PAGE EIGHT. SECRET PRACTICE AND "GHOST" BALL OREGON SCHEDULE :; By Paul Farrlngton (Capital Journal Special Service.) Eugene, Or., Oct. 29. Secret prac tice by the University of Oregon foot ball machine was held here last night for the first time and the "ghost ball" Is due for an early appearance. Fol lowing last night' scrimmage Coach "Shy" Huntington said: "They're coming into shape fine, t believe that our kackfleld is one of the best and perhaps the best ever Anown In the history of the Institution. Steers Is in the best of shape, Strow bridge and Vincent Jacobberger are showing up well, and Hollis Hunting ton at full is playing a better game than he ever played in the past." , The work of Steers has been bring inct omiles of satisfaction to the faces of local Oregon supporters who have been watching nightly practice. The . Dalles boy, mentioned by Seattle pa pers as "the terrible Steers," is aver aging better than 60 yards in his punts and handling passes extraordinarily well. From the sidelines Coach Hunt lncton Raid: "I have never seen a nwn the equal of Steers In forward passing. He takes his time, picks his man, and shoots the ball like a bullet." At the wing positions "Mart" How ard and "Stnn" Anderson are appear ing to advantage. "Howard is going good ami spectators will likely receive an agreeable surprise when they see him In BClkin," Huntington remarked today. In the tackle berths Oregon Is strong On the lett side of the line "Art" Rerg, although lacking the brlllance of "Este" Hartlett who works on tne riant. Is playing a consistent, heady game and is always on the Job. The wrk of Bartlett has ben extraordinary In every way. The big blond tacklo with the assistance of "Has" Williams at guard, has been opening holes on the right of center through which a moving van could pass. In the Mult nomah game Bartlott, although he had been out but a few times, was a joy to Oregon fnns. Picked by osco'e Faw eett as the tmlilvdual star of the Oip-gon-Penn game at Pasadena in 1916, Bartlot is undoubtedly living up to his reputation. Interest In the Oregon-O. A. C. ga'ne here November 15 is running high. Staid business men and pastors are : talking football nt the slightest provo cation and everybody appears confl C tnt of victory.. Plans are underway to feed 600,1 persons on Ihe Oregon campus alone. Special trains are to carry old Oregon men from eastern Oregon and ra'M will be offered by railways. A huire rally wll Hake place November 14 on the eve of the. game. Many hundred:) of rooters will parade through the business district and later, cm Kincaid field where the bonfire will be held, speeches will be made. , Stunts will b(i given on R largo platform now undot1' conslrui'llon and a trophy Is offerel for the organization giving the pent THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1919. Colorado Miners Vote To Oppose General Walkout - Denver. Colo., Oct. 29. Opposition ti a strike is growing among Colora do Fuel and Iron company employes, as evidenced by resolutions adopted! in tnree: or the company's Colorado camps. Walsen, Ideal and Rouse min ers declared in favor of remaining at work in case the strike Is carried In to effect. The company employs about half of Colorado's 12,000 coal miners SPEED IN PAYMENT Of ACCIDENT CLAIMS IS TO BE INCREASED DEMPSEY NOT READY TO FIGHT YET; EYES ARE ON FILM MONEY The time elapsing from the receipt of reports of an Industrial accident by the state industrial accident com mission to the time of mailing the in jured workman check for compensa tion will be cut from five Aam to less than two as result of improvements In the system of handling claims v.hich have been worked out. .Com missioner Will T. Kirk, assisted by the heads of all departments having to do with claims. Until the past four months the time elapsing between receipt of all re ports and mailing of check was eight di.ys to three weeks but that has been cut to the present average of five days. Under the new system tho time will run one and a half to two days. iA1r. Kirk stated yesterday that the commission will be greatly aided in expediting payment of claims by the employer, employe and physician treating the employe, sending in their respective reports as aeon after the street Cicciaent as possible. . Not only has the mailing of checks been expedited by Mr. Kirk's plan but tho payment for time lost has been changed from paying on a monthly l asls to paying for two weeks. Here tofore If a man were badly injured the payment was made the month if the loss of time amounted to that period. Under the lAw plan if an ac cident is of such severity that it is self evident the man will lose much t:me, a payment for two weeks will be made at once and the claim will then go through regular channels and such additional compensation as may he necessary will be allowed. By Henry L. FarreU (United Press Staff Correspondent.) New York, Oct. 29. Dempsey Isn't ready to fight yet. , Despite the yarn coming from' the champion's .circus tent that he was pining and' wasting himself away to got back In the ring, his manager, Jack Kearns, wouldn't talk business last night when the New Jersey promoters, Dave Maokay, offered him $25,000 for an eight round, no-decision fight with Willie Meehan; Fred Fulton, Bill Een- nan or Battling Levinsky. n appears mat tne movie game hasn't been squeezed for dollars by the cnampion and he wantsto try his hand at that before he "risks" his title. Dempsey 's first bid for easy coin on the vaudeville stage was "tho bloomer' of the season. His next whirl with the circus proved a disappointment ad finally Kearns camo east to sign up any Kind- or a fight in New York. That i ld lir.t- from the ringside in Toledo- -"the champion will fight any one ana everyone was repeated from almost every flag station on Kearns' route up from Texas. It looked though Kearns really meant to put the champion back in the ring in the very near future. But Mackay could not pin him down to anything. The only indication of fight from the Dempsey quarter cam, when mention was made of Fred Ful ton. Kearns said the .champion would fight the Minnesota plasterer the first time he met him even if It was on the POLK COUNTY FARM BUREAU HOLDS BIG DALLAS MEETIXG CAMPAIGN STARTED skit. Chicago, Oct. 29. Johnny Dundee and Willie Jackson who fight ten rounds In Milwaukee Friday night, left here today for the cream city. Tho Fri day bout .way determine which meets illeiuiK Leonard in a championship hunt at Tulsa, .OUUi,, Novomber 10. Washington, Oct. 29.-Jac.k Kearns inHrtngef of Champion Jack Dempsey nnd Dave Mackey, Newark promoter, who Is trying to got the heavyweight king signed for a fight early in lo wiuher, failed to teach an agreement hue this afternoon. Kearns announced that they would get together later in the week. DALLAS TEAM DEFEATED (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., Oct. 29. The football team of the Dallas high school went down to defeat Saturday afternoon at the hands of tho fast Hllverton high school team by a score of 26 to 0, Tho game was a hard fought contest but owing to the superior strength of tho visttors the locals were blocked from making any score. A return gamo will probably be played at Silverton later ' in the season when the local team hope to even up the score. Representative farmers from ail parts of Morrow county met at Hi-pp-ner Thursday and oranglzed a farm bureau. For That Cough After the "Flu" Lingering colda and cough that follow the grip or influenza are difficult to overcome, but many such sufferers have found relief in Foley's Honey and Tar. Sy t Is Worth $50.00 a BottU ' Wra. Barn, Sail Antonio, T., writ: "Foley's Honey and Tar ii uwtoubtodly tho Inst couSh remedy in th vr'd. 1 It 'tow tlii ii booauMi found it to bt . Actual xporienoa taught ma. It has been worth T0.U0 ab ottla to na. Early in th aoo I had tha 'flu.' which l(t ma weak and with a prjtnt eoufb. Tho utfh hung oe and I bacaro much worried about it. Sameon adviaed tna to try Foley' Hontr and Tar and I hogan taking it that nigbt. 1 bava Ctow completely recovered aoddnot cougbatell,' Foley Honey and Tar, ; COMPOUND AN OLD RELIABLE FAMILY REMEDY, recommended for cough, cold), tickling of the throat, tpismodio . croup, whooping cough, la grippe, sod bronchial coughs, hoarsened, etc. All users praise its prompt ami ' tfitcknl acliotu Absolutely stf Contains no opiates. Washington, Oct. 29. Hackers of nonntor Allies Polndexler, who Inst nlKht announced that he Ih a republi can candidate for president, today be gan preparations to carry his cam' palm to every state. Toindexlcr hln- seic willi make the first of a series of speeches within two weeks. Political observers speculated on the unlinie procedure of Polndexter in liatly announcing his candidacy and in issuing a detailed statement of principles. Candidates prevlouflly have not done this so long-before conven tion time. One of the principle arguments that Polndexter will use Is that radicalism should be curbed and property rights safeguarded. Ho will oppose the Plumb plan for nationalization of railroads. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas. Or., Oct. 29. At a big meet ing of the Polk county farm bureau held in the county court room of the court house in Dallas Monday night "L'ncle Sam" Hampton, of Montana, an organizer for tho bureau delivered an interesting, humorous talk to tho assembly. The object of the meeting was to get together the farmers of the community for the purpose of perfect ing the organization of the farm bu reau and to explain its workings. Sim ilar meetings are being held all over the county. A Bhort musical program was during tho evening. linijfGs in KNrir nrtmio (Capital Journal Special Service) Dallas, Or.. Oct. 2D. Mr. and Mrs. William Dnydston arrived In Dallas, Sunday night from France, where they were united In marriage several weoks ago. Mr. Boydson met his wife during his stay in France while with tho old Third Oregon regiment during tho re cent Herman war and after his urrlval in this country returned to France and the couple were united In marrlncn. They expect to make their homo with tne groom's parents in the southwest ern part of the city. - s rarrjf I'OISOX FOR THE . IM'PS OF TTIK I'HAlRirc According to a government report. n.ore than 3,600,000 acres of govern ment iana nave been freed recently prairie nogs py poisoning. One man poisoned approximately 2000 prairie dogs Ih a single day on a 320 acre field in northern Arlaona, 1641 of the' animals being counted in the open, one me resi aieu in their holes. HERMAN OPERA. BARRED. New York, Oct. 29 (United Press) German opera was definitely barred from Now York when Supreme Justice Geigerlch late yesterday denied the pe tition of the Star Opera company to make a temporary Injunction restrain ing Mayor Hylan from interfering with productions. BUY W. S. S. SUITS AN1 OVERCOATS ! At this season of the year you must Prepare for the cold weather that is to come WOOL WILL DO IT You can get it here. Made Right, Priced Right and the Right Fit $25.00, $30.(10 CO BUYW.S.S. U. S. BANK BUILDING IL Apply Zemo, Clean," Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It Is unnecessary for you to suffer witheczema,blotche8,iingworm,rashe3 and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c or $1.00 f orextra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and 13 soothing to the most delicate Skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Hose Co., Cleveland. O. ALWAYS 10c SAME v QUALITY SAME , ' ASK FOR nnH r.vrr liorlicEt's l no original fVialted Sllilk For Infanta and Invalid iWllliffTBE i 'eopie Notice It. Drive Thera Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. rdwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken tlie tablets a lew nights: Cleanse tlie blood, bowels and liver With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabids, tlie cuivf.lul substitute forculomel; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. IV. Edwards Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as etiec lively, but their action is gentle and tafe instead of severe and irritating; No one win takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with a "dark brown taste." bad breallu a dull, listless, "no suoo " ieelin, constipation, torpid liver, bad dtsKsition f pimply face. Olis-e Tablets are a purely vegetable coinixiund mixed with olive oil; you will know tiicm by their olive color. Dr. Edwards Sent ears amone pa tients aillicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the Immensely effective result. Take one or two nujhtly for a week. See how much Lett-jr you leel and look. 10c and Lkoc. I AMI " t",r Vs. w j'j I Ml f iPMMp m fly I Learn Thrift! You can shine your shoes 50 times with a box of Smm. 50 shines would cost you $5.00 or more. Well shined shoes add to your personal appear ance. ShikoiA makes shoes wear longer as the wax and oils protect the surface, keep tha leather soft and pliable. - It pays to give your shoes good care when thev cost so much. 1 KKSTORIXG THE ELASTICITY OF RUBBER Rubber articles that have become hard recover their elasticity In a short time if placed In three per cent car holio water or three per cent aniline solution. In the ease of the carbolic solution It must not be forgotten that black eoods exposed to it become ffray. If it is desired to preserve the Mack or red color of the goods, that too can be done. A one per cent so lution of pentasulpTlate of potash is employed. It is true that this smells unpleasantly, but the restoration of elasticity is quite considerable. Sore Throat. Colds, Cough Croup and Oataxr Often Keuevea in Two Minutes HOME SET Makes Home Shoe Shining easy and convenient. BLACK TAN WHITE OX-BLOOD BROWN for Is vour throat soref Brealhe Hyomei. Have you catarrh f Breathe Hyomei. Have you a "eought Breathe Hyomei. v Have you a eoldf Breathe Hyomei. Hyomei is the one treatment nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain eocaine, inorhpine or other aiinserons drug and doe, away with stomach dosing;. Just .breathe it thru the little jwoket inhaler that comes with each outfit. A complete outfit costs tnt little at Daniel J. Try's or any rcliablo drug gist and Hyomei is guaranteed to ban ish catarrh, eronp. coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomei inhaler lasts a life time nnd extra bottles of Hvomei ran btk ahtAin- .Bitterest What is your hauling costs? If you haul with team i and wagon you lose time and time is money. If you t hire a truck man to haul your produce you are buy ing nis irucK. wny not own your own truck and save money and do your hauling at the time you want it done. .We have a few 1 1-4-ton Bethlehem trucks that are being sold at a discount. Come in and let us f i g ure with you. Terms if desired. . Salem Velie Co. - 162 N. Commercial Street. Phone 1604 t DRAPERIES MADE TO ORDER TO FIT, YOU BWIXDOWS. CS. HAMILTON 310 Court Sreet SPECIAL Good 5 passenger car will trade for what have you U. S. GARAGE PlKine 1752 554 Ferry St. ei from druggists "for a few cents. (Adv)