Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, February 13, 2019, Page A3, Image 3

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Cold weather puts a strain on Wallowa County residents
their mark on the store by
causing quite a little dam-
age before they left.
Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins
February 10, 1994
February 13, 1919
The oven of the new
Model bakery, with inside
dimensions of 12 by 14
feet, has been completed
and fi re was started in it a
few days ago. Considerable
more work remains to be
done, remodeling the build-
ing on West Main street,
and putting in the necessary
Sunday afternoon pic-
ture shows will be started in
the O. K. Theater the com-
ing Sunday, with “Persh-
ing’s Crusaders”, a United
States government fi lm. J.
A. Van Wie, manager of
the house, decided on this
course after hearing all
sides of the question. There
is no state law against open-
ing places of amusement on
Sunday, and no city has the
authority to enforce an ordi-
nance to that effect.
With constitution and
bylaws adopted, the new
Chamber of Commerce of
Enterprise will meet again
next Tuesday night to elect
offi cers and get ready for
Fred Dorrance had a
serious accident while rid-
ing from school recently to
his home on Crow creek.
He was thrown from his
horse but his spur caught
in the saddle and he was
dragged some distance. His
companions revived him
and assisted him home and
he has about recovered.
February 10, 1949
The Lostine school
bus with 12 children was
stranded in deep snow drifts
Tuesday night on School
fl at in the Leap district from
about 5 o’clock in the eve-
Courtesy photo. The women in this undated photo are not identifi ed. If you know who they are please write the Wallowa County
Chieftain at editor@wallowa.com.
ning until 2:30 Wednesday
morning when rescue crews
fi nally bulldozed their way
through several miles of
fi ve and six foot drifts to
reach the half-buried vehi-
cle. All of the children had
been taken a few hours
before by horseback to the
A. N. McCoy place.
Medicine was fl own out
and dropped Monday to the
12-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clint Johnson on
Crow creek, who had been
seriously ill with pneumo-
nia. With the Crow creek
road choked with snow for
miles from the pass on, a
plane was the only means of
reaching the isolated ranch.
The Wallowa Memo-
rial hospital committee
a pledge of $1,000 from
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daggett
of Joseph, and substantial
pledges from the following:
Snyder Lumber Co., Enter-
prise; I. E. Snyder, Enter-
prise; A. M. Pace, Enter-
prise; and Father Robert E.
Kennedy, Enterprise.
Because snow-blocked
highways and rail lines into
the valley have cut off oil
supplies for Pacifi c Power
& Light company’s diesel
generating plant, the power
company today issued an
emergency appeal for a
temporary cut in power use.
February 13, 1969
The EHS Savage wres-
tlers defeated a tough
Clarkston team last Fri-
day by the score of 30 to
21. This win gave the Sav-
age team a .500 season.
Jawn Stockdale is the only
EHS wrestler to have a per-
fect season this year. Bruce
Weimer had the second
best record with only one
loss and one tie.
Lance Corporal John
W. Roberts, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Roberts of Wal-
lowa, is home on 20 days
leave from the Marines.
Corporal Roberts has com-
pleted his tour of duty in
Vietnam and while there
was commended by the
Secretary of the Navy.
The Joseph Chamber of
Commerce voted to add
a major attraction to the
three-day celebration this
year, to be held in the rodeo
arena during Chief Joseph
Days. It is planned that the
show will consist of tal-
ent of top notch quality.
Among those mentioned
as possibilities were the
Everley Brothers and Hank
Burglars struck again at
the Shell Mercantile store
Tuesday night to make off
with a small handful of
change. The thieves left
lowa sisters, Bessie Alice
Stickney, 80, and her sis-
ter Agnes Shirley Peter-
son, 72, out for a Sun-
day drive lost their lives
in subzero temperatures
this week when their car
became stuck on Whiskey
Creek Road approximately
12 miles from Wallowa
and they succumbed to the
The 1994 Chief Joseph
Days Court – Carrie Sny-
der, Shannon Vernam and
Josie Botts – paid their dues
Feb. 2 when they served as
waitresses at the annual
Groundhog Dinner put on
by the Joseph Chamber of
Progress caught up with
the City of Enterprise when
the Oregon Department of
a fl ashing caution light at
the corner of River and
Greenwood Streets, for the
safety of school children.
The light is one of two in
Wallowa County; the other
marks the school zone in
the City of Wallowa.
Thanks to all the people
who shared my special
“Double 8” birthday.
Lots of excellent food,
conversation, warmth
& love that made for
a wonderful &
very special day.
Special thanks to my
family & to the VFW &
Auxiliary Post #4307 who
brought it all together.
Blessings to all!
- Ardis Klages
Group continues efforts to develop Enterprise-to-Joseph trail
The Joseph Branch Trail
Consortium is moving for-
ward with plans to build
a trail along the railroad
tracks within the six miles
of publicly owned rail-
road right-of-way between
Enterprise and Joseph.
This trail will be avail-
able to residents and visi-
tors for walking, jogging,
biking, and horseback
Recently, JBTC submit-
ted an application to the
county for a conditional use
permit that, upon approval,
would allow JBTC to pro-
ceed with the development
of a pilot trail segment start-
ing at Marr Pond and end-
ing in Joseph.
“We know our group has
been pretty quiet lately,”
said Penny Arentsen, JBTC
president. “But, we’ve
been continually working
through the process to make
PY the V Wallowa
HAP from
County Chieftain
for weekly display advertising is 5pm Friday
for the following week. Ad copy is due on
Monday at 10am. Ads must be
approved by 12pm Tuesday
this trail a reality and we’re
excited for this next step.”
The conditional use per-
mit application will go
before the Wallowa County
Planning Commission for
approval in a meeting sched-
uled for Tuesday, February
26 at 7 p.m. at the Clover-
leaf Hall. Anyone interested
in supporting trail develop-
ment is encouraged to attend
or express support in writing.
For more information
on the project, visit www.
“We took
our daughter to
Dr. Allen on several
occasions, and we
were extremely
happy with the care
we received…”
literally causes the human brain
to freeze and shut down
-Enterprise Mom
Dr. Allen is a family
practice physician and
doctor of osteopathic
Harman, MA., LPC
Professional Counseling In A Private Setting
Call Dr. Allen to
schedule your appointment today!
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To schedule an appointment
call (541) 426-3067
Mountain View Medical Group
603 Medical Parkway
To advertise call Jennifer at 541-426-4567
209 NW First St. Enterprise, OR 97828 • www.wallowa.com
(next to Wallowa
Memorial Hospital)
Enterprise, Oregon 97828
We treat you like family
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Preferred provider of Regence Blue Cross, ODS, Cascade Centers
and many other private insurance and employee assistance programs
Wallowa Memorial Hospital is a equal opportunity mployer and provider
Join us
for the
Eugene Hayes 97th
& Eunice Hayes 93rd
We raised $8,700
for scholarships!
Th e Stockgrowers Scholarship Committee would like to
thank the community for its support during this year's Stockgrowers
Scholarship Fundraiser. Th ank you to all who donated items,
services and pies. Th ank you for your generosity.
Family and friends are
invited to an Open House
Saturday, Feb.16, 2019
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Wallowa Senior
204 East Second Street,
Wallowa, Oregon
Your presence is your gift.
Come and share a memory!
A special thank you to those listed
below, for their additional monetary donations.
Old West Federal Credit Union • Wayne and Gordon Wolfe Partnership
Sally B. Farms (Wendy McCullough) • Glen and Patty Engelking
Wallowa Lake Vacation Rentals • Tippett Ranch Inc (Casey & Biden)
Enterprise Animal Hospital •Th ompson Auto (Kent & Sondra Lozier)
Skip & Pam Royes • Community Bank • Cherie & Alan Miller
Double Arrow Vet • Bret Witty and Family • Bank of Eastern Oregon
Echo Canyon Ranch •1917 Lumber Co • Jane Dunn
Wallowa County Agricultural Resources Foundation