1 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919. pageijinu eujToy -Where Small A N CLASSIFIED AD rates. Rate per word -Each insertion one cent, six insertion S cents, one month, 26 insertions. It cents, un ji-ar, per month, 9 cents. Minimum pr ad .25 cents. First insertion only in New Today. City ads cash in advance and not tak en over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account No allowance for phone errors ' - New Today. LOST Silver fountain pen. Phone 434. ...... . 259 Et'GS cleaned 40c per rug. rhone 16. 1. L. Buckner. . - - 264 FOR SALE Ten milch cows. Phone 34F2 or 2357J. 261 FOR SALE Late 191T Ford, new body. 1023 N. 17fli; 261 FOR SALE 6 room house, 1239 Broadway. Phone 205TJI. 264 FOR RENT 5 room modern flat for rent furnished. Call 686J. 60 FOR RENT' Two furnished house keeping rooms. 481 Union St. 259 FOR SALE Good 4 year old horse. One Shropshire buck. Phone 107 F4- 261 FOR SALE Baby buggy, good con dition. Call afternoons 1145 Cross St. 259 FOR SALE 7 room modern house, 4. good location. $2500. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 271 LOST A man's right hand, brown leather, white fur lined glove. Find er phone 1502. 260 FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa lem, stock and implements for sale. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 271 ONE late model Maxwell in excellent condition, will be sold at a sacri fice for cash. 170 S. 12th St. Phone 458.., . 259 EXCHANGE 26 acres improved, paved road, $4000. for modern house. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 261 FOR SALE si-horse boiler -and en gine, 1st class shape. Phone 35F11. 281 FOR SALE Fresh cow. 1110 Cross St. S. 12th St. Call mornings, Sa lem, Or. . 260 WIDOW worth $50,000 age 25. anx ious to -marry honorable gentleman Write Mrs. Warn 2216 1-2 Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal. LOST Dog, little brown wire haired terrier, answers to name Jimmv. Liberal reward, Bligh hotel, M. Cor rigan. 259 FOR SALE One bay mare 7 vears old, weight 1300, gentle, well'brok- en. A. Eugene Aufranc, Rt. G, box " 6. Phone 19F5. ., ; . 61 FOR SALE-5' acres of. loganberries, 2 room house. 2 miles from citv limits. Price $2500. Address Owner, G P care Journal. 259 WANTED First class carpenter, out of work for 10 days will be glad to help any one during this time.. Box Help care Journal. 259 YOUR, future foretold. Send dime age, birthdate for truthful, reliable.' con vincing trial reading. Hazel Hanse, Box 21a, Los Angeles, Cal. LOST Pocketbook containing change em Chemeketa or Center between Liberty and 666 N. 20th, or between 665 N. 16th and Center. Finder call , 1205R.' Reward. 260 WANTED Bookkeeper wanted for large firm, $125 per month. State age, education and experience in detail in your application. Box 240 Capital Journal. DIAMOND WANTED Will pay cash tor bargain in large diamond. Will leave Salom Tuesday so if you have one for sale answer nt once. Box Wanted, Capital Journal. 60 FOR TRADE 160 acres of land, 136 acres in cultivation, 26 acres pas ture and bottom land; good barn, well fenced. Would like city or acre age. Price $11,600. Address Owner G P care Journal. 259 SALESMEN Economy line of calen dars, leather goods and ank sup plies, good commissions; exclusive contract and territory; established house. Economy Advertising Co., Iowa City, Iowa 259 Salom Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Cas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore. FOR SALE Ten room double house on State St . fivo ... i Modern with furnace heat. Large ioc wun iruit trees, cherries, apples na pears, uwner moving to Cali fornia will sell cheap. Inquire- 665 K. Cottage St. Phone 1901, 265 AUCTION KALE Mnnilnr Km- 9 1919, at C. E. Mcllwain farm One mile west of North Howell school commencing at 1 p. -m, All farm machinery, small tools and 1 Cleve land tractor, plows, disc, mower, rake. etc. 1 land plaster seeder. All farm and garden tols, 1 1000-lb. Chevrolet delivery car in good con dition. All household goods. 259 FORTUNES made in Texas oil. Own an interest in a royalty syndicate now paying 26 percent on par. Send for illustrated prospectus. Heard Brltton Syndicate,. Dundee bldg.. Ft. Worth Tex, 259 ABSOLUTELY FREE $1 aero map of oil fields. Attractive and inter esting relief map, size 418x24. Han? Jt in your home or office. See the arflaaug. development work of the largest producing oil fields, in the world at a glance. Limited edition; write immediately- -for free copv be fore "supply is exhausted. Union Trust company,. Dept. 474, Houston Texas. 259 WANTED Hustling salesman who nas sold implements or other goods to farmers, to sell groceries whole sale. Beginners earn $250 to $300 i?nmnth- ExP"ienced men, $300 to uo. farmers Bave 20 percent. Our guarantee "Satisfaction or money j If ron can inalirvj give age and experience in detail. Address East Stark 259 WANTED Lady cook, dishwasher and waitness, 223 N. Com'l. 261 WANTED Ex-soldier wants employ ment. Hasten years business exe perience as salesman and general office work, from clerk to office manager. Box 11 Capital Journal. ' . l . - 260 FOR SALE AND MEN WANTED I want men to cut 2000 cords nice second fir wood at $2 per cord and take land nt from $25 per acre to $7o in tracts from 5 to 50 acres. Will pay 1-2 cash, remainder to be applied in payment of the land. Will give a job of hauling if desired. John H. Scott, 228 Oregon bldg. Salem. 261 For Sale. FOR SALE Good rauge with con Phone 11.7:7. 25a FOR SALE A few good young hens and pullets. 1766 Lee St. 2 FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l con dition. 1720 Chemeketa St. 278 A GOOD riding pony for sale, good With children. 1348R. 259 FOR SALE 500 used brick and 14 cases 2x8x20. Phone 79SW. 259 FOR SALE A few well bred R. I. Red cockerels. Phone 62F2. 260 BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St. 276 FOR SALE 6 room semi-modern house, $700. Inquire 1105 Leslie St. 261 FOR SALE Pigs from five to Bix weeks old. G. W. Thurman, phone . 8F13. 263 FOR SALE 3 barrel gasoline tank and pump, good condition, vvnte Box 43, Marlon, Or. 262 FOR SALE If you are looking for houses call 1213 Center St. I have them on easy terms. 259 FOR SALE 6 tons baled cheat hay at Marion, $20 per ton. E. F. Whe lan, Salem, Rt. 4. 259 FOR SALE 5 nice lots with fruit, 4 room house, on car line, for $1750, " terms. V-"B care Journal. 259 FARMS FOR SALE A tew bargains in dairy farms. Write to H. C. Por- ter, Aumsville, Marion Co.,. Or. 201 FOR SALE 100 head god stock ewes or will put 50 head on share. Phone ' 26F33. B. H. Kaiser, Macleay, Or. 261 FOR SALE 40 acres best soil, all un rw cultivation, some orchard, stock and implements, 6 miles north, $10, ""). T-44 care Journal. 208 FOR SALE 3 factory buildings jblri- ing 4880 feet floor space, with 20x 40 foot warehouse 803 N. Liberty St. W, Fennel. , ; . . tj 259 FOR -SALR -80hea4. Cotswold ewes and registered ram; also registered Shorthorn bulls. Cromley Bros., Phone 60F12. 260 FOR SALE--40 acre prune orchard 5 miles south of Salem, 1-4 mile from end of paved road for sale at $400 per acre, terms. Call at 1099 S. High St. or Phone 1142J. 262 FOR SALE I have 60 farms listed to sell from 20 to 600 acres. Both improved and unimproved. Write V. R. Putnam, WToodburn, Or. 260 FOR SALE Or trade, Berkshire boar 18 months old; also some stock hogs. Phone 39F4, L. Bechtel, Sa lem, Rt. 7, box 142A. 260 FOR SALE Young cow, good milk er. Wanted some farmer east of town see me about wood, straw and hay. Rt. 7, box 14. 259 FOR SALE Che-p, 40 acres, 6 clear ed, raise onions: house, barn, chick en house, rest timber land; 7 miles from Creswell. Inquire 960 High land Ave. - 259 FOR SALE 3 young mares suitable for riding and driving, $15 each; pigs 2 months old $5 each; shoats and brood sows. Simon Hop ranch, Rt. 8, Salem. Phone 69F14. 263 FOR SALE 8 head of fine dairy cows, fresh and coming fresh. These are all good cows and I will - sell them at the right prices. If you want one for family use come early and get first choice. Ask for R. E. Neal at Center street feed barn. 269 FOR SALE Farm for sale, nearly 24 acres of first class fruit land abouti 14 acres under cultivation; all- new buildings, gravity water sys tem, close to school on good gravel road, one block from Yeoman sta tion. C. M. Robinson, Rt. 6, box 26A, Salem, Or-. 261 FOR SALE River bottom land sit uated 16 miles north of Salem, of 161 acres, 40 acres cleared. Hard and cottonwood timber, house and barn. The finest kind of loganber ry land at $66 per acre. Will take some trade. Merlin Harding at Sa lem Hardware Co. 261 FOR SALE 46 acres land near New- berg, 25 acres fruit, mostly Italian prunes, all in bearing. Comfortable buildings, good teams, implements, feed, good dry house, under good fence. Will sell or trade for acre or two that would make good home. M. B. Ebbert, Newberg. 261 FOR SALE 130 acres east of Salem on good road, 120 acres cultivated and 60 acres now sowed to wheat The buildings ure new and modern. The house has 6 rooms and is on a sightly location; has fine water sys tem to all buildings. This place is e real snap at $20,150. See Fred V. Durbin, 27S 8late St. 260 Second Hand Goods. LIBRARIES bought and sold. Sims, 143 N. High. Phone 340. 266 TURN1TURE HOSPITAL I have opened a first class shop repairing and refinishing of all kinds, up holstering a specialty. Will call and estimate your work. . Phone 1742; M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St. 275 No Cash Required Good overcoats, shoes and suits, all kinds of musical instruments, shotguns, ri'ies, heating rtoves, gas stoves, suit caes and 1.000 other useful articles to i U or trade. What have you? The Capital Ex change, 337 Court St Phone 493. H. C. Hunting. .407 street, Portland, Or. Wanted. - WANTED To t-nt furnished house. Loom 14, Baker apts. 263 WANTED Moving and hauling. The Biederman Transfer. Phone 1608J. i - , 264 WANTED Highest price paid for i fat cattle and milch cows. Phone 1576W. 279 WANTED Intelligent Christian wo man for light house work. 173 S. , Cottage. 259 WANTED Girl for general house . work in family of 4 and baby. Phone 14S8. . 259 WANTED Ranch hand $50 month and board. Phone 931T23 or call at 586 N. High St. - 263 WANTED High school boy wants place to work for room and board. - Adress box 100 care Journal. 259 WANTED Modern five or six room furnished house, good locality. References. C S care Journal. 262 WANTED Furnished apartment or rooms. Can furnish best of refer ences. Address box 22, Journal. 259 WANTED We have two good teams and will do plowing by day or con tract. 804 S. 20th and Waller, Sa lem, Or. 261 WANTED Woman to work by the hour, on Monday of each week. Call at 316 N. Church St. or phone 1238 mornings. 260 WANTED Two wood cutters. Long contract,- good living quarters and close to school. Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Oregon building. Phone 1427 WANTED To rent, six or seven room modern house, close in, furn ished or unfurnished by reliable : party. No childrn. Wm. Neimeyer, 444 State St. Phone 167. . . WANTED Ladies and gents gar ments to remodel, no alterations too difficult. 'Mrs.- C. Ezra Sparks, lady tailor. C. Ezra Sparks, man tailor. Call room 2, 442 State St. 260 WANTED Hello, hello! Another new ' and secondhand . furniture store, 415 S. 12th, a block from S. P. depot. If you have anything to offer call for H. M. Canon. Phone 966. 260 ' Why Sell For Less? WE will pay you more cash for your . household goods. Get- our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 734. Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 Inches high. Pairtts, oipt and varn ishes, etc., loganberry "md hop hooks. Salem Fence anC Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phase 124 Miscellaneous. CHIMNEY sweep, furnaces cleaned. Phone 191. 262 'WALFELT" superior to cloth at about half price. Max O. Buren, Com'l. St. 276 REX Dry paste, no cooking required, works better and sticks tighter than flour. Max O. Buren, Com'l 8t 276 TAKEN UP 5 hogs estray came to my place. Please come and de scribe property and pay damages, and feed bill and for. this av. M. Lengele, Salem, Rt 8. 259 NOTICE This ranch for exchange, will take a residence not over $1500 as part pay. I wish to exchange my ranch at once for part cash and part mortgage bnck. Will take a residence up to $1500, and $1500 in cash and carry back $2000. The ranch consists of 28 acres of the best of land, fair improvements, lo cated 1 1-2 miles from town, on paved road. If you are interested see me at once. Room 1, Bayne bldg., Salem, Ore. Niemeyer's Buys. New Today 8 room modern house on Mill St. Lot 75x160. $1900. 4 room bungalow, modern and neat, on South 21st street. Lot 60X100. $1150. 8 room strictly modern house on Center St $4200. 6 room modern house on Belmont. All built in features. Lot 42x66. Some fruit. Cement walks. $2500. 120 acres 4 miles south of Salem. 84 acres cultivated; 36 timber; 22 orchard. 2 houses, 2 barns all in good condition. Good water piped from spring to buildings. $100 acre. 32 acres all cultivated; 22 acres prunes; 4 loganberries. Good water. 5 rom house, also good barn and out buildings. $12,000. 10 acres 6 miles south on good road, modern 3 room house. Good fruit. $3500. 84 acres near Airlie, 50 acres cul tivated, balance pasture and timber. Good buildings. $60 an acre. Will trade for city property. Just real estate and high class In vestments. 216-216 Masonic bldg., Sa lem. Phones 1000, 1014. 259 Auctioneers. G. SATTERLEE Office 124 South Liberty street Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and stock sales. W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer. WThy not get him. He only charges 2 per cent. . ... Everything Electrical. SALEM ELECTRIC CO., Masonic Temple. 127 North High. Phone Main 1209. We Want. Your used furniture, stoves, carpets and tools, as we pay fair prices for everything. Call 947. CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNI TURE CO. 283 North Commercial St j V. H. SIOSHEM . f DOES . HIGH CLASS LADIES TAILORING - . Optometrists.- DR. L. HALL WILSON -Specialist in the Modern Scientif ic application of glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of eye strain and headache. Office closed Satur day: Off ice- 210-211 U. S. bank build ing. Phones, office 145; res.-1244. DR ALBERT R. MILLER, Optomet rist, eyes examined and glasses fit ted. Broken . lenses duplicated. Hours at off ice. daily, 4 p. m. to S p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Appointment by phone any hour. 610-13 U. S. bank. Phone 841. 278 Safety Razor Blades. . SAFETY razor .blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. B. Stew art Repair Shop, 347 Court St. Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. - : Bargains No. 1 9 room home 1 block north of Court street, on south east corner of Chemeketa St. Price $6000. No. 2 8 room home with furnace and fireplace, No. 640 Chemeketa St. 1'rice $5500. No. 3 12 room double house, No. 487 North High, opposite high school. Price $3250. No. 4 5 room bungalow modern except heat. Price $2600. No. 5-r-6 room modern home with garage. Prioe $3600. No. 6 6 acres of land with Im provements. Price $2360. No. 7 5 acres with fair improve ments. Price $2750. The above property is a Uhrgain, and can be bought on terms. W. A. Liston 484 Court St. 259 Good Buys. 11 acre tract located 4 miles south of Salem, 5 acres of 12-year old Ital ian prunes, rock . road. Price $6000. $1000 down, balance 6 years 6 per cent interest. 20 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres of Iogans, 10 acres cherries and ap ples; good plastered house, barn, well, rock road, close to highway. Price $7500.. 4.81 acre tract" all cultivated, best of prune or loganberry land, rock road, 4 miles-'out. Price $1250. 6 acre tract, house and barn 3-4 acre Iogans, some, prunes and cher ries. Price $1600. 6.67 acre tract all cultivated, 5 acres in prunes, good house and barn, Price $3500. , 10 acre tract, 6 acres bearing prunSs, 3 acres 3-years old, 2 acres apples. Price $3760. - 10 acres good soil all cultivated, 6 miles out. Price $1600. 17 acre tract, 10 acres bearing or chard, mostly prunes, 3 room house, barn, well, located on main Pacific highway. Price' $5500, $1500 down, balance 8 per cent interest. Well Improved 10 acre tract locat ed in the Liberty section, good plas tered bungalow, barn, 1 acre logans, 3-4 acre prunes. Price $7000, $5000 down. 10 acre tract, all cultivated, best of bottom land, small buildings, 100 bearing apples. Price $1850. i 10 acres of bearing Italian prunes, 6 and 9 years old. Price $5500. 10 acre tract located east of Sa lem, good 7 room modern house, barn, all stock and machinery goes. Price $8500. 20 acre tract located 1 mile from city limits', 6 acres' in prunes, 6 room house and barn, well, best of soil, good gravel road on ,two sides. Price $10,600. 28 acre tract of first class soil lo cated on paved road. Price. $9000. 20 acre tract of good soil all culti vated and located on main gravel road, good plastered house and barn, best of dark prairie soil. Price $5000. 98 acre farm located on Howell prairie, 50 acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber, house and barn, orchard, located on main Silverton road. Price $13,000. 112 acre farm, 70 acres cultivated, balance pasture, good modern house' and barn, rock road, 5 miles from Sa lem. Price $165 "per acre. 130 acre farm, 120 acres cultivated, balance pasture, good modern -6 room bungalow, good barn, good water sys tem, 50 acres fall wheat seeded, best of soil. Price $20,150. 320 acre farm, 240 acres cultivat ed, balance pasture, good buildings, on main highway. Price $136 per acre HOUS13 BUI8 Good 8 room modern house and large lot. Price $2850. 6 room modern bungalow located at 620 South . 18th street. Price $1650. 6 room modern house located at 735 Ferry street. Price $2000. 8 room modern house at 746 uerry street. Price $3500. 6 room modern house located at 1330 S3. Commercial street. Price $2, 800. 6 room modern house at 1057 Sag inaw street. Price $1750. 3-4 acre tract and 6 room house located in Salem Heights. Price $1850 7 room home located at 148 W. Miller street. Price $2500. 8 room modern home located at 1760 South Liberty street Price $3, 800. 9 room home located at 1395 South High street. Price $3500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street 261 Used Cars for Sale. TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre pared to take care of your cars no matter in what shape they are in and can guarantee absolute satis faction. We are also prepared to do first class repair work on any make of cars. American Automobile Co., 1919 6 PASS. Chevrolet, good as new, new tires, lots of extras. Big reduc tion in price. 1-ton quick delivery. Oakland truck, pneumatic tires, good condition. For sale cheap. Ore gon Traction Co., 173 S. Com'l St. Phone 1600. 259 Plumbing and Water Systems Install' ed by ORABEB BROS., 141 South Liberty St. Phone 550. Also agents for Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engines. Lodge Directory. JC JHEMBKETA Lodge No. t meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. halL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Harry Levy, C. C. ; P. J, Kuntz K. R. & & . : . , . ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets . every Thursday evening in McCor ' naok hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 64.8 Union St recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th St Phone 143SM,- , UNITED ARTISANS Captial Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre tary. 340 Owen street- MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon cedar camp No. 6246 meets every Thursday -evening at 8 o'clock, in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. W. M. Persona, Y. C Frank A.!' Turner, clerk. " V . ... . '. ' '-- DR. JOHN L. " LYNCH Otseopathio pnysician-'ana surgeon, 404 Oregon bldg, Res. Phone 68F5. Office phone 1394. . 270 DR. WM. B. MOTT, formerly of Port land, has located In Salem Occupy ing the offices of his late father, Dr. W. S. Mott, 407-408 Bank of Commerce bldg. Office phone 383, residence phone 696. i ': Best Buys. 30 acres all cultivated, welt fenced. woven wire fence on three sides, one side rail, good barn, half mile from town, great snap. $2350, terms on part if desired. 110 aores, 95 cultivated, 15 pasture. some timber, 12, acres in 6 and 6 year old prunes, 11 acres in one year old; iamny orcnard in bearing, l ; acre Royal Anne and Governor Wood cher ries, 12 years old; all orchard in good condition; 7 room plastered house, 8 years old; hot and cold water, barn J0X4SX18, machine shed and garage, all neoessary out buildings, place wa tered by well and spring, all woven wire fenced and cross fenced, 3 miles of Oregon normal school; equipment as follows: 3 horses, 2 colts, 4 milk cows, 2 yearling calveB, 15 head hogs including brood sows, 50 chickens, 2 wagons, 7-foot binder, 8 plows, spring tooth harrow, corrugated roller and lot of other tools and implements. $18,500, $8000 cash, $10,500 terms 6 per cent. 29 acres, 21 acres cultivated, 8 acres stumps 3 acres mixed orchard, fair house -and- .barn, water system, macadamized road, half mile from school and church, 6 miles from Sa lem. $7360, terms on part. - 60 acres, 45' cultivated, 16 timber pasture, all but 5. tillable; woven wire fence, well watered, fair 6 room house good, barn and out buildings, 2 1-2 miles from good town, macadam road. $6000,v$2500 cash, $3500 terms 4 per cent. 40 acres river bottom land, 20 cul tivated, good improvements, . good fence, stock, farming Implements, etc all included; 2 miles from good town on paved road. $8000.;. 218 acres, 125 cultivated, 94 timber, 139 river bottom, 7 room house, large barn, other out buildings, all stock and .equipment, hop houses, 6 miles from good town, $80 per acre; terms on part. 137 acres, 80 cleared, balance pas ture and timber, family orchard, house,' barn, dandy good ranch. $80 per acre; -mile and half from town in very prosperous community;, terms on $5000 6 per cent. HOUSES 7 room fully modern house, finest panel and wood work, furnace, large lawn, complete set of out buildings, garare, cement floor, cost $7500 six years ago, all in first class condition, offered for a short time at $5000, terms on part. , E room modern bungalow, well planned, good porches, curbed lawn, cement walks, garage, wood shed, chicken house. $1750, $300 cash, $25 per month, 7 per cent. Well built 5 room modern' house, east front, lots of fruit, close to school graveled alley. $1860, $1050 cash, bal ance terms. 6 room bungalow, fire place, large porch, east front, fine garden spot $2000, half cash. 5 room cottage, large rooms, 2 60 foot lots, macadam street, good re pair. $1350, half cash. ( 7 room plastered, well built house. 75-foot front on State street, pave ment paid; fruit and shrubbery. $2, 350, $750 cash, balance 7 per cent. Socolofsky. 341 State (trevt Good Buys. 8 rooms nicely improved, fine lot, some fruit, streets improved, best lo cation in city; look It over, 354 N. Winter St. $4500, $1600 cash, balance long time. . , 8 rooms modern, improved streets, a .real snap, 1096 Chemeketa St. $2, 750 for a quick sale. 7 rooms, large lot. all ' kinds of fruit, bath, electric lights and toilet, 1272 Fir St. $2250, $1000 cash: look at it. 6 rooms modern; a dandy home for some one at $2300; I860 H. Church St. 5 room modern bungalow, two lots: this is a swell place, 1695 N. Liberty St $2501), $800 cash, balance two years. . 6 room modern house; a real snap In S. Salem, one block off street car, $2200, $600 cash, balance monthly. We have several 4 to 6 room good houses from $900 to $1500 on easy payment plan. See us when you want a house or farm. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg , . Investigate These Bargains. 10 acres of best soil. 5 acres bear ing prunes, 2 acres loganberries and 2 acres strawberries new set build ings. Snap, $4000. 30 acres river bottom choice gar den land, buildings and orchard. Only $200 per acre. 85 acre farm 3 miles from Salem, best loam soil, good buildings, orch ards, berries. Snap, $300 per acre. Choice 19 acre bearing prune orch ard near Salem, best buy around 8a- Uem at $500 per acre; will pay 60 per cent on Investment 125 acr river bottom farm near Sniem, farm buildings and 60 acres bearing orchard. Fine Investment for $16,000; terms. For bargains and investments. ; Perrine & Marsters 212 Commercial Club bldg. For Rent FOR RENT House with garden spot Phone 24F4. 260 FOR RENT-Large ' furnished front room, close in. Phone- 1363M. 260 FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms with or without board at 642 North Liberty. , 259 FOR RENT Good farm for rent, eith cash or snares, immeaiate posses sion given. Sea J. H. Lauterman. Argo hotel. Scavenger. Salem Scavanger -Garbage and re fuse of all kinds removed on montn ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal removed. Office phone Main 167. Money To Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Ore. MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass'n. Government money to Joan at 6 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Smith. Lost And Found. LOST Bunch of keys Wednesday night netween commercial ana 690 High street Finder phone 926. Federal Farm Loans 5 1-2 per. cent interest, Prompt serv ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal farm loan bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. Advance Rumely Ideal ! ,.- Separators. A separator to fit every farm, 4 sizes, 22x36, 28x44, 32x53 and 36x60. Wood or steel, and a Rumely tractor to fit every size separator. Wm. H. Trumn, local agent, Salom, 263 N. Commercial. Phone 413. No Safer. Buys In Salem . 8 room house, modern, . adjoins good business block, $4000. 8 room house, modern, close in, S. Salem; $2750. 5 room cottage, plastered, 2 good lots, N. Salem, $1200. ,11 lots, mostly in commercial fruit, good 5 room house, good outbuildings Price $3000 for-.Short time only. 6 1-acre lots, 4 with cottages on, best of soil, selling from $1000 to $2, 500. 6 acres, best of soil, no buildings, 2 blocks off paved road, $1500. 25 acres, best of black loam, 8 miles out, buildings not very good, $200 per acre. 120 acres, 20 in cultivation, balance mostly oak timber, poor buildings, close to rock road, 8 1-2 miles out Enough timber to pay for the farm, $40 per acre short time only. Walter" McLaren Room 25, 180 N. Com. St. 262' Oleson's Auto Exchange 349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK Buys, sells and exchanges used cars Light Studebaker, electric . lights, six good tires, $276 1919 Chevrolet, almost new, shock absorbers, 5 tires, $750. 6 Studebakcra $200 to $1800 1 Ford truck, fine condition, $826 AUTOS TO HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Many other good buys. we sell oils, grease, gasoline, used s-ito parts, tires and accessories. 5!-fMU01S-6 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmKmmmmmmimmmmmmtmm WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon BuifcEng 171 S. ffffif p after ies Automobiles i Wood Saw, PHONE 1764R. 0"' Prices are right. W. M. Zandler. proprietor. 1255 N. Summer street, Salem. Or. Grain: Wheat, soft wiite No. 1 IS: feed oats 80c; milling oats 86c; hy. neat, new 17; hay, oats, new $18& - 20; mill run 4446 Butt erf at: Butterfat. 69c: crease- . ery butter, 67 69o. rorH, veal and mutton: Pork on foot ' 13c; veal fancy 20c; steers 78c; cow 6T l-2c; spring lamb 10c;. ewea 45c; sheep, lear lings 9c Eggs and -poultry: Eggs cash 82c; light hens 18 20c heavy hens 24c; old roosters 16 16c; springs 20c. PORTLAND MABKETB Portland, Or., Nov. 1.- Butter, city creamery 66 67c; Eggs selected local ex 7076c; hens 262Sc; broilers 23 ' 27c; geese 15c; cheese 33 35c. . Live Stock. Cattle: Receipts none; tone of mar ket steady;, good to choice -steers $9 9.50; fair to medium steers $708; common to fair steers, $5.60 6.50; choice to good cows and heifers $6.60 7.50; cannera $34; bulls $5 6.60; calves $814. . ', . . i Hogs: Receipts 91; tone of market steady; prime mixed tl3.6014.0O; medium mixed, $13.00 013.50; rough heavies, $11,0011.50; pigs, $12,000 13.00. Shop: Receipts none; tone of market steady; prime lambs $11.0011.50; fair to medium lambs $10.00910.50; yearlings $8.00 9.00; wethers $7.60 8.50; ewes, $6.007.00. CLOSING AN ESTATE A good modern 6 room cottage, run cement basement, cement walks, large corner lot, fruit, berries and grapes; you'll have to hurry to get this," $2250, $1000 cash, balance to suit. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. POLK COUNTY FARMS 110 acres, 100 In cultivation, good buildings, some crops seeded, yountt orohard, . teams, cows, hogs, all farming implements, ' hay, corn, kale, seed wheat and oats, chick ens. Everything With farm must bo sold, terms. $125 per acre. 100 acres fine land, fine improve ments, one mile from town and normal college. A number one farm $150 per acre. Other farms from $50 to $100 per acre, also well improved small farms. J. H. Moran, Monmouth. Ore. 25 EXECUTOK'S TINAL KOTIOB To whom it may concern: Notice it hereby srivon that the undersigned. Ed ward Luthy and Ernest Luthy, joint executors of the last will aad testa ment nntl estate .of Peter Irathy, d ceased, have, this day, tiled in taiol estate their final account and the county court of Marion county, Oiegt has fixed and appointed Monday, No vember 17th, 1919, at the hoar of 19 ; o 'lork a. m. of said day at the county court room in the county court nous in said county and state as the tim and place for the hearing of aoy ob jections to said final account and fa the eottlement thereof. Dated Oct. 18, 1919, EDWARD LUTHT, EENEST LUTHT, Joint executors of the estate ot Peter Luthy, deceased. Carey F. Martin, Attorney for estate. THE SOLUTION of battery troubles. Equip your car with an "Exibe" Battery backed by "Exibe" Service R. D.BARTON Commercial Phone 1107 Salem, Oregon J J' s II J I I (!'