A16 NEWS Wallowa County Chieftain Near earth asteroids WSU student helps predict future collisions Washington State University Astroids can provide future resources, and can also be on collision courses with Earth ties for possible asteroid mining. NASA maintains a cat- alog that includes informa- tion on more than 20,000 near-earth asteroids and comets. In the mid-1990s scientists knew of less than 200 of such outer space rocks, but with better tele- scopes and more efforts at surveying, the numbers of known asteroids has grown dramatically. In the mid-1990s, Hud- son, who has an asteroid named after him, wrote the primary modeling software tool that researchers use to describe asteroids and their behavior. Using ground- based radar and optics data, the software helps researchers learn import- ant information, such as an asteroid’s possible min- eral make-up, current and future orbit, shape, and how it spins in space. In fact, Hudson co-authored a paper published in Sci- ence that determined that at least one asteroid, 1950 DA, has a very tiny chance of hitting earth during a precise 20-minute period in March of 2880. “The software was writ- ten for a super computer, so it’s really, really slow,” said Engels, who jumped DONT MISS OUT! JOIN US AT THE Wallowa County Fair AUG Animals Galore, Great Food, Lots of FUN! 3-10 2019 It’s not just cows anymore Sid Perkins AAAS Tina Hilding WSU Modeling the shape and movement of near-Earth asteroids is now up to 25 times faster thanks to new Washington State Univer- sity research. The WSU scientists improved the software used to track thousands of near-Earth asteroids and comets, which are defi ned as being within 121 million miles or about 1.3 times the distance to the sun. Their work provides a valuable new tool for studying asteroids and determining which of them might be on a collision course with Earth. Matt Engels, a PhD stu- dent who has been working with Professor Scott Hud- son in the School of Engi- neering and Applied Sci- ences at WSU Tri-Cities, is lead author of a paper on the research in the July issue of Astronomy and Computing. Researchers would like to have better informa- tion on asteroids, including which of them might crash into earth. The rocks also can provide valuable scien- tifi c information, answer- ing fundamental questions about the creation of our solar system and providing a glimpse into our plane- tary past. Knowing more about individual asteroid composition also could open up new opportuni- Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Natural gas, long touted as a cleaner burning alter- native to coal, has a leakage problem. A new study has found that leaks of methane, the main ingredient in nat- ural gas and itself a potent greenhouse gas, are twice as big as offi cial tallies suggest in major cities along the U.S. eastern seaboard. The study suggests many of these fugi- tive leaks come from homes and businesses—and could represent a far bigger prob- lem than leaks from the industrial extraction of the fossil fuel itself. “This is an issue that peo- ple tend to ignore when try- ing to estimate methane emissions,” says Kathryn McKain, an atmospheric scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Earth Sys- tem Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, who wasn’t involved in the new research. When compared with the global amount of natural and human- driven methane emissions, she notes, “These emis- sions are small, but they’re preventable.” When burned for heat or power, methane emits less carbon dioxide (CO2) than fossil fuels such as coal. But when leaked directly into the atmosphere, its warm- ing effect can be dozens of times stronger than CO2, depending on the time scale over which the warming is measured. The new fi ndings come courtesy of data gathered by aircraft over six U.S. cit- ies: Washington, D.C.; Bal- timore, Maryland; Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania; New York City; Providence; and Boston. In 2018, research- ers fl ew at altitudes between 300 and 800 meters and measured concentrations of Ellen Morris Bishop Cows are not alone as producers of the greenhouse gas methane. Researchers have discovered that many major U.S. cities release methane from faulty and aging natural gas and propane infrastructure. methane, ethane, CO2, and carbon monoxide, among other gases. The ethane measure- ments were clues to likely sources of the methane leaks, says Eric Kort, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and co-author of the new study. There aren’t any large natural sources of ethane, but it does appear in small amounts in the natu- ral gas supplied to homes and businesses. Kort and his colleagues could, therefore, use detected ethane levels to distinguish leaked methane from other sources. The team’s analyses sug- gest the fi ve biggest urban areas studied—which together include about 12% of the nation’s population— emit about 890,000 tons of methane each year, the researchers report this week in Geophysical Research Letters. The vast majority of that, at least 750,000 tons, comes from methane leaks from homes, businesses, and gas distribution infra- structure, rather than natural sources and other human- driven sources such as land- fi lls. For comparison, the team notes, that’s well over triple the amount emitted by gas production in the Bak- ken shale formation in the U.S. Midwest. It’s also much more than the amounts estimated by the Environmental Protec- tion Agency (EPA). A 2016 report suggested methane emissions in the six major urban areas the researchers studied totaled only 370,000 tons. “It’s easy to say that the Sumpter Valley Dredge a monument to area mining Richard Hanners Blue Mountain Eagle Visit our Facebook page for the complete schedule. Do you have a passion to care for have older a adults Do you passion and to care for with older disabilities? adults and people people with disabilities? Care for adults in your home or as a separate business. Lisa Barlow, 541-889-7553 Ext 655 or Tony Boyd 541-963-7276 Ext 342 Adult Foster Home Licensors gon! For the first time in Eastern Ore Rich gold diggings in the Elkhorn Mountains of East- ern Oregon drew 5,000 resi- dents to the town of Sumpter in the early 1900s. At its height, Sumpter claimed plank sidewalks, seven hotels, 16 saloons, three newspapers, two churches, an opera house and a red light district. A fi re in 1917 burned much of the city. Today, about 175 people call Sumpter home, but the population booms during fl ea market events held on Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day weekends. The year-round daily attraction in Sumpter is the gold dredge that recovered about 128,570 troy ounces from the Powder River Val- ley, worth about $180 mil- lion at current prices. The Sumpter Valley Dredge State Heritage Area covers 93 acres and sees more than 100,000 visitors each year. The last of three dredges that traveled about 8 miles across the valley starting in 1913, Sumpter No. 3 was constructed in 1935 from pieces of the second dredge, which had sat idle for a decade. Sumpter No. 3 oper- ated until 1954. The dredge was added to the National Register of His- toric Places in 1971. Resto- Richard Hanners/Blue Mountain Eagle The Sumpter No. 3 gold mining dredge operated in the Powder River Valley from 1935 to 1954. It’s now on display in a state park in Sumpter. ration work began in 1995, and the state acquired the site and associated equip- ment and buildings for a park after that. The principle of dredge mining is effi ciency gained through volume, but it cost VETERAN BENEFIT EXPO19 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 27TH WALK-IN MEDICAL CLINIC 401 N Main St. JOSEPH PENDLETON CONVENTION CENTER Simply walk-in, or call for an appointment Learn about all of your Federal and State benefits 541-426-4502 Under one roof! NEW THIS YEAR: Veterans town hall meeting with odva director kelly fitzpatrick 6 p.m. july 26  same location WZ^Ed/EWZdEZ^,/Wz A Non-Profit Community Health Center W W W. E X P O.O R E G O N D VA .C O M EPA inventory is low, but it’s not as easy to say why it’s low,” Kort says. One possi- ble reason for this huge dis- crepancy: The EPA estimate includes leaks from the nat- ural gas distribution system, but it doesn’t include leaks from homes and businesses. Those “beyond the meter” emissions could include, for example, tiny whooshes of incompletely burned meth- ane from home appliances such as gas stoves, furnaces, and hot water heaters. Taken together over a city of mil- lions, such emissions could be substantial. The team’s results are “a confi rmation and expan- sion” of what was already known from smaller-scale studies in the Boston and the Washington, D.C.–Bal- timore areas, says Ste- ven Wofsy, an atmospheric chemist at Harvard Univer- sity, who wasn’t involved in the new analysis. The new study, conducted over six metropolitan areas, “shows this is not an isolated phe- nomenon,” he adds. The new fi ndings could also incentivize research- ers to study where these emissions are coming from, Wofsy says. Possibili- ties include leaking pipe- lines, pumps, and valves; water treatment systems; equipment in power plants fueled by natural gas; and leakage within homes and businesses. Kort says it’s diffi cult to extrapolate the new leak- age estimates to other urban areas across the United States. For one thing, other cities are younger and are thus likely to have newer infrastructure that is less prone to leaks. Kort adds that, globally, the identifi ed leaks are somewhat of a blip: Worldwide, annual methane emissions from natural and human-driven sources add up to about 550 million tons. www.windingwaters.org more to run Sumpter No. 3 than the gold could pay for, and the company was $100,000 in debt when it shut down. It took three men to operate the machinery and another 17 for maintenance, bookkeeping, surveying, truck driving, management and other roles. On the outside, a min- ing dredge resembles a boat fl oating on a pond of its own making. Projecting from the bow is a boom with 72 one- ton buckets that dug up the countryside at the rate of 20 buckets per minute. Another boom at the stern depos- ited tailings across the land- scape that, seen from the air, resemble worm castings and can be seen for miles along State Route 7. Inside the dredge, elec- trically powered machinery duplicated on a larger scale the same processes used by placer miners during the gold rush across the West. Large rocks and gravel were sifted, sorted and separated from fi nes and then washed over a series of riffl es, where gold settled and was trapped. A fi lm crew shot footage of Sumpter No. 3 for an epi- sode in the 2013 television series “Ghost Mine” about a phantom called Joe Bush. Dredge workers claimed to have seen wet footprints, fl ickering lights and doors opening and closing on their own. The name Joe Bush does not appear in com- pany records, but in 1918 an oiler named Chris Rowe was crushed in the gear- box of Sumpter No. 1, and the story goes his spirit may have ended up inside the third dredge along with equipment from the earlier dredges. To reach the historic dredge from John Day, drive east on Highway 26 to Austin Junction, follow State Route 7 for 25 miles, turn left on State Route 410 and drive about 4 miles to Sumpter. The state park is open May 1 through Oct. 31 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Guided tours, gold panning lessons and other programs are offered on weekends. Admission to the park is free. For more information, call 541-894-2472 or visit historicsumpter.com.