Wallowa.com Wednesday, July 3, 2019 B1 B1 WEDNESDAY July 3, 2019 Courtesy Photo/Annette Moeller District 3 Junior Softball Champions Wallowa Valley Cubs (L to R) Brianna Rouse, Iris Delury, Libby Fisher, Alex Rowley, Karly Baremore, Aimee Meyers, Cooper Nave, Sophie Moeller, Maci Marr, Liz Rowley, Abby Straight, Sydney Hopkins. LADY CUBS OFF TO STATE T Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain he high school combined softball team may have given up the “Cubs” moniker at the insistence of the Enterprise School Board, but the girls junior all-stars softball team adopted the name and the success that goes with it. The squad is headed to state after consecutive victories in District 3 all-stars championship play, culminating in a 5-4 thriller victory over Pilot Rock in the championship game. The ladies started the tournament playing Herm- iston on Saturday, June 22, and walked away with a fi ve-inning, 17-0 victory their opponents to the west. Aimee Meyers pitched for the Cubs, holding the opposition to a mere three hits while fanning eight. “All in all, between the pitching and the hitting, it was a big team effort,” Coach Shane Kirkland said. “Everybody hit the ball. It was the best you could ask for. “ The squad played again on June 24, slaying La Grande, 21-11. Kirkland said the Cubs started slow, scoring only three runs over the fi rst four innings while giving up four runs in the fourth inning and two more in the fi fth. The Cubs then exploded, and by the sixth, were one run short of 10-running hapless Hermiston. See Softball, Page B2 Courtesy Photo Wallowa Valley Cubs junior all-star photo. This photo was taken right after the Cubs won their fi rst game against Hermiston in the District 3 softball tournament The squad had left the dugout to have a team meeting with coach Shane Kirkland. New coach takes Junior softball to new heights Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain It’s been about a dozen years that Wallowa County’s junior soft- ball girls are making a name for themselves in northeastern Ore- gon. The team is currently fl ying high at District 3 all-stars play in Hermiston. Saturday, June 22, the girls administered a 17-0 shellacking to their Hermiston hosts. Pitcher Aimee Meyers threw the heat, striking out eight while allowing only three hits over the duration. “All in all, between the pitch- ing and the hitting, it was a big team effort,” Coach Shane Kirk- innings,” Kirkland said. “They “The girls showed a ton of land said. “Everybody hit the ball, give up four runs in the fourth and maturity,” Kirkland said. “It was a and it was about all you could ask two runs in the fi fth, and then the very, very exciting game.” for as a coach.” The squad He added that faced Pilot Rock the team played ‘IT’S A GREAT BUNCH OF GIRLS AND A GREAT GROUP for the District conservatively 3 championship OF PARENTS. IT’S BEEN SUPER REWARDING, and could have game on Tues- easily run the day, June 25. SUPER RELAXING, AND WE’RE SUPER EXCITED.’ score up. C o a c h Coach Shane Kirkland Monday, Shane Kirkland June 24, saw the noted it’s been ladies again on about a dozen a rampage, thumping La Grande, girls just absolutely turned it on.” years since the county fi elded a 21-11. By the sixth inning, the ladies junior team. He said the team is “We started out slow, scoring were just a run short of a 10-run very young. Most of the girls are only three runs in the fi rst four rule victory. “Majors” age, 12. “It’s a great bunch of girls and a great group of parents,” Kirkland said. “It’s been super rewarding, super relaxing, and we’re super excited.” “We’re a young, young team, and our fi rst fi ve games of the year, La Grande beat up on us almost every time we played them, and by the end of the year, we were beating everybody no matter where we went: Pilot Rock, La Grande, Hermiston. I mean the girls have just come together.” “It’s been a good time,” Kirk- land said. ADVERTISE TODAY! in Wallowa County’s only newspaper! Call Jennifer Cooney today at 541-426-4567 or 541-805-9630 to place your ad