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About Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 2019)
COMMUNITY Wallowa County Chieftain A6 Wednesday, March 27, 2019 It’s spring, so let’s dig deep and uncover some dirt T here are two factors in life that create dishonesty and delusion in me, one is the strong desire for self-preserva- tion. There is a felt need to mask my secret weaknesses; so people cannot use it to harm me. But my secrets continue as a heavy load and they prevent me from fulfi ll- ing my true destiny. King David laments in Psalm 38:4 “My guilt has overwhelmed me like a bur- den too heavy to bear.” I think, if others knew my fl aws, they would not like me, or they would dis- respect me. What I do not real- ize is, if I accept and acknowl- edge my guilt, I am in a place to turn weakness into strength; because hidden secrets weaken me still further. Like an alcoholic admitting for the fi rst time his or her bondage; it is the fi rst step to recovery. When my weakness is confessed and exposed, I begin a journey to health and wholeness. If I keep on confessing, along the way I discover there are many who share my weakness and PASTOR’S CORNER Rev. Tim Barton together we overcome. This can only be done in an environment of honesty, where weaknesses are safely shared. Galatians 6:2 says: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you fulfi ll the law of Christ.” Until confession is made I am not safe. The second factor is self-de- ception. It is not enough to just go around declaring “Not Guilty.” We need to dig deep into the real- ities of life, to discover the truth, to do the hard work of self-exam- ination. Stop telling ourselves, “if I ignore it, it will be OK.” Hon- esty with ourselves requires a cer- tain vulnerability and acceptance of who we are as human beings. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 t f a r D t s Fir Fishtrap Story Lab inspires youth throughout Wallowa County to share their stories creatively, con- fi dently, and playfully. Beginning with a focus on narrative craft, the program provides students with a host of multimedia tools— from video and animation equipment to music produc- tion software and beyond— to hone their skills as writ- ers and producers. Story HE OFFERS US TRUE CHANGE. THE REMOVAL OF GUILT, AND A FRESH START AS A WHOLE NEW BEING: ‘THEREFORE, IF ANYONE IS IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATION; OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW.’ 2 Corinthians 5:17 “...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” every- one is in the same boat. That’s the truth, but what follow is good news. Verse 24: “and all are jus- tifi ed freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” When I accept my true condition, I accept my pow- erlessness to change and begin to look to the one who can transform me. Until I do I am just lying to myself. There is a philosophy out there Genuine Wallowa County rolls out e-commerce site Wallowa County itself. Three Haikus: Sun Crackling all day Lifting high in crispy air Melting snow around Lab emboldens students to explore themselves and the places they inhabit, encour- aging personal growth and thoughtful participation in community conversation. The result is a generative program as rich and lively as that promotes the idea, “We are all OK!” Each one has his own truth and it is the best I can hope for. But is it? Just the opposite, look at our world today; “We are not OK!” Something is funda- mentally wrong with us, with all the advances in technology; with the self-help section of the book store ever expanding; knowl- edge is ever increasing and we are no better. More money, more power, more activity, less stress, better food, nicer clothes, nicer cars, cleaner environments and the souls of men continue to ache for something to give meaning and purpose to life. Burdens and weariness are our constant com- panions and all we can think to do is cover it up, paint on a smile and say “I am OK,” and try to believe it. The sickness remains and the remedy refused: He is Jesus Christ who said, “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest...” (Matthew 11:28-30). All our wounds, all our failure and insecurity, all our hopelessness and desperation are borne by the one who was “...wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities; … and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). He offers us true change. The removal of guilt, and a fresh start as a whole new being: “There- fore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthi- ans 5:17). Clock Twelve objects tick-tock Taking turns going round, woah! Tree limbs must be tired. Sadness Feeling cheer all day T HE B OOKLOFT Feeling someone next to you But I wouldn’t know Jadyn Tanzey, 7th Grade, Wallowa Prompt: Poetry, poetry, poetry. Whether you love it or are terrifi ed by it, poems are a fascinating form. Some poems, like the haiku below, rely on a set form (5 syllables, 7 syl- lables, 5 syllables). Oth- ers, like limericks, rely on a rhyme scheme (aa, bb, a). What kind of poems do you like to write? Find a brief moment today and try your hand at poetry. Months in the making, the e-commerce site Gen- uine Wallowa County has launched. The website, genuinewallowacounty. com, showcases handmade items, exclusively from Wallowa County artisans, via curated gift and sub- scription boxes. The con- tents of the subscription box change monthly, and price points vary on the gift boxes. “I know so many amaz- ing local craftspeople and artists,” says founder and owner Kristy Athens. “And I saw a need for an addi- tional sales channel to aug- ment their efforts.” Athens had been com- AND Skylight Gallery Finding books is our specialty 541.426.3351 • 107 E. Main • Enterprise • Church Directory Church of Christ Grace Lutheran Church 502 W. 2nd Street • Wallowa 541-398-2509 409 West Main -Enterprise Worship at 11 a.m. Mid-week Bible Study 7 p.m. St. Katherine’s Catholic Church Fr. Thomas Puduppulliparamban 301 E. Garfield Enterprise Mass Schedule Sundays: St. Pius X, Wallowa - 8:00 am St. Katherine of Siena, Enterprise 10:30am Saturdays: St Katherine of Siena, Enterprise 5:30am Weekday: St. Katherine of Siena, Enterprise – 8:00am (Monday – Thursday and First Friday) ing to Wallowa County for almost fi fteen years, drawn by both the landscape and the creative people who inhabit it, before moving here in 2013. Since then, she’s been trying to fi gure out a new way to show- case the county’s talent and ingenuity. While working for the regional economic development district, Ath- ens learned of a branding idea that originated in 2007 from a Rural Development Action Team report consid- ering ways to stimulate the economy. The name “Gen- uine Wallowa County” and its logo (designed by Joan Gilbert) were created by a group of local stakehold- ers, who had enthusiasm but not enough bandwidth to support the brand on a broad and long-term basis. Athens consulted available stakeholders in 2018 to request taking over man- agement of the brand for this website. “This is an opportu- nity to bring in additional revenues from outside the county, on a year-round basis,” Athens said. Time for a Computer Tuneup? SUNDAY WORSHIP at 9 AM LENTEN WEEKLY SERVICE Wednesdays at 12:15 March 13 - April 10 Spyware Removal • 541-426-0108 113 E. Main St., Enterprise phone (message): 541-426-4633 web: St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church 100 NE 3rd St, Enterprise NE 3rd & Main St 541-426-3439 Worship Service Sunday 9:30am All are welcome CLUES ACROSS 1. Gator’s relative 5. Place for a workout 8. Cave dwellers 12. Trademark 13. Overturn 14. Tooth problem 15. Derive 16. Erode 17. Little songbird 18. Revive 20. Mix thoroughly 21. Oahu greeting 23. Baby hooter 27. Horrify 32. “____ beloved . . .” 34. Artist’s workroom 35. Unit of temperature 36. Catalog 37. Mops 40. Borders 44. Mussed 49. Strong cord 50. Miles ____ hour 51. Volcanic output 52. Heavy metal 53. Tourist’s stop 54. Give off 55. Auto-mishap reminder 56. Pump purchase 57. Adept CLUES DOWN 1. Musical staff sign 2. Lion’s bellow 3. Fictional monster 4. Negative points 5. “____ Magnolias” 6. Spinet or grand 7. Likely 8. Weep 9. Farmer’s measure 10. Formerly 11. Propel 19. Bareheaded 20. Christening 22. Holds 23. Strange 24. Willie Winkie’s size 25. Linger 26. Sin 28. Wordplay 29. Total 30. Tell a tall tale 31. Salmon for bagels 33. Type of evergreen 38. Sports ring 39. Comedian George ____ 40. Very dry 41. Dull person 42. Atop 43. Tepee, e.g. 45. Appeal 46. Mary’s pet 47. Harmful 48. Engagement 50. ____ out (overeat) Joseph United Methodist Church Summit Church 3rd & Lake St. • Joseph Pastor Cherie Dearth Phone: 541-432-3102 Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am Gospel Centered Community Service time: 10:30 am Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise 541-426-2150 Interim Pastor: Rich Hagenbaugh Enterprise Christian Church Christ Covenant Church 85035 Joseph Hwy • (541) 426-3449 Pastor Terry Tollefson Worship at 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship at 6 p.m. (nursery at A.M. services) Family Prayer: 9:30 AM Sunday School: 10 AM Worship Service: 11 AM “Loving God & One Another” David Bruce, Sr. - Minister 723 College Street Lostine Lostine Presbyterian Church Enterprise Community Congregational Church Discussion Group 9:30 AM Worship Service 11:00 AM The Big Brown Church Childrens program during service Blog: 541.398.0597 Hwy 82, Lostine Stephen Kliewer, Minister Wallowa Assembly of God 606 West Hwy 82 Wallowa, Oregon 541-886-8445 Sunday School • 9:am Worship Service • 10:am Pastor Tim Barton with an open door Pastor Archie Hook Sunday Worship 11am Bible Study 9:30am Ark Angels Children’s Program Ages 4-6th grade, 11am Nursery for children 3 & under New Arrivals! Blazers Graphic T-Shirt’s Skinny Jeans Shorts Skylar Perfume 301 NE First St. • Enterprise, OR Find us on Facebook! 541.426.3044 Stop by Today! Seventh-Day Adventist Church & School 305 Wagner (near the Cemetery) P.O. Box N. Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-3751 Church 541-426-8339 School Worship Services Sabbath School 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00 a.m. - Noon Pastor Jonathan DeWeber Uptown Clothing & Accessories in Downtown Joseph 12 S. Main St. • 541-432-9653