Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, December 22, 2021, Page 21, Image 21

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    Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Dear Santa,
I can’t wait for it to be December
because it will be Christmas and I
can’t wait. I want a toy off-road
truck toy and a new lego set
dragster + general lee. How
are the elfs? Has Mrs. Claus
baked any cookies? How
are the reigndeer? Are the
elfs doing good?
Merry Christmas, by James
3 rd Grade
Ms. Corak
Dear Santa,
I would like my Dad to have
a He-man water bottle sticker.
He just loves He-man. He would
also like a dirt bike water bottle sticker.
Mom would like makeup and fingernail
polish. You know the sparkly fingernail
polish. She likes red, brown, green, but
she doesn’t like purple and pink. She
also likes to put different nail art on her
fingernails. My brother Carson would
like a new Lego set. Lego set city is what
he would like. Carson would also like a
bb gun. His old bb gun won’t shoot. My
Yaya would like new thread for sewing.
She sews tons of stuff. Like if I have a
hole in my jeans she could just use a jean
patch and sew it. She also likes Christmas
gnomes. Grandpa might want new tools.
He might also like a new orange hunting
Fly Safe!
Weston Rodgers
Dear Santa,
I want you to give my friend Liam a blue
cup for him to use. It can be made of clay.
Cali is a good friend of mine. Could you
please get her special art paints? It is
my dog’s birthday so please bring her a
special bone. Vincent would like a Barbie
doll. I guess my dad wants a cool electric
guitar. He wants it to be red. Mom wants
a weekend off so she can relax and sleep.
Grandma would probably like an orange
cat. She wants it to be a girl and she can
name it Grumpy. And Grandma Ruth
would like a special black mask.
Happy New Year!
Lain Finlayson
Wallowa County Chieftain | Santa, you’ve got mail B7
Dear Santa,
I know Wes likes Legos so please
get him some of those. I would like
for my Mom to get some new ski
clothes. I think her favorite color
is blue. My brother Aden would
like some shoes. He would like
new black basketball shoes. I
want Olive to get a new saddle
for her horse. I want my Dad to
get new Christmas ornament
that you put on the tree. He
may like a picture of a bird
on it.
Merry Christmas!
Selah Mildrexler
Dear Santa,
Can you please get my sister
Hadley a baby doll? I would
like for my dad to get cooking
utensils to cook meat. I love it
when he cooks me steak on the
bbq. My mom would like earrings
and candles. She would like tealish
earrings. The smell of the candles can
probably be like lavender. Please get my
Grandma new earrings too, make them
greenish. My PaPa would like to get new
tools for building.
Merry Christmas!
Hadyn Hull
to give my mom a Nintendo controller,
but she already bought one. My mom
would like a new computer, one that has
a drawing pen with it. I would like to give
Ms. C a beehive to stay in her backyard.
Happy Christmas!
Logan Quantz
Dear Santa,
Let’s start with my sister London first.
She is the easiest one. She would like
a fluffy spotted bunny. She has been
begging dad for one. We have a little
cage, and when it is older it can maybe
go into the cow’s pen. Mom would like
body lotions. She would also like more
seeds for next year’s garden. She would
like seed for potatoes, celery, lettuce, and
tomatoes. Also some sunflower seeds.
For my cousins, Jacob the oldest like to
build and fix things so he needs tools for
this. Ethan is a hard one, please get him
a survival kit like the one we have that
he wants. Eli likes trucks so please get
him a new toy truck. My cousin Emery
is really artsy so get him a new art kit.
My dad would like a day off. He really
deserves this because he always works
really hard. My Grandma wants another
wooden spatula because hers is worn out,
she got it 2 years ago. My Grandpa should
probably have a day off. He does music
at church and he works at the foundry. I
think you should also get my dog a bone
because she likes to play a lot.
Olive Sams
Dear Santa,
Can you give my baby brother a toy? He
would like a toy truck. He likes green
and blue and red. For my brother Sean
get him a flip phone and he would like
it to be gray. My brother Collin would
like dinosaurs. He would like a dinosaur
suit with claws. For my sister Hailey she
needs a science book. For my Mom a BTS
shirt. My Dad would like a double barrel
shotgun so we could go hunting this year.
I think that would be good.
Love to All,
Liam Sullivan
Dear Santa,
I really want my PaPa to get a new
camouflaged hunting jacket. He needs it
to be a winter jacket because he already
has a summer one. I want Nanee to get a
new dog. She would like the schnauzer
kind, a black one. My Uncle Joe’s baby
could use some baby toys.
Tell Rudolph Hi for me!
Cali Charbonneau
Dear Santa,
My brother Dawson might want a red
model car. Abby my sister would like a
new baby doll or new unicorn toys. My
mom would like a new candle. She would
like a white candle that smells like mint.
My dad would like a new black vest. It is
made for keeping you warm. He has one
but it is old, and has holes he has to duct
tape so it doesn’t really work anymore.
Happy New Year!
Wes Hale
Dear Santa,
I want you to get my Dad a Nintendo
Switch so that me and him can have fun
playing with each other. I also want to
give Kellen a new console. I wanted you
Michael Eckley
5th Grade - Enterprise
Wallowa County Ace Hardware
Brodie Waters
2nd Grade - Wallowa
M. Crow & Co.
Emery Duquette
3rd Grade - Enterprise
Building Healthy Families
Travis Estest
2nd Grade - Enterprise
Estes Trucking
Josephine Anderson
5th Grade - Enterprise
Copper Creek Mercantile