Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 01, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    1 f
y" ,":s5h. MONDAY
Ministerial Association.
This regular meeting of the Minister
ial association will be held in the T.
M. C. A. Monday morning at ten. Dr.
Anderson will present "The New Bra"
movement of the Presbyterian church.
Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Service on next Thursday afternoon
November 6, at 632 South Commercial
street; Rev. J. E. Fee, Portland, con.
ducting the Bible study at 2 :15 o'clock.
All most cordially invited. ' '
Xdbertjr Street Evangelical Church.
Corner Center and Liberty streets.
Sunday school 10 a. m.. Preaching ser
vices at 11 a. m. and T:45 p. m. Young
peoples' meeting 7 p.m.
Central Congregational Church.
Corner South 19th and Ferry streets.
H. C. Stover, minister. A combined
morning service of the Sunday school
and the morning worship at 10 a. m.
Sunday school in charge of Mrs. Bur
ton Edwaids. Christian endeavor at
S:45 p. m. and evening service at 7:30
V- n.
State Instiutions.
Services at the state institutions on
Sunday will be held as follows: 9:00
a. m. State Hospital, by E. Sherwood;
2:30 p. m. Cottage Farm by Thomas
Acheson; 3:00 p. m. Girl's Training
school by Captain George Hunter; 3:15
p. m. Tuberculosis hospital by E. S.
Hammond. ,
United Evangelical.
Cottage and Center streets. Rev. C.
L. LoveH, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Classes and a cordial welcome
for all. Gifts from an old friend of our
Sunday school will be distributed after
the lesson today. Divine worship and
preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m.
Two things emphasized long ago. Are
They Still Important and Vital". Chris
tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. R. A.
Schmalle, leader. Evening worship at
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening,,, , ,
v First Baptist Church.
Corner Marion and North Liberty
streets, Rev. O. F. Holt, D. D. minister.
Public worship with preaching 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Topics: morning,
"Walking Worthily," evening, "Squan
dering or Conserving Our Birthright."
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Young Peo
ples' and Intermediates' meeting at
6:30 p. m. Thursday evening prayer
meeting. Strangers and. visitors are al
ways welcome at all these services.
St. Paul's Church.
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
?:J0 a. m. holy communion; 9:45 a. m.
church school ; 1 1 a. m. choral celebra
tion and sermon ."Our Neighbors";
7:10 p. m. evening prayer and sermon,
"The-Moral Law of Wealth." Ever
hody welcome. Clarence H. Powell,
Associate Bible Students.
Meets at Moose hall from 10 to 12.
Study in Sixth vol.- and Tabernacle
Shadows. Evangelist C. W. Fields of
Portland, superintendent7sScalic ofs2
Portland, Bpeaks in the hall at 2:30
p. m. "Death Will It Ever Cease?"
Fublio invited. Junior class at 10 a. m.
Church of God.
1146 Worth Church street. J. J. Gil
lespie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m
Mrs. A. Ruude, superintendent. Classes
for pupils of all ages. Preaching ser
vice 11 a. m. Music class 6:30 to 7:30
and preaching immediately following.
Prayer meeting 730 Wednesday even
ing. We invite all who can to attend
these services. ,
First CoiiRregatioiial Church.
Liberty and Center street. W. C.
Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
school with classes for all, W. I. Staley,
superintendent. 11 a. m, sermon topic
"For Hands That Are Withered." 6:30
p. m. Christian endeavor, Miss Nell
Fake, leader. A short and Interesting
program. Social hour in the church
parlor at 6:30, the endeavorers serving
during the4ast half hour. 7:30 p. m.
Red Cross Bervice with pictures illus
trating the work in the Northwest.
There will be an interesting address in
terpreting the pictures. You will enjoy
the service.
Leslie Methodist Clinrcli.
Comer South Commercial and Win
ter streets, Horace N. Aldrich, pastor.
9:45 a. m. the superintendent of the
Sunday school, E. A. Rhoten, will wel
come you. Classes for all ages and
grades under the direction of capable
teachers. Bring the little folks to Les
lie hall where Miss Sue Williams and
her corps of helpers will take charge
of them. 11 a, m. publie worship with
sermon by the pastor; theme, "Co-operating
with God." 6:30 p. m. the de
votinal meeting of the Epworth league
will be led by Ivan Corner. This will
be a profitable hour for all young peo
ple under the direction of Mr. Corner.
7:30 p. m. song service led by the choir
and an address by the pastor.
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Salvation Army.
Street meeting Saturday evening at
T:15. B.-ight singing, testimony and
preaching in the "hall at 8 p. m. Street
meeting Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Holi
ness meeting in the hall at 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. sharp. Y. P.
L., at 6:15 p. m. Street meeting at
7:1S -sharp. Salvation full and free will
le preached in the hall at 8 o'clock.
Ton are invited to worship with Mis.
Ensign and Mrs. Hunter, officers in
charge. .
First Church of Christ Scientist.
Sunday service is held at 440 Che
meketa street a 11 a. m. subject ot
Bible lesson 'Everlasting Punishment.'
On Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room 209
Masonic temple, open every day ex
cept Sunday and holidays from 11:45
to 6 p. m. All are invited to our servi
ces and to our reading room.
First Chrustian Church.
First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner Church and State- streets.
This is Red Cross Sunday. The begin
ning oX Red Cross call Nov. 2-11 in
clusive. "Second only to the message
of Love which is the heart of the gos
pel is the message of mercy, which is
the soul of the Red Cross." Class meet
ing 9:45 a. m. W. L. Cummings class
leader. Sunday school 8:46. Prof John
W. Todd superintendent. " Come and
see 11 we are- growing...Pastor..K- N,
Avison will speak morning and even
ing. 11 a. m. subject, "Songs in the
Night,' 'also Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered. 7:30 p. m.
subject, "Whn Is a Man Lost" Large
chorus choir both morning and even
ing, in charge of Prof. Sites of the
University. 6:30 p. m. Senitfr Epworth
league, Genevieve Levy, leader, Junior
League In Epworth hall. 3 p, m. servi
ces at the Old People's Home in charge
of Rev. W. C. Kantner.
Jason Lee Memorial M. E. Church.
Corner of Winter and Jefferson sts.
Thomas Acheson, pastor. The program
for Sunday is as follows: Sunday
school 9:45, Chas. Hageman in charge.
Adequate class provision for all ages
Corner Center and High streets, two is the slogan of the school. Strangers
blocks north of Court House square, are made to feel at home. Public wor
Bible school hour, 9:45: Hear our ten ship 11 a: m. subject: Christ the. Re
piece orchestra, one of the best in the vealor of Life'. Epworth league devo
Btate. Morning worship from 11 to 12. jtional meeting 6:30 p. m. Miss Grace
State missions stewardship and life re- I Tyler, president. Young people cor
cruiting campaign. Christian endeavor , dially invited. Be on time.. Evening
society meets at 6:30, evening services service 7:30, subject: The God That
at 7:80. Leland W. Porter, pastor.
United Brethren in Christ. '.
Castle Memorial church, corner of
Nebraska and 17 the streets. Morning
service. Sunday school 10 a. m. super
intendent, W. A. Rosebraugh. Preach
ing 11 a. m. subject: Stewardship. Ev
ening service 7 p. m. Prayermeeting on
Thursday evening 7:30. Ladies aid on
Wednesday all day service. You are
more than welcome to all these servi
ces. George Chapman, pastor.
Answers by Fire. Each service is plan
ned with a view to help the individual
in the conflict of life. We seek to en
courage, and inspire to achieve the
worth while things in life. "Come thou
with us and we will do thee good"
Bible. Good music. A warm welcome.
A good time. We cordially invite the
public to worship with us. Remember
prayermeeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Court Street Christian Church.
Corner of North 17th and Court sts.
Bible school and Morning worship 10
to 12 a. m. The morning theme will be
"Oregon for Christ". This is "Oregon
Day" and the annual state offering is
Gospel." You are welcome. A. Wells,
pastor. Florence Wells, deaconess.
Marlon County , Holiness Association.
Special meetings going on at the
Sonth Friends church with Joseph H.
Smith the great Methodist Evangelist
The meetings are assuming the nature
of a great camp meeting only being
held in the church. Just a few days
more and he will be gone. You cannot
afford to miss hearing this great teach
er. Services every afternoon at 2:30,
r evening 7:30. A. Wells, president
you saw Aim in "home, sweet homev
that's only one reason why you'll
' -
X Q c o o o o o o o &
- i i ; . ' ' ' -
:, J Nasarene Church.
Nineteenth and Marion streets. Sun
day school at 9:45. W. B. Hardy sup
erintendent Preaching at 11 and 7:30. ,due Every member to come and
xoung reopies ciDie siuay mi p. get aCqUainted with our state work,
m. Midweek prayermeeting at 7:30. junIor chrlstlan Endeavor meets
Every meeting a special one preparing at 6:30 p m Toung peoples' meeting
for the great revival next month We p m and 80ng gervice and Ber.
are holding up the 'Old Fashioned mnn m n,lr evnn)n anrviBf,
are growing in interest. The pastor will
in his sermon answer all objections to
Future Punishment. If you do not be
lieve in it, come and hear this sermon.
The monthly meeting of the official
board of the church will be held on
Monday 7:30 p. m. Every member of
the board is requested to be there as
important matters are to be consider
ed. Prayer meeting 7:30 and teachers
training class 8 p. m. Thursday. All
who want to take this teacher training
course see the pastor and order your
book. We are studying "The Pupil" by
Prof. Welgle. All are Invited to' wor
ship with us. R. L. Putnam, pastor.
Center Street Methodist,
enter street, corner 13th. G. S. Roe
der. minister. Sabbath school 10 a. m.
Preaching by the district superinten
dent. Rev. A. F. Hilmer, morning and
evening. August G. Carl will conduct
the Epworth league at 7:30. The Lords
upper will be celebrated at 1 1 o'clock.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Nov. 1. Elmer Mathe
ney, a Dallas boy who entered Uncle
v -r -triim.r Sam's fighting forces shortly after the
. , , .,.!,,,., declaration of war with Germany, re-
church! Th is -this :lty this
A. O. Carl will erftertain.the Ladles week after nearly a two years' absence
Missionary society, and in the evening i 112 " tyl " T.
i.- t.. v m v,o,.- spent in Siberia. Matheney was f
monthly business meeting and l-!-
come and worship with us and you will
be welcome.
that there were times when the life in
Siberia was anything but pleasant
The trip home consumed some 40 days
the route being to Manila. Japan,
Guam and Honolulu. Mr. Matheney J
was Derore tne war a lineman ior me
To Prevent Influenza
Colds cause Grip and Influenza
lets remove the cause. There is only Mountain States Power company of
one "Bromo Quinine." E.W. GROVES this city and will resume his old posi
aignature on box. 30c " (Adv) tion within a few df vs.
f fnr HAMi.WF.RN
Flaky crusts filed with de-
' licious pumpkin.
When preparing your Hal
lowe'en "feed" don't over
look these real Pumpkin pies
Your Hallowe'en festivities
will not be complete without
cider and doughnuts.
Are the best yet. We make
them fresh every day. Come
here for your Hallowe'en
Doughnuts. j
Bake-Rite Sankarv Bakery
457 State Street
x ... i
J. R. Linn has as n guest, A. C.
Magnus of Chicago, who Joined his
son, Albert Magnus Jr., at the Marion
hotel last evening and will accom
pany him to Chicago. Toung Mr. Mag
nus has just received his discharge
from the service.
and Player Pianos Best and Cheaper
Makes .
at ."
Salem, Oregon
and Records
Sewing Machines
All Makes
Genuine Needles
" and Oil
Sewing Machines Repaired and Rented
Sheet Music
' And
Music Studies
McKinley and Century
10c Editions
at " '
Music Store
ifr mil Mrs. H. Klenner of Sun
Francisco, are stopping In Salem to
nn n. tour of the Pacific north
west They are guests at the Marion.
Thii most remarkable remedy
causes the stomach to act natu
nil and keeM the bowels open.
b purely venerable, producing j
onl hitthhr beneficial reaults.
Ikt UaV W CliUn'
Absolutely harmless complete for
mula on every bottleonly very best
ingredient used. At all rfmawfata.
3. 0. .ferry
will mead
sbo4M, grain
i) a 8, etc.
Cnn be owd
to sew np wire cuts on stock. BpeHal with
needle and spool of waieii thread, 09 ceiiln.
By mall, 75 cents. Kull iliwtlona with
ame. The Krown Slcnantlle Co., 171 first
Btrwt, I'ortlnnd, Oreiron.
To Get up" in the morning tired
and unrefreshed, with a dull, heavy head,
often amounting to headache, to feel low
spirited and "blue" are symptoms of t.
Ben-poisoning uy iuuu jjuiauus, vw neu
tralized or eliminated by bowels,liver and
kidneys acting in harmony.
Seectiain's Pills
help to remove the cause cf
this trouble. They act gent
ly and safely, but also
very em
Sold by drntfiite
throughout the world,
la box, 10c, 25c