Funeral Home,
770 Chemekota fit.. Phone 724. "
Charles Wallace left for Oregon
City Saturday, where he has taken a
position In' the paper mills.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lafky, formerly
of Corvallis, have purchased a home
in Salem and are making arrange
ments to move in soon. At present
they are domiciled at the Bligh hotel.
Jack Campbell, formerly employed
in the Kay Woolen mills, has return
ed from Long Beach, Cal., where he
held a position in a similar plant for
the past three years, and again en
tered the local, mills in the capacity
of weaver.
Dance at Moose hall
Word has been received at the lo
cal Home service, office, from the fed
eial board of vocational education in
I Seattle, that the' vocational adviser,
R. G. White, will be in Salem Novem
ber 6th and th, to interview disabled
soldiers. '
J. S. Talbot, who came to Salem
Friday to attend the final session of
the Bible conference, returned home
Saturday evening.
Rexall One Cent Sale Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Nov. 6, 7, 8. Circu
. lars at store giving list of goods and
prices. Perry'B Drug Store. (adv)
Miss Clara .Breitenstein and Miss
Olga Gray spent the week end in
Corvallis as guests of Miss Ethel Fra
ser anl Miss Irene Curtiss at their
sorority house.
Dance at Moose hall
Miss Muriel Grant of Dallas was in
Salem today, transacting business for
the Polk County Observer.
This week's) drapery special Fancy
Madronettes, full line colors. Regular
75c now 49c. Buy W. S. stamps. Ham
ilton's. - 262
The Home restaurant on North
Commercial street, which has been
closed for the past thirty days, re
opened this morning. ' ,
Home restaurant, 223 North Com
mercial, will reopen for business No
vember 4th at 6:30 a. m. 260
Miss Laura Ames, formerly a stu
dent of Willamette university, came
up from Portland Sunday to visit
.friends. ' y
Mr., and Mrs.' L.- Alayo ot Chicago
spent Suitaay In Salem. ' "
Spanish War Veterans, all veterans
are requested to be present at regu
lar meeting Monday. Nov. -8. Many
from other camps will be present.
Special business. Eats, V. L. Masten,
Commander. W
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Badger, formerly
residents of Polk county, but who now
make their home In Los Angeles,
spent the week end in Salem.
Among the Portlanders who chose
Salem as a desirable place In which
to pass the week end, were .Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Cohagon.
T. ItnAlianMi i affant in Marlon
and Polk counties for the National Life
Insurance Co., TJ. S. A. See him for a
full Teturn premium policy on yonr
Kfe, it's the only kind. Phone 1332 J
for interview. 867
Grand chief ranger of the Foresters
of America, Charles E. Ramp of Sa
lem, accompanied by James Bain of
Portland, went to Albany Saturday
evening to attend an important meet
ing of the Albany court.
KLY $45.00 1 S ' $65.00 RLY $85.00 ffiT $125.00
00129"" $39.85 $59.85 $S3.85
Watch for National Blouse Week. What's That? A Money Saver. .
. ' 1HHM4 MM (MM H) MMMMtHMUMHt -M-tttttl t M t M M M tHIHO.IIllll
Tomorrow's Big Sale
Kiddies Coveralls
Blue pin Checked
- Cheviot Shirting
Trimmed in Red. Makes an
ideal play agrment.
Saves the good clothes -and
-gives' the Kiddie an
enjoyable Freedom
Ladies9 and
For the benefit of the
early shopper who de
sires plenty of time for
selection, we announce
the arrival of our
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Q. Mills of
Portland arrived in Salem Saturday
evening and will remain until Thurs
day as the guests of relatives. Mr.
Mills is the nephew of Mr. and Mrs.
E. T. Barnes, and his marriage to a
Denver girl was an event of late October.
The funeral of Mrs. Mildred Geor
gia Denison, 33, wife of Charles K.
Denison, who died at the family resi
dence, foot of Court street Friday
evening, was held at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon at the chapel of Webb and
Clough, Court and High streets. Dr.
Porter officiated. Burial was at the
City View cemetery.
The -oolllaton of two autos, driven
by T. E. McLeon, 920 Leslie street,
city and Lester Gunn, 414 11th street,
Portland, at the corner of State and
High streets yesterday morning was
brought to the attention . of police.
No arrests were made, after McLeon
and Junn agreed to settle the differ
ences between them serves.
visited their childhood home In that
tate. The return trip was made thru
California, where they were enter
tained by relatives In San Francisco
and Stockton.
A supply of Victory buttons and
badges for men in the navy is ex
pected In Portland about November
15th. The buttons are intended for
civilian dress and the badges for men
still in the service. Mrs. Alice H. Dodd
secretary of the Home service of the
American Red Cross, will give any
further Information desired, to those
who will call at the Home service of
fice in the post office.
H. J. Schulderman, corporation
commissioner, left Sunday for Chica
go where he will appear as a witness
for the government in the prosecu
tion of the Pan-Motor company, a $9,
000,000 corporation charged with a
violation of the "Blue sky" law, and
with using the mails to defraud. The
company was denied admittance into
Oregon by Schulderman after an ex
amination into Its merits.
You Can Always Do Better at
Curtains and
Now is the time to brighten up
the home and prepare for the
grey days of winter. A big'ship
ment of CRETONNES has just
reached us. They are pleasingly
f l t&h
Who Always Does Better By You
hat . . VAJ
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fenton' of Eu
gene were among the out of town vis
iters In Salem yesterday.
Wearing a "My Oity Oakland" ex
pression upon iiis face, C. A. Holton
of the Golden state registered at the
Marion hotel this morning.'
The Capital Post, American Legion,
will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at
the Commercial club. Chief, .among
the business to be transacted is the
polling of opinion of the members as
to what the standing army of the
United States should be. The matter
of government life Insurance will also
be discussed. Reports from various
committees will be heard. 'he com
mittee In charge of the dance to be
given at the armory the ntght of No
vember 11, Armistice day, is expected
to Teport that all is ready for the big
jubilee. .
Mrs. Rose Fletcher of Portland vis
ited with friends In Salem yesterday.
A resident of Astoria Is Charles E.
May, who spent Sunday as, the guest
of friends in the capital city. .
. Formerly a resident of Salem, and
no wengaged in the dry goods busi
ness in Newport, O. E. Franzke spent
Sunday here,
The cedars of Lebanon were the in
spiration of more than one teller, of
tales in the old -days when Judea was
a power among nations, an although
Lebanon, Oregon, is not o far famed
as her biblical sinter, her cltiaens are
just as proud of her as tthough she
were. Dr. and Mr. R. B. Miller of
that town wee In Salem Sunday.
"i 252 North High 8treet
C. It. Pratt, formerly a business
man of Salem, has returned from
Northern Alaska where be has been
associated for the past two years with
the Alaska-Portland Packing associa
tion. He has purchased two residence
properties In Salem, which he will re
model and rent. Mr. Pratt will be re
membered as the candidate for con
stable against the present chief of po
nce, some years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelley of Inde
pendence, are in Salem as the guestii
of relatives. They arrived "from the
east, Sunday morning, where they
have been sojourning for the past two
months, having attended the G. A. R.
(conference . in Columbus, Ohio, and
Asa Fordyce of Klamath Falls,
county commissioner of Klamath
county; W. H. Mason, editor of the
Klamath Falls Record; Geo. W. Ow-
len of Ashland, county commissioner
iof Jackson county and G. A. Gardner,
.county judge of Jackson county, were
(state capitol visitors this morning
, while in Salem en route to Portland
to attend the session of the state high
way commission, Tuesday. The ex
penditure of $1,000,000 of county,
Istate and federal funds, on roads in
iKlamath county during the coming
jyear is contemplated in plans ow
j under way, according to Commission-
er Owen. The delegation is to meet
jwith a lelegation from Wasco and
Sherman counties in Portland this af-
Urnoon relative to plans for further
ting the work on The Dalles-California
'state highway now under course of
Sa!em, One Night
Wednesday, Nov. 12
The greatest theatrical event ever
in Oregon, coming in all Its oom
pleteness, headed by America's
greatest actor
Guy Bates
"Lombardi Ltd."
Ye Liberty
HMIIMOttlllttntllHMIII tHtlttttttitWH
The Masquerader
Prices $1 to J.2.50. Advance sale
opens Nov. 10 at Opera House
Pharmacy. .
Have your glasses made by an institution
that is thoroughly established. Where you : :
are sure of getting a perfect fitting and i
, where guarantees are made good. A spec- ?
, , ialist in charge of optical department. ;
Jewelers and Opticians
talent Oregon I
Our. estimable con
'duct has caused us
to be ooimu&udod
by the people of
this community.
They have faith Jn
our ability and de
pendability and we
will see to it that
no Incident ' of our
professional career
shall luae us their
tWli". -1 ,TJ-- ..II
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
Good 5 putwc mger car will trade
. for wluit luivc you
Phone J753' 64 Furry St.
Methodist of Amity are building a
$10,000 church edifice on a new site
Pom llin tinuiiioau n.tntni nt Ih. rltir