THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1919. PAGE FOUR. n 5 5" i 1 I a THE CAPITALJDURNAL AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER T.,t.ii3hoii everr evenlne: except Sun day by The Capital Journal Printing Co., i3 South Commercial sireev, Salem, Oregon. " Q. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher Telephone Circulation and Busl. tess Office, 81; Editorial rooms, 83. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE Entered as second class mall matter at Salem, Oregon. - ' . Ripp!mg Rhymes. WIXWS The wind of spring; Is joyous, as pleasantly It floats; it never does an- noy us with ghastly wailing note. It seems to bring a rumof of blue and crystal sens, and with buoyant humor It swishes through the trees. We never heat' It screaming, as though with stomach ache: it helps us in our dream itig, and soothes us when we wake. The Sizzltns wind of summer blows morals galley west; the clergyman and plumb er denounco it, with the rest. Tumul tuous and torrid, it goes its burning way, and mnlces us think up horrid and beastly things to say. The woor.y wind of winter has little helpful use; evan gelist and printer berate it like the uuce. It numbs our nerves and senses an from the north it skids; it adds to our expenses ,and wakes us soak our lids. But oh, the wind of autumn! It seems to sigh, iny friends, of woe that has not bottom, of pain that never ends. It wails around my cottage, what time the daylight dies, when I am tired of swattage, and chasing of the flies. Now hastily, now slowly, it vhimpevs' overhead; there nothing so unholy, Sci weird, no full of dread. It sighs, in haunted crannies, of long dead men and maids, of old forgotton grannies, who walked the earth as shades. 5 i OpenForum t To the Editor: The people of Salem have been criticising the police of Sa lcin because they don't make more arrests and clean up the city of the tough element, Now, Mr. Citizen, let me) ask you one Question, suppose you had a sewer to clean and you went down into that sewer to fill the buck ets with the filth In that sewer and you had to depend on a man higher tip to dispose of that filth and when you , passed it on to him he would dump it where it would run straight back to you, would you be encourag ed very much in keeping dipping it up? Well, that is Just tiie position of our police, they make arrests, plenty of them, then they hand them over to the man higher up and what doeB lio do with them? O, gives them a fow days or perhaps a few months; then the chances are will let them out On parole and they are dumped back on the , people and the police, when If they had got what was their flues they would bo sent up for one to five years. Salem Is getting the mime of being oisy and the tougher element is drifting this way. Sulum used to be called the quiet clean city, but unless our police are given more support and the toughs what they doserve we will soon loose our good name and will be called the eawy. Now what we should do Is to shut down so hard on crime of all kinds that the very, name of Salem will be a terror to tho evil doer. Now I think we have got uu extra fine lot of police and men that aro willing to do move than their part, mid If the people and tho judges will do their part and whenever the po iico bring in a crook don't turn him loose with a small fino or a few days in jail, hut give them the limit, thou the crooks will pans Hiilcm up as a tiad place to. stop and our littlu city will regain its good name. Now, good idllxens, don't put all tho blame on the police but give the oth er fellows n whaik for I believe in hitting where it will do the most C.iod. A TAXPAYER OF HALKM. CHILD WELFARE WORK. PERMANENT Eugenic and Child Welfare' quarters are to be opened this week by the Salem branch of the Oregon Congress of Mothers, with the purpose of pro viding free physical examination of babies and children brought to the clinic Eminent specialists have volun teered their services so that parents will receive the same opportunities afforded in the larger cities. Any child between five months and six years of age may be brought to the clinic and expert examination be given for teeth, eye, ear, nose, throat and other trouble incident to childhood. The physicians, specialists, dent ists and nurses of the community have offered the heart iest co-operation. Many of the minor diseases of chcildhood, if neglect ed, seriously interfere with the growth and health. Prompt and skillful treatment effects a permanent cure. Many of the little ones are handicapped by physical ailments unsuspected by their parents and an examination will dis close them. Every parent should take advantage of the welfare clinic. , In this connection, an effort should be launched to. secure for Marion county a public nurse, whose duty is to care for the sick and neglected among the poor, give lec tures upon hygiene in the public schools and give physical examinations to students. In the latter she should have the co-operation of local physicians and specialists. She would work under auspices of the Congress of Mothers, local Red Cross chapter and state society for the preven tion of tuberculosis and her salary and expenses be defray ed by the county. Nearly every progressive community in the country has such nurses and they do a world of good. No money can be better expended, or expended in a better cause than for this real welfare work. In Oregon, Multnomah, Jackson, Coos and Lane county have public nurses and Marion county should not lag behind. v UNREPENTENT HUNS. ALL accounts agree that Germany is sullenly planning revenge for her defeat, that the militarists are still in the saddle, that nearly a million men remain under arms and that only time and opportunity are awaited to renew the sinister attack upon the world. Germany has never manifested the slightest sign of repentence her people are openly unrepentant and only bowing to necessity. The open defiance of the armistice provisions in Poland, the many breeches of faith with the allies, show that defeat has left unchanged the Ger man characteristics as manifested throughout the war. It is still the Germany of poisonous gas, of submarine war fare, of inhuman atrocities. As soon as rehabilitation takes place there will be a renewal of f rightfulness. Masquerading as a civic guard, military training is almost universal, the correspondents tell us. Veterans of the war do the drilling .and keep alive the martial spirit, while all over the country machine guns and munitions are buried. Intrigues, are unending for German predominance in Russit, and it is time the world woke to the situation. Prompt ratification of the peace treaty will alone enable action to avert the impending catastrophe. As long as there is probability of its failure and the consequent collapse of the league of nations, just so long will the Ger mans feel encouraged to proceed with their plans of con quest. The senators opposing the treaty and holding out for a separate peace, are playing the .German game, aid ing and abetting the common enemy. Only by enforcing the provisions of the peace treaty can the war be brought to a victorious end and world menace averted. keep from trembling violently with the disgust I felt when his hand dropped upon my shoulder. ., For a moment I was almost ready to emulate the little old woman of the nursery rhyme and ask If "I be I?" I did ask: "Can the man who has just left you, Kate Gordon, be the same man who set your nerves al! a-flutter the moment you raised your eyes to him the first time?" With the quick change that comes to all women with vivid memories and strong Imaginations, all that I had been thinking -was blotted out and again I felt, In memory, the thrill that came to me as I looked up for the first time into the smiling gray eyes of John Gordon three years and a half before. I had been the house guest of an old school friend and for three weeks the stage had been set for his coming into my life. Every one that I met spoke of him of his fascination, his charm of manner, his good looks, and his well turned compliments. Again and aaln I heard speculations as to why he had not married. "All the girls are crazy about him," said my friend, "but I have' never known him to single out any one for attentions that might mean Inten tions." We were at the Country Club the evening of our first meeting. I had been aimlessly firtling with little Bob by Gaylord when I heard the voice of my friend Helen Van Ness at my ear. "Kate," she said, "I want John Gor don to know you, and I want you to know John Gordon. Two people with such originality and independence of thought should either be friends or an tagonists and I leave you to find out which of these you are going to be to each other." -1 took one look at John Gordon and thure was no mistaking in my mind, what I was to be to him. As I raised my eyes to his and extended my hand, I am sure that he felt the same physi cal sympathy the same magnetic thrill that almost embarrassed me, so sure was I that every one could see my emotion. More by his manner than by his words he asked me to dance and as the strains of the sensuous Hawwalian music, bo popular that summer, came to us his arm stole around my waits and we glided out on the floor. We danced wonderfully together and for some moments neither spoke. Finally he bent his lips so close to my ear that I could feel his warm breath as he whispered, "Well, Is it friends, or ene mies?" -' , (Continued tomorrow.) Nine 'ars of beef cattle were shipped from Durkee this week to the Kansas City marked LOVE and MARRIED LIFE jx tne notea auxnor S Idah M?Glone Gibson LOOKING BACKWARD Thirty-two brnkerod passengers were taken into custody nt Salem, Wednesduy. Some of them wore'ser vlce cnblcms and were en route south to obtain employment during the win tor. ; : ! ABE MARTIN Mrs. Lafo Bud's gran'father died t'day. He wus.born In Wisconsin in 1850 an' moved t' this country iu 170. Tu' hardest thing is t' look pleasant n' mane. i "I don't know whether or not I shall be home fur dinner," my husband con tinued ns he itrose from tho table, "but I will cull you up some time- during the afternoon and let you know." I glanced up quickly in time to catch a gleam in his eyes that might well have ben anticipation; certainly It held no hint of regret nt commnndeerlng iny whole afternoon to awnit his mes sage, nor remose for the idea of leav ing me to a solitary dinner. I wns his wife I belonged to film. Again a little shudder shook me ns I renliaod that only a little while before had I thought' that the greatest joy that could come to me on earth would be to belong to John Gordon. A patronizing touch on fhy shoulder took the place of his usual perfunctory kiss on my cheek, and he took no note of the fact hat I had not raised my face for his salute. To mo this was another turnlnef point. Do men ever notice these little "first times" which mean so much to a woman-Mho first time he forgets to hold your chair for you at the table, the first time he negleots to open the. uoor, the fust lime he allows you to put on your own wraps, the' first time his eyes fall to brighten nt the sight of a new and becoming frock, the first time his lps brush your chocks care lessly, Instead of clinging nrdently to your mouth? '"- Tears came to" my eyes as T realised that the Utile pat on my shoulder was only another milestone en the road which wns taking me farther from my husband. - Resolulely I seated myself again at the breakfast table, determined to make an effort to swallow my now cold coffee. Hut I could not do it It choked me. ' "I did not really mean It." I said to myself again, this time in calmer and more decisive accents. I did not really mean to wish my husband dead, lust try as I would. I could not dispel the horror af the fact that I, sitting across tho table from John Gordon, had al lowed the words: "I wish he were dead,' 'to form in my brain, visualize before my eyes, and almost Issue from my mouth. And yet n little over three years hefore-I felt that I Could not live without him. The very touch of his hand at that time had made me fairly delirious with joy and yet this morning I had to exercise great will power to E2 i n OK FOR I 1 THE KtD BAIA TKAIMi.rTAKIV REALLY WANT TO BREAK THAT COLD? You lose no time when you use Dr. Bell's Pine- 4 Tar-Honey LOOSEN that hard-packed phlegm. Ease that labored breathing. Allay that distressing inflamma tion. Get rid of that hoarseness, that constant coughing, that irritating throat-tickle. Freedom from these unpleasant things is what Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey helps promote. And it is safe for anybody from kiddies to grandma. Its ingredients are noted for their healing, antiseptic properties. Thousands of users would never consider a substitute. Econom ical. A bottle in your medicine cabinet Is playing safe. 30c., 60c., $1.20. l Rfearms $ Ammunition WHEN RHEUMATIC PAINSH1T HARD Have Sloan's Liniment ready for those sudden rheumatic twinges DON'T let that rheumatic pain or ache find you without Sloan's Liniment again. Keep it handy : In the medicine cabinet for-immediate action when needed. If you are out of it now, get another bottle today, eo you won't suffer any longer than nec essary wHen a pain or ache attacks you. Apply it without rubbing- for it penetrates giving prompt relief of sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, lameness, soreness, sprains, .strains, bruises. " Be prepared keep it handy. All druRgists 35c, 70c, $1.40. Tenlfears &unerThan His Years -Doesn't it make you feel good cause you to straight en up and feel "chesty" when someone guesses your age at ten years or so younger than you really are? You look into your mirror, smile with satisfac tion and say to yourself: "Well, he didn't make such a bad guessat that." The point is: You're no older than your vitality. If a man ia strong, vigor ous, mentally alert, fine and fit at 50 he has a better chance of living up to 80 than a man of 30 who is weak and run-down has of living up to 60. While none of lis can stay the years nor stop time, we should all make an heroic effort to sue-, cessfully resist- the effect of time by ever keeping our vitality at par. . When you sense a feeling of slowing down of your physical forces when your stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs show signs of weakness when you notice a lack of your old time "pep" and "punch" in other words, when you feel your vitality m on tho wane, you should com- JfV.T -?Sli at 1 mence at once to restore your energy, strength and endurance by taking jjyKO . The Great General Tonic This master body-builder will help yon keep young in spirit and mental " and physical action, because it will ; astist Nature intraintaininffyaurviulityatpar. It nhoht's the blood, restore worn-out tissues, aoothM janKfirtff and ovor-wrouRht eryw, in duce Bound refrerihinpr Bloep, sharpen thaappa tita, tonei up thditfoetio'n-inhort, will put new ilia, nw iror and new vim in vary hlra of your body. You will bo vurprited how much better you'll fwl after tttkinyr ft treat, mantof lYKO, if you aro tired and worn out, nervously And physically ex hausted. Ita mildly laxative keoni the bowei in fin condition. a bottle from your drucffiat I.YKO U add ta nhinl MM onlr. Ik plctur kbo. . KriuM mil Mlwtitut. tadAV. Sol ManuFacturon LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kuwi Chy, Mo. ,RDLi2 is a Family Medicine , Effectively removes accumulated wasta matter and puU the liver In healthful action. Good for every member or your family. Mild, pleasant. Po-Do-Lax throuoghly cleanses the System ana regulates the bowels. 60 c. DnipeUf An Economical, Delightful, Light Place, to Trade QSrflttlBfttSro STOMACH JB Painful Piles A. Free Trial of Pyramid File Treat ment Is One of the Grandest BveutM Yen Ever Experienced. You are sufferins dreadfully with Itching, bleedlns, protruding piles or hemorrhoids. Now, go over .. BUM": - ALU , V You Positively Cannot Anord to . Ignore These Remarkable Pyramids. to any drug store and get a 60-cenl box of Pyramid Pile Treatment, lie lief should come bo quickly you will jump for joy. If you are In doubt, send for s free trial package by mail. You will then be convinced. Don't delay. Taka no substitute. New- Stout Corset We have added to our Corset . Department a Stylish Stout CORSET A perfect corset for every type of stout figure, which fulfills every demand of STYLE, COMFORT and BEAUTY with matchless figure-molding qualities. We cordially invite those of over-figure development who have heretofore experienced difficulty in ol: taining satisfactory corsets to come in and allow lis the privilege of demonstrating the unusual qualities of these wonderful Stylish Stout Corsets Ladies' Store 466-474 ' , . State Street Salem's Exceptional Store Men's Store 416 State-Street FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 676 Pyramid Building., Marshall, Mich, Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Treatment, in plain wrapper, i .'. ; . . li, .. . i ,t Name Street City State..'....... LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 V General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. m nil x. vr . i mw i , .1 i . m I ' T 2 1 (I W" '-SO ..... - Portable heat- 'convenient-economical A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil is a real comfort. Gives . instant heat when and where wanted. No smoke, no odor. Lights at the touch of a match. Steady, comfortable warmth for many hours on one filling of Pearl Oil, the ever-obtainable fuel. Eco' nomical. . Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere, the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buy ing in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) : (KEROSENE)' HEATAMLLIGHT j