THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1919. PAGE THREE. GOVERNOR URGED TO USEEXTRAPAY TO CALL SESSION That Governor Olcott uss the money das him aa salary as secretary of state and which he has refused to accept in defraying the expense of an extra sea son of the legislature to ratify the suf frage amendment to the constlutlon, is urged in a letter received Wednesday from Mrs. E. May Newill, 774 Hoyt street. Portland. lire. Newill declares that the re- sponse to a campaign of addresses in favor of an extra session has been hearty and spontaneous and that it is evident that a special session Is desir ed by the public. Should the governor use the money to which he is entitled as seoretary of state salary for the session it would plainly emphasize tne fact that no business other than ratlfi cation of the amendment, she saya. , The letter in part follows: "Th attorney eeneral assures us that, while you are entitled to draw two salaries, under the unusual cir cumstances existing, you have, in real ity, drawn but one. The state, there fore, is saving, through you, the salary of one official. This makes it possible for you, without any abnormal drain upon tha treasury of the state, to call an extra session of the legislature for the purpose of ratifying the suffrage amendment I amjjonfident that tha women of Oregon would deem it a very m-acloua and friendly act on your part. They would not fail 'to realize that It was due not only to your very prac tical and effective support of the com Dlete enfranchisement, of women and the aemocratlzation of the nation, but also to your generous and patriotic con cention of your duty as a public orn cial to refrain from taking personal ad vantage of peculiar but legitimate op portunities. w- ' "No one could question the expendi ture, for a public emergency, of a sum equivalent to a salary that is not only Dledered to you. but earned by you. On the contrary. It would make your posi tion In requesting the legislators not to enact any other legislation, almost im pregnable. The opinion of the citizens who are genuine suffragists could be concentrated on the members of the legislature in such a way that they, would realize the danger of trying to take advantage of your generosity. Pro testations of friendliness to suffrage are of no avail in a case like this, un less they are backed by actions that harmonize." INCORPORATIONS. Grown-Ups at Play? Yes,Kiddies,Too, Urged in "Better World" Movement lfcf?i!;) fell Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 30. Ciizens of Kenewick, Okla., ft small cotton assembling and ginning town, seized two carloads of coal to pravent a tieup of the town's industry by the threatened coal strike. The coal was consigned to the Cotton Belt railroad at Commerce, Texas. The townspeople turned the coal over to the Kenewick Ginning company. . Flay for everybody kiddies and grown-ups alike is a feature ot the plan ot the National bociai unit ur banization for organizing neighbor hoods to make a better democracy. The Social Unit has the idea that every city block should be a play cen ter, and in its "demonstration com munity," which is situated in Cin cinnati, there are block parties, block - picnics, block sings, block dances, and the Social Unit is enlisted. A smoker even block journeys to the commun-yon the roof of one of tlie public ity health clinic. . ' schools, attended by two hundred and That the public schools should be fifty men of the neighborhood, with open all the year round and used by a program of amateur boxing, was a pcrts who are helping to pipgram everybody is another cause lor which recent teature, and an average oi a wider activities trom this anule. Rowland Htmcs r thousand people have attended the Wednesday evening community sings instituted in the neighborhood . Plans for extending the Social Unit idea to other municipalities are now being discussed by twelve committees of distinguished experts representing many fields of social endeavor, who v ill present recommendations to the country at a national conference to be held late in October. - Rowland Haynes, Director of New York War Camp Community Service, heads a national committee of recreation ex- OTIZENS SEIZE COAIi MAINE CAXXS SESSION Sacramento, Cal., Oct SO. Maine has Jo.ned the state calling a special, session of their legislature for the rati fication ot the national suffrage amend ment Governor Carl Milton has wired Governor Stephens that Main's special session would convene November 4. According to recent estimates, the pack of all fish at the various points from Grays Harbor to Rogue river and including tjio Columbia river is fully GO per cent short of the normal SINGER JTCST "RESTING' Chicagu, Oct 30 Madame Ernestine Schumaan-Heink is "merely resting" and is not ill, it was stated at her home today. She cancelled several engagements. It was stated she had been ringing in the south and a change to coldar , northern climate uffucted her throatl Mostier is completing a modern community packing house and stor age plant. The structwe is 12Q feet long and 66 feet wide and will cost J125.000. noannoiBimiiEZEaiiaiEHiooona rhe5rInsulite Products company, Inc., of Portland, capitalized at $10, Wednesday. Incorporators are F. B. Gilman, O. F. Larsen and J. M. Scud der. Other concerns filing articles of incorporation were: Mildman Cigar company, Portland, capital stock $10, 000; D. C. Fulton, Alex Bernstein, I. Ieeser Cohen; Ambleside, Inc., Port land, $8000, E. G. Crawford, C. S. Russell, George S. Rodgers; Fisk Re pairing company, Eugene, $1500, Clyde Fisk, Alva Fisk, Rodney Roach; Contract Tailors Coperative associa tion, Portland, N. Gold, Joe Stoler, A. Schubener, J. Weider, J. Weinstein, H. Bloomberg, E. Swanson, D. J. Sherman, ter. The Carmen Ship company of Port land filed resolution of dissolution. The Automatic Brake company, capitalized at $500,000 was granted permission Wednesday by the corpo ration commission to operate in Ore gon and to sell stock amounting to $50,000. Headquarters of the firm are in Roseburg and the officers are R. Z. Farmer, president; George S. Marsh, vice president -and treasurer; R. H. Grinstead, secretary; B. L. Ed dy, attorney. The brake is suitable for use on street cars, automobiles and trailers. OREGON THRIFT DRIVE J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction, has been ap pointed director of thrift education for Oregon by the United States treasury department, and is today sending out Information and treaties to all teach ers and school principals and superin tendents in the state. The campaign will be carried out on lines outlined by the government and in conjunction with it. In the circulars sent out the princi ples of thrift and its benefits are set forth and the teachers are given sug gestions as to methods of reaching the children. The plan is arranged to be worked out in a series of lessons adapt ed to the requirements of children of various ages. Evt,ry available warehouse and all. .vacant buildings of any sort at Cres well are full of apples, waiting to be shipped. LIBERTY BOND QUOTATION D New York, Oct. 30. Liberty bond W. J. Blrchall, S. J. Car- quotations: 3's, 100.94; first 4's, 95; T - ., . ..... . , second 4 8, j.zu; iirsi s, va; second 4 's, 93.20; third 4's, 94.14; fourth 4's, 93.30; victory 3 3-4's, 99.60; 4 3-4's, 99.64. Women, Here Is A Money Saver BUY REMNANTS AT THE Remnant Store 254 North Commercial Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home Just as easy as laundering, you can dry clean suits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies, rugs, men's clothes everything that would be ruined by soap and water. Place a gallon or more of gasoline in a dishpan or wash boiler, then put in the things to be cleaned and wash them with Solvlte soap. Shortly ev erything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. No pressing needed. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvlte soap This gasoline soap is the secret of all dry cleaning. A package of Solvlte soap contain ing directions for home dry cleaning costs but a few cents at any drug grocery or department store. Dry clean away from flame or out of doors. (Adv) I-N-V-E-S-T-O-R-S send for three months FREE TRIAIi SUBSCRIPTION TEXAS OIL BULLETIN Published weekly in the heart of the Texas, Oil Fields by men know ing the oil business. Tou want re liable news about existing condi ments. Write today for the Bulletin, tion some "inside news" on invest- absolutely fiw , -ask for any Information you desire, about any oil fields or oil compa nies In which you are interested. GILBERT JOHNSON & CO. 16 years Oil Operators and Brokers Suite E20 401 14 Main St. Fort Worth, Texas Gsrvais. tumS m TODAY li) I a- HOWARD FOSTER PLAYERS in NEW PLAYS Wm.-DESMOND I r "TSE-.Va 1 in Sa?e-Brush Hamlet" The Electric Duzz-All Motor Set The fastest selling household utility ever offer ed to the public. ' ; The "Duzz-All" because it "Does AH." There are more Duzz-All motor sets in use today than any 'other electrical household utility on the market. Let us explain how you can obtain one FREE. bharpens knives and cuttlery. " Polishes tarnished silverware and jewelry. Beats eggs, whips cream and stirsdressings Cleans and shines burned pans ahd rusted- skillets. Drills holes preparatory to driving nails. Etches initials and designs on glassware. , Polishes finger nails instantly. Massages the face and scalp. ' 1 Vibrates the body (the only real circulation 6timulant). : ' It is light of weight and portable, is guaranteed : high grade nickeled throughout and the classiest ' electrical device ever shown. It is being introduced in this city at a very low price. f You Weft Manning li ill A new home, you would carefully plan and study, where and how you could get the best materials and workmanship; that would be your natural-action. H DO you use as much thought on H your ciotnes: YOUR clothes are talking all the time; saying something good or bad, about you. IN buying our merchandise we use the best judgment possible Scientific and experience of years of successful business, therefore we buy only the best always whether it is SUITS or OVERCOATS. BY the way, we buy OVERALLS by the fifty dozen lots, made to our order, with our name on them "Bishop's Special." If they are not satisfact ory to you, a new pair FREE. Overalls are costing wholesale more than our selling price you get the benefit of this purchasing of large quantities in advance. DON'T confuse these garments, they are of 220 weight denim. Ask for "Bishop's Special" when you buy, then you get the best! KEEP WARM Warm Wool Socks Bishop's Fabrics "BISHOP'S FABRIC" shirts are manufactured for just this kind of weather. They are of OREGON FLEECE WOOL and are absolute ly pure fleece wool, just what you need for most any occasion th keep you warm always. BOYS shirts are made -of thp , same fabric, from 13 to 14 1-2. They keep the boy healthy. Least Carbon Zerolene, scientific ally refined from se lected California crude oil, gives maximum lubrication with least carbon deposit. Get a Correct Lubnca-. tion Chart .for your car. I w, bTbJsT A 1 1 1 mi 1 1 mt 9 STANDARD OIL I 7iri:inillkIV L COMPANY t (California) 3 R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agent, Salem, Oregon. Girls ! Your ba?r needs a little "Danderine" - that's all ! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair, also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too. HEAVY wool socks that are made to wear in large boots for cold mornings, they come in white natural and blue. WE have the best quality in dress CASHIMERE hose for dress in the latest of shades. Your Buyer and Our Buyer is in Chicago, gathering clever styles for the coming season. v ' ';,..,....'. '.;:17;. -MiLWF!& "Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron" Salem .WootenMIHS:Store; pino-oooMaffliiiincHHEianBaaDnnDi HE i ISA m r i fH1 a m m C - i I t a n u n SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st WILL BE The first anniversary of the People's Cash Store in Salem. In order to show our appreciation to the people of Salem and vicinity for the loyal support they have given this institution during the past year, we will hold a great anniversary sale. Everything in the store, in all departments :Groceries, Dry Goods, Men's Clothing and Shoes will be sold at low prices for that day and up to and including the following Wednesday. Save Money on R U E B E R-S Save money and health. You can prevent coughs and colds by buying your Rubber Goods at the PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. We carry a complete line of RUBBERS and RUBBER BOOTS for Men, Women and Children. The prices are the lowest and the quality the best. The prices are as follows: . 7 Men's Rubber Boots, blac k ...........$3.25 up Ladies' Rubber Boots, black :...........$2.25 up Children's Rubber Boots '.. $1.75 up Men's Newark Brit Shoes 98c up Women's Newark Brit Shoes ........;........:....75c up SATURDAY'S Anniversary Sale Will be a Real Money Saver for you. Wait for this big went, it will be a golden opportunity. YouH forget about the high cost of living when you see our prices on groceries, clothing, dry goods, shoes and furnishings. , Save Your . Coupons For The Brunswick Phonograph CASH STORE OnxariM MfflrthbHap dt Good ' TheftwrfimStom fouax, f - Ask For Free Premium Coupons. They Are Valuable PMOflE 4-53