VIEWPOINTS Wednesday, August 3, 2022 A5 Intern reû ects on his time at the Chieftain OTHER VIEWS Michael Reagan OTHER VIEWS Who got America in H this mess? Jack Parry L ots of perplexed Americans are ask- ing the question, “How did we get here?” They ask how is it that a rich, power- ful and generally happy country that was chugging along so smoothly in the 21st century has almost overnight become an economic, social and ideological train wreck. It’s a fair question – and the answer has little to do with the pandemic and the col- lateral damage we’ve done to ourselves with lockdowns and the war on COVID. Today, the country is divided into doz- ens of red-blue factions who argue bitterly about everything from federal spending and abortion to oil pipelines, gun control, vaccines and “corrective” gender surgery for 12-year-olds. The major liberal media have become shameless lapdogs of the Democrats in power in Washington, D.C. Comedians are being canceled for being incorrectly funny. Future U.S. Supreme Court justices can’t – or won’t – deû ne the word