A12 CLASSIFIEDS Wallowa County Chieftain Wednesday, May 5, 2021 Wallowa County Chieftain CLASSIFIEDS Find classifieds at www. wallowa .com To place your ad visit www.wallowa.com or call 541-426-4567 Business Hours Chieftain Location Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 209 NW 1st Street Enterprise, OR 97828 Call or Fax Advertising Deadlines Phone: 541.426.4567 Fax: 541.426.3921 Include name, phone number and address Classified liners• Mondays, 10 a.m. Display ads • Fridays, 5 p.m. Legals • Mondays,10 a.m. AD DEADLINES : CLASSIFIED LINERS, 10 a.m. MONDAY • DISPLAY ADS, 5 p.m. FRIDAY • LEGAL NOTICES, 10:00 a.m. MONDAY GARAGE SALES MULTI-FAMILY BARN SALE 86186 Bird Lane, Joseph May 7th & 8th; 9 AM - 3 PM Something for Everyone! Appliances, Antiques, Furniture, NIB Flat Screen TV, Barn Equip., Dog Kennels, Linens, Books, Quilting Supplies, Quality Teens & Women’s Clothing, Ski Equip. and SO MUCH MORE! 184 Personals Looking for 2 or 3 bedroom house in Wallowa County to Rent. Local Mature Couple with Friendly White Lab. Very good rental history, Clean and always on time with rent. (541)786-7562 P LANNING AN E VENT ? L IBERTY G RANGE H ALL is available to rent for: • Weddings • Reunions • Graduations • Other Venues Call: 541-398-2410 204 Automobiles Looking for Quality used Trucks, SUVs, Crossovers, and Cars from 2012 & up to purchase for cash. Contact Ron:(541)720-4768 or oaideeo@gmail.com 301 RVs & Travel Trailers 2016 Coachmen Motor Home E350 V10, Class C, 22 ft. Fully equipped, low miles. Excellent Condition! $48,000. Enterprise, OR 971-404-1415 631 For Rent WAITLIST OPENS MAY 5 VETERANS VILLAGE UNION COUNTY INCOME LIMITS APPLY 1 BD, FULLY FURNISHED COTTAGES. RENTS — $345-$576 Contact : Northeast Oregon Housing Authority 2608 May Ln., La Grande, OR 541-963-5360 ex 29 www.neoha.org •HCV & VASH voucher accepted HELP WANTED? Post your employment opportunities in the Wallowa County Chieftain Classified pages. Call 541-426-4567 Looking for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete section of homes, apartments, and mobile homes to fit your needs. Check daily for new listings! WHY store items you’ll never use again? Exchange them for cash with a low-cost ad in the classifieds. 651 Help Wanted Sei Mee Tea, Organic Japanese Green Tea Company, is seeking a reliable, responsible person who loves to pay attention to details and follow protocols to create beautiful products with our production team. Located 5 miles north of Enterprise. Send your resume to info@groundgre- entea.com. Sei Mee Tea Organic Japanese Green Tea Company, is seeking unique individuals who are passionate, skilled, and experienced with creating branding, engaging and memorable content, including social media, blog articles, and product copywriting. Work can be done remotely and/or on contract. If you are interested, please email your cover letter, resume, and two work-related referrals to: info@GroundGreen- Tea.com 810 Furniture & HH Free to Good Home! Pre-1920’s, upright piano. U-Haul. 541-398-2398 828 Misc for Sale PURE, RAW HONEY Free Delivery. Call Beth at (541)519-0187 999 Statewide Classifieds DIRECTV - Every live football game, every Sunday - any- where- on your favorite device. Restrictions apply. Call IVS - 1-877-441-1933 DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vaca- tion, Tax Deductible, Free Tow- ing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-533-9173. CASH buyers are reading your classified ad. FREON WANTED. We pay $$$ for cylinders and cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Conve- nient. Certified Professionals. Call 312-800-1448 or visit RefrigerantFinders.com. CATCH THEIR EYE WITH COLOR 999 Statewide Classifieds 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 999 Statewide Classifieds 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices DIRECTV NOW. No satellite needed. $40/month. 65 chan- nels. Stream breaking news, live events, sports & on demand titles. No annual contract. No commitment. Call 1-844-269- 0236. DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNIT- ED BREAST CANCER FOUN- DATION! Your donation helps education, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DE- DUCTION. 1-855-252-2579. Earthlink High Speed Internet. As low as $14.95/month (for the first 3 months). Reliable high speed fiber optic technology. Stream videos, music and more! Call Earthlink today 1-855-977- 9436. HEARING AIDS!! Buy one/get one FREE! Nearly invisible, ful- ly rechargeable IN-EAR NANO hearing aids priced thousands less than competitors! 45-day trial! Call: 1-833-703- 0901. Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mo- bility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Ino- gen One. Free information kit! Call 855-839-0752. DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Stream- ing on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-866-373-9175. DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appear- ances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www. paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today! Eliminate gutter cleaning for- ever! LeafFilter, the most ad- vanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 855- 536-8838. ADVERTISERS who want quick results use classified ads regularly. GENERAC Standby Genera- tors. The weather is increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power outages. FREE 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!) Schedule your FREE in-home assessment today. Call 1-877- 557-1912. Special financing for qualified customers. Become a published author! Publications sold at all major secular & specialty Christian bookstores. CALL Christian Faith Publishing for you FREE author submission kit. 1-855- 407-5056. DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 procedures. Real dental insur- ance. NOT just a discount plan. Don’t wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-844-239- 9335 www.dental50plus.com/25 #6258. If you have an eye for real value, you’ll eye the classified ads daily! The Generac PWRcell, a so- lar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your re- liance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844-989-2328. Wesley Financial Group, LLC, Timeshare Cancellation Ex- perts. Over $50,000,000 in time- share debt and fees canceled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free con- sultations. Over 450 positive re- views. Call 855-385-4473. Classified Ads work hard for you! Applying for Social Security Dis- ability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc. Our case managers simplify the process & work hard to help with your case. Call 1-855-548-1237 FREE Consultation. Local Attor- neys Nationwide Mail: 2420 N St Nw, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.) WALLOWA COUNTY SENIOR NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee for the City of Enterprise, Wallowa County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 will take place on May 12th, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is for the Budget Officer to present the budget message to the Budget Committee and City Council, for Department Managers to present any major changes in their budgets and receive comment from the public. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Members of the public are welcome to appear in person, or through Zoom, to ask questions or make comments to the Budget Committee during the Public Comment period. Legal No. 239946 101 Legal Notices Published: April 14, May 5, 2021 101 Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WALLOWA In the Matter of the Estate of: Case No. 20PB00471 LEROY D. WOOLSEY, Deceased. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Martin L. Woolsey, has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Le- roy D. Woolsey, Wallowa County Circuit Court Case Number 20PB00471. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned Representative at the office of Cory Larvik, At- torney, 2202 Cove Ave., Ste A, La Grande OR 97850, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, or the Personal Representative, by contacting Cory Larvik, Attorney, 2202 Cove Ave., Ste A, La Grande OR 97850. Dated and first published April 21, 2021 Cory Larvik, OSB #982783 Attorney for Personal Representative Call 541-426-4567 to add a splash of color to your Classified Ad Wallowa County Chieftain Find the crossword puzzle on page A6 Mon. May 10: Kielbasa & sauerkraut, baked potato, mixed vegrtables & fruited pudding (sponsored by Lostine Presbyterian Church) Wed. May 12: Meatloaf, roasted red potatoes, broccoli, apple sauce & preach cobbler (sponsored by Bollman’s) Fri. May 14: Beef taco on flour tortilla, salsa & sour cream, refried beans, green salad & brownie (sponsored by Viridian Management) Published: April 21, 28, May 5, 2021 Legal No. 240414 No dine in at this time; only pick up or home delivered meals. Call and order your meal by 9:00am to pick up between 11:30am-12:30pm. Meals on wheels program will not be interrupted. Meal site information: Wallowa 886-8971, Enterprise 426-3840, Home delivered meals 426-3840. To sponsor a senior meal, call 426-3840 or stop by the Community Connection office. Deadline for classified ads 10:00 am Monday SUBSCRIBE 541-426-4567