NEWS Wednesday, May 22, 2019 A3 Loan for $600,000 was made this week for the gondola OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins 100 YEARS AGO May 22, 1919 The contract for paving the fi rst unit of the streets of Enterprise was awarded to the Warren Construc- tion company, at an estimated total cost of $114,000. The contract is the largest for any public work ever done in the county. Conducting his own case, Peter Heuel convinced seven members of a Circuit court jury that he was innocent of the charge of will- fully scattering Jim Hill mustard seed upon the fi elds of neighboring farms. The jury stood 7 for acquit- tal to 5 for conviction. Another trial will be necessary if the charge is to be pressed further. Expecting a large number of soldiers and sailors in town for Memorial Day, the local commit- tee asks that provision be made to furnish free rooms for those who wish to remain in town over night. The local chairman asks that 100 rooms be listed. Every family hav- ing a room available is requested to advise him at once. Plans for the new building of the IOOF lodge have been completed. It will present an attractive appear- ance, with a front giving the impres- sion of three stories in height. The lodge expects to have the building fi nished and ready for use this fall. 70 YEARS AGO May 19, 1949 The bodies of two men, who had apparently been instantly killed when their car went off the grade into Buford canyon on the Enterprise-Lewiston highway were found by highway workmen early Monday morning. Dead are G.D. Andes and George W. Miller, both employed at the mill in Wallowa. The fi rst shipment of Austra- lian beetles, heralded as the possi- ble answer to the goatweed men- ace to local range lands, arrived by FOR THE RECORD MAY 13 9:06 a.m. – 911 reporting possible fi re at Joseph busi- ness, false alarm. 11:24 a.m. – Abandoned vehicle in rural Wallowa. 1:57 p.m. – Possible animal neglect in rural Joseph. 2:37 p.m. – Identity theft report in rural Wallowa. 4:32 p.m. – Connor James Patrick Sticka, 25, arrested by Enterprise City Police for attempted UUMV and trans- ported to Umatilla County Jail. 6:16 p.m. – Possible intoxi- cated driver rural Joseph. MAY 14 9:36 a.m. – Cows reported out in rural Wallowa. plane from Oregon State college and have been planted in four sep- arate goatweed areas in the county. Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Witcher of Alder Slope will open a roller skat- ing rink in the fairgrounds hall some time this month. A new fi ber fl oor is being laid and arrange- ments are being made for heat- ing. Both Mr. and Mrs. Witcher are expert skaters. 50 YEARS AGO May 22, 1969 A loan for $600,000 was made this week for the gondola, which will go from just above the Holiday Inn at Wallowa Lake to within about 10:04 a.m. – Possible ani- mal neglect in Wallowa. 5:55 p.m. – Dispute in Wal- lowa. Victoria Lynnette Todd, 59, of Elgin arrested by Wal- lowa County Sheriff s Offi ce for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Transported to Umatilla County Jail. MAY 15 7:08 a.m. – Vehicle repos- sessed vehicle from Wallowa. 12:51 p.m. – Question on trespass from Wallowa. 2:32 p.m. – Noise com- plaint in Enterprise. 6:44 p.m. – 911 call report- ing a fi re in Enterprise. Con- trolled burn. MAY 16 10:01 a.m. – Dog at large in Joseph chasing cats & deer. 4:47 p.m. – Wallowa County Community Cor- 99 th ANNUAL   WALLOWA HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI BANQUET   SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019   BETH JOHNSON ROOM   WALLOWA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL   WALLOWA, OREGON   REGISTRATION BEGINS @ 5:00 P.M.   DINNER @ 7:00 P.M.   QUESTIONS:  CALL CAROL JEAN CONRAD   541-963-8725 OR 541-910-2230 ATHLETE ef Shelby Mon ar c d ri goes to 201 E. Hwy 82, Enterprise • 541-426-0320 WEEK Sp OF THE the week aw This week’s athlete tr of ack star, Shelby Moncrief. ol Enterprise High Sc as ho virtually a one-woman force in w or The EHS seni championship victory on May 11. the team’s state first in the 100 meters, sixth in Moncrief placed anchored both the first place the 200 meters an 0 d and 4x400 relay squads, which 4x10 am victory. udly helped cement the te Pro onsore d b y 200 feet of the summit of Mt. How- ard. The loan came as the climax to many years of work on the part of many people in the Wallowa Valley. A record $87,000 in monthly social security benefi ts was being paid to 1048 residents of Wallowa County at the end of December, 1968. One out of every six people now receive a check each month. The Wallowa County Junior Women’s club held their annual installation banquet last Saturday evening at the Cloverleaf hall in Enterprise. The new offi cers who were installed are: Mary Lou Vic- tor, secretary; Jane Keefer, second vice president; Maxine Marr, mem- rections arrested Arturo A. Suarez, 66, of Joseph for Parole Violation. Origi- nal charge Sex Abuse II. He was transported to Umatilla County Jail. 5:10 p.m. – Dog complaint in Joseph. 6:04 p.m. – Wallowa County Circuit Court issued a statewide misdemeanor warrant on Katie L. Ryan, 33, of Enterprise for Failure to Appear. Original charge Child Neglect II, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Assaulting a Public Safety Offi cer x 2, Disorderly Con- duct II x 2. 7:39 p.m. – Off ensive lit- tering reported in rural Enterprise. 10:35 p.m. – Found cell phone in Enterprise. ber-at-large; Sandi Blanchard, pres- ident; Cara Jones, publicity; Mar- lene Dutli, fi rst vice president; and Jennie Wergen, treasurer. 25 YEARS AGO May 19, 1994 Local attorney Thomas Gray was eliminated from the running for Wallowa County District Attorney, while Dan Ousley and Mary Goebel survived the non-partisan primary election. Ousley emerged as a clear favorite but still fell short of the 51% majority he needed to take the position outright. Robbie Rorden, a millworker at the RY Timber sawmill in Joseph, MAY 17 5:32 a.m. – 911 reporting a large rock in the road on Hwy. 82. 9:49 a.m. – Abandoned horses in rural Enterprise. 2:33 p.m. – Suspicious person reported in rural Enterprise. 3:48 p.m. – 911 reporting disturbance in Enterprise. 4:40 p.m. – 911 traffi c com- plaint in rural Enterprise. 7:53 p.m. – Theft reported in Lostine. MAY 18 9:57 a.m. – Disabled motorist in rural Enterprise. 4:30 p.m. – 911 report of possible animal abuse in rural Enterprise. 5:41 p.m. – 911 requesting law enforcement for a viola- died last Thursday following an on-the-job accident. Saturday was a very successful statewide free Immunization Now! clinic. Locally 66 children received a total of 99 vaccines. Even before the free clinic, Wallowa County ranked fourth in the state in per- centage of children immunized. Receiving top awards at the JHS FFA awards banquet were Seth Botts, Scott Williams and Randy Giltner. The Lostine Tavern has been sold to Buck and Donna Shreck. Everyone is invited to come meet the crew at their grand opening next week. tion protection order. 6:53 p.m. – 911 report of calves on road in rural Enterprise. 10:05 p.m. – Disturbance reported in Joseph. 11:23 p.m. – 911 reporting disturbance in Wallowa. MAY 19 5:13 p.m. – 911 report- ing suspicious activity in Enterprise. 6:06 p.m. – Report of tres- pass in rural Joseph. 6:20 p.m. – 911 report of Time for a Computer Tuneup? MVA crash in Wallowa. 10:44 p.m. – 911 for unat- tended death – Joseph. Births A daughter, Ginger Georgine Hillock, was born May 7,2019, in Enterprise to Andrew Hillock and Sarah Peterson of Enterprise. Grandparents are Bruce & Sina Stewart, and John & Gail Hillock Spyware Removal • 541-426-0108 113 E. Main St., Enterprise 301 W. Main, Enterprise • 541.426.3177 Live Music at the Imnaha Store and Tavern! Country Moonshine is performing at the Imnaha Store and Tavern! Amy performs the majority of the vocals, while Don plays the music. Although a ‘duo,’ Don plays and digitally records the full band (drums, bass, keyboards, etc) then plays the leads ‘live’ on the fiddle and guitar for a full five- piece band rendition. The duo performs a multitude of genres, focusing on Country Western dance music and classic Rock and Roll. Artists covered include The Eagles, Charlie Daniels Band, Dolly Parton, Miranda Lambert, Gretchen Wilson, Sugarland, Patsy Cline, Tom Petty, Carrie Underwood, Billy Idol, John Cougar, Martina McBride, The Band Perry and many others! Come out for a night of music, ice cold beer and excellent food as you enjoy the music and greet the new owners of the Imnaha Store and Tavern, Cody and Brooke. Bring your dancing shoes! There is no cover charge for this event. Cou Moo ntry nsh ine Saturd ay , May 25 th 6PM to 9P M