Wednesday, December 25, 2019 Dear Santa, How are you? I want a fuzzy snake and a fuzzy tiger shark for Christmas. Good night Santa Claus tonight. Sincerely, Colin Sullivan Dear Santa, How is Rudolph right now? I would like all of the Pokemon, a scooter and a hoverboard that hovers in the air. I hope that you have a safe trip. Sincerely, Jonah Phillips Dear Santa, How is Rudolph right now? May I please have a puppy named Barbie and two poopsie dolls and a tablet. And for Apollo he wants a chamillion and a tablet. And Getty wants a forever lasting chocolate bar. For Shari she wants some new running shoes. I love your soul. Sincerely, Aliana Pollard Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? I want all Pokemon stuff Sincerely, Joseph Lenhart 2nd/3rd grade Enterprise Mrs. Butterfield Dear Santa, How are you? Are you ready for Christmas? Can I ask for my dad waders? He needs new so he doesn’t get wet and cold. Grandma wants high heel shoes. For Grandpa he wants his tools to fix cars. For Charisse a robot to clean her house fast. For Malia can she have two rabbits? Love Lannie Merry Chritmas Santa Claus, Please get my dog a fresh bone and please get my cousins a mitt and how the reindeer’s? Please get my mom a guinea pig and please get JoJo a huge Avenger leago set. Please get Karson hunting stef. Please get Rowdy a Nerf gun. Thank you from Ronin Hi Santa Claus, Can you get my dad some pants please and my mom a horse please? Alison wold like a turtel. Boston would like a dog. Brad would Wallowa County Chieftain | Santa You’ve Got Mail C9 like a shirt. Morgan would like a computer. Michael would like a shirt. From Josi Lee Hall Dear Santa Claus! Since your magic I thought you could help my dog Kodiak she is struggling. My little brother would like a stuffed animal T-rex and for my big brother remote control combine and for my mom a choclate machine and for my dad a machine to cover the hay! Thank you Merry Christmas! Makayla Butterfield Dear Santa, How are you? This Christmas my daddy needs a shotgun. My mom needs snowboots. Size 3 in women’s. My cat needs a scratching post. My grandma needs some socks. My grandpa needs a shirt. XL. Love, Jenna Aschenbrenner Dear Santa Claus, How are the reindeer and the elves? Rudolph is my favorite. I am going to bake cookies with my mom My sis is beeing cind mean so can you get her a toy cat with my name on it? My mom is always working so can you get her something to help her get done at work faster so she can have more time with my sis brother and me plece. From Charlie Hi Santa Claus! How are the reineer? I hope Mrs. Claus is making cookies. How cold is it in the North Pole. Are the elves working? Can you help my papa with his back. Can you help me in school? Can you help my brother in school? Merry Christmas. By Rowdy Croghan Merry Christmas Santa, My mom needs a turquoise beanie. My dad needs new slippers, and my brother wants a light up ball. My sister would love a sparkley unicorn stuffed animal. Also, how are the reindeer doing? Brodie Wilburn-Foster Dear Santa Claus, I like how you come to visit us every year. My mom is very tired at night and she still has to feed and I want something that can help her feed faster because my dad is out of town and I want to have more time with her. My little sister has a pony so I want a lead rope and a bridle for her. My dad shoes horses and I want a new pair of chaps for him. Love, Karson Little Hello Santa Claus! How are the elves doing? Has your wife been making a lot of cookies? Is it really cold at the North Pole? My brother needs a head set for wrestling. My dad needs a bit. Love: Emmett Cunningham Hello Santa Claus! For my family, Faith wants unicorn everything and a little sewing kit. For Mom a horse bridle and new hair ties. For Elli an American girl doll. Dad needs new pajamas and new parts. Love Hope Bates Hello Mr. Claus! May my sister have a dog? She really wants one. May my dad have a new gun? Thank you. May my brother have many books? My mom loves bikes so could you get her a bike? Thank you. Love Heidi Follett Dear Santa, I hope you are having a mary Christmas, do you even have elves? Is Santa real or not? My hampster needs a foot tall wheel to run in. My Broter needs 5 pairs of patns and dad needs a wrench. From: Meritt Dougherty p.s. Mom wants a ring. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Can you get cooking spray for my mom? Can you get a gun for my grandpa? He would love it. Can you get cleaning supplies for my grandma? Have a great day! Dylan Wortman Hello Santa! How are you? Will you get my big brother toy cars, and my big sister some horses, my dad works so hard at work, so I want to get him something good like a gun. My mom would like a photo of all of us. From Gabriella Patterson Abbigail Miranda 2nd Grade • Joseph Charter The Sheep Shed 541-432-7000 Mckayla James 2nd Grade • Enterprise Wallowa County Grain Growers 541-426-3116 Elli Bates 4th Grade • Enterprise Belle Salon 541-398-8132 Phoenix Gomes 2nd Grade • Enterprise Blue Banana 541-569-2400 Kavit Haines 4th Grade • Enterprise Sugar Time Bakery 541-426-0362