PAGE1JINEL ew 1 ouc&y esMtsat&ma Qf0 Sy0 THE DAILY CAPITAY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919. Tk V VVh in mm A i small Ma IS- CLASSIFIED AD RATES. Rate Per word Each insertion one jFOR SALE Medium size range and -cent, six insertion B cents, one month, if, insertions, IT cents, uim J oar, per month. ! cents. Minimum per nd 2f cents. ' f ''- t First insertion only in New Today. City ads cash in advance and not tak en over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance fox Shone errors .. New Today. (SHOE repairing shop 419 South 12th . oposite depot, 258 .WANTED Potato diggers by. Frank Fitts. Call 87F31. 254 FOR SALE 3 houses on Union St. -, by owner. 445 Union St. - 258 iW ANTED Moving .and hauling. The , Biederman Transfer. Phone 1608JV - 264 FOR SALE 8 White Leghorn .pul lets, O. A. C. strain, fine birds. 255 Wilson St. , 253 .WANTED To dig potatoes on share. Oregon state penitentiary. Phono 12. 253 FOUND Gold finger ring. Call 333 B. 17th St, or phone 936M after 5 p. ra. , 253 FOR SALE 1 fresh cow. Guernsey .and Durham. Call at 726 S. 13th St. 253 FOR. RENT 6 room house and fur niture for sale .also wood, 1308 N. Commercial St. 253 FOR SALE Cheap, almost new Fori sedan. Salem Velie company, 162 .N. Commercial. 254 FOR SALE Cheap, 1000 lb, mare. See at Hunt's feed sheds. Reming ton. Phone 671R. 258 FOR SALE Range stove, good bak- er, glass book case and couch. 905 Spruce Ave. 254 WANTED Gas burner for heating hot water tank. Must be in good ; condition. Phone 1SC3M. . 254 FARMS FOR SALE A few bargains in dairy farms. Write to H. C Por ter, Aumsville, Marlon Co., Or. 264 FOR SALE 3 factory buildings Join ing 4880 feet floor space, with 20x . 40 foot warehouse 803 N. Libert;' . St. W. Fennel. - 259 FOR SALE 1916 Ford car, good shape and ex. Inquire at Gingrich Motor Co. for V. C. Rush, or, 1308 N. Commercial. ' 253 BPIRELLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice A. Miles, 451 N. 21st. Measures taken, fit guaranteed. Home Thurs day afternoon. Phone 1902J, WIDOW worth $50,000. age 25. anx- ious to marry honorable gentleman Write Mrs. Warn, 2216 1-2 Temple t, los Angeles, Ual, FOR SALE Cattle and hogs. Regis tered sow with nine pigs and other shonts. Jersey heifer and bull from producing stock. Phone 96F2. FOR SALE By owner, five room . modern bungalow, very good con dition. Near paved street and car line. Price reasonable. 372 Court St. ask at elevator. . 25.3 WANTED A college girl wants em ployment of forenoons and Satur days, preference typing and cleric al work, experienced. Good refer ences. Box 85 Capital Journal, 253 FOR SALE Or trade for house and one lot, a farm n town of 4 or lots to suit .a good house and fruit. fine soil suitable for loganberries, for a price that will move it. 2184 N. Front St. 263 I HAVE a 6 cylinder Studebaker. new top. Just been repainted and overhauled, will take diamonds as part payment or would consider ' good real estate. B A care Journal. . - 264 SALESMEN We can use a limited number of good men to sell bank supplies, calendars, pencils and specialties in leather, wood, cloth and celluloid all year permanent position. .Bankers Supply Co.,, Iowa City, Iowa. 253 WANTED A hustling salesman who has sold implements or -other goods to farmers, to sell groceries whole sale. Beginners earn $250 to $300 a month. Experienced men, $300 to $400.. Farmers save 20 per cent. Our guarantee "Satisfaction or money back.". If you can qualify, give age and experience in detail. Address H. C. Hunting, 407 East Stark street, Portland, Or. " 253 MARRY IF LONELY For results try me; . best and most successful "Home maker;"", hundreds - rich wish marriage soon; strictly confi dential; most reliable; years of ex perience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 656, Oakland, Cal. AUCTION SALE Monday, Nov. 3. 1919, at C. E. Mcllwain farm one . mile west of Jforth Howell school, commencing at 1 p. m. all farm machinery, small tools and 1 Cleve- land tractor, plows, disc, mower, rake, etc., 1 land paster seeder, all farm and garden tools. 1 1000-lb. Chevrolet delivery car "In good con dition, all household goods. 263 IMPROVE your evenings by attend ing me capital .Business college nignt scnooi which begins on Mon day night, Oct. 27. The principal will be in his office tonight to reg ister pupils and talk to any who . are interested, flee advertisement on another page of this issue. There will also be a new class in shorthand in the day school next week. 263 WHAT about that lot of yours, do you want to trade it for a good automo bile? We have a line of used cars that have been thoroughly over hauled and are guaranteed to be in i first class mechanica condition, that we are willing to trade to you in order to make room for our new .' , shipment of the Oakland Sensible Six, due here soon, and we have got to have room for them, so we will sell them reasonable, or trade them for anything you have of equal value. American Automobile Co., 185-197 S. Commercial. Phone 3. 263 Money To Loan. On good real estate security THO& K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore. For Sale. 253 U 3-4 ACRE bargain, 1 1-2 miles 254 out. uechtei. Kt z, box si. BEAUTIFUL 'wall tints 10s pound and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St. i, . - 876 TOR .SALE . 8-year old mare- for sale. Works double or single.. Call 1436. . 253 FOR SALE Tw extra good milch cows for sale at Center Street Feed ..barn. 254 FOR SALE GO young pigs 2 months old. Inquire X). C. Minto. . Phone 1073. 254 FOR SALE Ancona chickens. Have a few left. Price $5 each. Salem, Rt 7. C. Lansig. , . 253 FOR BALE Good milch cow, Just fresh. Pearl Wood on Chemawa and Silverton road. .255 FOR SALE 4 room house, nearly new, all' plastered, $800, cash or terms. Inquire 1230 Ferry St. 255 GOOD single harness and top buggy for sale. John W. Yates, Rt. 4, box ' 130A. Salem. Or. 253 FERNS and palms and other potted plants for sale. , Maruny's green house. 211 Miller St. Phone 916. 10-29 FOR SALE Or trade, fine large val ley stock or dairy ranch, for hop or prune ranch. JAB care Journal. 253 FOR SALE 7 lots, 6 room dwelling, barn and hop house, 50 feet from pavement.- $1700, Ivan G. Martin, Masonic Temple. - 253 FOR SALE 2 slightly used ladies' coats, size 38, $10 each. Also one high school cadet's overcoat, $18. 388 N. Winter St. 254 FOR SALE 40 acres best soil, all un- rw cultivation, some orchard, stock and implements, ( miles north, $10, "". T-44 care Journal. 268 FOR SALE Furnished 11 room mod ern bungalow, clear of all incumb rance. Will sell for cash only. Box 3 care Capital Journal. . .. 253 FOR, SALE General store, 15 years stanaing. uooa jive town, for sale at invoice or trade for property. Address Store care Journal. 254 FOR SALE 2 acres, 6 room bunga low, good well, chicken park and house, garage, some fruit; 10 min ute walk from car. E. L. Mcintosh Rt. 7, box 19, Salem, Or. 255 FOR SALE The very finest New Zea land rabbits to be had. Buy pair male and female ready for breeding Cherry City Rabbitry, Salem, Ore. Phone 1332J. 253 FOR SALE An excellent hom.e 7 large rooms, harn, water, .lights, basement, walks, fruit; 8 acres cen ter of town. No better for money, $4000. J. L. Green, Woodburn. 254 FOR SALEr-Good income property. imi bz i-zxiot reet. two good houses; One of best locations in Sa lem, one block from business part of city. Address KX Journal. 256 FOR SALBLarge found oak Gar land heater, size 18, for large house hotel or office. 1 nice large ward robe. 1 malleable, 4 -plate range with reservoir or coil, 415 South 12th. , 254 FOR SALE 7 room house and gar age.woll located or house and block of land with business of $800 to $1,- uu during spring and summer months. Phone 1334 after 6 p. m. . 254 FOR SALE 57 acres all In cultiva tlon except 6 acres of timber, about 30 acres river bottom, does not overflow, and barn, located on good - road 5 miles of good town. Price - $4760. See Fred W. Durbin, 276 State St. . 253 FOR SALE Fine 6 room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, gar age, lir.epiace, cement basement well located. , 6 room house, not modern, 3 flno lots, good location, terms. H. E Bolinger. 328 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE 28 1-10 acres, located 1 -z mile east of Aumsville on Aums ville and Stayton road. Good pota- to ana berry land: good 8 room house and barn. Mill creek running across place. Must sell. Terms. Call at place or phone T. L. Mull, Aums ville, Or. 266 FOR SALE 60 acres north of Salem on rock road, with 6 acres of logan berries and S acres prunes. Has line modern 8 room house with good barn, silo and other outbuild ings. The school is on the corner of place and Oregon Electric is only 3-4 mile of house. Price $12, 600. See Fred W. Durbin, 275 State St. 253 FARM FOR SALE 103.64 acres, im mediate possession; - 15 acres pas ture, small fruit, good black loam balance In a high state of cultiva tlon. 3 miles east of Salem just off or uuverton road. 7 room house. windmill, tank, large barn, silo, hog nouse, water piped to buildings, Good lerms. Inquire of Thos. A. Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg. 265 For Rent FOR RENT Nice sleeping room. In quire loss s. com1 St. 25 (OK KENT A good farm 73 acres, stock and farm implements for sale. Inquire 1166 Ferry' St. 25 FOW RENT Good farm for rent, eith cash or shares. Immediate posses sion given. See J. H. Lauterman Argo hotel. FOR RENT 6 room modern house, furnished except bedding. In High land addition, close to school and car line. Phone 1531R. 253 FARMS for rent. One of 153 acres and one 81 acres. 1 1-2 miles west of West Stayton, cash rent. Inquire of J. W. Nipple; West Stayton. 256 FOR RENT . acre farm to rent, - mostly in -cartlvation, good house and out buildings, want to plant moot of it in prunes and berries, team and implements furnished. Best of loganberry land for sal in small tracts, easy -terms. W. J. . Turnidge, Talbot, Or.,on Oregon Electric - 256 Wanted." WANTED Plain sewing.-Phone 1138 R. 255 WANTED To lease a large house : 256 close in. Phone 1281. FOR SALE Pigs from five to ix i- 2F13. - . - . I63l0ur used furnltur'e, stoves, carpets WANTED Small furnished house or apartment for 4 months. Phone 97F2. 254 WANTED A 6 room house by No vember first. - WU1 lease or. buy. Tell 2270J. - 263 WANTED To rent three or four rooms furnished or unfurnished. Tel. 2270J. 258 WANTED To lease a 5 or 6 j-oom modern house; possession by Nov. 16th. Phone 2174W. . , 234 WANTED One or two room apart ment, close in, by young lady. Box F, Capital Journal." 253 WANTED A middle aged " lady to room ana board; rates reasonable. Residence 1345 Broadway. Phone 1436J. 254 WANTED Position by young man stenographer with experience. Best of references. Box 19 care Capital Journal. . 254 WANTED Experienced man wants , position as, fireman; had also had "' experience with steam, gasoline, natural 'gas and oil engines. Ad dress R C P care Journal. 254 WANTED Men of good character to board, $8 per week; please call at 1596 S. 13th and Oxford St. 1 block off depot car line. 258 WANTED To rent, six or seven room modern house, close in, furn- ishe'd or unfurnished by reliable i party. "No childrn. Wm. Nelmeyer, 444 State St. Phone 167. WANTED Ladies and gents gar i ments to remodel, no alterations ; too difficult. Mrs.: Cj Ezra Sparks, lady tailor. C. Eara ... Sparks, man tailor. Call room 2, 442 State St. 260 WANTED Hello, 'hello! Another new and secondhand furniture store, 415 S. -12th, a block from S. P. depot. If you have anything to offeK call for H.: M. Canon. Phone 966. . . .', ' . ., , .260 WANTED Experienced, reliable man and wire desire care of small dairy farm, will give best of care for one half the proceeds. Address care Mrs. A. Northcut, Rt. 5, box 7. 26,6 Help Wanted GIRLS wanted at the Glove Factory. Steady work. 1455 Oak St. 263 Used Cars for Sate. TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre pared to take care or your -ears no matter in what shape they are in and can guarantee absolute satis faction. We are also .prepared to ao first class repair work on any mane Of cars. American Automobile Co., Automobiles. 1917 6 PASS. Maxwell guaranteed A-l conaition $500. This is a real bar gain, come and see. Highway gar age, 1000 S. Com'l St. i ... '253 AUTO PAINTING We will btt,.open iur Business on ana alter uct. 1st at 156 S. 12th St. We are in a posi tion to give you good service in auto painting and laundry. Your pat ronage will be appreciated. All work guaranteed. Gullett Bros. - , ' 10-2 Second Hand Goods. No Cash Required Good overcoats, shoes and suits, all kinds of musical instruments, shotguns, rifles, heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have you? The Capital Ex change, 837 Court St. Phone 493. FURNITURE HOSPITAL I have opened a first class shop repairing and reflnishing of all kinds, up holstering a specialty. Will call and estimate your work. Phone 1742: M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St. 275 LIBRARIES bought and sold. Sims, in xx. liign. pnone 340. 266 Miscellaneous. ROOFS reshingled' and repaired. 253 Phone 1301. CHIMNEY sweep, furnaces cleaned. pnone 1V1. 262 WALFELT" superior to cloth at about half price. Max O. Buren, uim 1. at. . 276 REX Dry paste,- no cooking required, works better and sticks tighter than flour. Max O. Buren, Com'l St 276 Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high. Paints, olT' and varn iBhes, etc., loganberry wd hop hooks. Salem Fence an Stove Works, 260 Court Btreet. Phoe 124 Look Here. We have something too 3 cottages, modern, close in; sell ing irom IZZ50 to $3500. 8 one-acre tracts, 4 of them with soon collages on, all close to car line, best of soil; selling from' $1000 lO 9ZZDU. 20 acres 8 miles south, part tim ber, part in fruit; 4 acres beaverdam land, small house and barn, on rock road. 240 acres west of Alrlle, 120 acres bottom land, cultivated, burnt off in pasture, 90 in cultivation, fair house. 2 big barns, at station on Valley & Sllets railroad; 30,000 feet good pil ing. $40 per acre; will trade for small valley ranch. A snap for short time only. W. McLaren, room 26, 180 N. Com. St 257 D. H. MOSHElt DOES niGH CLASS LADIES TAILORING Water Company. SALEM WATER .COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. y We Want. ana ioois, as we uny nnr prices lor everything. Calf 947. CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNI . . .. . TURK CO. 233 North Commercial St. Everything Electrical. SALEM ELECTRIC CO., Masonic -Temple. 127 North High. Phone ' Main 1209. Optometrists. BR. L HALL WILSON Spe clalist in the Modern Scientif ic application of glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of eye strain and headache: Office closed Satur day Office 210-211 U. S. bank build ing. Phones, oirice no; res. iz4. DR ALBERT R. MILLER, Optomet rist, eyes examined and glasses fit ted. Broken lenses duplicated. Hours at office dally, 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Appointment1 by phone any hour. 610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278 Federal Farm Loans 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv ice, 84 '1-2 ' years' time. Federal farm loan bonds for sale. A. -C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple, . Salem, Oregon. .Rumely Oil Pull Tractors. Come and let's tell you of the men who are making such great records plowing, discing and threshing, on their farms near Salem with a Rumely Oil Pull. ...... Wrri. H. Trunin, local agent, Salem, 263 N.-Commercial. Phone:413. Why "SellFor Less? WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com mercial street Phone 734. Bargains and Investments, 20 acres about 4 miles out in best prune belt, about nall in Dearing nrunes. other fruits and all necessary farm buildings.- Only $8000, terniB. Fine general farm of 105 acres, 1- mile from town, half in cultivation and fine Boil, balance timber and pas ture; good set- farm buildings, orch ard and. berries'. Snap, $125 per acre. 50 acre prune orchard, 32 in tun bearing now 6 acres bearing Royal Anne cherries, 2 in pears and apples; good buildings of all kinds, good wa ter system. Phone. 7 miles rrom tsa lem on good road. Big bargain, $460 per acre.' Dandy, nice 5 acre tract close in, fine soli, house and orchard,. $1850. ; 25' acre -orchard, 20 in full bearing nrunes. other fruits. Good set build ings, near school, good road. Snap, $450 per acre.' 16 acres fine dark loam soil near Salem. Bargain at $160 per acre. Several good bargains in modern houses on easy terms. See us for bargains and invest ments. , ... ' Perrme & Marsters 212 Commercial Club bldg. FARM FOR SALE. Bv owner. 18 acres improved red soil fruit farm at sunnysiae; 7 mnas south of Salem, on rock' road near highway, good locality.. V 7 acres prunes mostly 5 years old; straw berries set in entire orchard; 3 acreB loganberries, 3 acres good po tatoes, 4 room house, barn almost new, several out buildings, family orchard, etc., balance good stump pasture, wire fence. Terms 1-2 cash uriced cheap at $5000. Owner, S. R. Pearson. Turner, Ori, Rt. 2, box 65c. Phone 12F5. 268 Niemeyer's Buys, S room bungalow, new and mod em, on south Church St. Lot 20x120. $1600. i 6 room modern house on Chemeke- ta. Lot 50x165. $2700. $500 cash and monthly payments. 6 room modern nouse on r. com mercial. Garage. Fruit and berries. 4200. . 8 room modern house on Miller St. Garage. Lot 46x100. $2500. Install ments. 10 acres near Marion, all cultlvat ed. 4 acres prunes: good family orch ard. Good 5 room house, large barn and out buildings. $2500. 50 acres 5 miles rrom waiem on good road. 30 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture with some timber. Fam ily orchard. Good B room nouse. earn 20x30. $8000. Strictly modern 7 room house on State street Lot 94x195. Garage and good garden spot. $3500. Will trade for acreacre. 298 acres near Loweu on gooa roan 116 acres cultivated. Fenced and cross fenced. Good buildings, house modern bungalow style with fireplace 60-ton silo. Spring water pipea 10 buildings. $17,000. jWill trade . for Portland property. ,' ' Just real estate ana Algn class in vestments. 215-218 Masonic bldg. 8a lem. Phones 1000, 1014. 253 Good Farms For Sale. 34 acres of river bottom. 25 in cul tlvatlon, all sub-irrigated, vegetable and berry land. A fine family orch ard. Good house, barn, silo and wa eonshed. This hlEhly Improved prop erty' must be seen to be appreciated Prica 18000. 160 acres on new nignway. 3S in cultivation, fair Improvements. 80 acres of valuable timber.- Get busy on this. $60 per acre. 37 acres. 17 prunes, 12 under culti vation, 8 pasture, no Improvements. $225 per acre. 18 acres 8 miles out. prunes, logans and strawberries. Small house and barn, $5400. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bdg. 253 Oleson's Auto Exchange 349 N. COM. Y. M.;C. A. BLOCK Buys, sells and exchanges used cars Universal tractor attachment fits any car, $275, pulls z 14-m. plows. 20 used cars for sale or traae: 3 Fords, $375 to $475 1917 Saxon Six $676 1915 Overland, fine condition, an exceptional buy $450 6 Studebakers $200 to $1300 1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625 Manv other good buys. W sell oils, grease, gasoline, used auto parts, tires ana accessories. Lodge Directory, ' 3Q. JHEMKKKTA Lodge No, t - meet -every Wednesday .....Iti. at 7SA At 1V fk.-FV llfl.ll. KNIGHTS. OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McuornacK nan on every xuraaiy at 8. -Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kunts K. R. i S. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, Oregon Grupe uamp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening in. McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, . Mrs. Came E. Bur.n,.648 Union St. recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons. 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Captial Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 n. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre tary, 340 Owen Btrvet, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6240 meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In McCornack building, Court and Liberty Btreets. ' - W. M. Persons, V. C. Frank A, Turner, clerk. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Otseopathle physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon bldg. Res. Phone 68F5. Office phone 1394. 270 DR. WM. B. MOTT, formerly of Port . land, has located in Salem occupy ing the offices of his late father, Dr. W. S. Mott, 40.7-408 Bank of Commerce bldg. Office phone 889, residence phone 696. : Best Buys. 30 acres all cultivated, well fenced, woven wire fence on three Bides, one side rail, good barn, half mile from town, great snap. $2350, terms on part if desired. 110 acres, 95 cultivated, 15 pasture, some timber, 12 acres in 5 and 6 year old prunes, 11 acres in one. year old; lamuy orchard in bearing, l aero Royal Anne and Governor Wood cher ries, 12 years old; all orchard in good condition; 7 room plastered house, 6 years old; hot and cold water, barn 30x48x18, machine shed and garage, all necessary out buildings, place wa tered by well and spring, all woven wire fenced and cross fenced, 8 miles of Oregon normal school; equipment as follows: 3 horses, 2 colts, 4 milk cows, 2 yearling -calves, 15 head hogs including brood sows, 60 chickens, t wagons, 7-foot binder, 3 plows, spring tooth harrow, corrugated roller and lot of other tools and implements. $18,500, $8000 cash, $10,500 terms 6 per cent. 29 acres. 21 acres cultivated, 8 acres stumps, 3 acres mixed orchard, fair house and barn, water system, macadamized road, half mile from echool and church, t miles from Sa lem. $7860, terms on part. - . 60 acres, 45 cultivated, 15 timber pasture, all but 6 tillable; woven wire fence, well watered, fair 6 room house good barn and out buildings, 2 1-2 miles from good town, macadam road. $6000, $2500 cash, $3500 terms ner cent. 40 acres river bottom land, 20 cul tivated, good improvements, good fence, stock, farming implements, etd. all included; 2 miles from good town on naved road. 88000, 219 acres, lZs cultivated, 4 iimper,, 139 river bottom, 7 room house, large ham. other out buildings, ail Btock and equipment, hop houses, 6 miles from good town, $80 per acre; terms on part. ' . 'i 137 acres. u cleared, oaiance pas ture and timber, family orchard, house, barn, dandy good ranch. $80 oer acre; mile and hair rrom town in very prosperous community; terms on $5000 0 per cent. HUUtSKiB 1 room fully modern house, finest panel and wood work, furnace, large lawn, complete set of out buildings, Harare, cement floor, cost (tuu six years ago, all in first class condition, offered for a short time at $5000, terms on part. i room modern bungalow, wen planned, good porches, curbed lawn, cement walks, garage, ' wood shed, chicken house. $1760, $300 cash, $25 per month, 7 per cent. . Well built 6 room modern house, east front, lots of fruit, close to scHool graveled alley. $1850, iio&u casn, Bal ance terms. 5 room bungalow, fire piace, large porch, east front, fine garden spot. $2000, half cash. 5 room cottage, large rooms, I 60- foot lots, macadam street, good re pair.- $1360, half easii - 7 room plastered, wen oum uuu, 75-foot front on State street, pave ment paid; fruit and shrubbery. $Z, 360, $750 cash, balance ( per cenu Socolofsky. 341 State streot Attention. ACCOUNTANTS ' , , , OFFICE CLERKS With our return to peace and the rahnliiiinir -of the nations, the " de mands for expert cost and. gemeral sifnmintants are irreater than ever be fore; positions paying from iuu iu nnn vmirlv are actually going beg ging because of the lack of competent men to fll them. Are von satisfied with your present tnnnme mid future oroBoects? If not, why don't you prepare yourself for this Work? You can do it during your spare time If willing to spena a iew hours weekly in stuay, Tho fitjil manager of the Interna- llniml AraxdintaiitH Society will be In Snipm October 25th and 2th to tn terview ambitious men who wish to qualify for these positions and who can start training at once. For inter view, call, write or phone, v. M. Mas sey, state manager, Iarion hotel, Sa lem, Oregon. Evenings by appointment , INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY 512 Panama bldg., Portland, Or. Auctioneers. O. SATTERLEE Office 124 South Liberty street Phone 937. 1211. Real estate ..and stock sales, , W. F. WRIOHT. Turner auctioneer. Why aot get him. He only charges 2 per cent. Real EstateHouses. IF you want a home cheap, phone 1293. ' " '83 Good Buys. 68 acre tract of first class prone and berry land, ail'' cultivated, good house and barn, well, rock. road. Price $8000, $3000 down, balance 6 pears at per cent interest. 86 acre farm located in Polk coun ty, 43 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, house and barn, well and Bpring, close- to railroad. Price $6500. r 50 acre tract, 20 acres of 6-year old prunes, good house, barn, well; will exchange for smaller acreage close to Salem. Price $10,000. 25 acre tract, t acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber, house and woodshed, -spring water. . Price $2150. 38 acre tract located in Polk coun ty, 15 acres of Italian prunes, 18 acres grain land, balance timber and pas ture- Price $11,000. 65 acre tract located - two miles , from town and railroad, 6 room house barn, well; 85 acres cultivated. Price uuuu, a-a casn, oaiance per cent, in terest. - - - - 49 acres located east of Salem,, good house and barn, well; 43 acres culti vated, some timber. Price $10,500. 108 acre farm located east of Sa lem, 100 acres In cultivation, balance timber and pasture, good 7 room house, barn, spring and well, gravel ed road, 2 1-2 miles from Macleay. Price $12,000. -. 15 1-2 acre tract, 1-2 acre cleared, balance stump pasture and timber, fine spring, 5 miles south of Salem. Price $1000. 15 acres bottom land, 12 acres cul tivated, some cheap buildings, some fruit; 5 miles from Salem, close to railroad station. Price $2400. 20 acres of best of prairie soil, good house and barn, family orchard, good gravel road. Price $7000. 10 acrea of bearing Italian prunes, 6 and 9 years old; rock road, 4 1-2 miles south. Price $5600. 320 acre red hill farm, 80 acres plow land, buildings, 200 acres of fine timber. Price $ 40 per acre. 2 acre tract, 1 acre loganberries, family orchard, 5 room house, good gravel street. Price $2300. 17 acre tract, located on main Pa cific highway, 4 miles south of Sa lem; 10 acres bearing orchard, most ly prunes; some apples and' cherries, 8 room house, barn. Price $6500, $1, 500 down, balance 6 per cent interest 30 acres of first olass land, 10 acres of bearing logans in first class condi tion, 8 1-2 acres of prunes, located 4 miles from Salem. Prioe $15,000. . 1-2 acre tract located Close in and three blocks from car line, small house, family orchard. Price $900 $300 down, balance 6 per cent inter est. IB acre tract located oh main Pa cific highway, 1 0 acres Italian prunes located i a-4 miles from car line. Price $8600. . 98 acre farm located on Howell pral rie, 60 acres cultivated, balance pas ture and timber, 5 room house, good barn, ramily orchard. Price $13,000, 20 acre tract located east of Sa lem, all cultivated, good . plastered nouse, Darn, gravel road. Price 86000. $3000 down, balance 6 Ver cent in terest. 18 7-8 acre tract located 1-2 mile south of the city limits, south Salem, nearly all cultivated, house and barn. ciose m car Hne. price idboo. 6 acre tract located close in, house and barn, 100 -hearing prunes. Price $2750, $750 'down, balance,'; $300 .per pur, v yer ueilt iniereBl, 820 acre farm located on main Pa clfic highway. 240 acres cultivated. balance pasture,, good modern build ings, best of soil. Price $135 per acre W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street 253 FINAL NOTICE OF - ' I aDMTNISTHATOE To nil wliom it may concorn: .Notice hereby given' that the unaersiirned. Ludwick. MicTioJson, administrator of the estata of Nanuio Cleaver, deceased, has this day filed in the county court of Marion county, iOrogon, W final account in said estate end that said court has fixed and appointed Monday, loveniDer a, ii, at the hour of 10 'clock a. ni, of said day at the coun ty court houso, in aid couuty and state, as the time and -place for the bearing of any objections to such final account" ;nd for. the settlement there of. Bated at Salem, Orocon, October 1, JB1H. LUDWrCK MICKELSON. Administrator of the estate of Nan- nio Cleaver, deceased. Carey F. Martin, Attorney for estate. EXECUTOR'S FINAL NOTICB To whoM it may eonesrn: Notico is hereby i?lven that tho undflrsigned, Ed ward Lothy and Ernest Luthy, joint oxecutors of the. lost will and teffta mont and eitate of Peter Luthy. de ceased, have, this day, Clod in said' .......... i. i i. .. estate WM AiHtu ncvuuuu U11U UlU county court of Marion county, Oregon has fixed and appointed Monday, No vember 17th. 1919, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. of said day at the county court room in the county court house in said county and stato as the time and place for the hearing of any ob jections to said final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated Oct 18, 1919. KJiWARD LTTTTTT, " ERNEST LUT11Y, Joint executors of the estate of Poter Luthy, deceased. . Carey F. Martin, Attorney for estate. Safety. Razor Blades.; SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first installed -at A. B. Stew art Repair Shop, $47 Court St., WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL fX)W YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS : & ROBERTS r 205 Oregon Bidldisg Grain: Wheat, soft white jSu. 1 2j feed oats 80c; milling Oats 86c; cheat, new $17;- hay, oats, new 184) 20 mjUJ -ni 4344. , - Buttrrfat: Butterfat, - 69c ereaaa ry butter, 67S9e. - x Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot -13cv veal fancy ' 19c; steer 7 8o; cows -697 l-2e; .spring lamba 10c; ewea 4 6c: sheep, learlinga te. ' Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 60e; -light bens, 12c; -heavy hens 25c; eld roosters : 16 16c; springs 22c. ' Vegetables:: -Onions, per sack 93: telery doz. 9(k; tomatoes 80c; potatoes 3e ; sweet -potatoes Be. - Fruit: Oranges 77.BO; lemons 99; bananas lOe; honey" extracted 20e; bunch, beets 45e; -e bib age 2 Vie; head lettuce fiOc; carrots 45.; graces, Ma lagas 10c j trrapes, Tokays 9e. ' Ketau prices: bees dozen oomjue; creamery toutter 75e; country' butter 67c; flour, hard wheat $3.103.85 POBTSHJO) MARKETS " Portland. Or.. Oct. 26. Butter, etty creamery 6667c; Eggs selected local ex 6270c; hens 2628c; broilers, 33 27c; geese 15c; cheese 33 35c. ' Uve Stock. Cattle: Receplts 198; tone of mar- 1 ket steady; good to choice steers $ff 9.60; fair to medium ateers $7 98: ' common to fair steers, $5.60fg6.5B; choice to good cows and heifers $6.60 7.50; canners $34; bulls $506.10; calves $8 14. - Hogs: Receipts none tone of market steady; prime mixed $13.5014.oe; medium mixed, $13,00 18.60; rough heavies, $11.00 11.60; pigs, $12.00 13.00. Sheep: Receipts none tone of market steady; prime - lambs $11.00 11.60; fair to medium lambs $10.00 10.60; yearlings $8.009.00; wethers $7.60 8.0; ewes. $6.007.00. ' MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass'n. Government money to loan at 5 1-2 percent. 808 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Smith,,; Scavenger. Salem Scavanger Garbage ana re fuse of all kinds removed on raonm ly contracts at reasonable rate. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals) removed. Office phone Main, 117. , c.'i, :HOUSES 1 '.' ' -5 room new bungalow plastered and electrlo lights. $1500. ; 8 room new modern house close In. main streets. $4500, $1500 cash. . A rnnm nlantered house close 111, bath and electric lights. $1250. 6 room plasterel houBe, Darn w woodshed, large lot, some fruit. 11. ono: 1-2 cash. John H. Boott ReaMjr Co., 228 Oregon bldg. 2$8 PROPOSALS FOB WOOD . '; ;;T. State Jnnutmtlon at Salem - ' .The OreeoA Btate Board of Control wiU receive aealed bids on 4-foo trr wood for the various stato' institutions aUSriwn, as follows: Oregon State Hospital Mam total ing, 8000 cords fir slab wook, round mill run. '. ' , -. Ocwron State remtentiarr auuu soru first or second growth fir. i ', , Stats Institution for ieeoie juinaeu, 2000 cords first or second growth tir, or 2400 cords f slab wood, round MU1 n. Oregon State Training: Scheol, 1 aoo first or second arowtu ir, or 1000 cords fir sWh wood, ronma u " Oregon Stato Tuborculosis HoepUal, 80O eerds" firt oeeond -growtk ttr, or 1000 cords fir slab wook, Tound miB Oregon State Bchool for th BlimaU 300 cords first or second growth fir, or 350 cords fir stalb wood, round mill Oregon State School for the JDoar, 400 cords first or second growth nr, or 600 eords fir slab wood, round Oregon State Industrial flehooj tor Girls, 100 cords first or second growt fir, or 150 cords fir slolb wood, ronnd , mill run. .. , ' n Tho Oregon state hospital and ure gon state penitentiary can be reaehe bfreltwy to he wads f. o. b. In stitutions, between May, let and vember 1st, 1920. - Whore bids on slab wood are request ed quotations are inviteo on ,,,; , -notid. ... . . -.t-a - . ann,:l ,.Hnna will lift TurniBUtHI uir- . . r " "It.. ' .. .4 Ha, on application to wo w"""'jj lem. . . ' Bids wiU he opened at Z p. ber 30, 1919. They must he accompan ied iby certified heek in wo Bum w 10 por cent of the whole amount . bid, oaynibte to he Oregon Btato Board of Control, which sum so depomted bf tho successful bidder shall tie ""'"V tho board as a Riiarantee that the la der will enter into a contract to iun ish the amount awarded. All dnis nrw to bo enclosed in a sealed envelop and marked "Bids for Wood," and t bo addroswd to the tinaorsiRnea. The board reserves the right to r iect any or all .bids or to accept any part or , mu , R Secretary, Oregon State -Board of Control. V ' ' f - , f.,-; .,