14 MIXED MEDIUM JANUARY 26–FEBRUARY 2, 2022 THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON Winners of Josephy show ‘Nature in the Abstract’ josephy.org Rick McEwan earned first place with “Illusion of Permanence” in the Nature in the Abstract category. Go! staff J OSEPH — An exhibit cel- ebrating nature is on display at the Josephy Center for Arts and Culture through Feb. 22. The show, titled “Nature in the Abstract,” was curated by Ellen LO S T I N E , O R E G O N Morris Bishop and Debbie Lind. Mediums include photogra- phy, paintings, collage and 3-D, such as ceramic, fabric, metal and wood. The show judge was Susan Murrell, art department faculty at Eastern Oregon University in printmaking, drawing and graphics. EXHIBIT CATEGORIES Nature in the Abstract — Megan Brock placed first in the youth category with her piece titled “My Mountain.” Work that depicts a pattern or composition displayed by a subject as it exists in nature. Interpretations of Nature — Work, inspired by subjects in the real world, that employs shape, form, lines and colors to create a composition or interpretation of the subject, showing subject as the artist understands it, not as it is. Youth — Work produced by artists younger than 18 that fits In the Interpretations of Nature category, Heather Tomlinson earned first place for her “Owyhee Life.” in either category above, in any eligible media. (This category is sponsored by the Wallowa Valley Photo Club.) LeViner • Honorable mention: Driftwood, Abstract, MC Reardon Category: Interpretations of Nature WINNERS Category: Nature in the Abstract • 1st: Illusion of Permanence, Rick McEwan • 2nd: Rock Product, Kolle Kahle Riggs • 3rd: Hornet’s Nest 1, Leslie • 1st: Owyhee Life, Heather Tomlinson • 2nd: Murmuration #1, Linda J. Robinson • 3rd: Timber 2, Susan Pesti- Strobel • Honorable mention: Water, William Burkett Category: Youth • 1st: My Mountain, Megan 11 W am to 7 pm Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday EDNESDAY - SUNDAY 8 AM TO 8 PM L 11 A T am E O to N 8 F R pm IDA Y AND S A Saturday TURDAY Friday and 541-569-2285 Brock • 2nd: Basalt, McKenzie Keffer • 3rd: Foxglove Falls, Hazel Stephens • Honorable mention: Fabricat- ed Rabbit, Nathaniel Bazer S C R AT C H M A D E BEER ONLINE EXHIBIT PIZZA DENIM AND MORE Entries in the exhibit can be viewed — and purchased — online at josephy.org. The show is located under the “Exhibits/ G L A C I E R C O L D • FA W N F R E S H Events” tab.