A14 STATE/LOCAL Wallowa County Chieftain Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Merkley to push for more aggressive forest management have encroached over the past century or so in places that historically were dom- inated by ponderosa pines and tamaracks, in part due to the exclusion of fi re, which historically killed most of the fi rs when they were rel- atively small. Ponderosa pines and tamaracks, which gener- ally grow in widely spaced stands rather than in thickets, are much more resistant to wildfi res than the grand and white fi rs that have become much more prevalent over the past several decades. Although Merkley pro- motes the additional $40 million for collaborative projects, his ultimate goal is much more ambitious. He said he believes the federal government needs to spend at least $1 billion more each year on forest res- toration work nationwide. By JAYSON JACOBY Baker City Herald WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley said last week that he will lobby the Biden administration to spend at least $1 billion more per year for logging, prescribed burning and other work designed to make fed- eral forests in Oregon and elsewhere less vulnerable to wildfi res during a future when climate change is likely to heighten that threat. “Forests are the heart of Oregon’s identity,” Merkley, a Democrat, said during an online press conference on Thursday, May 27. “We have got to do a lot to restore our forests, to make much more substantial investments in forest management.” Merkley said he hopes to push his campaign for more aggressive forest man- agement from his position as chairman of the Senate Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Subcom- mittee, which he has held since February 2021. Merkley convened an appropriations hearing on May 26 where he advocated for the federal government to boost spending on forest management. Vicki Christiansen, chief of the U.S. Forest Service, the federal agency that man- ages much of the public forests in Northeast Ore- gon, testifi ed before the subcommittee. Merkley said one of his chief goals is to double fed- eral spending, from $40 million to $80 million, for “collaborative” projects on national forests. Wallowa County Chieftain, File U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley speaks at a Lostine town hall in February 2020. The Oregon Democrat said last week that he will lobby the Biden administration to spend at least $1 billion more per year for logging, prescribed burning and other work designed to make federal forests in Oregon and elsewhere less vulnerable to wildfi res during a future when climate change is likely to heighten that threat. Those are projects that Merkley said are designed to bring together traditional “rivals,” such as environ- mental groups and timber industry representatives, to work together to promote work that both support. Merkley said that in the 2018 federal farm bill he included authorization to double spending on forest collaboratives — which he described as the “antidote to the timber wars.” But the next step — indeed, the vital step — is to actually include that money in the Forest Service’s budget. During the May 26 hear- ing before the subcommittee, Merkley urged Christiansen to include that money in the agency’s budget request for the fi scal year that starts Oct. 1, 2021. “This is an amazing opportunity,” Merkley said. Backlog of projects Two collaboratives are underway in the Blue Moun- tains, one in the southern part of the range, the other in the northern section, on the Wallowa-Whitman and Umatilla national forests. Last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture allocated $2.7 for the lat- ter collaborative during the current fi scal year, which started Oct. 1, 2020. Forest Service offi - cials have said that the $2.7 million will help the two national forests start chip- ping away at a backlog of projects that are ready as soon as money is available. Although the details of the work vary depending on the area of the Blue Moun- tains involved, the general concept is to cut some of the trees, primarily small- er-diameter ones, that are growing in higher densi- ties than was historically the case in the northern Blues, Steve Hawkins deputy fi re staff offi cer for the Wal- lowa-Whitman, said in a 2020 interview. Those smaller trees, most notably grand and white fi rs, ‘We have to do more’ One way to make that money available, Merkley said, is by ensuring that the federal government does not return to the practice known as “fi re borrowing.” That term refers to the federal government transfer- ring money from Forest Ser- vice and other agency bud- gets to cover fi refi ghting costs, leaving less money for projects designed to reduce the size of wildfi res and thus the cost to fi ght them. Fire borrowing was nec- essary in several years over the past decade as millions of acres burned annually across the West. Merkley said that although Congress ended fi re borrowing in 2018, the changes made then will expire at the end of the cur- rent fi scal year — Sept. 30, 2021 — unless it’s reauthorized. “We cannot go back to the fi re borrowing of the past,” Merkley said. During the press con- ference, Merkley recalled driving the length of West- ern Oregon in September 2020 following the fi res that burned more than 1 million acres, destroyed towns such as Detroit, east of Salem, and killed 11 people. “It was unforgettable to me,” Merkley said of the experience of driving for hours and never escaping the cloying smoke that persisted in much of Oregon for more than a week. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” Merkley also talked about the 2020 fi res during Wednesday’s appropria- tions hearing before his committee. “Whether they have lost a loved one, business, or home to a wildfi re, had to pack their most valuable belong- ings and anxiously awaited go orders, or were trapped inside by a thick blanket of hazardous smoke, nearly every family in the West has been impacted by wild- fi res in one way or another,” he said. “It’s impossible to thrive if your community is being ravaged by these blazes. That’s why any plan to boost America’s infra- structure, create jobs, and protect lives and our econ- omy must include responsi- ble forest management strat- egies that can help us stay ahead of wildfi re risks. Any- thing less will be a grave mis- take that will leave commu- nities scrambling in the face of an emergency, threaten American lives and live- lihoods, and require more taxpayer-funded recovery projects.” Merkley said the threat of severe fi re seasons is likely to increase due to climate change. “Fire seasons are getting longer, forests and getting drier,” he said. “We have to do more on the forest man- agement end.” Joseph City Council diffi culties still unresolved Another executive session to be held Contact Jennifer Cooney • jcooney@wallowa.com • 541-805-9630 By BILL BRADSHAW Wallowa County Chieftain 209 NW First St., Enterprise OR • 541-426-4567 • wallowa.com JOSEPH — No names were named regarding accu- sations of harassment during the Joseph City Council’s most recent emergency meeting and executive ses- sion, Thursday, May 27, and another executive session was scheduled for Thursday, June 3. Interim city Administra- tor Brock Eckstein had said May 20 he expected to be able to identify those respon- sible and conclude investi- gations into allegations of harassment of city employ- ees, but was unable to Thurs- day because of procedural Baum Eckstein problems. He requested the added executive session to allow for proper procedures to be followed in the com- plaints of harassment aired by city offi cials, employees or staff members, as speci- fi ed under Oregon law that allows for such sessions. During the executive ses- sion, Eckstein and the coun- cil received advice from city Attorney Wyatt Baum, which led to a request during open session for the next execu- tive session. Mayor Pro-tem Kathy Bingham — who was fi ll- ing in for the absent Mayor Belinda Buswell — said the executive session will take place at 6:30 p.m. June 3 fol- lowing a budget hearing and preceding the regular June council meeting. Also during the open por- tion of Thursday’s meeting, Eckstein presented a letter to the council submitted by local merchant Robert Lamb. After getting the council’s assent, Eckstein read it into the record. Lamb’s letter stated, in part, “I specifi cally would like to praise the work by city Parks Director Dennis Welch. Please listen carefully to all comments related to the subject at this meeting.” Welch went on leave March 22, saying he’d been subject to stress and “gas- lighting” resulting from harassment he’d experi- enced. He returned to work May 16 after meeting with Eckstein. In another matter that was discussed during the executive session, the coun- cil during the open ses- sion directed Eckstein and Baum to negotiate a separa- tion agreement with the prior Administrator/Recorder Larry Braden. Braden resigned April 16 citing “harassment by members of the current City Council.” He has declined to specify the nature of the harassment or by whom he alleges it occurred. After meeting with Eckstein on May 20, Eckstein said Bra- den didn’t want to be more specifi c than he was in his resignation letter. BARGAINS OF THE MONTH ® While supplies last. FINAL PRICE Coleman Oil Wallowa Cardlock is NOW OPEN • Conveniently Located • Accepting all Major Credit/Debit and CFN Cards • Easily Accessible for Semi trucks, Campers and RV’s • Non-Ethanol Premium • 24/7 Fueling 71051 HWY 82 Wallowa, OR 97885 888-799-2000 www.colemanoil.com 15.99 17.99 SALE PRICE -2.00 MAIL-IN REBATE* Scotts® Turf Builder® Lawn Food — 5,000 Sq. ft Feeds and strengthens to help protect against future problems. Apply any season toany grasstype. 32-0-4. For northern lawns . L 153 580 35 *Limit 2 per offer. Consumer responsible for taxes. M-F 8AM-5:30PM • SAT 8AM-5PM • SUN 9AM-3PM Hurricane Creek Road Enterprise, Oregon 541-426-3116 Sale Ends 6/30/21