LOCAL Wallowa.com Wednesday, March 9, 2022 FOR THE RECORD Courtesy of Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho This map shows the June 3, 2020, progress of eff orts to the Oregon/Idaho border to include rural Oregon counties into the more conservative state. A ballot measure similar to one that failed in Wallowa County in November 2020 may be voted on this year. Measure to discuss Oregon’s border may return to ballot Commissioner Hillock, county Clerk Lathrop, fi le to run again By RONALD BOND Wallowa County Chieftain ENTERPRISE — A vari- ation of a measure that just missed passage in Wa l l o w a County in the Novem- ber 2020 Hillock general elec- tion will be on the ballot this year, pro- ponents hope. Measure 32-007, which would require the county commissioners twice a year to meet to discuss the relo- cation of Idaho’s border, will be voted on in Novem- ber should those pushing for the measure gather enough signatures. If the measure sounds similar, that’s because it is. Measure 32-003, in the 2020 general election, required county commissioners to meet three times a year to discuss the interests of the county joining Idaho, part of the Move Oregon’s Border movement that has gained traction in recent years. The measure passed in several counties in 2020, but fell by a razor-thin margin in Wallowa County, receiving 2,478 yes votes and 2,519 no votes. “I thought we would be like Union County and it would pass here in Wallowa County was what I antici- Ellen Morris Bishop/For the Wallowa County Chieftain, File Wallowa County Clerk Sandy Lathrop, shown with ballots to be mailed in October 2020, has fi led for another term as county clerk. pated,” Commissioner Todd Nash told the Chieftain fol- lowing the failed 2020 vote and referring to neighboring Union County’s passage of the measure. “I think there’s some sentiment and frus- tration with the way Ore- gon has legislated, and so I thought that it might be tilted a little bit more. Not completely surprised, either, that it failed.” The measure that would be voted on this year is almost verbatim of what was voted on in 2020. The main diff erence is commis- sioners would be required to meet just twice a year — on the fourth Wednesday of February and August — “to discuss how to promote the interests of Wallowa County that would be relevant to a relocation of state borders, and to prepare the county for becoming a county of Idaho.” VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: www.Wallowa.com “The commissioners, if the voters vote it in, we’ll comply with what they said,” Commissioner John Hillock said. Two positions are also up for election: Position 3 on the county board of com- missioners, held currently by Hillock, and the county clerk, which currently is Sandy Lathrop. Both Hillock and Lathrop have fi led to run again for their respective positions. Currently, nobody else has fi led to run in opposition. “I’ve been honored to serve the county, and feel like I still have some energy left to carry on another four years. I think things have been running relatively good in county government,” Hillock said. The fi ling deadline was March 8, and as of 1 p.m. that day, no one else had fi led for the two spots. FEB. 28 6:02 a.m. — Hazard- ous road conditions in Enterprise. Referred to Oregon Department of Transportation. 6:07 a.m. — Motorist assist in Enterprise. 6:44 p.m. — Report of road hazard in rural Enter- prise; referred to ODOT. MARCH 1 2:39 a.m. — Report of large boulder in east bound lane of Highway 82 just east of Minam. ODOT advised. 7:54 a.m. — Two-vehi- cle, noninjury, motor-vehi- cle crash reported in rural Lostine. 9:19 a.m. — Road haz- ard reported in rural Wal- lowa on Highway 82. 11:42 a.m. — Report of scam/fraud in rural Enterprise. 2:51 p.m. — Public assist in Elgin. 3:18 p.m. — Attempt to locate in Enterprise. 3:29 p.m. — Attempt to locate in Enterprise. 7:38 p.m. — Traffi c com- plaint in Enterprise. 8:21 p.m. — Report of suspicious person in Joseph. MARCH 2 8:26 a.m. — Fraud reported in rural Joseph. 10:17 a.m. — Assault reported in Wallowa. 11 a.m. — Scam/ fraud call reported in rural Enterprise. 1:50 p.m. — Fraud reported in rural Wallowa. 3:03 p.m. — Theft com- plaint in Enterprise. 3:27 p.m. — Public assist in rural Enterprise. MARCH 3 10:57 a.m. — EPD attempt to locate for state- wide warrant. 11:15 a.m. — EPD attempt to locate in Enter- prise for statewide warrant. 12:50 p.m. — Commer- cial fi re alarm activation in Joseph. 2:51 p.m. — Theft reported in Enterprise. 2:59 p.m. — Agency assist in Enterprise. 4:09 p.m. — Civil dis- pute in Enterprise. 5:41 p.m. — Theft com- plaint in rural Wallowa. 8:01 p.m. — Distur- bance reported in Wallowa. MARCH 4 7:52 a.m. — Scam reported in Enterprise. 9:20 a.m. — Civil dis- pute in Wallowa. 12:07 p.m. — Traffi c stop in rural Lostine; Wal- lowa County Sheriff ’s Offi ce issued warning for speed. 3:18 p.m. — Traffi c com- plaint in Wallowa. 4:06 p.m. — Public assist in Enterprise. 4:22 p.m. — Attempt to locate in Enterprise. 5:33 p.m. — Domes- tic disturbance reported in rural Enterprise. 7:44 p.m. — Noise com- plaint in Lostine. 8:34 p.m. — Alarm acti- vation in Joseph. A3 9:01 p.m. — Patrick Angelo Maroney, 63, of Enterprise, arrested by the EPD on a charge of proba- tion violation. 9:15 p.m. — Traffi c stop in Enterprise; EPD issued a warning for failure to display/lighting. 9:50 p.m. — Trespassing reported in Enterprise. MARCH 5 2:39 p.m. — Report of lost item in Enterprise. 4:03 p.m. — Report of suspicious person in Wallowa. 7:09 p.m. — Traffi c stop; driving without insurance in Enterprise. 7:22 p.m. — Distur- bance call in rural Joseph. 8:49 p.m. — Crimi- nal mischief reported in Wallowa. MARCH 6 10:49 a.m. — Public assist in Enterprise. 2:21 p.m. — Traffi c com- plaint in rural Wallowa. This week’s featured book The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig 107 E. Main St. Enterprise OR 541-426-3351 manager@bookloft.org • bookloft.org Spring is coming! Save 50% on heating costs with Rinnai Propane Heaters!* Heaters and other HVAC Parts & Services not just propane! *Addtional rebates up to $100 apply . East Hwy 82 Ed Staub & Sons Enterprise, OR 201 • 541-426-0320 Energy Community Service. Saturday, March 12 th at The Place Joseph United Methodist Church COVID-19 VACCINATION 301 S Lake St. Joseph CLINIC 1:00pm - 5:00pm All Covid-19 vaccines, boosters, and flu shots available ages 5 and up. • Food Boxes for the first 30 people • $25 gift cards for those who get a Covid vaccine, ages 12 and up