RECORDS Wallowa County Chieftain A2 Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Train derails west of La Grande DEATH NOTICE Edward Botz The family of Edward Allen (Ed) Botz will have a Cel- ebration of Life on Saturday, Aug. 13, beginning at 1 p.m. with a potluck and shared memories to follow. It will take place at The Rockwall Grange on Middle Road in Elgin. OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins 100 YEARS AGO Aug. 3, 1922 Weather Forecast Courtesy of Weather Underground • Aug. 4 High Low Conditions 78 thunderstorms 49 Aug. 5 80 50 mostly sunny Aug. 6 86 53 sunny Aug. 7 88 54 sunny Aug. 8 89 56 partly cloudy Aug. 9 92 59 partly cloudy Aug. . 10 90 60 partly cloudy George M. Cannon was on the train which was wrecked yesterday on the mountain grade west of La Grande. The rails spread and the baggage cars and smoker went oû the grade and fell on their sides. The day coach plunged on over them. Many were seri- ously injured and one fatal- ity. Mr. Cannon had been in Portland with a shipment of stock from the north end. Minam lake became a reservoir for the storage of water for irrigation by the construction of a 10-foot dam last summer. The gate was opened for the û rst time this week to provide more water in the Lostine district. Wallowa Lake has a dam 27 feet high, and Aneroid lake is to be dammed to hold water for the electric com- pany’s power plant. The sheriû 9s oû ce added one more still to their col- lection of moonshine stills. However, the operator saw them coming and took to his heels so that they were unable to identify him. 75 YEARS AGO Aug. 7, 1947 The Wallowa National Forest has installed four fre- quency modulation radio sending and receiving sets to supplement the tele- phone service between cen- tral headquarters, ranger sta- tions and lookouts. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Surber, Mrs. Iva McClain and Mrs. Mary Irwin drove out to Gumboot huckleberrying for the day. They brought home between nine and ten gallons. There were as many as 50 cars on the Imnaha hill Sun- day. Most of them were after huckleberries. Among them were the Sassers, Pratts and Wagners. Ranch. Dates on the boxes indicated it was made in 1959. 50 YEARS AGO During a ceremony near Wallowa Lake, descen- dants of the Chief joseph band of Nez Perce exiled to Nespelem, Wash. accepted the gift of a spectacu- lar young stallion from the descendants of Charles Erskine Scott Wood, a mil- itary aide who befriended Chief Joseph after his 1877 surrender. About 100 per- sons were present, including Nez Perce from three res- ervations and Canada, and 45 members of the Woods family. Attending the National Scout Jamboree in Virginia this year from Wallowa County are Gary Huû , Kyle Cook, Darren Hahn, Don- ald Hahn, Brad Hopkins and Tom Greethurst. 25 YEARS AGO July 31, 1997 Aug. 3, 1972 Jim Steen, Joseph cow- boy, was the recipient of the Harley Tucker Memorial award after winning the bull riding event on the û nal day of CJD. Construction of a 28-unit housing complex for senior citizens and low income tenants in Enterprise, to be called Alpine Village, was assured this week. Work will start immediately. Five and one half cases of dynamite were removed by an OSP demolition team from an Upper Imnaha pow- der magazine after earlier reports of a dangerous dyna- mite cache proved accurate. The dynamite was found on the old Eugene Pallette Phases of the moon July 28 Aug. 5 1st Quarter New Moon Aug. 11 Full Moon Aug. 18 Last Quarter WALLOWA COUNTY SUNRISE & SUNSET DATE XX – X (from the U.S. Naval Observatory) THUR FRI SAT SUN MON TUES WED 5:35 8:14 5:36 8:13 5:38 8:11 5:39 8:10 5:40 8:09 5:41 8:07 5:42 8:06 Marshall