NEWS 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Wallowa County A-List Noxious Weeds These weeds are present in Wallowa County but occurring in small enough populations and with geographic infrequency such that eradication and containment are possible. Common Bugloss Anchusa officianalis Common Tansy Tanacetum vulgare Hoary Alyssum Berteroa incana Italian Thistle Carduus pycnocephalus Knotweed Complex (Japanese, Himalayan, Giant, Bohemi- an) Fallopia sp. Leafy Spurge Euphorbia esula Meadow Knapweed Centaurea pratensis Musk Thistle Carduus nutans Myrtle Spurge Euphorbia myrsinites Orange Hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum Oregano Origanum vulgare Perennial Pepperweed Lepidium latifolium Plumeless Thistle Carduus acanthoides Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Rose Campion Lychnis coronaria Russian Knapweed Acroptilon repens Scotch Broom Sytisus scorparius Spotted Knapweed Centaurea maculosa Tansy Ragwort Senecio jacobaea Welted Thistle Carduus crispus Whitetop (Hoary Cress) Lepidium draba Yellow Flag Iris Iris pseudacorus Wallowa County B-List Noxious Weeds These weeds are present and pervasive where suitable habi- tat is found in Wallowa County and require control to mitigate negative impacts. Absinth Wormwood Artemisia absinthium Annual Bugloss Anchusa arvensis Bachelor Button Centaurea cyanus Bloodrop/Pheasanteye Adonis aestivalis Bur Buttercup Ranunculus testiculatus Canada Thistle Cirsium arvense Chicory Cichorium intybus Common Burdock Arctium minus Common Crupina Crupina vulgaris Common Kochia Kochia scoparia Common Mullein Verbascum thapsus Common Teasel Dipsacus fullonum Dalmatian Toadflax Linaria dalmatica Diffuse Knapweed Centaurea diffusa Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus Houndstongue Cynoglossum officinale Jointed Goatgrass Aegilops cylindrical Long-spine Sandbur Cenchrus longispinus Meadow Hawkweed Hieracium caespitosum Medusahead Rye Taeniatherum caput-medusae Oxeye Daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Poison Hemlock Conium maculatum Puncturevine Tribulus terrestris Reed Canary Grass Phalaris arundinacea Rush Skeletonweed Chondrilla juncea Scotch Thistle Onopordum acanthium St. Johnswort Hypercium perforatum Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla recta Sweet Briar Rose Rosa eglanteria Tall Buttercup Ranunculus acris Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Ventenata Ventenata dubia White Campion Silene alba Yellow Starthistle Centaurea solstitialis Yellow Toadflax Linaria vulgaris Wallowa County Target List Noxious Weeds Noxious weed partners and agencies within Wallowa County have designated significant funding and labor towards proj- ects targeting these weeds in 2018. Common Bugloss Anchusa officianalis Common Tansy Tanacetum vulgare Hoary Alyssum Berteroa incana Jointed Goatgrass Aegilops cylindrical Knotweed Complex (Japanese, Himalayan, Giant, Bohemi- an) Fallopia sp. Leafy Spurge Euphorbia esula Meadow Hawkweed Hieracium caespitosum Meadow Knapweed Centaurea pratensis Medusahead Rye Taeniatherum caput-medusae Musk Thistle Carduus nutans Myrtle Spurge Euphorbia myrsinites Orange Hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum Oregano Origanum vulgare Perennial Pepperweed Lepidium latifolium Plumeless Thistle Carduus acanthoides Puncturevine Tribulus terrestris Rush Skeletonweed Chondrilla juncea Russian Knapweed Acroptilon repens Scotch Broom Sytisus scorparius Spotted Knapweed Centaurea maculosa Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla recta Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Tansy Ragwort Senecio jacobaea Welted Thistle Carduus crispus Whitetop (Hoary Cress) Lepidium draba Yellow Flag Iris Iris pseudacorus Yellow Starthistle Centaurea solstitialis Wallowa County Watch List Noxious Weeds These are weeds that are either: Known to be noxious and exist within neighboring counties/ regionally but have no confirmed sites in Wallowa County* OR Thought to exist within Wallowa County and might one day exhibit traits that requires formal listing Baby’s Breath Gypsophila paniculata Black Henbane^ Hyoscyannus niger Bouncing Bette Sponaria officinalis Buffalo Bur Solanum rostratum Bur Chervil Anthriscus caucalis Clary Sage Salvia sclarea Comfrey^ Symphytum sp. Common Reed Grass^ Phragmites australis Dyer’s Woad* Isatis tinctoria Foxtail Barley^ Hordeum jubatum Garlic Mustard* Alliaria petiolata Glyphosate-resistant Creeping Bentgrass* Agrostis stolonifera Iberian Starthistle* Centaurea iberica Lambsquarter^ Chenopodium album Marsh Elder Iva annua Mediterranean Sage* Salvia aethiopis Perennial Peavine Lathyrus latifolius Ravennagrass* Saccharum ravennae Rough Cocklebur Xanthium strumarium Russian Olive^ Elaegnus angustifolia Russian Thistle^ Salsola kali Salt Cedar^ Tamarix ramosissima Silverleaf Nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium Sow Thistle Sonchus arvensis Spotted Cat’s Ear^ Hypochaeris radicata White Bryony Bryonia alba Wild Carrot^ Daucus carota Wednesday, June 26, 2019 A15 NOAA forecasts low returns for Chinook, improved returns for coho Twice as many salmon and steelhead are predicted to return to the Colum- bia River Basin in 2019 as returned last year, Washing- ton, Oregon, and Idaho state fi sh biologists reported at the Council’s March meet- ing. The prediction for this year is 1.3 million fi sh enter- ing the Columbia River to begin the upriver journey to spawn; last year the total return was 665,000. While that is an improve- ment, it is fewer than the cur- rent 10-year average of 2.21 million fi sh, said Dan Rawd- ing, Columbia River pol- icy and science coordinator for the Washington Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife. He noted the average for the decade of the 1980s was 1.5 million, for the 1990s 988,000, and for the 2000s 2 million. The upriver com- ponent (above Bonneville Dam) of the total salmon and steelhead run is fore- casted at 968,000 fi sh this year compared to 619,400 in 2018. Forecasting fi sh returns is a bit like forecasting the weather months in advance. Fish biologists collect infor- mation on smolt migrations in previous years, ocean conditions, and returns in recent years then make edu- cated guesses. Harvest sea- sons are set based on the predictions, then adjusted as the fi sh return. In 2018 fi sh- ery managers met 28 times to adjust fi sheries, with the goal of balancing conserva- tion of the salmon and steel- NOAA Fisheries Returns of Coho salmon are predicted to be relatively strong in 2019, due to ocean conditions favorable to coho; chinook returns are little improved over 2018. head runs with providing fi shing opportunities, Rawd- ing said. Coho are the reason for the large increase in esti- mated total returns in 2019. A change in ocean condi- tions appears to favor coho this year. As well, ocean and in-river harvest of coho has been declining since 2005. So the optimistic forecast for the 2019 coho return this fall is for 726,000 fi sh enter- ing the mouth of the river. The 2018 forecast was for 286,200 coho, and the actual return was 147,300. Sockeye: The 2019 fore- cast is 94,400 fi sh; the 2018 return was 99,000. Most of the Columbia River run spawns in the Okanagon and Wenatchee river basins, but there is a very small compo- nent of Snake River sock- eye, an endangered species. The forecast for those fi sh in 2019 is 43 natural-origin, compared to 36 last year, and 86 hatchery fi sh, compared to 240 last year. Fish raised at the new sockeye hatchery in Springfi eld, Idaho, should help boost adult returns in future years. Snake River fall Chinook (combined natural-origin and hatchery): 10,016 hatch- ery and 5,435 natural-ori- gin fi sh. Those numbers are close to the 2018 returns. Meanwhile, rapidly changing conditions in the ocean environment have made forecasting salmon and steelhead returns even more diffi cult. Brian Burke, an ocean scientist with NOAA Fisheries in Seat- tle, said some aspects of the ocean ecosystem appear to be back to normal, but oth- ers are still changing. In response to the variability – from warmer than nor- mal to cooler than normal in the course of a couple years recently, with the cur- rent trend toward cooling — he said, “my new answer is the ocean is still changing; we are seeing more variabil- ity, and ‘typical’ and ‘nor- mal’ conditions are diffi cult to defi ne.” Scientist explains low carbon dioxide during the Ice Age Oregon State University CORVALLIS, Ore. – Since scientists fi rst deter- mined that atmospheric car- bon dioxide (CO2) was signifi cantly lower during ice age periods than warm phases, they have sought to discover why, theorizing that it may be a function of ocean circulation, sea ice, iron- laden dust or temperature. Yet no computer model based on existing evidence has been able to explain why CO2 levels were as much as one-third lower when an ice age settled in. A new study pub- lished this week in Science Advances provides compel- ling evidence for a solution – the combination of sea water temperature variation and iron from dust off Southern Hemisphere continents. “Many of the past stud- ies that analyzed ocean tem- peratures made the assump- tion that ocean temperatures cooled at the same rate over the entire globe – about 2.5 degrees (Celsius),” said Andreas Schmittner, a cli- mate scientist at Oregon State University and co-au- thor on the study. “When they ran their models, tem- perature thus accounted for only a small amount of atmospheric CO2 decrease. “We now know that the oceans cooled much more in some regions, as much as fi ve degrees (C) in the mid-lati- tudes. Since cold water has a higher degree of CO2 sol- ubility, it had the potential to soak up a lot more carbon from the atmosphere than past studies accounted for – and it realized more of that potential.” Schmittner and his col- leagues estimate that colder ocean temperatures would account for about half of the decrease in CO2 during the last glacial maximum – or height of the last ice age. Another third or so, they say, was likely caused by an increase in iron-laden dust coming off the continents and “fertilizing” the sur- face of the Southern Ocean. An increase in iron would boost phytoplankton produc- tion, absorbing more carbon and depositing it deep in the ocean. The researchers’ models suggest that this combina- tion accounts for more than three-quarters of the reduced amount of atmospheric CO2 during the last ice age. During the last glacial max- imum, CO2 levels were about 180 parts per million, whereas levels in 1800 A.D. – just prior to the Industrial Revolution – were at about 280 parts per million. Schmittner said the remaining amount of reduced carbon may be attributable to variations in nutrient availability and/or ocean alkalinity. “The increase in iron likely resulted from ice scouring the landscape in Patagonia, Australia and New Zealand, pulling iron out of the rocks and soil,” Schmittner said. “Since it “We took our daughter to Dr. Allen on several occasions, and we were extremely happy with the care we received…” was very cold and dry, the iron would have been picked up by the wind and deposited in the ocean. “Our three-dimensional model of the global ocean agrees well with observa- tions from ocean sediments from the last glacial max- imum, giving us a high degree of confi dence in the results.” The researchers say that when the Earth cooled during the last ice age, the oceans naturally cooled as well – except near the polar regions, which already were as cold as they could get without freezing. During warm phases, the difference in ocean surface tempera- tures between the high lati- tudes and the mid-latitudes was signifi cant. As warmer water moves toward Antarctica and begins to cool, the lost heat goes into the atmosphere, increasing the ocean’s potential to soak up CO2. “It’s like when you take a beer out of the refrigera- tor,” Schmittner said. “As it warms, the bubbles come out. Carbon dioxide is a gas, and it can dissolve in water as well as get into the ocean from the atmosphere, and it is more soluble in colder water. But that process takes a while and therefore the ocean doesn’t realize all of its potential to take up CO2 in those waters around Antarctica that fi ll much of the deep ocean.” More reasons to feel good about your Medicare Supplement Choice and Prescription Drug Plan • Up-to-date Medicare information • Highest Coverage/Lowest Premiums • Local agent will answer questions and help you navigate the Medicare maze. • Plan Comparisons for: - Turning 65 (Medicare eligible) - SEP (Special Election changes) - Oregon Birthday Rule Kathleen Bennett 616 W. North Street, Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-4208 gon! For the first time in Eastern Ore VETERAN BENEFIT EXPO19 -Enterprise Mom 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 27TH Dr. Allen is a family practice physician and doctor of osteopathic medicine. PENDLETON CONVENTION CENTER Learn about all of your Federal and State benefits Call Dr. Allen to schedule your appointment today! 541-426-7900 Under one roof! 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