Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, June 05, 2019, Page A2, Image 2

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Wallowa County Chieftain
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Nick Vidan
May 23, 2019
Kenneth Lee Witty
May 27, 2019
David Monschke
July 12, 1940 –December 7, 2018
Nick Vidan passed away Breakfast, they were ready to
on May 23, 2019 due to com- open on June 1, 2000. They
plications from a fall. He was spent the next 19 years wel-
surrounded by family and coming people from all over
the world into their
built many fond
Ready for life’s
memories with
next big adventures,
his father in the
Nick and Sandy were
looking forward to
canyon on hunt-
retiring, selling the
ing trips, it was
Imnaha River Inn,
Nick’s dream to
and then traveling
become a resi-
and moving closer to
dent of the area.
family & friends.
Nick Vidan
In 1997 Nick
Sandy & Family
and his wife,
would like to wel-
Sandy, decided to move to come you to a potluck cele-
the Imnaha Canyon. After bration of Nick’s life at the
three years of building the Imnaha River Inn June 8th
Imnaha River Inn Bed & 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Kenneth Lee Witty and fi sherman. He enjoyed
peacefully passed away decades of hunting, fi sh-
Monday, May 27, in his ing, camping, river running
home. Ken lived with his and horse pack trips. He
wife, Carolyn Ann (Wise) was instrumental in efforts
Witty of 57 years in Enter- to preserve the Hells Can-
yon National Rec-
reation Area.
Ken was pre-
their daugh-
ceded in death by
ters, Cynthia
his father, Laurel
Ann (Witty)
Edgar Witty, his
Risan and Tina
mother, Mildred
Louise (Witty)
LaVoyle (Payne)
Witty, and his sis-
Ken was
ter, Linda Laurell
born in Elgin,
(Witty) Hiatt.
Oregon to Mil- Kenneth Lee Witty
Ken is survived
dred (Payne)
by his wife, Caro-
Witty and Laurel Witty. lyn; daughters and sons-in-
He was raised in Elgin law, Cynthia (Scott Risan)
and graduated from Elgin and Tina (J.A. Grieve);
High School in 1957. Ken grandson Austin James
attended Oregon State Grieve;
University where he met Aubrey Ann Grieve; and
his wife, Carolyn Wise. many cousins, nieces and
He graduated from Ore- nephews.
gon State University in
The family wishes
Fisheries Management. to express appreciation
Ken and Carolyn moved for the loving care Ken
to Wallowa County where received from friends and
he worked for the Ore- the many caregivers who
gon Department of Fish made it possible for Ken
and Wildlife as the local to pass away at home. He
and regional Fish Biolo- will be missed by all who
gist. He retired after 30 loved him.
years and then worked for
A celebration of Ken’s
S.P. Cramer as a Fisheries life will be held at the Witty
residence over Labor Day
Ken was an avid hunter weekend.
David Fredric Mon- the mountains and fl oating
schke (Bop), age 78, passed the canyons of Eastern Ore-
away at Shelter Cove CA on gon. David was active in the
December 7, 2018. David, community and loved bring-
affectionately known by ing a different perspective
to local conversa-
family and friends
tions. David was
as Bopa or Bop,
an avid lover of a
had been fi ghting
variety of sports
a combination of
his entire life and
Parkinson’s dis-
could often be
ease and mela-
found on a ten-
noma cancer; he
nis or basketball
was with his wife
court. As a father,
and family when
David did his
he passed.
best to teach the
David was born
July 12, 1940, in David Monschke boys a strong work
ethic and compas-
ington, the second of fi ve sion for others while install-
children born to David and ing a healthy dose of critical
Peg Monschke. In 1949, thought.
In the early 90s with the
his family who were in the
timber industry, moved to slowdown of the log home
Humboldt County Califor- market David had to seek
nia where David spent the new ways to support his
remainder of his childhood family and he went back to
and graduated from South bidding Forest Service con-
Fork High School. His fam- tracts. David taught his sons,
ily lost their home in Myers who were now spread from
Flat during the 1955 fl ood junior high to college, the
which was seen with a mix trade and this turned out to be
of tragedy and awe through a great bonding time for the
family; who spent the sum-
David’s eyes.
After graduating from mers camping and working
South Fork High in 1958 together. David and Valerie
David attended community eventually sold the house in
college before landing at Joseph and moved to west-
Humboldt State. An adven- ern Oregon. At this time
turous time in David’s life, David adventured about a
he enjoyed expanding his bit doing everything from
intellectual horizons and long haul trucking to broker-
could often be found surfi ng ing sail boats but eventually
and singing at beach parties settled on real estate devel-
on the CA coast. It was while opment and moved to Yach-
at Humboldt that he met his ats on the Oregon Coast.
In 2009 David and Valerie
future wife Valerie Van Pelt.
David and Valerie were mar- came full circle and moved
ried on April 27th 1968 and back to Humboldt County
shared their 50th wedding to be near their sons Nate
anniversary in 2018. David and Josh as well as David’s
and Valerie moved to Gar- brother Jack and sister Ruth.
berville, CA where they had They built a small home in
the hills amongst the red-
their fi rst son Jonathan.
In the early 70s the Mon- woods and spent their time
schke’s could be found trav- enjoying the majestic for-
eling the Northwest with ests and beaches of North-
friends and family contract- ern California.
David’s health began to
ing and building trails for
the newly formed wilder- seriously decline in 2018
ness areas. David had built and in December he passed
a redwood camper on a new away peacefully at his son
Chevy truck that the fam- Josh’s home in Shelter Cove.
ily lived in while travel- The Monschke family is
ing. It was while building a grateful to Heart of the Red-
trail that David and Valerie woods Hospice, who with-
fell in love with the town of out their expertise and com-
Joseph, OR and with Jon- passion it would not have
athan approaching school been possible for David to
age settled there in 1972. have stayed at home with
They partnered on an old his family. We will all miss
saw mill and formed Joseph David’s sense of humor, his
Forest Products. Soon after unconditional acceptance of
purchasing a home in 1973 others, and ability to see the
Valerie gave birth to their big picture. Always look-
second son Nathan and in ing to take on new proj-
1976, their third son Joshua ects David had an ability
arrived; and David and Val- to look outside of the box,
erie gave up on trying to and usually brought a differ-
have daughter. In the late ent approach to any activity.
seventies David re-focused David’s love and support of
the company to concentrate his family and friends was
on packaging log homes always apparent and he was
and Joseph Log Homes ever willing to show kind-
was born. Many of the log ness to others.
On Saturday June 15th
buildings seen in downtown
Joseph today are a product 2018, a beach party cel-
ebrating David’s life will
of this endeavor.
During the Joseph years, be held at the Shelter Cove
David balanced a busy work south beach. The gathering
schedule that often found will begin at 3:00 pm with
him traveling around the memorial ceremony at 4:00;
west and to Japan, while burgers, beer and bonfi re
being an engaged father to immediately after. All who
his three boys. The family knew and miss David are
spent weekends hiking in invited to attend.
Richard Henry Hamilton
November 23, 1929– December 8, 2018
Richard Henry
merly of La Grande
died December 8,
2018, at a private care
facility in Caldwell,
ID, just two weeks
after his 89th birth-
day. Born in La Grande on
November 23, 1929, he was
the second of two children
born to Charles Hamilton,
and Edna J. (Loock) Ham-
ilton. He attended school in
La Grande, where he was
a four-year letterman, and
president of the Lettermen’s
Club, graduating from La
Grande High in 1947.
Richard enlisted in the
US Marine Corps Reserve
in April, 1948, and served
as a Marine Corps sergeant
in Korea from 1950 to 1952.
During that time, he endured
starvation and torture as a
POW in North Korea, a sub-
ject about which he never
spoke. Rice was never
served in his home.
Upon his discharge from
active duty in 1952, Rich-
ard returned home to marry
Shirley (Frizzell) Cleaver,
and adopt her two children,
Rick and Lee. At the same
time, he began an impres-
sive career with the Ore-
gon Department of Forestry.
Starting as a basic fi refi ght-
er-trainee, he advanced
steadily to become the res-
ident ranger stationed in
Wallowa. After several
years of overseeing the dis-
trict, despite having no post-
high-school degree, he was
transferred to the Medford
district, where he special-
ized in arson investigation,
and prevention. Eventu-
ally, he earned promotion to
the position of Prevention
Director at the state offi ces
in Salem. After his ‘offi -
cial’ retirement, he served
for many years as a con-
tract consultant in Preven-
tion and Arson Investiga-
tion for several agencies in
the western states. He was
always extremely modest
about his many accomplish-
ments. Few people ever
realized that it was his voice
narrating the Tilla-
mook Burn video in
the State Forestry
building at OMSI.
Richard was a
quiet man of unfl inch-
ing integrity, who
cared deeply about
two things: family,
and the land and its proper
stewardship. A young
nephew once asked him,
“Uncle Richard, whose trees
are those?” He said, “Those
are your trees, John. They
belong to you, your Dad and
Mom, and your brother and
sister; and it’s up to you to
take care of them.” He held
himself to standards learned
from his stepfather, Ernie
Milbert, and he expected,
and received, the best from
others. No one ever wanted
to disappoint him. While he
was fi rm in his expectations,
he was also a man of deep
compassion, with a gentle
sense of humor, who knew
how to forgive. Through-
out his later years, he took
responsibility for the health
and welfare of his sister,
his wife, and his daughter,
among others. He joked that
he couldn’t decide whether
he had three wives, or three
A quiet hero who spent
his life in service to his
country, other people, and
the land, Richard will be
deeply missed by those priv-
ileged to know him well. He
was preceded in death by
his stepfather, Ernie Mil-
bert, mother, Edna Mil-
bert, wife, Shirley, step-
brother, Roy Milbert, sister,
Bette Hardin, and daughter,
Leitha. Richard is survived
by his son, Rick Hamilton,
of Riggins, ID, granddaugh-
ter, Stacy Hardy, of Cald-
well, ID, grandson, Cory
Hamilton, of Eugene, OR,
two nephews, a niece, and
several great-grandchildren.
At his request, there will be
no services. His ashes were
spread at the same site as
those of his late wife, Shir-
ley. His family suggests that
those who wish to honor his
memory plant a tree in his
Wanda Oweta Sorweide
September 12, 1925– May 19, 2019
Wanda Oweta Sor- tom processed meat (over
weide, age 93, of Joseph, 50 years) and managed
passed peacefully Sunday, local grocery stores in
May 19, 2019,
Joseph until she
in her home
retired. She was
a member of the
beside her. A
Enterprise Naza-
rene Church, then
of Life” will
the Joseph Bap-
be held Satur-
tist Church. She
day, June 29,
enjoyed County
2019, at the
Joseph Baptist
crafts, oil paint-
Church, 1 PM
ing, gardening,
with a “des-
sert social” to
ings and playing
W a n d a
music for many
was born on
weddings, special
events and funer-
12, 1925, the
als over her life
Clifford R. and
include her chil-
(Betz) Denney
Wanda Oweta
Wilson (Ray) of
Joseph, Ken Sor-
weide of Elgin,
ated from Sprague High Patti Olson (Art) of Gas-
School. On February 18, ton, Oregon, Terri Denton
1944 she married Rob- (Dave) of Heppner, Ore-
ert “Bob” Kenneth Sor- gon and Renae Schoen-
weide in Spokane. They ingh of Texas; nine grand-
lived in Cheney, Washing- children; twenty great
ton until 1948 when they grandchildren and other
moved to Imnaha to help relatives and friends. She
ranch with her father Clif- was preceded in death by
ford Denney on the C&D her parents and siblings
ranch. In 1954, Wanda Glenise Mullen, Clifford
and Bob moved to the (Bud) and William (Bill)
Wallowa Valley where Denney and her husband
they custom combined on November 1, 2012.
grains, custom baled hay,
Those that wish may
raised swine & managed make contributions to any
the Gardner Locke ranch, Wallowa County char-
before buying a home in ity organization of their
Joseph, 1957. Wanda cus- choice, in her name.
Good historic fiction
Dear Mrs. Bird
by A.J. Pierce
now in paperback
Nancy Jean Ormandy
Across from the courthouse in Enterprise
107 E. Main • 541.426.3351
always open at www.bookloftoregon.com • bookloft@eoni.com
ay Volunteers
National Trails D
, turned out
201 E. Hwy 82, Enterprise • 541-426-0320
Pro onsore d b y
ages 5 to 75
About 30 volunteers, Saturday, June 1, for the
on National Trails Da Trail Consortium cleanup
first 2019 Joseph Br ted in Joseph and removing
day. Volunteers star s along the Joseph Branch
trash, debris, and ha ht-of-way, walked and worked
railroad rig
their way to Enterpris
Brought to you by,
Meet Luca
This handsome silver tabby
was born in June 2018. He
was rescued with a broken
leg, scared and hungry. After
weeks of healing, this strong,
healthy boy emerged into a
sweet, fun and playful kitty.
He’s very loving and is making
up for everything he missed
as a kitten. He loves to be
cuddled, and will let you hold
and carry him around. This
gentle boy has the sweetest
spirit and is neutered, litter
box trained, and up-to-date
on shots and deworming.
Available for Adoption
Contact Cassie at 541-805-1205
$45 adoption fee
A celebration of life will
be held for Nancy Normandy
at 1:30 PM June 8th at the
First Community Church in
Enterprise, Oregon. Nancy
Ormandy passed away on
November 16th at Hillside
Senior Living in McMinn-
ville, Oregon.
Nancy was born Feb-
ruary 12, 1930, to Gladys
Coffi n and Gwen T Coffi n
in Webster South Dakota.
Nancy lived in Illinois
until 1941 when her family
moved to Enterprise, Ore-
gon where she graduated
from high school in 1947.
She attended University of
Washington and Eastern
Oregon College.
Survivors include her
sister Gail Swart, her
brother Bill Coffi n, her chil-
dren Linda Ebbert, Byron
Evans, Duane Evans and
Vince Evans, grandchil-
dren Jorden Kruger, Nanoka
Kruger, Tony Evans, Keith
Evans and Shane Evans,
Kruger, Paul Kruger, Ser-
ena Kruger and Bronwyn
News obituaries are a free service of the Wallowa County Chieftain.
Obituaries are accepted from family members or a funeral home. No
handwritten obituaries will be accepted. Information submitted is
subject to editing. Obituaries that exceed 400 words will be referred
to the advertising department for paid memorials. Send obituaries
by email to editor@wallowa.com; fax to 541-426-3921 or mail to P.O.
Box 338, Enterprise, OR 97828. Deadline to submit an obituary is 10
a.m. Monday for publication the same week. Obituaries submitted
after deadline will be queued for publication in the next edition. Info: