NEWS Wednesday, July 17, 2019 A3 Queen Beverly Oliver will reign over the Fourth Annual Chief Joseph Days OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins 100 YEARS AGO July 17, 1919 To provide more water for irrigating Prairie creek farms, the Associated Ditch companies are preparing to blast, dredge and deepen the channel of the outlet of Wal- lowa lake nearly four feet which will add to the avail- able water now stored in the lake to a depth of four feet, and will lower the level of the lake by that amount. A course in agriculture will be instituted by the Wal- lowa high school this fall. The salary of the instructor will be paid half and half by the district and the federal government. William H. Wood died Thursday at the home of his son near Lostine. He was 96 years and ten months old, the oldest person in Wal- lowa county, and had served as a volunteer in the Amer- ican army in the Mexican war, and had panned gold in the days of ’49 in California. 70 YEARS AGO July 14, 1949 Queen Beverly Oliver and princesses Ruby Mallon, Diane Snodderly and Marian Mawhin will reign over the Fourth Annual Chief Joseph Days rodeo and celebration July 29-30-31. There will be a night saddle horse sale, big parade, cowboy break- fast and speedboat regatta on Wallowa Lake. The Lunch Box café closed its doors at the Main street location and will reopen on July 18 in new quarters. The café will occupy the building for- merly occupied by the Enterprise Paint Store. Twenty businessmen and women representing the Joseph Chamber of Com- merce made a good will tour of the Inland Empire to spread publicity for the com- ing Chief Joseph Days cele- Shrine breakfast bration. Flying in a char- tered DC-3, they covered 1200 miles and offered the fi nest opportunity possible to spread word of the com- ing attraction. 50 YEARS AGO July 17, 1969 Leonard Lozier was given an honorary membership in the Wallowa County Jaycees as a token of appreciation for his untiring assistance in the calf shoots during the past three years at the NRA rodeo at Enterprise. Damage, almost beyond description, was done to telephone, power and TV cable lines in the city of Wallowa in one of the most fantastic and unlikely inci- dents seen in many years when a high and heavy trac- tor-trailer load of trusses ripped out most of the lines on Main street. The extent of the damage is esti- mated at many thousands of dollars. Harold Lay of Enterprise won the top honors at the Elks golf tourney last week- end with the low gross score; second low gross score was Bernie Giebel of Spokane. Dave Little of Enterprise won low net score and sec- ond low net score was won by Harland Olson of La Grande. Jaycee President Leroy Graning presented Lee Eddins of La Grande with the trophy for All-Around Cowboy. Eddins competed with 160 other contestants during the NRA rodeo at Enterprise last weekend. plaint at Wallowa Lake. 12:34 p.m. – Found wallet at business at Wallowa Lake. 4:19 p.m. – Single MC crash with injuries in rural Joseph. 5:53 p.m. – Road hazard reported in rural Joseph on Imnaha Hwy. 6:07 p.m. – 911 call report- ing a one vehicle rollover in rural Joseph. 8:15 p.m. – Enterprise Police Dept. arrested Macarlo R. Tovar, 28, of Joseph for DUI. Subject was cited and released to a third party. 8:21 p.m. – 911 report of bear in yard at Wallowa Lake. 8:55 p.m. – Loose cattle reported on Hwy 82 in rural Enterprise. 9:08 p.m. – 911 reporting lightning fi re on Alder Slope in rural Enterprise. 9:26 p.m. – Possible animal neglect reported in Wallowa. 9:30 p.m. – 911 report for lightning fi re on Hwy 82 in rural Enterprise. 9:38 p.m. – Dog barking complaint in Enterprise. 9:45 p.m. – Report of down power line in Enterprise. 9:51 p.m. – Report of dis- tress light on Chief Joseph Mountain. found dog in Enterprise. 1:19 a.m. – Enterprise Police Dept. arrested Joshua Michael Black, 38, of Enter- prise for Driving Under the Infl uence of Intoxicants. Cited and released to a sober party. 6:26 a.m. – 911 call for smoke in rural Enterprise. 8:09 a.m. – Loose cow reported in rural Joseph. 8:26 a.m. – Report of a traf- fi c crash in rural Enterprise. 9:32 a.m. – 911 call for an ATV crash in rural Lostine. 9:58 a.m. – Report of a pos- sible abandoned vehicle in Wallowa. 1:38 p.m. – 911 call for a theft in Joseph. 3:19 p.m. – 911 report of a hay baler fi re in rural Wallowa. 4:14 p.m. – Traffi c com- plaint in rural Wallowa. 5:11 p.m. – 911 report- ing fi re west of Hwy 3 in rural Enterprise. 7:00 p.m. – Commer- cial alarm reported in rural Joseph. 7:33 p.m. – Barking dog complaint in Enterprise. site” of the U.S. Forest Ser- vice under a proposal last week by the HCNRA. Mike Crawford and Jody Marcum were winners in Sunday’s Elks Tournament Sole Survivor round. News from Imnaha is the hot weather toward 100 degrees for several days. And with the hot weather, the supply of rattlesnakes for the Imnaha Store and Tavern’s fall Bear and Rattlesnake feed is growing rapidly. A $10,000 state grant awarded to Wallowa County will be used to conduct a feasibility study on the pro- posed community center in Enterprise. The facility would be built at the fair- grounds and house sev- eral local state and county agencies. 25 YEARS AGO July 14, 1994 A seven-acre piece of the historic Cache Creek ranch in Hells Canyon will become an offi cial “administrative Great Summer Read Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune by Roselle Lim FOR THE RECORD JULY 8 11:07 a.m. – Disturbance in Enterprise. 1:33 p.m. – Traffic com- plaint in Wallowa. 4:39 p.m. – Disturbance reported in Enterprise. 9:12 p.m. – Suspicious activity in Enterprise. JULY 9 12:48 p.m. – 911 call with civil issue in Wallowa. 2:34 p.m. – 911 call report of black cows out in rural Enterprise. 4:48 p.m. – Informa- tion on a roaming dog in Enterprise. 6:06 p.m. – Report of ani- mal neglect in Joseph. 6:14 p.m. – Report of loose dogs in Enterprise. JULY 10 10:32 a.m. – Dog bite in rural Enterprise. 10:33 a.m. – Abandoned vehicle in Enterprise. 1:42 p.m. – Complaint of illegal parking in Joseph. 3:45 p.m. – Disturbance reported in Enterprise. Unfounded. 4:47 p.m. – Report of barking dog in Joseph. 4:54 p.m. – Loose goats in rural Enterprise. 7:58 p.m. – Traffic com- plaint in rural Joseph. 11:25 p.m. – Barking dog complaint in rural Joseph. JULY 11 6:52 a.m. – Found property in Enterprise. 9:49 a.m. – Commercial alarm in Joseph. 11:46 a.m. – Theft in Wallowa. 2:17 p.m. – Civil dispute in Enterprise. 3:42 p.m. – Welfare check requested in Enterprise. 8:42 p.m. – 911 call report- ing single MVA in rural Joseph. JULY 12 6:39 a.m. – Report of an abandoned canoe at Wallowa Lake. 6:59 a.m. – Noise complaint in Joseph. 10:38 a.m. – Trespass com- plaint in Enterprise. 1:27 p.m. – Report of civil dispute in Wallowa. 2:37 p.m. – Telephonic harassment reported in Enterprise. 4:25 p.m. – Commercial alarm in Enterprise. 4:34 p.m. – Complaint of a disturbance in Joseph. 5:45 p.m. – Harassment complaint in Enterprise. 6:53 p.m. – 911 reporting loose cattle on Hwy 3 in rural Enterprise. JULY 13 11:48 a.m. – 911 call report- ing missing hikers at Wallowa Lake. Located without incident. 12:06 p.m. – 911 call report- ing a hiker in distress at Wal- lowa Lake. Unfounded. 12:33 p.m. – Wildlife com- JULY 14 12:47 a.m. – 911 reporting T HE B OOKLOFT Across from the courthouse in Enterprise 107 E. Main • 541.426.3351 always open at • Join the Stein Family! Celebrating John Stein Jr’s 90th Birthday! Saturday July 20th Wallowa Lake Ice Pavilion 2:00 - 4:00 pm for refreshments r b a e t l ing 65 Y e C n i s ears U n i ! Jo Old Gringo Boot Sale! 25% OFF Get Rodeo Ready! Some restrictions apply 541.786.6149 Stop by today NEW RIVER RUN from Minam The Joseph Branch has added new tours! 2, 6 and now 4-hour round trip adventures! Mel and Mary Lou Victor Open May - Oct 6th Reservations are required for all departures from Minam Come enjoy the Wallowa River Experience For more information JBRAILRIDERS.COM are celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Uptown Clothing & Accessories in Downtown Joseph 12 S. Main St. • 541-432-9653 Alpine Meadows Golf Course Golf Course Road, Enterprise, OR Hosted by the Victor children, grandchildren and great grandchildren