STATE 102 Public Notices 102 Public Notices SECTION 001000 - BID ADVERTISEMENT WALLOWA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 12 WALLOWA SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS Wednesday, July 27, 2022 A15 Three-way race for Oregon governor generating tsunami of campaign cash Bids Due 2:00 PM, August 11, 2022 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bids will be accepted by CB Con- struction, Inc., Troy Farwell, Project Manager, at the project site 315 1st St., Wallowa, Oregon 97885 until 2:00 PM local time August 11, 2022 at which time and place bids will be closed. Bids may be delivered by the following methods: -Hand delivered to the project site at 315 1st St., Wallowa, OR 97885 -Hand delivered to CB Construction’s office at 1202 Adams Ave., La Grande, OR 97850 -Emailed to As a part of this bid, CB Construction is requesting proposals to com- plete all scopes of work for the construction of the Wallowa School Dis- trict Improvements. The following deadlines and restrictions are applicable to the project: A NON-MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting for bidders will be held at 1:00 PM on Tuesday July 26, 2022 at the site at 315 1st St., in Wallowa, OR 97885; All bids must be submitted on the Bid Form in the Contract Documents. Project documents are available at Bid- ders may download digital files at no cost and are encouraged to reg- ister as a plan holder at, and select “Add me as a Plan Holder”. Questions regarding the plan room contact Auron (509) 747-2964 or A complete set of contract documents will also be filed with the Plan Centers listed at This contract is for public work subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 (the Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate Law). BOLI wage rates will be ap- plicable to this project. The wage rates are included in the bid docu- ments which are available as noted above. No bid for a construction contract shall be received or considered by the public contracting agency unless the bidder is licensed by the Construction Contractors Board of the State of Oregon as required by ORS 701.035 and 701.055. Each bid must identify whether the bidder is an Oregon resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279A.120. CB Construction reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids, to waive formalities, and to postpone the award of the contract for thirty (30) days. All bids and all prices quoted in bids shall be firm for a period of thirty (30) days after the bid closing date. Dated July 13, 2022 Troy Farwell, Project Manager CB Construction Company Published: July 20, 27, 2022 Legal No. 307869 (AND YOUR CAR) Organize your garage and then sell the items you don’t need any longer in the Chieftain Classifieds! Candidates for governor are, from left, Republican Christine Drazan, Democrat Tina Kotek and nonaffi liated Betsy Johnson. $300,000 from the Republi- can Governors Association. Kotek has $53,000 from the Democratic governors. Kotek’s spokesperson Katie Wertheimer says it’s a wrinkle of post-primary fi nancial report timing, not a measure of long-term strength. Little of the recent money shows the reaction to the Supreme Court rul- ing in late June gutting Roe v. Wade abortion rights in place since 1973. “We’ve also seen a huge uptick in interest in volun- teering to help Tina win in November,” Wertheimer said. “We’re confi dent that we will have the resources to win.” Drazan won the Republi- can primary with 23% of the vote and now has to rally the splintered factions behind her campaign as GOP stan- dard-bearer. The six-fi gure national GOP commitment along with sizeable dona- BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND The Applicant proposes 100% of the conserved water (144.58 AF) be allocated to the state for in- stream purposes. CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE TH GU Legal No. 309207 Published: July 27, August 3, 2022 TE 1 R GU ’S T The project appears to be consis- tent with the requirements under ORS 537.470. Any interested per- son may submit written com- ments directly related to CW-129 within 20 days of the last date of newspaper publication, being by 5:00pm on, August 3, 2022. Comments should be sent to the attention of the ACW Program, Water Resources Department, 725 Summer Street NE, Suite A, Salem, OR 97301. EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! NATIO N E 15 % & 10 % 2 CW-129 filed by Rocking M Cattle Company, 70208 Warnock Rd, Wallowa, OR 97885, proposes to convert approx. 72.29 acres from flood irrigation to high efficiency pivot irrigation under Certificate 3162 with an 1883 priority from the South Fork of Wallowa River. The project on the Lostine (aka South Fork Wallowa) is expected to conserve approx. 144.58 acre- feet (AF). MAKE ROOM FOR CASH! A $100,000 check from a longtime conservative Oregon political donor to Republican Christine Drazan. One for $100,000 to Betsy Johnson’s insurgent campaign from a construc- tion industry group. Two liberal political action campaigns top off at the same level in their total giving to Democrat Tina Kotek. The top candidates for governor continue to pile up stacks of cash in the race to the top of Oregon’s political pyramid. The trio has raised over $17.1 million since Janu- ary 2021, on pace to blow past the 2018 record of $40 million when Democratic Gov. Kate Brown beat for- mer Republican Rep. Knute Buehler of Bend. The primaries are two months past and the gen- eral election more than three months away. The latest reports fi led with the Ore- gon Secretary of State show a fl uid fi nancial situation. Kotek and Drazan are coming off a May primary that saw the pair emerge from a combined roster of 34 candidates lured by the fi rst open governor’s race since 2010. Dollar fi gures can be deceiving. Kotek reports $500,000 in the bank — 10% of what Johnson has tucked away. Drazan has over RD Notice of Application for Allocation of Conserved Water CW-129 By GARY A. WARNER Oregon Capital Bureau A OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE * FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET! 1 Promo Code: 285 1 Subject to credit approval. Call for details. CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE + 5 % OFF OFF SENIORS & MILITARY! TO PLACE AN AD TODAY! 541-426-4567 IT’S WORTH IT! GET A CLASS AD! WALLOWA COUNTY SENIOR Meal sites are open for in-dining! Meal site information: Wallowa 886-8971, Enterprise 426-3840, Home-delivered meals 426-3840. Mon. Aug 1: Mac & cheese, sliced ham, Normandy vegetables, green salad & dessert (sponsored by the Anonymous Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation) Wed. Aug 3: Chicken stir-fry with veggies, steamed rice, mandarin oranges & fortune cookie (sponsored by Bollman Funeral Home) Fri. Aug 5: Spinach mushroom quiche, sausage patty, biscuits with butter & honey, fruit & tomato juice (sponsored by Wallowa Senior Advisory Group) KID’S SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM Sponsored by Building Healthy Families 12:00 - 12:30 Monday-Thursday Joseph, Enterprise & Wallowa city parks Summer lunches in the park are required to be eaten at the site Mon. Aug 1: Chicken strips, whole grain roll, carrots, strawberries & milk Tue. Aug 2: Burritos, grape tomatoes, cantaloupe & milk Wed. Aug 3: Ham wraps, carrots, apples & milk Thur. Aug 4: Corn dogs, broccoli, oranges/apples & milk To sponsor a senior meal, call 426-3840 or stop by the Community Connection office. Conatact Elaine at 541-263-1189 bursting with kittens! WC Humane Society is burst- ing with kittens and cats of all ages and colors from the whitest of white to the blackest of black! Come on in and check us out! We’ve made lots of changes! WE INSTALL YEAR-ROUND! TO THE FIRST 50 CALLERS ONLY! ** LIFETIME WARRANTY 1-855-536-8838 Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST CALL tions from business interests and activist donors is ramp- ing up into late summer. “No statewide GOP candidate in recent his- tory has enjoyed the fund- raising success Christine has had,” said John Burke, Drazan’s communications director. “We’re excited to have so many new support- ers on board since the pri- mary and we’re ready to deliver a historic victory this November.” On the fl ip side, John- son’s $9.5 million in contri- butions is $1 million more than Kotek and Drazan combined. It’s a formidable amount. But the former Democratic state senator from Columbia County still has to get on the November ballot and build a statewide campaign appara- tus from scratch. “We are in the home stretch of signature gather- ing and will far surpass the approximately 25,000 valid signatures we need to secure by Aug. 16 to put Betsy’s name on the November bal- lot,” said Jennifer Sitton, Johnson’s spokesperson. While her current money totals may dwarf her com- petitors, its a head start to build a bulwark against the likely fl ood of national party money that will fl ow into the race after Labor Day. “We are proud of our fundraising, but know the party institutions are pre- paring to back up the Brinks trucks to spend it all attack- ing Betsy,” Sitton said. The 2022 race is already unique in Oregon politi- cal history and will mark major shifts no matter the outcome. For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. *Off er valid at time of estimate only 2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” Manufac- tured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty details. 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