A2 RECORDS Wallowa County Chieftain Wednesday, July 7, 2021 Reinhold Schubring arrested for moonshining Kathy Grote, Junior Past Grand Hope, recently returned from the 45th Ses- sion of Oregon Grand Assem- bly International Order of the Rainbow for Girls at Gill Colliseum in Corvallis. OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins 100 YEARS AGO July 7, 1921 After watching Reinhold Schubring’s still turn out a few pints of moonshine, Sheriff Rinehart concluded the evidence was com- plete and brought him to town under arrest. He was imposed a fi ne of $250 and ten days in the county jail. About 20 feet of the rocky point on the road leading out of Enterprise to the southeast will be cut off in the construction of the new highway. This will make it possible to see ahead a short distance while driving this sharp turn. In the preliminary schedule of the Oregon homeseekers’ excursion which is to leave Omaha July 20, it is provided that the train shall spend a day in Wallowa county. Nobody knows how many persons will come on the excur- sion. The number has been estimated from 100 to 300. Elaborate plans must be made for their entertain- ment in creditable manner. 25 YEARS AGO July 4, 1996 were reported on Highway 3. 2:55 p.m. — During a traf- fi c stop in Wallowa, the WCSO issued a citation for a driving while suspended violation. 3:21 p.m. — An injured deer was reported near Wal- lowa Lake. 3:44 p.m. — Civil dispute in rural Joseph. 5 p.m. — The EPD issued a warning for parking in a no-parking area. 7:15 p.m. — Noninjury traf- fi c crash was reported in rural Enterprise. 11:29 p.m. — Levi Westly Albert Fine, 27, of Wallowa, was arrested by the Union County Sheriff ’s Offi ce on a Wallowa County Circuit Court warrant for probation violation. The original charge was assaulting an offi cer. JULY 3 6:53 a.m. — The theft of services was reported in rural Troy. 8:56 a.m. — Loose black Angus cattle were reported in rural Enterprise. 9:22 a.m. — A theft was reported in Enterprise. 10:21 a.m. — Loose horses in rural Joseph. Horses have been reunited with their owners. 11:12 a.m. — Traffi c com- plaint in Joseph. 11:40 a.m. — Public assis- tance was requested in Joseph. 12:07 p.m. — Boating assist on Wallowa Lake. 1:03 p.m. — A stalking complaint was reported in Lostine. 3:32 p.m. — Boater assis- tance was requested on Wal- lowa Lake. 4:29 p.m. — Motorist assis- tance was requested in rural Wallowa. 5:40 p.m. — Trespassing was reported in rural Wallowa. 8:48 p.m. — Traffi c com- plaint in rural Enterprise. 9:14 p.m. — Civil dispute in Lostine. 10:14 p.m. — Request for welfare check at the Indian Crossing trailhead. 10:51 p.m. — Motorist assistance was requested in rural Joseph. 10:58 p.m. — During a traf- fi c stop in Joseph, the WCSO issued a citation. 11:09 p.m. — Noise com- plaint in Enterprise. 11:49 p.m. — Suspicious vehicle in Joseph. JULY 4 2:20 a.m. — Public assis- tance was requested at Wal- lowa Lake. 11:43 a.m. — A report of road hazard in rural Wallowa. 12:43 p.m. — A road hazard was reported in rural Wallowa. 2:29 p.m. — Public assis- tance was requested in Enterprise. 3:08 p.m. — A pair of pre- scription glasses were found near Wallowa Lake and were turned in to the WCSO. 5:08 p.m. — A road hazard was reported in rural Joseph. 5:26 p.m. — Stacey Renee Nell Schilling, 47, of Enter- prise, was arrested by the Wal- lowa County Sheriff ’s Offi ce on a charge of carrying concealed weapon without a license. 8:28 p.m. — The U.S. For- est Service issued a warning for lighting fi reworks near Wallowa Lake. 8:52 p.m. — A noninjury traffi c crash was reported near Wallowa Lake. 9:23 p.m. — Fireworks complaint in Wallowa. 10:05 p.m. — Public assis- tance was requested at Wal- lowa Lake. 11:11 p.m. — Public assis- tance was requested at Wal- lowa Lake. 11:43 p.m. — Traffi c com- plaint was reported in rural Enterprise. Wallowa County Chieftain, File The fi rst airplane to come to Wallowa County is shown in this picture taken at the fairgrounds in 1915. 75 YEARS AGO July 11, 1946 At an impressive cere- mony and program Sunday the community playground and nursery at the Joseph Church of Christ was ded- icated. The highlight of the afternoon was the burning of the church mortgage. Mrs. Sarah Whitman, the oldest member of the church, lit the match that burned the paper. Rooms will be needed to accommodate a large num- WHAT’S HAPPENING SEE THE EXPANDED ONLINE CALENDAR AT EASTERNOREGONEVENTS.COM THURSDAY, JULY 8 16th ANNUAL COURT- HOUSE CONCERT SERIES: 5:30-7 p.m., at the gazebo on the courthouse lawn in Enterprise. Classical, folk, jazz and rock. Thursday’s performance is by Kayrn Ann. FREE. WALLOWA LAKE LODGE LECTURE SERIES: 7-8 p.m. Lecture on Chief Joseph & the Nez Perce. At Wallowa Lake Lodge. Presented by Rich Wandschneider, library director and local historian for Josephy Center for Arts and Culture. FRIDAY, JULY 9 DISCOVERY WALK: 9-11 a.m. Easy fami- ly-friendly hike. Meet at Wallowa Lake Trailhead at the end of Wallowa Lake Highway 351. Registration required, with a 10-person maximum group size. Regis- ter at info@wallowology.org WALLOWA COUNTY FLY-IN BANQUET: 5:30 p.m. No-host dinner with live music at the Joseph airport. Live auction and silent auc- tion. Buy tickets online at wallowacountyfl yin.com or call 541-561-4426 for more info. WALLOWOLOGY ASTRONOMY OUTING: FREE: Star Party with tele- scopes, beginners encour- aged. 9:30-11 p.m. Ages 8 & up (adult supervision required). 10:30 p.m.-mid- night ages 16 & up. Preregis- placed both of them in Wal- lowa Memorial Hospital. Three of the members of the VFW Auxiliary from Enterprise who attended the Department Convention at Roseburg brought home the fi rst place trophy for mem- bership. The ladies are Eliz- abeth Laughlin, secretary; Bessie Rynearson, member- ship chairman; and Helen Guthrie, president. Janie Birkmaier, Junior Past Grand Charity, and The Forest Service is investigating a tremendous upswing in vandalism the past several weeks. Since the fi rst of June vandalism has struck the Boundary, Lostine, and Hurricane Creek camp- grounds and the McCully and West Eagle trailheads. The fi rst farmer’s market of the year, near Blue Wil- low Sausage in Enterprise, was small and successful last Saturday. Only four ven- dors attended but each was pleased with sales. The Joseph Commu- nity Center overfl owed with people at the opening night reception of this year’s 14th annual Wallowa Valley Fes- tival of Arts. Co-chairman Martin Hamilton described the festival as very success- ful. Joseph artist Ramon Par- menter received the People’s Choice award for the second year in a row. tration required at info@wal- lowology.org SATURDAY, JULY 10 DISCOVERY WALK: 9-11 a.m. Family-friendly stroll, meet in the lobby of Wallowa Lake Lodge. WALLOWA COUNTY FLY-IN & BREAKFAST: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Breakfast from 7-10 a.m. Joseph airport. Gate fee — $5 (kids 10 & under free), breakfast — $10 (kids 10 & under free). wal- lowacountyfl yin.com or call 541-561-4426 for more info. A L L - Y O U - C A N - E AT BREAKFAST: 7-11 a.m. Hur- ricane Creek Grange, at the intersection of Hurri- cane Creek Road and Air- port Lane. Pancakes, break- fast meat, eggs, biscuits and gravy, juice and coff ee. Requested donation: $8. WALLOWA COUNTY FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 4 pm. Main Street in Joseph near Stein’s Distillery. Crafts, produce, homemade goods and some live music will be on tap for visitors. www.wallowacountyfarm- ersmarket.com, 541-426- 0795 or search for “Wallowa County Farmers’ Market” on Facebook. HUMANE SOCIETY DOG DAYS OF SUMMER DOG WASH: You wash or we wash your pet. Shampoo, towels & warm water are provided. $5 small dogs, $10 big dogs. Alley behind Enterprise Fire Station. James Hubbard October 16,1938 – June 27, 2021 Thank you, dad, You were raised on a strawberry farm in Silverton OR by father Rudy and mother Margaret. Thank you for the 58 wonderful years you devoted your heart and soul to our mom, your wife Jackie. Together through everything, good times and hard, through all the adventures we shared together. Thank you for being a wonderful father to Julie, Joell and Jeff. You loved and taught us to always do our best. In our eyes you are a true hero. Thank you for being a grandfather to seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Thank you for your service in the U.S. Army, a true patriot who loved your country and the constitution. After college your degree in forestry lead you to the U.S. Forest Service where you became the first fire crew helitack foreman at memaloose near hat point. Your bravery is to be commended for fighting many forest fires and keeping your crews safe. Later on being a fourth generation wood craftsman you built many homes throughout your 53 years in Wallowa County. Some very beautiful log homes and even our beloved Vali’s restaurant at Wallowa Lake. Thank you for the nine years in Alaska building your own boat and com- mercial crabbing with Jeff in Wrangell. The memories will always be treasured. Being an avid outdoorsman, we went hunting, fishing, camping and back- packing. You sailed your boat with mom and Jeff through the inside passage in Alaska from Wrangell to Seattle. Thank you for all the fun times hunting agates and old bottles around the Sumpter area, and exploring old ghost towns. We never lacked for adventure. Thank you for years of hard work, sacrifices and dedication. We respect and love you very much. Thank you for your faith in the Lord. Dad, you have spent a lifetime earning the peace you can now enjoy. Although we are grieving, those of us left behind are taking solace in knowing that you are now free from pain and illness. A lifetime of the greatest of memories will re- place our sadness as time moves on. Your memory, your smile, your laugh, we will carry in our hearts for the rest of our lives, and stories of you will be passed on. Until we see you again in Heaven, we love you and thank you for everything you were, rest in the peace of our Lord. Online condolences may be made to the family at www.lovelandfuneralchapel.com. ber of visitors during Chief Joseph Days. Anyone who can make available an extra room is asked to list it at the Chief Joseph Hotel in Joseph. A rate of $3 for a room with a double bed has been recommended. According to census tak- ers there were 113 mules in the county last year and 4,682 horses. The number of horses was approximately 2,000 under the 1940 fi gure, indicating the rapid shift to FOR THE RECORD JUNE 28 8:32 a.m. — Single motor-vehicle crash in rural Joseph. 10:26 a.m. — Possible tres- passing in Lostine. 10:50 a.m. — Attempt to locate in Enterprise. 2:01 p.m. — Scam reported in rural Enterprise. 2:27 p.m. — Injured deer reported in Joseph. 3:27 p.m. — Fraudulent use of a credit card reported in Joseph. 3:49 p.m. — Trespassing in Lostine. 3:59 p.m. — Commercial fi re alarm in Enterprise. 4:13 p.m. — Attempt to locate in Enterprise. 5:09 p.m. — Audible bur- glary alarm in Enterprise. 5:26 p.m. — 911 propane leak reported in rural Wallowa. 7:50 p.m. — Agency assist with Oregon State Police at Wallowa Lake. 8:17 p.m. — Calf in the roadway reported in rural Enterprise. 8:21 p.m. — Noise com- plaint reported on Wallowa Lake. 9:47 p.m. — Suspicious circumstances reported in Enterprise. 10:17 p.m. — Boating com- plaint on Wallowa Lake. 10:44 p.m. — Noise com- plaint in Enterprise. JUNE 29 9:08 a.m. — Theft com- plaint in Enterprise. 10:18 a.m. — Traffi c com- plaint in Enterprise. 11:30 a.m. — Public assis- tance at Wallowa Lake. 12:44 p.m. — Nonemer- gency 911 call in Enterprise. 4:03 p.m. — Propane leak reported in Enterprise. 4:56 p.m. — Gerritt J. Johnson, 28, of Enterprise, was arrested by the Wallowa County Sheriff ’s Offi ce on charges of probation violation on an original charge of deliv- power-driven farm machin- ery. In case anybody is inter- ested, there were 30 goats in the county, 30,781 chickens and 479 turkeys. 50 YEARS AGO July 8, 1971 Neither driver Lewis Larm nor passenger Don Savage, both of Wallowa, was seriously injured in an auto accident at Wallowa Lake that totaled the vehi- cle they were riding in and ery of methamphetamine. 10:59 p.m. — Possible trespassing reported in rural Enterprise. JUNE 30 8:38 a.m. — Report of theft in Enterprise. 9:10 a.m. — Report of fraudulent charges on a credit card. 9:56 a.m. — A vehicle fi re reported in rural Enterprise. 5:01 p.m. — A dis- abled vehicle causing haz- ard reported on Highway 82 in Enterprise. 6:27 p.m. — An injured deer on Highway 82 reported in rural Enterprise. 7:17 p.m. — A dog left reported in vehicle in Joseph. 8:23 p.m. — A propane leak reported in rural Joseph. 9:06 p.m. — A possible fi re reported in rural Wallowa. JULY 1 9:39 a.m. — A citation was issued during a traffi c stop in Joseph. 11:46 a.m. — A disturbance was reported in Wallowa. 1:35 p.m. — Andrea L. Rust, 58, of Enterprise, was arrested by the Enterprise Police Depart- ment on charges of DUII and reckless endangering. She was cited and released. 5:45 p.m. — Motorist assistance was requested in Enterprise. 8:12 p.m. — A welfare check requested in Enterprise. 8:34 p.m. — Tyler J. John- son, 25, of Enterprise, was arrested by the EPD on charges of probation violation and on a detainer issued by Wallowa County Community Correc- tions. The original charge was theft I. He was transported to the Umatilla County Jail. 11:03 p.m. — Public assistance was requested in Enterprise. JULY 2 8:24 a.m. — A vehicle vs. cow crash was reported in rural Joseph. Referred to the Oregon State Police. 8:33 a.m. — A traffi c com- plaint was reported in Joseph. 11:46 a.m. — Loose cows Weather Forecast Courtesy of Weather Underground • wunderground.com High Low Conditions July 8 83 50 sunny July 9 91 55 sunny July 10 97 57 sunny July 11 90 53 sunny July 12 90 54 sunny July 13 89 54 sunny July 14 87 53 sunny CORRECTIONS An article on Page A3 in the June 16 edition of the Chief- tain misspelled the name of Reta Griffi th. A brief on Page B7 in the June 30 edition of the Chieftain misspelled the name of Mila Alexis. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: www.Wallowa.com Join us for a celebration of Beth Gibans 3:00PM Saturday, July 10th Mt. Joseph Ranch (aka Buhler Ranch). Community potluck to follow. BYO plate, silverware, cup, etc. www.celebratebeth.com for details. Phases of the moon July 9 July 17 New Moon 1st Quarter July 23 July 31 Full Moon Last Quarter WALLOWA COUNTY SUNRISE & SUNSET JULY 8 – 14 (from the U.S. Naval Observatory) THUR FRI SAT SUN MON TUES WED 5:10 8:38 5:11 8:38 5:12 8:37 5:13 8:37 5:14 8:36 5:15 8:35 5:16 8:35