COMMUNITY Wednesday, September 7, 2022 IN BRIEF RELAX! Joseph artist to be featured in art tour LET THE CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU! Find the crossword puzzle on page A6 WALLOWA WA ALLO OWA A COUNTY CO OUN T Y SENIOR SEN IOR R Meal sites are open for in-dining! Meal site information: Wallowa 886-8971, Enterprise 426-3840, Home-delivered meals 426-3840. CLASS AD DEADLINE 10:00am MONDAY CATCH THEIR EYE WITH COLOR Mon. Sept. 12: Baked chicken, buttered carrots, mashed potatoes, fruit & cookie (sponsored by Bank of Eastern Oregon) Wed. Sept. 14: Meat loaf, roasted red potatoes, broccoli salad, mixed vegetables & fruit (sponsored in memory of Ted Lehmer) Fri. Sept. 16: Chicken fajita with salsa & sour cream, Spanish rice, green salad, fruit & brownie (sponsored by Soroptimists) ENTERPRISE SCHOOLS (Milk, fruit & vegetables served with all meals) Mon. Sept. 12: Breakfast: Sausage muffins Lunch: Ham & cheese sandwich with tomato soup ENTERPRISE — The Mentor Match Teen Entre- preneur Program will kick off its 12th year with a man- datory introductory meeting 6:30–7:30 p.m., Wednes- day, Sept. 14, at Building Healthy Families. BHF is located at 207 NE Park St., in Enterprise. Free pizza and infor- mation about the program will be off ered as well as a chance to decide it it’s a right fi t. The program is open to juniors and seniors county- wide. It teaches teens how to create, launch and run their own business. Meetings are every other Wednesday evening, 6:30–8 p.m. (after sports) and include dinner. It’s free to all participants. For more information, visit Facebook, or con- tact adviser Stacy Green at 541-398-2314. — Wallowa County Chieftain Call 541-426-4567 to add a splash of color to your Classified Ad Wallowa County Chieftain MAKE ROOM FOR CASH! (AND YOUR CAR) Organize your garage and then sell the items you don’t need any longer in the Chieftain Classifieds! Thur. Sept. 15: Breakfast: Bacon & waffles Lunch: Hot dog & fries WALLOWA LAKE VIL- LAGE — Several busi- nesses are planning a ben- efi t to help the residents of Wallowa in their eff orts to recover from the Aug. 11 hailstorm that devastated the town. The benefi t will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10. Greg Jarman, a co-owner of Wallowa Lake Go Karts, said his operation as well as the Wallowa Lake Tramway, Wallowa Lake State Park Marina rentals, Eagle Cap Chalets miniature golf and Mentor Match Teen Entrepreneur program to kick off Weekend A e ft Th Sep 9-10 t. 202 -11 2 or Day L ab Wed. Sept. 14: Breakfast: Ham & pancakes Lunch: Baked ham & scalloped potatoes Wallowa Lake to put on benefi t for Wallowa the Matterhorn Village min- iature golf all will donate proceeds from the day. “We hope people will take advantage of it and sup- port it,” Jarman said. “It’s more than just (the money) going into somebody’s pocket; it’s going to where it needs to be.” He said there’s no set goal for the amount the busi- nesses hope to raise. “Just as much as possi- ble,” he said. After the benefi t, some- one will be selected to take the proceeds to Wallowa, he said. He agreed it is another case of Wallowa County res- idents standing together. “We want to stand with them in their time of need,” he said. “Solidarity. That’s us.” er Tue. Sept. 13: Breakfast: Potatoes & eggs Lunch: Tacos with refried beans JOSEPH — Dona Miller of Joseph is one of 48 art- ists from around the Inland Northwest who will be fea- tured Saturday, Sept. 24, in the 15th annual Little Spo- kane River Artist Studio tour, according to a press release. The one-day, outdoor show will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in North Spokane in the Little Spo- kane River Valley. The artists will be “sell- ing original artwork at fi ve studios that are close enough to allow art col- lectors to visit all fi ve stu- dios during the day,” tour host Gina Freuen said in the release. Freuen said the show will include many familiar, acclaimed artists, includ- ing Sheila Evans, this year’s MAC Artfest Best of Show award winner, as well as LR Montgomery, Jill Smith, Gay Waldman, studio host Victoria Brace, Rick Davis, Robin Kahn and Linnea Tobias, who was selected to create this year’s limit- ed-edition show poster. Miller is one of the 12 new artists from across the region to be included. The others are Maggie Ander- sen, James Barrett, John Franek, CJ Morrison, Kar- lene Schoedel, Molly Sims, all from Spokane; Linda Ballard from Longview, Washington; Denny Gorup from Hope, Idaho; Susan Hedstrand from Rice, Wash- ington; David Hutchens from Clark Fork, Idaho; and Larry Phan from Kalispell, Montana. As part of its commitment to give back to the commu- nity, a limited-edition Little Spokane River Artist Studio tour poster will again be on sale, and the tour has a goal to donate $1,000 to Spokane Public Radio. The poster will be unveiled in early September. The tour also welcomes two nonprofi ts this year: Project Lift Up and Full Circle Equine Rehabilita- tion Center. This year’s show will be held at the working studios of Collista K Studio, 21415 N. Panorama Road in Col- bert; Denise Steen Studio, 15409 N. Little Spokane Drive; Victoria Brace Stu- dio, 15413 N. Lantern Lane; Gina Freuen Studio, 15205 N. Shady Slope Road; and Jill Smith Studio, 15221 N. Shady Slope Road, all in Spokane. Admission is free and ample free parking is avail- able at each studio location. Information about each art- ist, driving directions and a downloadable map are available on the website: www.LittleSpokaneStudios. com. For more information, contact Freuen at 509-981- 2279 or freuen1520@gmail. com. A15 To sponsor a senior meal, call 426-3840 or stop by the Community Connection office. IT’S OUR 41st n! Plan to Attend the 40th Annual Agai CALL TO PLACE AN AD TODAY! 541-426-4567 HELLS CANYON MULE DAYS Wallowa County Fairgrounds Enterprise, Oregon Rated “E” for Everyone! Puzzle Solutions WORD SEARCH Mule Show with Events & Games for All Ages Non Motorized Parage • Pit B-B-Q Mule Clinics * D.O. Cook-Off Cowboy Poetry Gathering • PT Mule Sale Cowboy Church with Soul Renovation Western Art & Gear Show Features Tennessee Mule Artist Bonnie Shields • S aturday N ight C oNCert - K riStyN h arriS d uo - oK t heater - 7:00 pm • t y e vaNS m ulemaNShip C liNiC - S ept . 6-7-8 Fmi: tSMULES.COM