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About Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 2019)
COMMUNITY Wednesday, March 27, 2019 A3 Joseph Mill ends three month layoff Linda Lathrop, Audrey Hammack and Jane Noland were chosen to be the Chief Joseph Days’ court. Jerry Swafford of Enter- prise received the Oregon Bow Hunter of the Year award at the Oregon Bow Hunters annual banquet on March 8. Leo Goebel of Joseph won third place. OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins 100 YEARS AGO March 27, 1919 After running for seven years, the sawmill of the Lapwai Lumber company is about to shut down at its pres- ent setting, about fi ve miles west of Enterprise. The tim- ber tributary has been cut out. In January a tornado partly wrecked Joseph School Dis- trict’s new school house and many of the pupils were transferred to the old frame building in the heart of the city. This was burned to the ground Tuesday noon. The homeless pupils have been moved to four rooms in the Masonic building and another room in the city hall. One of the important duties of every resident of the county this week is to make a generous donation of clothing to the Red Cross, for relief work among the stricken nations of Europe. Garments need not be in perfect repair. Under the daylight saving plan started last year, clocks will be set ahead an hour all over the United States next Sunday, March 30. In the country there is little change because, during the busy sea- son, the work fi lls all the day- light hours anyway. 70 YEARS AGO March 24, 1949 The whistle blew at the Joseph mill of the Pondosa 25 YEARS AGO March 24, 1994 Courtesy photo Wallowa Cross-Country team. Pine Lumber Co. summon- ing 30 employees back to work after a three months’ layoff. A new plan for seeding pasture lands from the air was inaugurated here this week. A light plane, specially equipped with a hopper for seed and a device under the fuselage for releasing the seed uniformly, was used to seed approximately 100 acres of former grain land to bluegrass for Jidge Tippett. The Associated Girl Stu- dents of the Enterprise high school entertained their mothers and eighth grade girls and their mothers at an annual silver tea March 16. Entertainment con- sisted of musical presenta- tions by Hub Miller, Jo Rat- Walden to host Town Hall meetings WASHINGTON, D.C. — Oregon’s U.S. Rep. Greg Walden announced seven more town halls next week across Eastern Oregon. The Republican from Hood River plans to hold the public events in Wal- lowa, Union, Baker, Grant, Wheeler, Gilliam and Sher- man counties. Walden held town halls across eight counties throughout his district in Jan- uary and February, including last week in his home town and in Hermiston. At that session, he answered questions on his vote for the resolution blocking President Don- ald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to get more funding for a border wall. Below is the schedule for Walden’s upcoming series of public forums: Friday, March 29 Wallowa County Town Hall at noon at the Cloverleaf Hall, 668 N.W. First St., Enterprise. Union County Town Hall at 3:30 p.m. at East- ern Oregon University, Zabel Hall, Lewis Audi- torium, One University Blvd., La Grande. Saturday, March 30 Baker County Town Hall at 8:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge, 1896 Second St., Baker City. Grant County Town Hall at 1 p.m. at Mount Vernon Community Building, 640 Ingle St., Mount Vernon. Wheeler County Town Hall at 4:45 p.m. at Spray Grange Hall, 807 Winlock St., Spray. Sunday, March 31 cliff, Howard Edwards and Eleanor Marrs. Mrs. Evelyn Landforce, home economics teacher, assisted the girls in the preparation. 50 YEARS AGO March 27, 1969 The wreckage of a twin-engine mail plane miss- ing on a night fl ight from Boise to Lewiston since December 18 was spotted from the air Friday in the upper part of Dug Basin, above Dug Bar. The budget for the 1969- 70 school year showing total budgets for operating all the schools in Wallowa county call for a gross expendi- ture of $1,750,647. This rep- resents a 16 percent increase over the current year. Unprecedented growth in the local construction indus- try the past two years has brought with it an infl ux of “illegal” contractors. Twen- ty-seven local building con- tractors met this month to talk about the problem of “unfair competition” and to consider forming a local builders’ association to crack down on unlicensed builders. The three members of the 1994 Chief Joseph Court, Carrie Snyder, Shannon Ver- nam and Josie Botts, picked up CJD rodeo tickets Friday. They have been selling them door-to-door ever since. An accident involv- ing a semi truck and a train at Wade Point southeast of Lostine was reported. There were no injuries, but the train reportedly cut the trailer, full of wheat, in two in the mishap. The fi rst casting of sculp- tor Austin Barton’s clas- sic sculpture of a cowboy and bucking horse, “Atti- tude Adjustment,: in monu- mental-sized bronze at Parks Bronze foundry was recently completed. Cattle Barons off er scholarships The Pendleton Cattle Barons Weekend schol- arship program is solic- iting applicants again this year. Cattle Barons will award scholarships to young adults who are enrolled in or will be enrolled in undergradu- ate or graduate studies in the fi eld of agriculture. Applicants must be from the Eastern Oregon counties of Umatilla, Morrow, Grant, Baker, Wallowa and Union. Applications for the scholarships are due by April 20, 2019. Appli- cations are available on the Cattle Barons web- site, www.cattlebarons. net. Gilliam County Town Hall at 11 a.m. at Ander- son Building/Wheatland Insurance, 307 S. Main St., Condon. Sherman County Town Hall at 2:30 p.m. at the Wasco Event Cen- ter, 903 Barnett St., Wasco. Us Against You The latest from Fredrik Backman Now in Paperback T HE B OOKLOFT Across from the courthouse in Enterprise 107 E. Main • 541.426.3351 always open at • Wallowa County Humane Society THANKS Our Community and Volunteers YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS AND OVER 4800 HRS OF VOLUNTEER TIME are deeply appreciated! In 2018, Wallowa County Humane Society spent over $20,000 in our community for animal care! 134 DOGS AND 191 CATS WERE SPAYED/NEUTERED USING $10 OFF WCHS COUPONS AT OUR LOCAL VETERINARIANS- 88 MORE THAN THE PREVIOUS YEAR ! 85 dogs and cats were adopted- 28 more than 2017! A dozen pets were re-united with their LOST owners. A TWO-MONTH FUNDRAISER GOAL AT YEARS END RAISED OVER $5000 TO HELP INJURED, STARVING, AND RESCUED DOGS AND CATS OVER THIS SEVERE WINTER. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Jennifer Cooney of the Wallowa County Chieftain for organizing the “PET OF THE WEEK” advertising campaign which greatly helped adopting pets; and for our AD SPONSORS: Double Arrow Veterinary Clinic, Enterprise Animal Hospital, Main Street Motors, Susan Gilstrap CPA, Carpet One, and Les Schwab. THANKS ALSO to the MANY businesses locally, and to ALL those generous individuals who have donated time, money, and assistance in our mission: WCHS IS COMMITTED TO THE WELL-BEING OF COMPANION ANIMALS, WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY FOR THE BETTERMENT OF ALL. Volunteers raised over $5800 last year in fund raising activities Our Goal is to establish a permanent Sanctuary to help achieve our mission; Some contributions are earmarked for our Sanctuary Fund. - THANK YOU. Your support helps with our Trap-Neuter-Release program to reduce feral cat overpopulation in our county: Several hundred ferals were spayed and neutered last year. WCHS is an all volunteer non-profit 501(C)3 organization. Visit our Iinformation center at 104 North River Street in Enterprise, Oregon (Thurs-Sat 11am-2PM) If You Can Dream It We Can Build It! BLH Construction presently has openings for the 2019 home building season! Come see us for a FREE detailed estimate on both stick built and log homes Now offering full service commercial construction CALL TODAY or come by the office DONATIONS may be sent to WCHS, PO BOX 565, Enterprise, OR, 97828, or thru PAYPAL on our website: WWW. WALLOWACOUNTYHUMANESOCIETY.ORG 541-426-6072 or 541-398-1010 Visit our website to see pets for adoptions, schedule of events, and meet our Board Members! For information: 541-263-0336 704 Depot St., Enterprise, OR 97828 •