A16 OFF PAGE ONE Wallowa County Chieftain Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Bill Bradshaw/Wallowa County Chieftain Under drizzly skies, a funeral procession made up primarily of police vehicles makes its way through Enterprise toward the Cloverleaf Hall for a celebration of the life of Oregon State Police Sgt. Marcus McDowell on Monday, April 4, 2022. Alex Wittwer/EO Media Group Oregon State Police offi cers load the casket of Sgt. Marcus McDowell into a hearse outside Loveland Funeral Chapel, La Grande, on Monday, April 4, 2022. McDowell: Continued from Page A1 in the community. Back when we were doing inter- diction and stuff on the free- way, he was so good at his job. He has some incredible seizures of all kinds of diff er- ent things.” Patrol Trooper Kainoa Delatori, who worked with McDowell the entirety of his six-year OSP career, and even prior during a stint with La Grande Police, said McDowell was the “resident expert” when it came to drug interdiction work, and some- one he would consult often. “We talk on a daily basis,” Delatori said. “I would pick his brain when it came to work on (interdiction) stuff . We got pretty close the last couple years.” Delatori also commented on McDowell’s impeccable work ethic, and called him a man with whom you knew where you standed. “That’s one of the things I respect most out of Marcus,” Bill Bradshaw/Wallowa County Chieftain Oregon State Police troopers change the guard Monday, April 4, 2022, around the fl ag-draped casket of Sgt. Marcus McDowell prior to a celebration of life for him at the Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise. Delatori said of McDowell’s work. “After that long, a lot of people get burned out or they fade off . (But) he had the most stops in the offi ce month in and month out. One thing I really looked up to him (for) is his work ethic. He would actually put in the work.” Hove described McDow- ell as the person called on when an extra hand was needed on a scene. He said he was always available, whether early in the morning or late in the evening. “He’s the guy who would always be at work, always be there,” he said. “He was the guy you called. … Say you’re working a case, what- ever the case may be, Mar- cus would always stop by and see if you needed any help.” Delatori, who was one of the OSP troopers to respond to the scene in Joseph, called the loss of his friend a shock. “It’s something that I pray in the next 20 years of my career I never have to deal with again,” he said. Conner said in losing McDowell, the OSP is losing an “upstanding individual.” “We’re losing a great friend, employee, a supervi- sor, just a mentor in general to others, a leader — Mar- cus is all of those things,” he said. “More importantly, he’s just a friend. It’s taking a devastating toll on all of us that have worked with him over the years. It’s hard to deal with. It’s very diffi cult to deal with a loss.” Hove described him as the one you wanted out working the job. “He was always doing good,” he said. “All these guys do good, but Marcus was exceptional.” And for Delatori, the loss of a driven friend is only going to push him. “I think it’s going to make me work harder now,” he said. “I think that is what he would have wanted.” Ronald Bond/Wallowa County Chieftain A procession featuring dozens of law enforcement vehicles leaves La Grande Monday morning, April 4, 2022, to escort the body of Sgt. Marcus McDowell to Enterprise for a memorial service to be held later in the day. McDowell died March 29. Alex Wittwer/EO Media Group A pair of Oregon State Police offi cers share an embrace after the funeral service for Sgt. Marcus McDowell at Loveland Funeral Chapel, La Grande, on Monday, April 4, 2022. WE’VE GOT and many other name brand decor items to fill your homewith beauty! 20 ENTERPRISE 800 S. River St., Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-9228 Mon-Fri: 9-5:30 • Sat 9-12 % OFF Made in Oregon Lifetime Warranty Come visit our showroom to see the Oregon made STANTON FURNITURE and our other products and furnishings, such as Serta Mattresses, hardwood flooring, luxury vinyl and fine carpeting