Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, May 26, 2021, Page 15, Image 15

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101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
A meeting of the Enterprise School District #21 will be held on June 07, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. viturally. The
purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiacal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved
by the Enterprise School District #21 Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below.
A copy of the budget may be inspected at the District Office at 201 SE Fourth Street Enterprise, Oregon
97828 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This
budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. If different, the
major changes and their effect are:
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Rental, utilities assistance
available from the state
Chieftain staff
ing Wednesday, May 19,
qualifi ed renters were able
to submit applications to the
Oregon Emergency Rental
Assistance Program for fund-
ing to pay rent, rent arrears,
future rent and certain home
utility costs, according to a
press release.
The program will distrib-
ute $204 million to quali-
fi ed renters who have experi-
enced fi nancial hardship due
to the coronavirus pandemic
and are at risk of homeless-
ness or housing instability.
“For the fi rst time, renters
can access rental assistance
through a statewide, cen-
tralized application portal,”
said Margaret Salazar, exec-
utive director of the Oregon
Housing and Community
Services. “Together with our
community-based partners,
we are prioritizing resources
toward our most vulnera-
ble households to help keep
Oregonians in their homes
during these challenging
The OHCS is coordinat-
ing with local administra-
tors — 17 community action
agencies and one public
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
101 Legal Notices
A public meeting of the Bud-
get Committee of the City
of Joseph, Wallowa County,
State of Oregon, to discuss
the budget for the fiscal year
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022,
will be held at the Joseph
Community Center, 102 East
First Street, Joseph, Oregon.
The meeting will take place
on June 3, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
The purpose of the meeting
is to receive the budget mes-
sage and to receive comment
from the public on the budget.
This is a public meeting where
deliberation of the Budget
Committee will take place.
Any person may appear at
the meeting and discuss the
proposed programs with the
Budget Committee.
A public meeting of the
Budget Committee of the
Northeast Oregon Economic
Development District, Baker,
Union and Wallowa counties,
State of Oregon, to discuss
the budget for the fiscal year
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
will be held via video confer-
ence. The meeting will take
place on the 8th of June, 2021
at 11:00 a.m. The purpose
of the meeting is to receive
and to approve the budget
document. This is a public
meeting where deliberation
of the Budget Committee will
take place. Any person may
appear at the meeting and dis-
cuss the proposed programs
with the Budget Committee.
To attend the meeting, follow
this link: https://us02web.
you want a copy of the budget,
call 541-426-3598. The budget
and budget notices will also be
posted on NEOEDD’s website:
Community Connection of
Northeast Oregon is proud
to publicly support and
encourage entrepreneurship
throughout Northeast Oregon.
Businesses classified as
Enterprise), DBE (Disadvan-
taged Business Enterprise),
Enterprise), and ESB (Emerg-
ing Small Business) are
encouraged to apply. Please
contact Kale Elmer at 541-
963-3186 for more information
and an application form.
Legal No. 246026
Published: May 26, 2021
housing authority — across
the state to emphasize an
equitable approach in the
processing of applications
and distribution of funds.
This coordinated partnership
helps ensure OERAP makes
the greatest impact on reduc-
ing housing instability and
Relief resources will be
distributed to renters who
meet the following federal
eligibility requirements:
• Have income less
than 80% of Area Median
• Have an individual in
the household who has qual-
ifi ed for unemployment ben-
efi ts or experienced a reduc-
tion in household income,
incurred signifi cant costs or
experienced other fi nancial
hardship due to the coronavi-
rus pandemic.
• Demonstrates a risk of
experiencing homelessness
or housing instability due to
past-due rent or utilities.
Federal guidance requires
that grantees prioritize house-
holds with incomes less than
50% AMI and households
with one or more members
who have been unemployed
for at least 90 days.
“The public health emer-
gency underscores for all of
us the critical importance
that a safe, stable, aff ord-
able home free of discrim-
ination plays to our health
and well-being,” said Andrea
Bell, director of housing sta-
bilization at OHCS. “I’m
grateful we and our many
community partners have
taken intentional steps to
direct resources toward
intentionally investing in
eviction prevention and
long-term stability to help
relieve some of the fi nan-
cial burden Oregonians have
faced during this pandemic.”
Applications will be
accepted on a continuous
basis until 2022 or until pro-
gram funds run out. In most
cases, payment will be made
directly to the landlord or
utility provider. To fi nd out
additional information about
criteria or to apply to the
OERAP program visit Ore-
For assistance contact
your local Community Con-
nection of Northeast Ore-
gon Inc. offi ce in Wallowa
County call 541-426-3840, in
Baker County call 541-523-
6591, in Grant County call
541-575-2949 or in Union
County call 541-963-7532.
Wallowa City Council has ‘quiet’ meeting
Publish: May 26, 2021
Legal no. 244856
Community Connection of
Northeast Oregon, Inc. is
seeking general contractors
for its residential Weather-
ization Assistance Program
which serves Baker, Union,
Wallowa and Grant counties.
To qualify, a contractor must
have a Certified Lead-Based
Paint Renovation Contractor’s
License and experience in-
stalling weatherization mea-
sures on both manufactured
and site-built homes. Con-
tractor and contractor’s crew
must be able to consistently
follow detailed weatherization
specifications. Typical work
includes blowing insulation
in building cavities such as
floors, ceilings and exterior
walls, sealing ductwork, twin-
ing insulation under floors,
air sealing the building shell,
installing exhaust fans and
exterior doors and windows.
federal contracts will not be
considered eligible.
A copy of the budget docu-
ment may be inspected or
obtained on or after May 20th,
2021 at Joseph City Hall, 201
North Main Street, Joseph,
Oregon, between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Additional meetings will be
scheduled as needed with
notification posted in the same
manner as Council meetings.
You can also obtain a copy of
this notice at www.josephore-
Legal No. 246086
Published: May 26, 2021
Find us on
Legal No. 246076
Publisehd: May 26, 2021
Every Week in the
Wallowa County
and at
Yo c u e r for
Chieftain staff
WALLOWA — It was a
short, quiet meeting Tues-
day, May 18, when the
Wallowa City Council held
its regular session at City
“It was a real quiet meet-
ing,” Mayor Gary Hulse
said Monday. “That’s the
way we like them.”
The top item on the
agenda was an executive
session during which the
council conducted annual
After returning to open ses-
sion, the council approved
a 2.5% pay increase for city
During an old business
item, the council heard
a request by Ben Deal,
who operates Back Achers
building supply on city-
owned property he leases.
In April, the council agreed
to extend the lease another
fi ve years. Last week, Deal
told the council he still has
another two years on the
current lease and asked the
extension run fi ve years
beyond that two-year time
frame. However, the coun-
cil decided to just keep the
renewed lease to fi ve years.
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reports, Hulse said, the city
Public Works Department
is still awaiting Anderson
Perry Engineers’ report on
the city sewer system.
Hulse, who doubles as
fi re chief, reported the city
is up to about 45 fi re calls
this year and the depart-
ment got its new hydraulic
rescue tool mounted.
A guest at the meeting,
Marcie Sheehy, thanked
the council for replacing 17
trees downtown.
The council’s next meet-
ing will be Tuesday, June
M-F 8AM-5:30PM • SAT 8AM-5PM • SUN 9AM-3PM