Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 29, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Small A ds GeiR.
ItsxitSntaU GosU
Rate per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion i cents, one month.
26 !insertions, 17 cents, one ji'ar. per
mouth, 9 cents.' .Minimum per 3d 25
CfJltS. t ' , r- ; .
First insertion only in "sTew Today.
City ads eash in advaace and not tak
en ever phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance for
phone errors - .-
New Today.
WANTED Apple packers, l'hone 924
M. '; j 25G
WANTED 400 cords fir wood to cut.
Phone 1502. . -. " 267
FOR SALE Counter and show case.
Phone 1936M. - '257
FOR SALE Roan Durham cow and
calf. Phone 34F2. . . - $o$
.WANTED Ford touring car body.
Ball Bros., Turner, Or. - - 256
FOR RENT Rooms for rent. Phone
9T2W or call at 69fl Front St.' 257
TYPEWRITE R for sale eheap,- Mbn
tys tire shop, 164 s. uom l St. 258
LOST Overcoat from auto. Return
to Marion garage for reward. 257
FOR RENT Five ro'oms on second
floor, $7 per month. 995 Union St.
i i . ' . 267
FOR SALE 6 room semi-modern
house, $700. Inquire 1105 Leslie St,
JjOST Mounted Elks tooth. Please
leave at Elk club, and receive re
ward. 250
'FOR SALE Good washing machine,
china closet, rocker. 1410 South
Cottage. 267
WANTED A woman to care for in
valid, permanent situation, 2090
Ferry St. 257
FOR SALE 2 good cows fresh in
.Tanuarjv Also-fine bunch of geese:
Phone 87F24. 257
FOR SALE 6 room modern house,
cheap if taken soon. Call 674 N.
Summer St. . 258
FOR SALE 1918 Ford roadster A-l
condition. Call Valley Motor Co.,
Front and State. ' . 25S
FOR SALE 1200-gallon galvanized
tank, deep well pump and pine. 178
S. Liberty St. " 258,
FOR RENT 2 room apartment, also
one front sleeping room. 365 North
High. Phone 645. - 256
FOR SALE Or trade on stock, pony
just 'the thing for the boy to ride
to school. Phone 12F2L . . 256
FOR SALE Large Plymouth Rock
pullets ready to lay, and' White'Leg
horn hens. 1135 S. 16th St. 256
FIVE half blood Persian kittens, one
month old, to give away. 144 North
Front St. call afternoons.' '25:7
)!'- 'i. in -hi t mi'i n " ,
WANTED 50 women Thursday morn
ing at the Kurtz packing! plant N.
Commercial and Jefferson Sts. 256
FOR SALE 100 head god stoek ewes
or wilt put 50 head on share. Phone
26F33. B. H. Kaiser, Macleay, Or.
FOR SALE 8 room bungalow South
Salem, nearly new, modern except
furnace. Call 666 8 to , evenings-
WANTED Secondhand band instru
ments ' for beginners band in the
public school. Phone C. A. David
son, 1270W. . 257
FOR 'PALE Fjne, all wool, tailor
made overcoat, unused, siae -about
42. Worth $60, sell for $20. Address
H S P ISOO.Chemeketa St." ' 257
FOR SALE Or trade, bay mare, &
years old, weght 1150 lbs. Al-traveler,
suitable for single-' or "double
driving. Will sell cheap or trade in
on good team. Phone 419 or 88F21
or write Fred Lemon, Rt. 3, box 159
FOR SALE Farm for sale, nearly
24 acres of first class fruit land
about 14 acres under cultivation;
all new buildings, gravity water sys
tem, close to school on good gravel
road, one block from Yeoman station.-CM.
Robinson, - Rt. 6, box
25A, Salem, Or . 261
FOR SALE River bottom land sit
uated 15 miles north of Salem, of
161 acres, 40 acres cleared. Hard
and cottonwood timber, house and
barn. The finest kind of loganber
ry land at $65 per acre. Will take
some trade. Merlin Harding at Sa
lem Hardware Co. . 26 !
FOR SALE 45 acres land near New
berg, 25 acres fruit, mostly Italian
prunes, all in bearing. Comfortable
buildings, good teams, implements,
feed, good dry house; under good
fence. Will sell or trade for acre
or two that would make good home.
M. B. Ebbert, Newberff. 261
FOR SALE 130 acres east at Salem
on good road, 120 acres cultivated
and 60 acres now sowed to wheat
The buildings are new and modem.
The house has S rooms and is on a
sightly location; has fine water sys
tem to all buildings.. This place is
a real snap at $20,150. See Fred
VT. Durbin, 276 State St. 260"
AUCTION SALE Monday., Nov. 3.
1919, at C. E. Mo II wain farm-one
mile w estof North Howell school
commencing at 1 p. lu. All farm
machinery, small tools and 1 Cleve
land tractor, plows, disc, mower,
rake, etc. 1 land plaster seedn-. All
farm and garden tools, 1 100 0-1 b.
Chevrolet delivery car In good con
dition; all household goods. 257
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salenu Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at S 1-2 percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Federal Farm Loans
l-S per cent interest. Prompt serv
ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal
farm, loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Kohmstedt, 401 - Masonic Temple,
Balem, Oregon.
For Sale.
FOR SALE 3 houses on Union St.
by owner. 445 Union St. ., 25)S
FOR' SALE House and lots cheap.
Inquire 1566 Bellevue." 257
FOR SALE A few well bred R." I.
Red cockerels. Phone 52F2. 260
FOR SALE Pedigreed Chester
White bull pigs. Phone 101F31. 258
FOR your ripe, juicy eating apples,
phone 8FZ, Walter Pearmuie. 257'
FOR SALE 6 room house, 1 lots',
fruit; bargain. Phone owner 1310J.
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
and up. Mas O. Buren,' Com. St.
-' . , 276
SNAP 6 room plastered house, for
quick sale, $1000, half cash. Phone
794. - 266.
FOR" SALE Pigs from five to six
weeks old. G. W. Thurman, phone
-8F1S. . ' 263
FOR SALE If you are looking for
houses call 1213 Center St. I have
- them on easy terms. 259
FOR SALE 1 five year old Horse,
weight about 1100. Farmers .feed
barn, High street. . 266
FOR SALE Cheap, 1000 lb, mare.
See at Hunt's feed sheds, - Reming
ton. Phone 671R. - 258
CAN make low price and terms n
very fine piano. The Wiley B. Al
len Co., 419 Court St. 257
THREE fine organs for sale, low
prices and terms. The Wiley B. Al
len Co., 619 Court St. 257
, , -r
FARMS FOR SALE A-tew bargains
in dairy farms. Write to H.- C, Por
ter, NAumsville, Marion Co-., Or. 264
FERNS and palms and other potted
plants for sale. Maruny s green
house, 211 Miller-St. Phone 6-16.
FOR SALE 1918 Ford roadster, in
best., of condition. Call mornings
and evenings, 1246 S. Liberty St.
. ' . 256
FOR SALE 7 room modern house
on 390 Hoyt street, close to car
line. Come and see what we have.
FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut, ex
cellent quality, 3 cents " delivered.
Phone. 48F11 or Gervara,- Or-. Rt.
3. - . 237
TWO Houses, one modern ore- paved
street, $2000 each. Will be sold in
20 days. Room 14, Bush bank build
ing. ' . . .- 256
FOR SALE Choice lot, close in,
bearing fruit . trees. Non-resident
owner;, very cheap. Room 8, Bayne
bldg. 257
FOR SALE Holstein (bull and 12
head of goats. Phone 45F11 after
Journad Want, Ada Will Sell -It,
. .w. ;v tv,4,.v ..... ...... ,-.
FOR SALE 8 factory buildings join
ing 4880 feet floor space, with 2 Ox
40 foot warehouse 803 N. Liberty
St. W. Fennel. 269
FOR SALE 30 head Cotswold ewes
and registered ram; also registered
Shorthorn bulls. Cromley Bros.,
Phone 60F12. - 200
FOR SALE 40 acres best soil, all un-
riw cultivation, some orchard, stock
and implements, 6 miles north, $10,
- "i. T-44 care Journal. 268
FOR SALE Ford touring car $400,
has good tires, and good engine, in
fact, a good car all round. See it at
Cherry City feed barn. 256
FOR SALE By owner, seven room
house, modern except furnace, two
large lots and barn, good location.
. Terms. Phone 122 between 9 and
11 a. m. 258
FOR SALE I have 50 farms listed
to sell from 20 to 600 acres. Eoth
improved and unimproved. Write
. V. R. Putnam, Woodburn, Or. 260
FOR SALE 40 acres, 5 cleared, raise
onions: house barn, ohioken house,
rest timber land; 7 miles from
Cresswell. For particulars see 960
Highland Ave. 256
FOR SALE Good income property.
Lot 82 1-2x165 feet. Two good
houses. One of best locations in Sa
! lem, one block from business part
: of city. Address XX Journal. 256
COWS FOR SALIO One Holstein, 4
years old fresh; one Jersey, will
freshen in Novfcmber;' One Jersey,
will be fresh last of December, still
milking, Pearl Wood, Chemawa
and Silverton road. . 258
FOR SALE 150 acre farm, 120 un
der cultivation, balance pasture; 8
room house, fine large barn, gran
ary, machinery house, hog and
chicken houses, large nila; build
ings $10,000, on hard surface coun
ty road, 1 mile from electric R. R.
and station. This is a fine home as
well as a good farm and invest
ment $18,000. on terms. V. R. Put
nam, Woodburn, Ore. , 157
For Rent
FOR RENT A big house, fit for
rooming house or four apartments.
Phone 586J. 256
FO" RENT Good farm for rent eith
cash or shares, immediate posses
sion ariven. See J. H. Lauterman
Ara-o hotel.
FARMS for rent One of 163 acres
and one 81 acres. 1 1-2 miles west
of West Stayton, eash rent Inquire
of J. W. Nipple West Stayton. 256
WANTED Want to buy three or
four room house with cor
ner lot For sale,. 5 room bungalow
with basement and good plumbing.
$1650. Strictly modern bungalow
close in, $6300. 5 acres loganber
ries, good buildings,. $3500. F. L.
Wood, Bayne bldg. 257
FOP. RENT . I acre farm ' to rent
mostly In cnrfivation. good house
and out buildings, want to plant
- most of It in prunes and berries
team and Implements furnished
Best of loaranberry land for sale In
mH tract eairr terms. W. J.
Turnulge, Talbot, Or., on Oregon
Electric. 256
WANTED White Leghorn pullets.
Call -98F3. - 287
WANTED To lease' a
close in.. Phone 1281.
WANTED King apples. A. K. Swan-
son, 1757 Waller St. 2SB
WANTED An extra good young. Jerr
sey milk, cow. Phone 2135J. 257
WANTED Moving and hauling.' The
Biederman Transfer. Phone -1808J.
WANT to buy six or seven room mod
' em bungalow, on terms. Uhene.
492. 257
WANTED Highest price paid for
Jat cattle and- milch cows. - Phone
,- 1576VV. . '.. , . 27.9.
WANTED Administer or velvet rug
8-2x10-6 or 9x12. Address A B "care
Journal." ' , "256
WANTED Two loans of $750 each.
Good security. "Address Loan care
Journal. - . 257
WANTED To buy three tons of clov
er hay and four cord of wood. W.
A Conn, Rt. 8. . 256
WANTED Nice three or four room
furnished apartment. No children.
W, 558 State streeh 256
WANTED At once stenographer.
State- experience and salary want
ed. J-2 oare Journal. . 2-66
WANTED Housekeeper, old couple,
middle aged preferred. Work light.
Address 10 care Journal. 256
WANTED To buy apartment house
furnished or unfurnished. Geo. J.
'. Parks. 365 N; High. Phone 645. 257
WANTED High school . boy wants
place to work for room and board.
Adress box- 100 care Journal. 259
WANTED To rent, six or seven
room modern house, close in, furn
ished or unfurnished by reliable
party. No childvn, Wm. Neimeyer,
444 State St. Phone 167.
WANTED Ladies and gents gar
ments to remodel, no alterations
too difficult. Mrs. C. Ezra Sparks,
lady tailor. C. Ezra Sparks, man
tailor. Call room.X 442 State St. 260
WANTED Hello, hello! Another
new . and secondhand furniture
store, 415 S. 12th, a block from 9
P. depot. If you have anything to
offer call for H.M. Canon. Phone
966. - ' ; 260
WANTED Experienced, reliable man
and wife desire- care of small dairy
farm, will give best of care for one
half the proceeds. Address care
Mrs. A. Northcut, Rt. 6, box 7, 266
. Used Cars for Sale.
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
' pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
and oan guarantee absolute satis-
? faction. W are also prepared to do
L f irt elaes repair- work on any maice
AUTO PAINTING We will be open
- for business on-and after Oct. 1st
at 156 S. 12th St. We are in a posi
ition to give you good service in auto
. painting and laundry. Your pat
ronage will be appreciated.. All
work guaranteed. Gullett Bros. -.
... 10-29
Second Hand Goods.
No Cash ' Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to sell or trade.
What have you t The Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
opened a first class shop repairing
; and reflnlshlng of all kinds, up
'.' holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742-:
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
LIBRARIES bought and sold. Sims,
143 N. High. Phono 340. 266
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734,
Lost And Found.
LOST 4-year, old gray filly. Finder
phone 1257. - 256
LOST On State street, Saturday,
gold wrist witch. Elgin, closed face
Finder return to Vivien E. Beal,
Box 116, Newberg, Or. $5 reward.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 28 to 68
inches high. Paints, oiT and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry "vid hop
hooks. Salem Fence anf Stove
Works, 250 Court street Pho 124
Safety Razor. Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
Danks-Horae O&a Engine
by GKABEH BROS, 141 South Liberty
St- Phone 650. . Also agent for Fair-
Water Company,
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills parable monthly in advance.
Phone e06.. -
- -
; We Want.
Your -used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything Call 947.
i . T0R.E CO. t -
; r.; 235 North Commercial St.;
! Everything1 Electrical.
Temple. 127' North High, Phone
Main 1209.
Vg1 cialist in the Modern Scientif
ic application' of glasses for the aid
lot vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
rist,, eyes examined and glasses fit
ted. Broken lenses duplicated.
- Hours at office daily, 4 p. m. to 6
-p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
. . 610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
Wood Saw.
PHONE 175'4R. Our prices are right.
W: Mi-Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
- Summer street, Salem, Or.
Good Buys.
i8v. acres f bearing Italian prunes
located 4 miles south on hard road,
six and 9 years Old. Price $5500.
-30 acre; tract, all cultivated, 4 acres
oC .logans", 10 a-cres apples and cher
ries, good 5 room plastered house, and
bprn, well. Price' $7500.
taix room modern oungaiow, base
ment. Price $250Uif$180fl -down-.
11 acre tract located 4 miles from
Salem, 6 acres of 12 year old Italian
prunes, balance cultivated. Price $5,
000. $1000- down, balance 6 years p
per cent Interest. ,
5 acres of good land, 100 bearing
Italian prunes; house and barn, fam
ily orchard. Price $2750, $750 down,
balance $300 per year, 6 per cent int.
44 1-4 acre tract, 30' acres cultivat
ed, balance pasture and timber, house
and barn, family orchard, 2 acres of
logans, 8 acres of prunes, three hors
es, cowthree pigs, 100 chickens, 100
bushels oats, hay, some wheat, good
Duggy, macnmery. rrice ?4nuu, l-z
cash, bSlance 4 yettrs, 6- per cent Int.
30 acre tract,: tOTadres of loganber
ries in first class condition. 3 1-2
acres prunes, small buildings, best of
soil. Price $15,000.;
112 acre farm,. 70 acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber, best of
soil, good modern house, barn, rock
road, 6 miles from Salem. Price $165
per acre. -
2 0 acre tract all cultivated, good
house, barn, well, gravel road. Price
$5000, $2500 down, balance 6 per cent
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
276 State street
A good modern 6 room cottage, full
cement basement, cement walks,
large corner lot, fruit, berries and
grapes; you'll have to Tiurry to get
this. $2250, $1000 cash, balance to
suit. John H. Scott Realty. Co., 228
Oregon bldg.
Jjook Here.
We have something; too
3 cottages, modern, close In;
mg from $2250 to $3500.
6 one-acre tracts, 4 of them with
good cottages on, all close; to car
line, best of soil; selling from $1000
to $2250.
20 acres 8 miles south, part tim
ber, part in fruit; 4 acres beaverdam
land, small house and barn, on rock
240 acres west of Airlie, 120 acres
bottom land, cultivated, burnt off in
pasture, 60 in cultivation, fair house,
2 big barns, at station on Valley &
Slletz railroad; 30,000 feet good pil
ing. $40 per acre; will trade for
small valley ranch. A snap for a
ehort time only. W... McLaren, room
25, 180 N. Com. St. 257
Advance Rumely Ideal
A separator to fit every farm, 4
sizes, 22x36, 28x44, 32x52 and 86x60.
Wood or steel, and. a Rumely tractor
to fit every, size separator. . ..
Wm, H. Trumn, local agent. Salem,
263 N. Commercial. Phone 413.
Office 124 South Liberty street
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales. .
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent.
CHIMNEY sweep, furnaces cleaned.
Phone 191. 262
SHOE repairing shop 419 South 12th
oposlte depot. 258
BOARD and room. Heated sitting
room for boarders use. Reasonable.
1786 State St. 257
about half
Com'l. St.
superior to cloth at
price. Max O. Buren,
REX Dry paste, no cooking required,
works better and sticks tighter
than flour. Max O. Buren, Com'l
M. 276
TAKEN UP 5 hogs estray came to
my place. Please come and de
scribe property and pay damages,
and feed bill and for this av. M.
Leagele, Salem, Rt. 8. 269
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. COM. Y. M. C.'A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
Universal tractor .. attachment fits
any car, $275, pulls 2 14-ln. plows.
f used cars for sale or trade:
3 Fords, $375 to $475
1917 Saxon Six $676 - . '
1915 Overland, - fine condition, an
exceptional buy $450
6 Btudebakcra $200 to $1300
1 Ford track, fine condition, $626
Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories..
Lodge Directory.
meets ' every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at IO. O. F. hall.
McCornack, hall on. every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C. ; P. J. Kunta
K. R. & S. ' '
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 tneet
every Thursday evening in McCoe
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle.
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 141 S
N. 4th St.: phone 1438M.
. bly No. 8 meets everj Thursday at
8 p. in. In Masonic Temple, Glenn C,
1 Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary. 840 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No.1 B241
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in . McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
f Persons, V. C. , Frank A. Turner,
DR.. JOHN L.' LYNCH Otseopathlo
" physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
. bldg. Res. Phone 68F5. Office
phone 3 394. . ...... 270
DR. WM. B. MOTT, formerly of Port
land, has located in Salem occupy
" ing the offices of his late father.
Dr. W. S. Mott, 407-408 Bank of
Commerce bldg. Office phone. 383,
residence phone 696. . .
Best Buys.
30 acres all cultivated,' welt fonced,
woven wire fence on three sides, one
side rail, good barn, half mile from
town, great snap.' $2350, terms on part
it desired.
110 acres, 95 cultivated, 15 pasture,
some timber, 12 acres in 6 and 6 year
old prunes, 11 acres in one year old;
family orchard in. bearing, 1 aero
Royal Anne and Governor Wood cher
ries, 12 years old; all orchard in good
condition; 7 room plastered house,
years old; hot and cold water, barn
30x48x18, machine shed and garage,
all necessary -out buildings, place wa
tered by well and spring, all woven
wire fenced and cross fenced, 3 miles
of Oregon normal school; equipment
as follows: 3 horses, 2 colts, 4 -milk
cows, 2 yearling calves, 16 head hogs
including brood sows, 50 chickens, 2
wagons, 7-foot binder, 3 plows, spring
tooth harrow, corrugated roller .and
lot of other tools and implements.
$18,500, $8000 cash, $10,500 terms 6
per cent.
29 acres, 21 acres cultivated, 8
acres stumps, 3 acres mixed orchard,
fair house and barn, water system,
macadamized road, half mile from
school and church, 6 miles from Sa
lem. $7350, terms on part.
60 acres, 45 cultivated, 15 timber
pasture, all but 5 tillable; woven wire
fence, well watered, fair 6 room house
good barn and out buildings, 2 1-2
miles from good town, macadam
road. $6000, $2500 cash, $3600 terms
4 per cent ' - ,- t
40 acres river bottom land, 20 cul
tivated,, good Improvements, good
fence, stock, farming implements, etc.
all Included; 2 miles from goodtown
on , paved, road. $8000, ( ;
219 acres. 126 cultivated, 94 timber,
139 river bottom, 7 room house; large
barn, other out buildings, all B.tock
and equipment, hop- houses, 8- miles
from good town, $80 per acre; terms
on part. .
137 acres, 90 cleared, balance pas
ture and timber, family orchard,
house, barn, dandy good-ranch. $80
per acre; mile and half from town in
very prosperous community; terms
on $5000 6 per cent.
s 7 room fully modern house,, finest
panel and wood work, furnace, large
lawn, complete set of out buildings,
garars, cement floor, cost $7500 six
years ago, all in first class condition,
offered for a short time at $5000,
terms on part.
6 room modern " bungalow, well
planned, good porches, curbed lawn,
cement walks, garage, wood shed,
chicken house. $1760; $300 cash, $25
per month, 7 per cent.
Well built 5: room modern house,
east front, lots of fruit, close to school
graveled alley. $1850, $1060 caBh, bal
ance terms.
5 room bungalow, fire place, large
porch, east front, fine garden spot.
$2000, half cash.
S room cottage, large rooms, 2 60-
foot lots, macadam street,, good re
pair. $1350, half eash.
7 room plastered, well built house,
76-foot"front on State street, pave
ment paid; fruit and shrubbery. $2,-
360, $750 cash, balance 7 per cent
Socolof sky,
, . 34.1 State stret . ,
Good Buys.
8 rooms nicely improved, fine lot,
some fruit, streets improved, best lo
cation in city; look it over, dt4 w.
Winter St. $4500, $1500 cash, balance
Ions: time-. -
8 rooms modern-, improved streets,
a real snap, 1096 Chemeketa St. $2
7au lor a auica aie.
7 rooms, large lot, all kinds of
fruit, bath, electric lights and toilet,
1272 Fir St. $2250, $1000 cash; look
at It. -
6 rooms modern; a dandy home for
some one at $2300; 1860 8. Church St.
6 room modern bungalow, two lots;
this Is a swell pluce, 1696 N. Liberty
St. $2600. SttOa "cash, balance two
6 room modern house; a real snap
in S. Salem, one block off street car,
$2200, $609 -cash, balance" - monthly.
We have several 4 to 6 room good
houses from $900 to $1500 on easy
payment plan. Bee us when you want
a house farm.
John H. Scott Kealty Co
228 Oregon bldg
Investigate These Bargains.
10 acres of best soil. 5 acres bear
ing prunes, 2 acres loganberries and
2 acres strawberries, new sei ouna
ings, Snap, $4000.
80 acres river bottom choice gar-
den land, buildings and orchard. Only
$200 per acre.
35 acre farm 3 miles trom saiem
best loam soil, good buildings, orch
ards, berries. Snap, $300 per acre. '
Choice 1 acre bearing prune orch
ard near Salem, best' buy around Sa
lem at $50u per acre; will pay o per
cent on Investment.
. 125 acre ;Ier bottom farm near
k'rem. farm buildings and 60 acres
bearing orchard. Fine Investment for
$16,000; terms. -For
bargains and Investments.
" Perrine & Marsters
. 21? Commercial Club bldg..
Grain Wheat, soft wait No. 1 2 i
ieea eats sue; mining oat otic; hy,
cheat, -new $17; hay, eats, new $18
zu; mm run n((Mi
utterfati Butterfat. 69c; eanH
Pork, veal aiut. nrotton: Pork a foot
Via , veal fancy 20 or steers
So; cows 67 l-2c; spring lambs
10c; ewea 4 6c; sheep, leadings 6c
Ejsgs and poultry; -Eggs' cash 62c;
light hens 18 20e -heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 1 5 S 1 6o ; -springs 2 8o.
Vegetables:: Oaions.per.. sack $3;
celery doz. 90c; tomatoes 90c; potatoes
3; sweet potatoes Be.
Fruit; Oranges $77.50: lemons 9:
bananas 10c; honey extracted 20c;
bunch beets 43c; eabbage e; head
lettuce 60c j carrots 45c; grapes, Ma
lagas 10c; grapes, Tokaya 19o. . . ,
Retail prices: :Eggs dozen 70c;
creamery butter 75ej country butter
6Sc; flour, hard wheat $3.10 3.25.
Portland, Or., Oct. 29. Butter, elty
creamery 66 67c;. Eggs selected local
ex 64 72c;. hens 26 28c; broilers 22
27c; geese 15c;, cheese 3335c, ,,
, . Live Stock.
Cattle: Receipts 399; tone of mar
ket steady good to choice steers $9
9.50; fair to medium steers $7 8 ;
common to fair steers,. $S.506,50;
choice to good cows and heifers $6.50
7.60; canners $31; bulls $56.60;
calves $814,
Hogm Receipts 38; tone of market ,
steady; .prime mixed $13.50 14.00;
medium, mixed, $13.0013.50; rough
heavies, $11.0011.50; pigs, $12.00
Sheep: Receipts 118: tone of market
steady; prime lambs $11.0011.60;
fair to medium lambs $10.0010.BO;
yearlings $8.009.00; wethers $7.50
8.50; ewes, $5.007.00.
In 1917 the production of ooal in
the United States is estimated to have
amounted to 637,000,000 tons, of
which 165,000,000 tons were consum
ed by locomotives, or 22 per cent of
the total, i!-
By owner, 18 acres Improved red soil
fruit; farm at Hunnyslde, 7 mil as
south of Salem, on rock road, near
highway, good locality.. 7 acres
prunes mostly 6 years old; straw
berries set in entire orchard; 3
acres loganberries, 3 acres good po
tatoes, 4 room house, barn almost
new,, several out buildings, family
orchard, etc., balance good stump
pasture, wire fence. Terms 1-2 cash
priced cheap at $6000. Owner, S. R.
Pearson, Turner, Or., Rt. 2, box
66o. Phone 12F5. . 258
Niemeyer's Buys. 1
6 room modern house on S. 14th
St. $2260. Easy terms.
4 room modern house on N. 24th.
Lot 40x100. $1500. -Cash $300, terms
for balance.
8 room modern bungalow on North
Capitol. Young fruit. Lot 60x100. $),-
1 1-2 acres near carllne. 8 room
modern house. Barn. Family orchard,
berries. $4760.
12 . acres 2 miles from Salem on
good road. 6 hores orchard, balance
cultivated. Modern bungalow; good
barn. $6000.
320 acres near Flaxcombe, Canada.
Well lmnroved. $12,000. Trade for
farm In Willamette valley.
52 acres near Independence, all cul
tivated. Well fenced. Good house and
barn. Family orchard. Some stock,
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg.
Phones. 1000, 1014. 266"
Salem. Scavangei" Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167.
"I dldntbellevaftpo.
Ible," laid Mrs. S ,
fthteclty today, "My
'phont began ringing
toon after my Want A4
appeared, ana In three bauri
I bad ngag ed the best matt
we have ever bad, I cant
praise your Want Ad
toa4 MX Um Wsn Ms to
The Capital Journal
205 Oregca Birildiag
Sn FrancUeo i School Bov
Jump Royal Car; Write
"Pear King" Letter.
Sarr Francisco Somewhere in thav
personal effect ot King Albert ot Bel
gium repose at thrift oard with ay
United States Government Thrift Stampi
attached. . The . King ia that much
ahead. There is a kid in San Fran
cisco who is that much out.
. As King Albert stepped Into hia auto
mobile after the official reception In .'
San Francisco. Richard Slprelie, elevea ,
years old, leaped upon the running; ,
board to sell the King a Thrift Stamp.
He thrust the card and stamp into the)
King's hand. The King looked at hlna
and then said, smilingly, "Thanfe you.
Just then the King's car lurched for--ward
and the King was gone with th
Thrift Stamp and the 25 cents for
which a Thrift Stamp sells.
However, Richard didn't want thej
"(.wo-blts" as the following letter wfflcla
ha baa written to King Albert will
show. .'
, Ban Francisco, Calif. .
1341 Grove St., ,
; , .r, Oct 17, 1919. ,
Dear King Albert: ,
I am the boy who hopped on the ran-
ning board of your auto, when you was
at the City Hall In San Francisco CaL
I gave you a Thrift Stamp to- show
hat the U. S. goverment haa there
children Invest In. ::
These stamps not only help's the gov
erment to pay its debts, but It javea
money for you, bo when you get bis '
you can, take these cards which hold
16 Thrift Stamps and give to a banker
and he will give you five dollars, as yon
make a dollar profit
I am sending you this letter to ask
If you dont think it would be a good
thing, to have for the children and
people, ofBelglumT '.
I would like for you to answer. ., ...
I would also like an autograph photo
graph of you to.
from your unknown but always your
Address 1341 Grove St. -
San Francisco. v :
California ' State Federation
Recommends Government
Agent in Each Union.
Bakersfleld, Cal. Recognizing thrift
as an aconomlo weapon making for In
dependence of tba worklngman,.. thai
California State Federation of Labor;
In Its twentieth annual convention
here, adopted resolut'ons introduced
by President Daniel C. Murphy endors
ing the government's 1919 thrift an
war savings stamp campaign and rec
ommending to all affiliated local unions
In the stat the appointment of a
thrift agent with a revolving fund ade
quate to handle thrift and war savings)
stamps and treasury savings eertiiW
caten. The vote on the resolution was
After pointing out that thrift an
war savings stamps afford "many ot
small earnings a sale, sound and
guaranteed method of government In
vestment of hard earned savings," the
resolution memorialized federal author
ities to perpetuate the government'
war savings institution, stating that
it has "stimulated freedom- of actios
and Independence on the part ot
wage earners."
President Murphy of the Federa
tion said:
"I feel that the continuation of the
teaching and pract'ee of thrift by thai
I government Is of vital importance to
the wage earners ot the nation. At
this time particularly It is Important
that every wage earner help to bring
exorbitant prices to a normal lovel by
saving every cent he can, thus cut
ting down the demand for luxuries an
permitting the use of the capital saved
for the production of necessities."
for DorcirnoYS
Shrapnel goggles are made of met
al entirely, except a pad of rubber
between them and the flesh fo pro
tection's sake, and the wearer seea
through a slot In the metal irt front
of his eyes. This Is large enough for
him to obtain a clear view of the sur
roundings, but not large enough to
permit of the passage of missies.
it .