THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919. PAGE THREE. VETERANS PROTEST 30-YEAR LEASES OF KLAt iATH LAKE LAND Strenuous protest agaln3t tlie action of the federal reclamation Bervlce In granting thirty year leases on some ten thousand acres of marsh lands sur rounding Upper Klamath lake Is voiced in a resolution adopted by TClamath Post, No. 8, American Legion, a copy of which was received by Attorney General Brown Friday with a request .1 t,A tnctitiitAii to Manure a HlfcLL HUlllll W iuu""' cancellation of the leases and the land thrown open to entry by ex-service men. ' "Had the bids been opened for recla mation of these lands with the provis ion that the reclamation costs should be charged against he lands and paid by actual settlers, this post could not have so seriously objected to this prop osition," the resolution reads. "But in view of the fact that this vast area of the best land In this county is to be tied up for more than a generation i .4 1 ..v, aarvlr.A men are in serious need of lands for homes makes us unite to a man In the request that eald leases be cancelled and the lands opened up to entry by ex-service men." .Copies of the resolution have also been sent by the post to the Oregon representatives In congress, Senators Borah and Johnson, the secretary of the interior, Governor Olcott and the chairman of the public lands commit tee of the U. S. senate. : INCORPORATIONS, t NEW PEI1TI0NS ASKED OF PHONE COMPANY The Columbia Blver Lumber 'corn- pan of Portland filed articles of incor poration Friday. The concern is capit alized at $50,000 and the incorpora tors are W. D. Pile, E. W. Weiss and B. L. Pine. Other firms filing articles were: B. a Betcher ' Milling company, Tilla mook, $40,000, Rollie W. Watson, M. F. Leach, E. S. Betcher; GIlmore-Ba- flw Dniir comuany. Portland, $25,000, Carl Gllmore. Julius Bader, Harry Coleman, Harry Bader: Klamath Llye- stocK. Mortgage aim uuan vviLfuji , Klamath Falls, $25,000, J. W., Sle-1 mans, John Slemans, Jr., and S. F. Wilson, The Western Bond & Mortgage com pany of Portland filed supplementary articles increasing its capital stock from $300,000 to $500,000. Certificate of dissolution was filed by the Clover land Creamery company of Portland. Bequest for separate petitions for each of the 'telephone companies which have Joined in a petition for rise in rut on. la made in reDlv sent out by the public service commission today to Jay Bowerman of Portland.. Tne compan ion muvina iYia inint netitlon are the Lebanon Mutual Telephone company, Newberg Telephone company, inae- ' pendent Telephone company of Forest j Grove, Dallas Telephone company. In dependence Telephone company. Hllls boro Mutual Telephone company and j the Interurban Telephone company oi Silverton. In its reply the commission points out the novelty of the petition ana expresses the opinion that such pro cedure is not contemplated under the nn statutes. : Further attention of the companies is called to the fact that Insomuch as the proDiems ana conai tinnn of ach company are distinct so should the applications for increase be separate. .'. 1 FORD, VETERAN OF 16 SUMMERS STILL DEFYING JUNK .MAN TiBtrolt. Mich.. Oct. 25. In the sales room of the Denk-Thompson company, Ford dealer in Detroit, is 'ora wunns mr tinmher 604. looking wonderfully youthful and sturdy despite Its sixteen years of daily service. Tne car wan accepted as $60 on the purchase of a new Ford. A part irom styie wio uiu time is worth more than that it "eoes" and the motor is quite some . - i M t i n nanotnnaf . J years tms eiae ui ubihb , '. . mnv lfisrallv I v..,- ,.n(niA tn mninrilnm has changed OflteopaviiB uj. - - wu.. . ii. n-AanKintinnfl I f n.i a , use such arugs ana wnw i,., Binco inu OSTEOPATHS MAY USE DRUGS SAYS OPINION Am iicooiiiiiiEiiiiiiHioocz: Come ALWAYS GOOD MOST . TMS GREAT . wmitSUNDAY'tB'W'' J - V 44 as come within the practice of those ,i,iv, thsT are required to SUOjeui-B "I - pass a state examination, according to an opinion given by Attorney General George M. Brown on request of Dr. D. R Toung of Portland. The attorney general sets forth that osteopa u.i physicians are not specifically limited loneer wound up f-nm ta Blfle! steering wheels no long er stick straight up into the air; and then too, eight horse power ana nvo c-allon gas tanks aren't quite sufficient for the modern motorist The faith- ei lina not outworn its useiui- it dun merely. outlived itself. It nlivHiclans are not spe"-1 ..... nao it. bv the law in the use of drugs but that ls as though an old Indian chiettian mv be understood that their scope of WOuld sport himself adorned in ear- crescriptlons does not include all those linfsa, feathers and moccasins among prescription. ..,,. nfl ,c- v. it.n.hrArl. atvlishlv clad off- ln use bv orainary piij""-""" r - ----- - in materia medlca. spring. . Noblest among them but of a The law Bpeciflclally authorizes os- aiff erent age. The law spe . 1 . . on ith thiB moael F" Ford. teopatn. ,o us - , ----- of f(jUow Bep" . . .vi.k..i.niuitiiir i.. -,.. r-nttar) wflE-on roads, over "inrBU"j""u - . , v.!-. w tv,B atate board of medical examiners and under which they may use druss are anatomy, pnymi"6 I.. .rrrv. bacteriology, hls- athninev. crvnecology, obste- strange country perhaps, running tvirnmrh creeks where bridges had not been built, making its owners happy. mnan't an mUCn OI B. lOWn 1JX- ten vears ago. It was Henry Ford's toloey. pathology, gyneuuiueji yomo ---- - tries theory and practice of osteopathy second year manufacturing Fords in a ilira, iiiuuij onw hofl lnat been or- and diagnosis. factory; his company had Just been or ganized. ' . , : , ' . t. i nt tnnxn who the original purchaser of this dependable old Ford was, or where . ne uvea, wun New York or California, Michigan or K-inrMn. Rix-O-Four may nave irav ..uj on r.f tho states In the .Union. But now it has returned to the place of Its birth, there to enjoy a quiei, ro speetable old age, while It keeps on running and running ana running, aim THE ISLAND OF SAINT HILDA oint vilrln.. where a wireless sta ... ninxsii Atirln? the war. is the bjiv eovernmeni ana perounn . - - - ,g either publicly or privately w th t e of the 1 DRASTIC BILL AIMED AT RADICAL ACTION ' Washington, Oct 26. A bill aimed . . . .4. ,v.m trnatiere of radi- bx sxampiiiB uui j - cal aglUtion In the United States was cheating the junk man introduced by Senator jac.eiier, nessee, Friday. m.- ,iii nmvMia that anyone, even overthrow of any government and persons associat ing either puDiiciy or l" Mni Grimlnish Point, such advocates nu - - - -- . . ..nm nn tnten unrfh THst. forty miles away. The ,600. or impn 1 " " ;;,,itin i tthout eiBhty per Vnar a lury may oruer uuuu 'ou"u v - - ' deported to a portion of the Philippine sons, who are Gaelic-speaking crofters. Islands set off for tms purpose. , The bill Includes "every citizen of the United States who directly or in directly commences or carries on any verbal, written or printed intercourse onrrannndence with any other per- n naranni. whether citizens or aliens, with the intent, either peace ably or by violence, to overthrow the ..rrninl of the United States or to dlsintergrate or In any other manner set aside or do away with all govern nr who loins any organization ha.vtnr this purpose, or who directly or indirectly, publicly or privately as soclates himself or herself with any hr tierson or persons . having any ! nraona will be held as "adher ing to the enemies of the United States giving tnenf aia ana eomiuru WM. DUNCAN in "SMASHING BARRIERS" PANTZER DUO v , A Comedy Gymnastic Novelty CURTIS and BUSTER In an entertaining novelty. . BURDELLandBURDELL That Comedy Pair in "Mixology" ALICE JOYCE 4mcAimic From the famous novel by Robert W Chambers On Boys, Bishop jb fit wYr ' It fCrl v tfm j- i , vt-tMi i;i : HAS in Stock BOYS shoes in dress and school shoes. ONE is , equally as good as the other for its pu pose BUYING boys - goods with as careful forethought as in the : men's department. They are the best toj be lound. . WUNDERH 0 S E, specially for the bois- terous boy. bo manj i hose turns brown after a few launderings thus making a very unsightly hos iery; boys that are really live young Americans demand goods that hold true to color and the' many strains that are put upon it. BISHOP chose these as being the market's best. BOYS' Fleece Wool Shirts. Man ufactured from "BISHOP'S FAB RIC", thus insuring the garment on the market at so reasonable a price that your boy should not be without one. m m m Boys' Caps and Hats WE have a new and large stock of these articles, in the latest, snap piest and best of colors, by one of the largest Cap manufacturers in the country. "Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron" Salem WOOleSlMillS Store i i 03 P ti n n 13 The Kskimo dog is usually hungry an 1 in order to prevent them from ewtir g their leather harness this equip- miMi'. jiiiigi be rubbed with tar.: ;WE DUNCAN And the same cast as w&s in THEMANOF MIGHT" in "SMASHING BARRIERS" bmm; THEATRE uoonEOHSimieazimiiEiJonoczj n HUNGRY AS A DOO 1910 Chalmers, first alaas mechan ieai condition, eleetrie lights, start er, all leather upholstered, $850. Oscar B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co. 3T1 Court street. Phone 635 TRY THE SALEM BTTJDIO FOB A PHOTOGRAPHS ra 884 STATE BTBEEU ... L'TJ M-ft ' DRAPERIES MADE TO OBDEB TO FIT YOU EWIND0W8. C.S.HAMILTON ; 340 Oonrt Sreet Plumbing and Water Systems Installed banks-Morse Oas Engines. by OKABEB BEOB., 141 Booth Liberty Bt., Phone 660, Also agent for Falx- MMMMIMtHMMMMMMMtMfiMMMMf Notice I " ... I have an almost new Ford Sedan, shock absorb- I I ers and other extras, that I must sell today. If you i I are m the market for a good car don't pass this up. I Salem Velie Company ; See J. W. Jones, at 162 North Commercial St. Not A Blemisl man the perfect appearance of her com plexion. Permanent and temporary skin trouble er effvrttwUr 7 concealed. Keduces un natural ecAtvr and mnvt. greasy skins. Highly sntiseptic, used with beneficial results as a curative agent for 70 years. TEACHER-SOLDIER TAKES OLD POSITION ' rwnttni lAHmAl PtnAnlo.1 flervioe.) .'Dallas, Or., Ost. .6. Lieutenant Oscar I. Chenoweth, who before the war with Germany was manual train ing instructor In the Dallas high school resumed his position In that Institution e luvninp thl week after v two Lieutenant Chenoweth returned tol this country from France about two months ago where he took part in all of th War battles fought by the Amer ican troops. ' In ths big drive In the St Miheil sector Lieutenant Chenb wtfc iot all his belongings but those carried on his person. He was in the thickest of ths fighting; in the ,Ar onmna irm-Aot ud MTeral other en gagements and dame out. of the war wtlhout a scratch which he considers miraculous. Mr. Chenoweth ls also a. nt.nui ef the Mexican border trou ble, having left his work In the high school to go with company L or wis -! t that time. - He is one of the few Polk county fighting men to win thel French war cross for bravery in ac- . ftnfl ; Mr. and Mrs. Chenoweth and little son havs taken up their residence at the Oall hotel, on account of the short age of residences in Dallas. JORDAN; JP 1 ' " I BUY REMNANTS Imagine a Car Like This Jordan . has always had a dis tinct aversion to ths commonplace the obvious. H believes in mors gaiety and less drabness in motor cars. . " . " '-" '. So the Jordan Silhouette was pro duced. Sturdy, graceful, long, low and colorful. Solid aluminum rat tleproof body. New European, wide opening doors. Mouldings of rectangular design. . The newest French angle at the dash. Cocky seat cowl. Perfectly flat top edge, without the slightest bevel certainly most refreshing in these days. Deep section full crown fenders slightly taller hood tilted sport type windshield deep soft seats that permit you to sink flown into , them at a perfect comfort angle ' gun metal instrument board non-rattling spring shackles tail ored top cordovan leather boot and saddle bag built into tonneau. Imagine a ear like this. Picture it as it is the lightest car on tho -voad for its wheelbase. Ths whole tendency of the Jordan . (Silhouette la toward forward movo went ' It ls perfectly balanced - oar to ride in, as well as to look . With the substantial appearance of tho finest heavy cars it possess' -' os the beautiful sllmness, lightness lowness, and balanced character f the racing class. Ths chassis, including all ths fin est universally approved mechan ical units, possesses a factor of safety which is sufficient to more than meet every possible strain nd little detailed improvements have been added that givs it a ie superiority. Imagine a car like this nd you see the Jordan Silhouette. Finish ed In Brewster Green or Burgundy Old Wine. Equipped with either . four or seven passenger bodies. OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. THE UNIVERSAtCAR Last Week Was a Record Breaker 22 Ford Sales 22 . What greater compliment could we ask In Selling Ford Products The long life, endurance, service and low operating cost of Ford cars, are qualities the experienced motor buying public demand. Arid that Is just what they are receiving for their money when they buy a Ford. . f . Place Your Order Today And join the army of satisfied owners. We can make early deliver ies on both Sedan and Coupe closed models. igy Motor 'Op, AT THE Remnant Store " 8S4" North Commerris I ' S71 Court Street Phone635 '