Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 29, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mr. and Airs, deorge W. Lewis, et
Portland, spent Tuesday In Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones or Oregon
'City( -visited vlth friends to.'.
jtal city Tuesday., - V
1 Pefcv A. CuoDer. state engineer, is
' ' ' ...
I Froro Arnes, Iowa, eome Mr. and
'Mr&- P. L. Freed, guests today at- the
'Argo.. . .-; '
liazel urcen Rotes.
' at -
rCenitnlJoiirBa Special Service,)
..' 'itiOKB3t
' '&' .
bet. i-BrlUge lilunfcheoh
Oct 89 ri Business Men's
teae, s iH., CaifttneHSIal
Oet 0. P: fe. O. BlsterBrtod
Oct. SlCotitttry Club dance
Oct 3 Congress of Moth
ers, eugenic contests, 1:30 jl.
m., Commercial Club auditorium.
iii Portland on business today.
bt. S. C. Stone will be found at Ty
ler Drug Store, 157 South Cemmer
eial Btreet. -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCrossen of
Hasborton, Montana, are spending a
brief .visit in Salem.
Hazel Green, Or., Oct. 29. Mrs.
rhtton of Eugene whs a visitor at the
E. A. liunigan home Friday and Sat- '
, urday.
At the Ralem hhspilal, lo 1
Mr. and Mrs. Johh W. Uofcbel, 1299 1
D street, Balenn Friday; Oct. 24,1
1919. a daughter, to be called Mary
Elisabeth,. '
Mrs. Goehel before her marriage
Guy Bates Post coming to the Grand Mrs. Vada Campbell of Portland is w8 MnrV P1S"
Manager of the Balder.-
iopera house dignifies the dramatic sea- visiting her. mother. Mrs. MarthaWolf. To Mr
Sort With the most extraordinary ' J. A. Looney arrived from eastern , g - '
New York, Oct. S. Liberty . bond
quotations: 3M'a 100.92; first 4'a,.SS;
isecond 4's, 83.20; first 4Vi's, 95.80; sec
ib-hd 4H's. 98.2i; third 4H , "96.22;
.fourth 4Vs, 9S. 34; victory 8 S-4's,
: 99.69; 4'1-4's, 99.83.
. Tti.fc ., R "I. hi den-B ' lnS U menire au to . J? ' . . , X" XZ
Mrs. Kooen . I, snendine the day in Sa'em.
pehdence, Was a Salfem Visitor yester- i Pending tne aay in sa em.
fla- . ; Mr. V. H; .Thomitson, of Pakrier.
is in the city looking up old
Mbnday 1
and Mrs. Parley:
Jones. 455 S. Liberty street, Salem,
Weanc4fiy, Oct. 29, 1919, a daugh-1
Mrs. loheS before her marriage Shipping was expwwn m ne estaoiisn-
rwI.Im nilM,. led today, wncn errons raiiea 10 sei-
tbbW Vmk, btt 9. trnltei Pres.)
-The 'open shop" In Ne Tdl-k's
blive Thomas lit "Upstairs andOrcS0n
Dbwh" at th OrBgSn' Friday
I Saturday.
friends and acquaintances.
Leatner betting; P; B. BBafef hit
neas and saddlerj-. 170 8. Commercie.1.
M. W. A. ad n. PJ. A. attention.
Jbint social ttieeting Thur's. eve. 266
Work on remodelling the old Salem
hotel has Men begun and the exter
ior is being thoroughly repainted.
The best five piece orchestra in the
Willamette valley will play at the new
Ahui-n hsill Saturday night. Don't
miss it.
. aav nr ftifnrtanf Inn It IS annOUncea Willi IIU BUM, tt-vi. wuiirj.
that this great artist will appear only he left by auto for Jefferson to Visit
for one night, Wednesday. November relatives. - '. . "
12, , I Mr. ana airs-, ueorge jsemnsui mm
Mrs. Tuiy meiiinsiu spent nunoay n 'iiV.M14 Itl all
week with relatives hear Stayton. ,,. (.u.ulv busv nhd a Mrae for three wek. United States shipping
Tony Malchom and Anita Looney of - . ,.mhrr (ad Mlllroa, llc9 uoftr Bnl. private steamship line offl-
r. W. Kuvkehdail of fcUgenfe anient
Tuesday in Saietrt tailing Sh friends
thfe capltol.
BllliS feUrke in "Sadie love." anotli
er. Larry SerhOn ebmedy and High
Class vaudeville at the Oregbrt Sun
day and Monday. 256
R. W, Marstet-s bt fbrtland.' form
erly county Judge of Iouglas county
I'oesy, so soldem found in a mad
and the rarest quality an artist pos-
Major Schur. O. N. (i.- accompiin- sesses is as irresistible in every thing
led V his wife. nUehded to officii' he does nr. the shadow following the
business, in the Capital City yesterdny. , golden ras of the-un;'
As a child he Used hever to think of
l"rom, 5?!o. n prosp-.'uttt Uttl i t iwn dramatife artists a ahy thing But faf
i.dt lis teW r its tli.mS c"-'i ; removed Mlrg. This gteat player,'
r-erl T. Bilyetl n A'-W. M rt'!' " with just that appraisement,
fc-hrt istHpripd over Tuesday at the t(nat eiive something which when
Bligh hbtel. ivWed to his riiagtilflceht, cortipeillng
, anttn stamlis hiirt great. That word !
vv off - ,
Uia WA t'fll.-n it niA V11V1 chureinen
sections of Linn ' which has tied up harbor activity here
Balem spent Saturday with their tine! , m shipped from many railroad tats declared they will hire non-union
w. i,ui.iiej. -pttiits lit the cbitnty. . men It necessary.
. M (jasswell arrived Stiriday fi-Brd : v .
formerlv owned by C. J. Latham
Mr. and Mrs Joe Oafbftrene and the ' 444-4-4
former's Siste Wbtit lb Pottlahd, Sun-,
day to attend the funeral of a sister;
who died on Saturday.
Mrs. Buell of Sheridan came to her :
Masquerade darice at Turner Thnrs
EveWlony invitea. i
day night.
Guests at the home of S. B. Chenor
weth are Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mattinglyt
of, St. Johns.
Masquerade dance at Turner ThUrs
day night. New evelauon jazz '
W R. Hamilton, district manager
fnr the P. R. L. & P. Company, made
his usual weekly business trip to Port
land Wednesday.
A sroup of inttea states nrvj-mi-,., rightly withheld By OUr a!SCR1inat,.: . Chawman's test
s in Ktlem loaay. o.i in. crKlcs uMil h ,,,an nns proven nis .. A in mhnv her and'
worth. Whd raft forget Post as MhJ. Rltcney to battle this' Week. Mr, i
"Omar" in Richard Walton Tally s es- . n-a sister In Wash :
;Bon. qulslte "Omar 1M Tentninker M'- illlptl)n an3 Mra. chapman will visit her!
Post's character tlrawirtss live hecause .,,.,. M.h) h,,H onn
ne invarii.'UJi.v oiimrs vi.t:wh
F. K,
Mrs. B R. Perkins, Who has been j
jfi i t U DnlnHi Vine til to I Bin no i X ttl I Hfi
inert niniiii.g. 'i rn i.-. note or numanuy. ne is mm mm nisi
in a larse
ing. October 10, is improving and ex-!, prune CoMMttM, . Irt Salem, on pfermanent because . he Ik the great
pects to leave the hospital within
few days.
; business connected
I work.
with his nnn o
in'iLnln. serious damage, a car! TouHng the Pacific canst s 'ales,
owned by the state industrial -accident , y&r ox ntolb r-j front i . .
and one driven by jonn ; uaiio-.a, -
rear.srerine at l;i? .
Minnickel of
MinnlcKei or zju aorin nmu " ..,n ' Mrt Ppw- AIi-s
harm done
ed fenders.
being a couple of sm
Mrs. Pew.
The annual meeting of the Western !
Members of the Leslie Methodist
ine annum " ",:.,,,..,-,, -hnrch will elffi a rece"t!0l
Walnut Growers association win ."- ,rtl' ttVB.hrt
,.4 .. i. - nT..ll . 1 knta Port. IUIMU1 iuw
an ;
Norma N.Terwilliger.licensed lady em
Wimni. with TerwlUiger Funeral Home,
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Weller, who
have been spending the past week in
Bellingham its the guests of friends,
have returned hotne. '
Attention Odd Fellows,
meetrtg Chemeketa lodge
Special program and eats.
v F tiv.-irs left 'today for his home
in Cloldendale, Washington. He has
, u.n.nn n brief visit at the
OBCIl niiti.v..o
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W
- H. I'
The installation of the big Wurlit-
er nrean at the Oregon is progress
ing nicely and the opening program
will be announceu buiu,
human ' actor. Hunianity dominates
every eha Meter he hftft ever given ux
The hurtinnlly of the artist a:.d the
htimnnltv Of the man; Humanity dom- i
inates erel-ylHInSr he enters into. His
great love for family, for his aw, and ;
the most unusual affection. existir.S he-;
tween Mr. Post and his distinguished
author tnanager Richard Walton
Tully sill stamp hlivt, to intimates, as
an irresislable personality, for somC
ohe once said of his best friend "to
known him is to love hirti' 'and if ever
a popular Saying could be applied to
ah Individual, that applies to Ml-. Post.
Ah, accomplished musician, painter,
linquist nhd Writer, all coupled with
his Irrepreachagle plfts as ail actor -j
i ii.HHr,, :he is ail in- '
United has been spending the past two weeks ' aDfe worker. The mast of every ;
hunting in the vicinity ur ui iuie, ur knbwn I!uman emotiriv, Olte moment
"turned to the sheriffs .f.lce. n;;t ttU a-e Know da noble and i
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' Pljnsky, ac-, hi3 duties Wednesday mmmng. He r . gooiJtM nfeJct eepictihg the tlttttbst
cohipanled by their daughter. M'-st-; ponea goon ij. ... . depths of ull cllvllzatlott ablims more ;
Anna' Plinsky; left t-efcehtiy tor.- iiOf;eiuiu- vw. "m h"- j ihtetestingiy intense tnan jecxyu ana;
Angeles where they will spend "the I ; . . B.yde more gentle than Romeo yet
winter. Mr. and Mrs. Plinsky were Albert Magnus, Jr., of the t. tn -, wlth u,a monertl minly mail, its
formerly of the Capital hotel, and cago nrm oi ".. we known big meh great Well of to-j
Miss Plinsky is a graduate nurse bfjSoiem m rt w. B,n , il 'day. Creating that within us, that sub :
Willamette Sanatorium. The CaliforJ, Linn, n J" tie Sohic-lhing, In admlratioh we ere
unable to put into
see iiir.-jiiiii uuv47, , - i '
T , , n J 19 T.-Iw1t ;N.
land, on novemoer n ....i,,...i horrnlp in the
secretary-treasurer of the ' ! "'""y ;
uli- community uie hivhci.
?. i Dettiitv Sheriff (). D. Bower, who
L. Pearcy,
organlzaticn, IS arranging for ah
usuaUy interesting program. One
the speakers expected to attend is
A. Reed, nut expert of the
States department of agriculture.
Kenneth Barnett of Waconfla spent ;
the week end with friends in Hazel :
Green. '
The Busy Bee class of thfe United
KhrlSren Sunday school gave a birth-
day party to a Cotiple of their mem- ;
bei-s, Bdna bavis and O. C. Wilson, L
last Friday eve at the United Brethren ;
parsonage. Games, music and refresh-
hients helped tb make the evening a
pleasant one. Those . present were
Louise and Edna Davis, Violet and O
C. Wilson, ' Alto, Willie and Freddy j
! Chapman, Forrest Rhodes, Gene Par-;
jmenter tmd MT. A. Duhlgrtn. - j
I The Woinah's day program which j
i wasto be given at the Hazel Green
.church next Sunday over has been post
I boned until Nbvemher 16th.
Tomorrow s
Economy Sqaafe
hest sellinff 50c hilnibers. Made hi i
dhe of the largest and best equipped Hosiery Mills i
in America. All sizes. . ,
I Tomorrow only 39c
Sale of
r .T Ferguson. Klamath Falls at-
,.,, v a state cauttol .visitor to
rt rif in' consultation with the members
of "the state irrigation securities com
mis-ion, relative to 'irrisation j-irob
Urns. . - . ,.i
r-co Saunders, a member of
the Oregonian reportorial staff and
formerlv connected with the Salem
Statesman, is calling on friends in the
capital city today.
ngent in. Marion
and Polk counties for the Xatinnal Life
Co.. TJ.'S. ASee him for a
full return premium policy on your
if. fi,o nnlv kind. Phone lditAi
tiae, m o . 1
nia trit) was made because
health of Miss Plinsky.
in the search for the
uthern Pacific car last night, ne"ar
Portland, wheh much laaies ana men
wearing apparel was taken. The sher
iff also was requested by Portland po
lice and railroad operatives, to be on
the lookout for persons who might be
attempting to sell the stolen goods.
Linn. Mr, Magnus has just re
the i turned from two years in France,
' j .1.- 4....n ,acf oePfiilliv tO
see Mr.J..!nn under w hose expert til- Btnius;
learned ths hop business
, I rpo.tion ho
here Wednesday were "'"'?!""". Mnirn11-nnd Soti deal
robbers oi j:;r':r;
In nopa, anu is uuu ui tuc Mi&t..3,
certis in tho United Statos.
, at our
Coftier Stotfi-Court and
Liberty Streets
$30.00 Oak Book Case, Used Price
Will be Salem May be the seat of manufac-
For sale, house, contains room
(ho. hnsement), a barn, makes good
garage; 14S feet front, 128 feet deep,
cement walks, variety of fruit, ap-
i. noma nrunes. cherries, Derriesi
'' . '. . -v. Ifrt.,1- lr.nfrliHh walnut trees.
Jlmmf Mart', SOh Of Mr. ana ftirs. " ,, ... . . - . r-leuilnr.
- . .. . j ,1,1 j... Ri sold reasonaoie. r iieen tun vi a :. y..uu....o-..
John Marr, has sent word that he ..... ,, ,,, balance. on time, i The comrhei'clal Club today receiv-
been assigntd to ten days rVuty y m , corner Market 'and.' En a communluation from the invent-
Washington, 1J: C. ad expects to re- h g(s ' 258 0r of sttch ah apparatus. Hi Portland,
ceive his discharge at the end Of that . - - asking for Information that will ten-
Ume. Mr. Marr hopefully states that h . Normal; Sorae weeks ago l;ble him to make connectbns with I
he may be able to eat inanasgii b flattering opportunity to con-'. persons from whom he might get
dinner at home. He has been in the
for the past two and a nan
years with the rank of Paymaster aim
has participated in a number of in
teresting adventures.
vert mv school building into apart-' plant site here.
ments for working girls. After a day's, Tne npw Wreet cleaner, said to be s
reflection I rejected the plan and roi- i100 per cent )n 0p0ration, able to
$11'0.00 Mnjestie Malleable Range,
" $40.00 Oak Folding lied, Now
$ri0.00 Used Organ. In Fine Shape,
for interview.
The chemical truck of the fire de
partment responded to a call at lai
S Winter street yesterday evening and
..iinn.iuiinil n chimney blase
damage was done to the dwelling.
.Knglewood school boasts of the
highest per ice.M of attendance of the
elementary schodls in Salem for the
first month, and the fewest cases of
tardiness. . ,
Amplication was filed Tuesday w
State Engineer Cupper by Genoa P.
Hackett of Tillamook for the appro
priation of water from an unnamed
tributary of Trask .river for a s'.nan (
power development. Chas. Kunze, O ,
A Rchultze and J. J. rtupp oi
n ok have made application for the j
appropriation of water from an un- ;
ramed tributary or jNenaiem nvn ii
domestic purposes and a small power
irv,f t until mentioned loame wuj.
:The schdol will continue to do four
i, v,i years' high school v.'ork in two years
ind Several tnousHim uuu.ti.-a "i
lit n improvements during tne new
J. ,1. Kraiips. za(
"5 ' i17
the cost of flushing streets one f.fth,
and the only absolute way of keepihe j
streets clean and tlustlesa in . freez-
ing weaihor, is attracting much inter- j
est in the east. The Inventor said j
that he has hatch business already I
Ined up, rtud Indicated that the esab-
ilishrr.ent 'of his plant here would.)
mean a great thins for the capital j
$20.00 Oak Hall Tree, Now
tTnw vou see' an advertisemeilt reading.
"We ask you to compare ours .with others What-
-does "comparison" really mean? It means, "To; X
hiiake ohe the measure ot another." - :
Now comparisons are not always in Quality,
Workmanship and Finish to & garment, although
these elements are vitalbut, you must take YARLV
AGE into account- wheft comparing Heady-made'
Mpi.h&ndise. It is immaterial whether the garment
I iihdef comparison be. made of percale, gingham of
broadcloih, the yardage usea in lis construction is
an item that must be accounted hi the. expense.
For examrjle. vou" tnaV find a Coat, Suit, Gown,1
t Rhh mArte of a certain oualitv and pattern of ma1
!t- terial. most easily-identified and wonder where the-
:: difference, but, if you would compare yardage you
i:: would find one garment carrying 1-2 to 2 1-2 yaros-
':: more material than the other, and hence in its full -
! : : and generous cut, having individuality, looking and', j
'.: fitting bettei' in every way. Comparison in mer- i
it chaildise must include QUALITY, WORKMAN- i
i t SHIP. FINISH and YARDAGE. These are the fao;
j I tors that shape our decisions, and guide 'us in huying
ant'. t'AIJict'Iia tlJU lUU mauui tix uui """"
$30.00 Oak Hall Tree, Now
$1 10.00 Solid Maple Combination Fold
ing Bed, Writing Desk and Wardrobe,
m... n.A.miHoo nnnointed nt the
last week's meeting of the board of
directors of the Commercial club, to
arrive at plans for financing a con
crete housing movement in the city,
will make its report at the meeting,
of the club directorate at the Spa
at o'clock tonight. It is believed
tl4 with this report all will be in
readiness for the format)n of a
housing corporation in Salem. The
committee is composed of Chas. W.
Ntemeyer. chairman. Col. E. Hofer.
Homer Smith and T, 53. McCroskey.
T-V,,, flnnl renort of tile eS'-UtO of
Newton Vandalsem, state '.Mary C. ?"
tor vocational education iefttoday ) oyer
on his second tour oi tne sui v. I'" . , th John KiMit 14 ner cent Is driven off by Vo
purpose of visiting schools , . Ella Funrue. lat,li,tion in the cokins of the coal;
This tour will include the towns of. Silverton
'ton, Albany, Astoria ; " "',. Tena Haines, dust, and the remaining 21 per cent
ana roruaim in - , 7. 1 . " T. ,,i- w.,h
ited before. Allottment of tne state :, v.
ndS im.v ded under tne ry iitiiiiiiiui,i
1 o- . . -r -t- mill..
OI lOl tlflllu. : i.-i 1 J in
America's' largest manufacturing
industry is Jron and steel. The piS ; $135.00 Used Piano Cane Organ, Now
lion recovered in smelting iron ore 1
amounts to about 25 per cent of the i
raw materials. The equivalent of
GootV and Why "You can Always do Better at-.-
You Can Always Do Better at
daughter; Alvm s.
a soli, Donald ; uiga
Jn the process of smeltin
i 40 per cent escapes In gas,
fume and j
and Hen-; represents the slag.
residing at 1
$35.00 Coal Heater, Now
and federal fu
hmfth.Hiifthes "act for the purpore
- ...1 .mnotlnnal pflllCltlOll WOtk i
. 'Cw".rr. k. tnnr ' An Order granting Mrs. Amana, Biper!ence 1
win OB mom vii in ..Biafo of her . . .iv, ,1oiinilmt.rlt
-inilllUUMa .ji.'uu ." .ll'Vlll lcicSiu,u ,.1
,h hniinnil. Amis Hannuska, for the sup ,howB that zinc flouiide Is a
C. A.. iJauison, u ei. ,,, nf i,.r.elf and chldren pending m.Mf,rvative for telegraph poles
school oana in me city, ...s - - , ,. . th4 ,.,, was Is- ...,, ,,.,,.,. 1. fftiV if ,.
fifth grammar . tne tumiiwu :i".n" aiiinivui.n ... . -
n the Austrian govern- j
siudents, from the
A few days ago, I told you that I
had entered a contest which required
TEN $10,000 policies to be written in
order for me to qualify. Since then I
have written THREE $10,000 appli
cations, one in Salem and two else
whore in Marion county. During the
month of October. 1919, I have spent
with business men of Salem over $400
.it.., .-on are thinking of taking life
insurance, I will appreciate the op-
-if,, tr. onhmit figures J.
Hutchason, Dist. Mgr. Mutual Ufeo'
Y. Office 371 state oi. lrn
by County Judge Bushey.
evade' to the senior high school, who! sued today
have orchestra or band, instruments , - mrr.ina
at home, to take lessons prenaraiwij Alter onu5 - yM "
to joining the band which win 0 to neieciion ct a juu, n.c
filmed in the near future. According Margaret jvirnwoou
. .. . . . ' .1 ' i. iu--cil,tn of a cow.
to the musical instructors, muic , Mason
. 1- Kntn v.unifc.Rteri in music ,.Aor, At d. in. 111 w.
for Western
plete iminegnation of the Wood is not
It is now possible to make a contin-
,.4 in miuriR..... .f ft. tn. in iustice court, uous railroad journey from - Perth,
terest is oen ...-v ... - 1V .h for kvw. Aost.-nlia. to
I 33,Tsrr- Male spf
this year than at any previous date, Cnester rss, Silverton. attorney .. . vv eatern uu,.a, v-
ind the proniise of an accompiisnea Mrs Klrkwood ana Koiun r. r-aBC, ..!(uec,,Bm..u, u.n...-
band is extraordinarily good. torney for Mr. Mason are expected to --
engage in a Stellar legal battle before : . , . . t nuMnnrvmrim' j
Wnvfl tins been receivea in snieui decision or reacnea 111 , -iiihi-iiii-nuMi-mm-iiii-in 111
of the death of George W. Brown of ,verEV.
vnvfianil. formerly a resident of this j
city. He was the eldest son of the j A cle(,ree. authorizing the adoptions
lite Jack Brown, ana a uruuiei ,hy Philip -,. Aspinwaii aim m- 1
Mrs. Andrew C. Brey ana ai rrown. Helen Edith Aspinwaii, 01 iNorma
-Mr. Brown, a printer Dy naue. i Adair Tyzack, a oaDy gin oorn
one time employed in the offices of Grace Tyzack in Portland, September
Willamette Farmer, tne leaam, , .019. was issued Wednesday Dy
agricultural organ on the Pacific County juuge Bushey.' Mr. and Mrs.
coast in the '70s. He marneo ;Af,1)inwaii adopted the child that they
Lizzie Patterson 01 tnis cny am. mignt mae her heir to their property,
eri to Portland thirty five years ago. ; chartred the child's name to
He is survived
by one son, Walter :Eeanor EnUh Aspinwaii.
tf?"i 1 r. m
Titmi) KISS"
8:30 p. m.
In reply to a request 01 tne mow-:
trial committee of the uommei en i The by-products obtained in the
club for Information of a suitable site h()Use inaustry may be divid-
for a Salem industry that nao ou -, cla--the edible and
grown its bounds in its present loca-; d into t nnaTi)nl(!
tion, several otters, nave oeen it-ue incu.w.c.
i,- The committee Wennesaaywai- tre external covering (nair, norm,
considering a site on the feoutnero noofs and hides), some of the otraj
Pacific tracks. Several days ago in : Jn the manufilcture of
committee announced tnat u... - ,.. and
desirable home for the inaustry w.m -
received it would be forced to leave t;rtulas from the horns and hoofs of
Salem. , ' cattle and sheep- and the hoofs bf
and sheep and the hoofs of
the waste resulting from the
252 North High Street
"he same natural elemert that ga-.'e i'11'6
i. inl in the 1 h8.
IVUMII Jll l' . . ' ,. . . ,
red chronicles made Heppner the mo . . reparation 01 ieKH . 1. -
talked of town In Oregon a few yes-.r
,igo. N. G. Neal. a guest at the K'.i'-ii
hotel, can tell you all n -.out t..'
flood, and anything else el-iu Ir:p;
ner that you do not know.
;r tin-.e thrown away, but it has Keen
found that by treating nuch re.-tterla!
v. i!h sulphuric acid the
vl.icli :t contain
i f. a fertilizer.
becomes avuilai.k-
! y
1 y
ffcx. v.V'i..uV
A Few Good
for Today
Good modern 5 room cottage
bungalow, in N. Salem. On paved
street. East froht. If sold soon
I Have Your Eyes Examined
Stop that burning and scratcn
lug sensation.
Our experience Coupled with
our skill and tho most up to
, date equipment, gives us th
ability to ask for and merit
304-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg.
Clood 5 room bungalow, 10
blocks north of State. Close to car
line. 200. .
Good 1 room bungalow In South
Salem. East front, corner lot
Modern and a bargain at $3400.
m . 1
Good fl room house on 15th St.
Bl3 lot. Plenty of fruit. .Good bath
room. Wood house. East front. A
bargain at $18110.
5 acres with good room hiod
erl cottage, new. Land all under
cultivation. Only 2 miles from Sa
lem, and close to car line. $3000.
10 acres 3 1-2 miles from Sa
lem. 8 acres in fruit. No buildings,
408-407-408 Oregon Bldg.
Cole McElroys
Incomparable Syncopated Orchestra
of Portland
I , MM if, .1'- -.1.1 !! J
Admission 25c to all Then 10c Per Dance
Dancing Free, 8 to 9.
AVctliicsihiy lt"e-
Monday Eve
October H
Si.w .wnvns
Tiii'(liiy t'.W '
Octolx't 28
Oetobtr 2!)