Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, August 17, 2022, Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, August 17, 2022
come to
the aid of
meal site was set up.
A Joseph company sent
sheets of plywood to resi-
dents and businesses.
Construction workers busy with
a state contract project stopped and
helped out residents.
Those were the types of actions
seen across Wallowa County last
week in the wake of a once-in-a-gen-
eration hailstorm that triggered dam-
age seemingly everywhere.
Those efforts — and the work of
so many others who stepped up to
help — illustrate the kind of grit and
determination that have always been
a hallmark of Wallowa County.
Every one of the businesses and
every one of the individuals who as
a group or individually decided to
lend a hand deserve a great deal of
As a nation and a state, we often
find ourselves locked into heated
political disagreements. Sometimes
we don’t see eye to eye on issues.
Often we are vehement in our sup-
port for our own cause. From a dis-
tance, it could be seen that we, as
a nation, state or region have more
to argue about than we do to agree
Yet when disaster strikes, when,
so to speak, the chips are down, we
see individual efforts like those that
were — and continue to be — so
common in Wallowa County.
No one can control the weather
and certainly no one expected the
kind of storm that lashed the county
last week. Life is unpredictable as
is the weather. Yet one thing we can
count on and can predict with a high
degree of certainty is when tragedy
arrives there are going to be peo-
ple on the farms and ranches and
in the towns across our region who
will seek to help, rather than hin-
der. People who will follow the bet-
ter angels of their nature and come
to the rescue.
Will not return to rodeo
until issues is addressed
I would like to respond to the recent
article (Some object to politics at rodeo,
Chieftain, Aug. 10, 2022) related to the
announcing at the Chief Joseph Days
I am Eastern Oregon born and raised.
As a youth, I attended the local rodeos,
worked on a ranch and even rode in a
junior rodeo. I have lived in Wallowa
County over 20 years, and even before my
move, I would attend the rodeo with my
sister and her family.
I too have been appalled at what comes
out of the mouth of Jody Carper. Each
year he gets worse, and this year went so
far as to lead a chant of “let’s go Bran-
don.” We all know what that is code for.
He is unapologetic and frankly gets an ego
boost from the idea that he is “offending
the liberals.”
In spite of his narrative, he is not a
patriot. He is a nationalist and he pushes
division and hate. I would suggest that
Mr. Jones quit minimizing this situation
and take seriously the objections of people
who believe Carper goes too far. He does.
I am both a minister and a mental health
therapist. Carper’s attempts to fuel hate
for his own benefit are neither Christian
(he flaunts his so-called faith) nor healthy
in these divided and hate-filled times.
A long-time rodeo fan, I have stopped
going. I know I am not alone. I will not
return until this is addressed meaningfully.
Stephen Kliewer
We can fix questions of our
Constitution, but only if our
Constitution survives
With an impending election, it is worth-
while to explore some questions with our
candidates. The threat of autocracy is “real.”
The politicization of the Supreme Court
was a critical step.
Do they consider climate change real
and are they willing to take action to miti-
gate it? Extreme weather has become a fact
of life, it could become worse.
Should all citizens have an equal right to
vote and should the winner reflect the will
of the majority? Many state legislatures are
taking steps to limit voting and may assume
the right to overturn the popular vote.
Is the riot at the Capital on Jan. 6, 2020,
“legitimate political discourse” and is vio-
Rodeo rebuttal to
those who are ‘woke’
I read these stories about these lib-
erals that are butt hurt about the rodeo
announcer and his comments. Listen,
nothing is different over the last 10 years
I have been attending the rodeo.
If people do not like the format or con-
tent, then don’t go. Go back to Portland
or wherever you are from. We don’t want
you here anyway. Maybe go attend an
NFL game where they promote wokeness
and don’t stand for our flag.
Brett Jenson
Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
Comments: 202-456-1111
That kind of assistance can be rare
but, at least in Eastern Oregon, it is
not. The people of Wallowa County
Ron Wyden
221 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
La Grande office: 541-962-7691
Kate Brown
160 State Capitol
900 Court St.
Salem, OR 97301-4047
Bobby Levy, District 58
900 Court St. NE, H-376
Salem, OR 97301
EDITORIALS: Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Wallowa County Chieftain
editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the
opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the Wallowa County Chieftain.
LETTERS: The Wallowa County Chieftain welcomes original letters of 400 words
or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and
on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address
concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the
rights of private citizens. Letters must be signed by the author and include the
city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be
Contents copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
General Manager, Karrine Brogoitti, kbrogoitti@eomediagroup.com
Editor, editor@wallowa.com
Reporter, Bill Bradshaw, bbradshaw@wallowa.com
News Assistant, Cheryl Jenkins, cjenkins@wallowa.com
Classifieds/Inside Sales, Julie Ferdig, jferdig@bakercityherald.com
Advertising Assistant, Devi Mathson, dmathson@lagrandeobserver.com
• • •
To submit news tips and press releases, call 541-426-4567
or email editor@wallowa.com
Bill Hansell, District 29
900 Court St. NE, S-423
Salem, OR 97301
published. Unsigned letters will not be published.
• Longer community comment columns, such as Other Views, must be no more
than 700 words. Writers must provide a recent headshot and a one-sentence
biography. Like letters to the editor, columns must refrain from complaints against
businesses or personal attacks against private individuals. Submissions must carry
the author’s name, address and phone number.
• Submission does not guarantee publication, which is at the discretion of the editor.
SEND LETTERS TO: editor@wallowa.com, or via mail to Wallowa County Chieftain,
209 NW 1st St. Enterprise, OR 97828
Member Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association
P.O. Box 338 • Enterprise, OR 97828
Office: 209 NW First St., Enterprise, Ore.
Phone: 541-426-4567 • Fax: 541-426-3921
Cliff Bentz
1239 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Medford office: 541-776-4646
Greg Smith, District 57
900 Court St. NE, H-482
Salem, OR 97301
Wallowa County’s Newspaper Since 1884
USPS No. 665-100
Jeff Merkley
313 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Pendleton office: 541-278-1129
not only showed their true nature in
terms of helping their neighbor, but
also demonstrated the kind of resil-
iency that is uncommon in many
places. Rather than complaining or
giving up, people jumped into debris
and decided to make a difference.
The entire county should be
proud of its residents and busi-
nesses, and remember that while we
may disagree sometimes, when it
comes to a disaster we are going to
step up and help out.
lence required to make change? The Repub-
lican National Committee has approved
the Capital riot as “legitimate political
These answers are politically sensitive
and difficult. They will determine if our
nation survives as we know it. We can fix
the questions of our Constitution but only if
our Constitution survives.
Now is the time to contact your family
and friends.
David Ebbert
Published every Wednesday by: EO Media Group
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Wallowa County Chieftain
P.O. Box 338
Enterprise, OR 97828