SPORTS Norton wins title at Orofino invitational By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain The Enterprise Outlaws traveled to Orofino, Idaho, for the Orofino Maniac Wrestling Invitational Jan. 11-12. Coach Forrest Wil- son called the tournament a “mixed bag” of results. Shane Lund, one of the finest wrestlers in the state at 132 lbs, couldn’t compete because of a knee injury. On the bright side, Trace Evans, wrestling at 138 lbs, took second place. In the consolation bracket, Justice McQuown won the championship at 126 lbs. while Klint Norton walked away with the cham- pionship in the heavyweight division after besting team- mate Andy Huwe. The team next wrestles at Parma, Idaho, on Jan. 18-19. CORRECTION By Steve Tool In the Jan. 9 edi- tion, on page A10 (sports), the Chief- tain incorrectly stated that Wallowa Cougars player Ryan Hafer and the Wallowa fans received a technical foul call. The Chief- tain regrets the error. 101 Legal Notices “Joseph has a real nice team and should make a deep run at the state tourna- ment,” Howe said. By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain The Eagles ladies contin- ued their high-flying ways with a matched set of vic- tories: 58-24 over Elgin on Friday, Jan. 11, followed by a 56-36 victory at Wallowa the following day. Friday’s game saw the Eagles take command right out of the gate. Coach Lance Homan said it was good to play at home again after playing four consec- utive away games on the west side of the state. The lady Eagles forced Elgin into 38 turnovers. Sabrina Albee again had a terrific game, leading with 22 points, eight rebounds, six assists and four steals. Haley Miller put up 11 points, eight boards and four steals. Madelyn Nelson started her weekend nicely with 10 points, six steals, four rebounds and two assists. At one point in the game, Nelson scored six points in about 30 seconds with two steals and another bucket off a pass from an Albee steal, which helped put the momentum in the Eagles’ favor. “This was a good win against a very young and athletic team,” Homan said. The following game against Wallowa turned into anything but a cakewalk for the ladies. Coach Homan said that the Eagles didn’t shoot the ball well and had uncharacteristic turnovers, Eagle Boys Amber Mock/Chieftain Joseph Eagles point guard Jill Hite drives the ball past Wallowa defender Ashlyn Young during the Eagles’ 56-36 victory on Saturday, Jan. 12. which he attributed to Wal- lowa’s defense. “I thought our girls played extremely hard and played through some adver- sity that they hadn’t seen in quite some time,” Homan said. He noted that Emma Hite had a tremendous game, making key shots and free throws at crucial times. Albee ended with 17 points, five rebounds and 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices three steals. Nelson con- tinued her stellar play with eight points and nine steals. Homan also noted the play of Natalie Gorham and a solid effort from senior point guard, Emma Hite, with 14 points. Haley Miller rang in with with 10. “Wallowa is a tough place to play, they have a great crowd and the girls play extremely hard,” 101 Legal Notices The City of Wallowa is accepting sealed bids on a 2003 New Holland TC-18 Tractor with front loader and bucket. It has 675 hours on it, Runs good, needs transmission work. Minimum bid of $2500.00 The Board of Directors of the Wallowa Education Service Dis- trict will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 22 at 5:30 P.M. in the ESD Board Room. A copy of the agenda may be obtained at the Education Service District office at 107 SW First Street #105 in Enterprise. Contact Wallowa City Hall 541-886-2422 for more info or view- ing. Wallowa City Hall P.O. Box 487 Wallowa, Oregon 97885 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: Wallowa County Public Transit Advisory Committee Meeting Community Connection Conference Room, Enterprise, OR Wednesday - January 23, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is to discuss and make applications for the STF Grant Funds and the 5310 Grant, for seniors and people with disabilities, for the Biennium of 2019 – 2021 and the STF Grant is due on February 17, 2019 and the 5310 is due March 15, 2019. This meeting is open to the public. 101 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will hold the annual Wallowa County Local Work Group Meet- ing February 7th from 2-4 p.m. at The Place, 301 S Lake Street Joseph. The meeting provides an opportunity for the public to provide input for conservation priorities and collab- orative investment strategies in Wallowa County. For more information contact Abe Clark (ext. 3044) or J. Johansen (ext. 3050) 541-426-4521 The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE The Wallowa County Board of Commissioners will convene a hearing after their regular board meeting on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 starting at 10:00 am in the Thornton Con- ference Room of the Wallowa County Courthouse in Enter- prise, Oregon to consider petitions by landowners within the following boundaries to be withdrawn from Joseph Cemetery Maintenance District and annexed to Alder Slope Cemetery Maintenance District: in Township 2 South, Range 44 East of the Willamette Meridian, Section 21, except W½SW¼ and E½E½SW¼SE¼, and Section 22, except SE½SE¼. All inter- ested persons may appear and be heard. Meetings and hearings are open to the public. Those interest- ed in attending are encouraged to do so. If you are in need of special accommodations please contact the WALLOWA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OFFICE AT 426- 4543, EXT. 130. On the 5th day of February, 2019, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Wallowa County Justice Center, 104 W. Greenwood St., Enterprise, OR 97828, the defendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 505 Viking Dr., Enterprise, OR 97828. The court case number is 18CV17971, where QUICKEN LOANS INC. is plaintiff, and THE ESTATE OF JOHN F. ELLIS AS TRUSTEE OF THE EL- LIS LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT DTD JULY 12, 2007; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF JOHN F. ELLIS; THE SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE ELLIS LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT DTD JULY 12, 2007; THOMAS GLEN ELLIS; JOHN DUANE ELLIS; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMON- LY KNOWN AS 505 VIKING DR. ENTERPRISE, OR 97828 is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Wallowa County Sheriff’s Office. For more information on this sale go to: Follow us on Facebook! Place your business in the Homan said. Wallowa girls coach David Howe also said the game was much closer than the final score indicated. He noted the Cougs did some good things, but still have improvement needed. He added that his squad actu- ally made more field goals than Joseph, but turnovers and fouls led to the team’s demise. 101 Legal Notices The boys had their trou- bles against Elgin, although they prevailed in the end, 60-45. The Eagles gave up an early 11-0 lead to let Elgin back in the game by half- time, with the score 26-25. The determined Huskies eventually took the lead at 37-35 after a technical foul that saw Coach Olan Fulfer pull the offender. At the time of the tech- nical foul, Fulfer pulled the team together. After the meeting, Hadley Miller scored key buckets on the inside and others made cru- cial foul shots and forced a number of Huskie turn- overs. The Eagles won going away. “We hit our 15 points per quarter, and I had four guys in double digits,” Coach Fulfer said. “We still need to find the consistency that we’re lacking ... We’re good for half a game and we take quarters off.” Chase Murray led the Eagles with 15 points while Tyler Homan pitched in with 14. Kade Kilgore had an even dozen, Mason Ferre zipped in 10 points and Miller had seven. The week left the boys with a 2-1 league record and 9-6 overall. They next play at home versus Powder Val- ley on Jan. 18. 101 Legal Notices Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 101 Legal Notices A15 LADY EAGLES WIN TWO MORE L EGAL NOTICE 101 Legal Notices Wednesday, January 16, 2019 FOR QUICK CASH Use a classified ad to sell items around your home you can no longer use. Service Directory 60$// SHUZHHN /$5*( SHUZHHN ZHHNPLQLPXP &$// :DOORZD&RXQW\ : DOO &KLHIWDLQ & Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held by the Wallowa County Planning Commission on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 7:00pm in the Thornton Conference Room, 1st floor of the Wallowa County Courthouse. The agenda for this meeting will include the following items: Henton- Herr CUP#18-11- Findings: A Conditional Use Permit Application to permit a Home-Based Occupation in the form of a Bed and Breakfast. The property is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and is described as Township 3 South, Range 45, Tax Lot 3802 and consists of approximately 4 acres. The or- dinance provisions which govern this review are Articles 5, 9, 15, 35, and any other applicable goal, regulation or ordinance of Wallowa County and/or the State of Oregon. Grace CUP#18-12 Findings: A Conditional Use Permit Appli- cation to permit a Hydro- Electric Power Plant. The property is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and is described as Town- ship 25, Range 44, Section 2, Tax Lot 400 and consists of approximately 12.97 acres. The ordinance provisions which govern this review are Articles 5, 9, 15, and other applicable goal, regulation or ordinance of Wallowa County and/or the State of Oregon. Providence Estate CUP#18-13 Findings: A Conditional Use Permit Application to permit a Home- Based Occupation in the form of Bed and Breakfast with equestrian facilities. The property is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and is described as Township 3 South, Range 45, Tax Lot 501 and consists of approximately 114.6 acres. The ordinance provisions which govern this review are Articles 5, 9, 15, 35 and other applica- ble goal, regulation or ordinance of Wallowa County and/or the State or Oregon. Steven Smith CUP#18-05 Review/ Renewal Findings: An ex- tension for the review Conditional Use Permit conditions from May 2019 to November 2019. The property is zoned Exclu- sive Farm Use (EFU) and is described as Township 1 South, Range 45, Tax Lot 3702 and consists of approximately 168.85 acres. The ordinance provisions which govern this review are Articles 5, 9, 15, 36 and other applicable goal, regulation or ordinance of Wallowa County and/or the State of Oregon. Fleet Development CUP#18-14- The applicant has submitted an application for a Community Solar Garden. The property is zoned (EFU) Exclusive Farm Use and is described as Town- ship IN, Range 42, Section 14, Tax Lot 100, and consists of 34.74 acres. The review criteria will be Article(s) 5,9, 15 and other applicable zoning ordinances or goals of Wallowa Coun- ty and/or laws of the State of Oregon. Point of Connections CUP#18-10- The applicant has submit- ted an application for a Church in the form of Transformational Housing. The property is zoned (R-1) Rural Residential and is described as Township 2 South, Range 45, Section 19, Tax Lot 500 and consists of approximately 4.8 acres. The review criteria will be Article(s) 5, 9, 17 and other applicable zoning ordinances or goals of Wallowa County and/or laws of the State of Oregon. The February Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for February 26, 2019 at the Cloverleaf Hall located at 668 NW 1st St. Enterprise, OR 97828. These matters will be reviewed for conformance to the WC- CLUP and WCLDO Article 1, Article 5, Article 7, Article 15, and any other applicable goal, regulation or ordinance of Wal- lowa County or the State of Oregon. All applications and draft staff reports may be reviewed in the Planning Department Monday - Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm. Written comments must be received by the Wallowa County Planning Depart- ment - 101 S River St. Room 105, Enterprise OR 97828 - by 5pm on Monday January 29, 2019. Oral comments may be given at the time of the hearing, which is open to the public. For persons with disabilities that wish to attend, please call at least 24 hours before the meeting so accommodations may be made. Ramona Phillips, Chairman Wallowa County Planning Com- mission