QUICK TAKES A BRIEF LOOK AT WHAT’S HAPPENING IN EASTERN OREGON FRIDAY NIGHT FUN AT EOTEC HERMISTON — Friday night fun returns to Hermiston during Rec It Arena — Family Night. The event is Friday, Feb. 11, 4-7 p.m. at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center, 1705 E. Airport Road. Coordinated by Hermiston Parks and Recreation, the event costs $5 at the door (one parent/ guardian free per paying child). Youth must be 10 or older to at- tend without a parent. Activities include bounce houses, basketball, table ten- nis, pickleball, Mario Kart on the big screen and more. Also, concessions will be available for purchase. For more information, contact 541-667-5018, email parksandrec@hermiston.or.us or visit www.hermiston.or.us/ parksrec. SWEETHEART YARD SALE THIS WEEKEND AT HURRICANE CREEK GRANGE JOSEPH — Hurricane Creek Grange #608 will have its 11th annual Sweetheart Indoor Yard Sale Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11 and 12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at 82930 5 FEBRUARY 9�16, 2022 Ave. A lasagna dinner will be served and Dance Unlimited is providing entertainment. Those attending are invited to bring a dessert to share. Also, a silent auction will fea- ture more than a dozen themed baskets — enter bids for a chance to win. Money raised will help generate funds to be used for projects to support veterans. For more information, contact Cathy Stolz, auxiliary president, at 541-571-5816 or cathystolz@gmail.com. ‘THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST’ OPENS FEB. 11 IN ELGIN Ben Lonergan/East Oregonian Gabe Anderson, left, and Vaso Tziouvaras play on an infl atable Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022, during Rec It Arena at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center in Hermiston. The next event is Friday, Feb. 11. Airport Lane. Items for sale include dog supplies, household collectibles, Costa Rica coff ee beans, silversmith items, hand- crafted specialties and more. The kitchen will be open both days. A Friday lunch of ham- burgers, beef barley soup, chili and pie will be served 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Saturday features break- fast (biscuits and gravy, meat, work with a dynamic team & make a difference in someone's life part-time & full-time positions open at our residential care facilities Learn more at wvcenterforwellness.org or contact HR at hr@wvcenterforwellnes.org 541-426-4524 x1062 eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns, orange juice and coff ee) as well as lunch. For more information, contact Barbara McCormack at 541- 605-8233. AMERICAN LEGION HOSTS SWEET EVENT FOR VETERANS HERMISTON — Area vet- erans looking for something special to do leading up to Valentine’s Day need look no further — American Legion Post & Auxiliary Unit 37 is host- ing Hearts for Veterans. The free dinner and social for veterans and their guests is Saturday, Feb. 12, 5:30 p.m. at the Hermiston First Chris- tian Church, 775 W. Highland ELGIN — The Hale-Turner Theatre, 831 Alder St., presents Oscar Wilde’s comedy of man- ners “The Importance of Being Earnest” during three week- ends this month. Shows are set for Feb. 11-12, Feb. 18-19 and Feb. 25-26. Friday performanc- es are at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays off er two shows: 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 and available at www.elginoperahouse.com or by calling 541-663-6324.