A4 Opinion wallowa.com October 31, 2018 Wallowa County Chieftain Cynics are everywhere, it appears T wo things happened in our community this past week that set the conspiracy theorists’ tongues to wagging. Wallowa County discovered a vendor error in print- ing and mailing ballots in three precincts and the sewer backed up at Enterprise Elementary School. Within minutes of the news of each breaking, Facebook posts began appearing alleging that the county was somehow incompetent or worse in collusion with someone to “fix” the election. And Enterprise School District was somehow com- plicit in trying to sicken our children through gross negligence. Honestly, if I could get away with it, I would pull the plug on the Chieftain’s Facebook page and never look back. I can’t tell you how frustrated and sad these unreasonable posts make me. I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way. Have we sunk to such a low level of trust in our county that everything that happens is the result of a sinister plot? How about “someone made a mistake.” Mistakes happen. Every day. Most of us do our best to assess the situ- ation and take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But to say Paul Wahl that the school district or City of Enterprise is I DON’T KNOW IF somehow negligent because the sewer THIS IS HAPPENING system backed up is ridiculous. BECAUSE OF Perhaps I have FACEBOOK OR IF more empathy for organizations IT’S ALWAYS BEEN because we are also pasted to the wall HAPPENING AND when the Chief- WE DISCOVERED IT tain makes a mis- take. If something ONCE FACEBOOK is inadvertently left out of an edition, APPEARED ON we are immediately THE SCENE. accused of having some sort of ulte- rior motive and are somehow part of a sinister and evil plot. Never the case. If we plan to refuse to publish an item, the person submitted it will receive a full and swift explanation as to why it will not run. We don’t play that game. Neither does the county nor the Enterprise School District. Like us, their employees don’t have time to sit around and foment plots. To suggest otherwise is to offer a totally unin- formed opinion. I’m not saying I agree with everything done by the county and the school district or any other public bodies, but my first stop is at their door to hear their side of the story. Wouldn’t you like to be treated accordingly if it were you? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” really takes on a fresh meaning in these situations. I don’t know if this is happening because of Facebook or if it’s always been happening and we discovered it once Face- book appeared on the scene. Suddenly, anyone can accuse anyone of anything, no matter how heinous or despicable. And 95 percent of Facebook read- ers will take it at face value and spread the misinformation as if it were gospel. I think Facebook has made us all stupid. This Facebook-fueled rush to judgment on whatever the topic of the day is not helping bring our county or our nation together. Good people who work hard each day to perform their jobs are being caught in the backwash. Why are we so quick to assign motive to everything that happens in our community? Are we really that cynical? I hope not. WAHL TO WALL WHERE TO WRITE Washington, D.C. Salem The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20500; Phone-comments: 202- 456-1111; Switchboard: 202-456-1414. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D — 516 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C. 20510. Phone: 202-224-5244. E-mail: wayne_kinney@ wyden.senate.gov Web site: http://wyden.senate.gov Fax: 202-228-2717. U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D — 313 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C. 20510. Phone: 202-224- 3753. E-mail: senator@ merkley.senate.gov. Fax: 202-228-3997. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R (Second District) — 1404 Longworth Building, Washington D.C. 20515. Phone: 202-225-6730. No direct e-mail because of spam. Web site: www. walden.house.gov Fax: 202-225-5774. Medford office: 14 North Central, Suite 112, Medford, OR 97501. Phone: 541-776- 4646. Fax: 541-779-0204. Pending Bills: For infor- mation on bills in Congress, Phone: 202-225-1772. Gov. Kate Brown, D — 160 State Capitol, Salem 97310. Phone: 503-378- 4582. Fax: 503-378-8970. Web site: www.governor. state.or.us/governor.html. Oregon Legislature — State Capitol, Salem, 97310. Phone: (503) 986-1180. Web site: www. leg.state. or.us (includes Oregon Constitution and Oregon Revised Statutes). State Rep. Greg Barreto, R-Cove (District 58) — Room H-384, State Capitol, 900 Court St. N.E., Salem OR 97301. Phone: 503-986-1458. E-mail: rep. gregbarreto@state.or.us. Web site: http://www. oregonlegislature.gov/ barreto State Sen. Bill Hansell, R (District 29) — Room S-423, State Capitol, Salem 97301. Phone: 503-986-1729. E-mail: Sen.BillHansell@ state.or.us. Web site: www. oregonlegislature.gov/ hansell. Oregon Legislative In- formation — (For updates on bills, services, capitol or messages for legislators) — 800-332-2313. Time for columnist to address the real issues We have read with interest the column “Let’s Roll” on the opinion page. But who is the intended audience? “Let’s Roll” repeats the Fox News narra- tive; perhaps that audience enjoys seeing their biases confirmed in the Chieftain. But if it is intended to convert the skeptical, it is unsuc- cessful for these reasons. The arguments lack logic. The final sen- tence of the first column (Aug. 29) was, “Please note this article was based on facts, logic and verifiable history. Conclusion: Lock Her Up!” Any high school course in critical think- ing identifies this as a non sequitur. There were no facts presented, nor a logical argument to justify the conclusion. As to verifiable history, Hillary Clinton has never been charged with a crime. The arguments are not factual and make lit- tle sense. For example, “When Obama won, Republicans never denied the legitimacy of the election process.” Is the author serious? The president is a notorious birther who consistently denies the legitimacy of the Obama presidency. And, “‘Now Democrats have gone com- pletely berserk trying to deny that Trump won the election.” This is the straw man fallacy. Few deny that he won the election. None of the comments by Holder, Waters and Clinton deny the election results; they suggest strategy in response to the election results. The pink pussy hat demonstrations and Stormy Daniels controversy do not deny the election results; they were demonstrations against the decency of the man. “Let’s Roll” losses credibility when falsehoods are claimed as truth. There are many important issues that a con- servative columnist could address such edu- cation, immigration, job creation and health care. We recommend that someone with “time to think” give these issues thoughtful consideration. Ron and Terry Polk Lostine Basic problem is human, not Dems or Republicans In response to last week’s “Let’s Roll” column: The point of view expressed does noth- ing to fix the problem, instead it adds fuel to the fire which is already burning pretty hot. Instead, perhaps the author should be think- ing of a solution. Are we all a part of this insanity? Abso- lutely! The problem is not the Dems or the Republicans; the problem is humans. It is easy to become blinded by one side so you do not see the fault of your own. What is happening in our country today is a symptom of what our culture has become. Our world is in major chaos, and until we see our own individual part in this insanity noth- ing will change. Instead of pointing the finger and blam- ing, we need to come together collectively and respect each other. Not as a Democrat or as a Republican, but as a human being. The only way for us to heal as a country is to start with ourselves. There are a lot of angry people every- where on the political spectrum and hatred is contagious and growing. So, I ask all those who read this: What is your roll in all of this and what are you going to do about it to make things better for everyone? Karla Holme Imnaha LETTERS to the EDITOR MEASURE 104 Time to close the taxing loopholes pols prefer In 1996, Oregon voters passed a con- stitutional amendment requiring a super- majority vote on all revenue raising legis- lation. Politicians have created loopholes to get around the state’s constitutional requirement for a three-fifths supermajor- ity to raise taxes on Oregon families and small businesses. Measure 104 will close the loopholes and make sure politicians follow the State Constitution. It also ensures that any leg- islation that raises revenue requires a three-fifths majority vote. This includes fees or the elimination of tax exemp- tions, deductions or credits –– making it clear that Oregonians are fed up with pol- iticians working behind closed doors to increase taxes. Oregon lawmakers voted for a billion dollars in higher taxes within the past year –– 10 cent gas tax increase, new payroll tax and car sales tax, car registration and title fees hike, truck mileage tax hike (up 25 percent), family health insurance pre- mium tax ($330 million), small business tax ($376 million) and hunting and fishing license fee hike. Oregon now ranks among the top 10 states in the country in terms of individual tax burden, according to the Tax Founda- tion. While Measure 104 won’t stop every tax increase, it will make it a little harder and ensure that there is broader bi-parti- san support. Measure 104 sends a message to pol- iticians: It tells them that we want better management of our tax dollars. There’s currently no political will to make tough decisions. Measure 104 forces politicians to elim- inate waste before they come back to us for more money or find new ways to raise taxes. Please join us in voting for Measure 104. Rodney and Linda Botts Joseph MEASURE 106 Original ‘choice’ was made by Gov. Brown The “choice” of Gov. Kate Brown was to sign House Bill 3391 in 2017, a multi-million dollar bill significantly increasing taxpayer funding for abortion. HB 3391 was voted on by State lawmak- ers as an “emergency” preventing the tax bill from being referred for a public vote in accordance with the State Constitution. Taxpayers also pay for high insurance premiums that include coverage for abor- tion they may not want or need. Fact: Oregon is the only state in the United States with no limit on access to abortion at any stage of pregnancy includ- ing late term abortion of viable birth. Fact: Oregon as well as every state in country has Christian charities who offer “free” and caring support to mothers of all ages for alternatives to abortion. Thanks to Oregon Life United, the sponsors of Measure 106, all Oregon vot- ers have a “choice.” My Choice is “yes” Wallowa County’s Newspaper Since 1884 M eMber O regOn n ewspaper p ublishers a ssOciatiOn Published every Wednesday by: EO Media Group VOLUME 134 USPS No. 665-100 P.O. Box 338 • Enterprise, OR 97828 Office: 209 NW First St., Enterprise, Ore. Phone: 541-426-4567 • Fax: 541-426-3921 Contents copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Publisher Chris Rush, crush@eomediagroup.com Editor Paul Wahl, editor@wallowa.com Reporter Stephen Tool, steve@wallowa.com Reporter Kathleen Ellyn, kellyn@wallowa.com General Manager Jennifer Cooney, jcooney@wallowa.com Administrative Assistant Amber Mock, amock@wallowa.com Advertising Assistant Cheryl Jenkins, cjenkins@wallowa.com on Measure 106 and a stop to taxpayer funded abortions. Susan Joy Barcik Joseph McLEOD SKINNER Who does Walden really represent anyway? Greg Walden is not representing Orego- nians. Who does he represent? Look at his record. He took $1,605,986 from the telecommu- nications industry 1989-2017, more than any other member of the House of Representatives. So it is no surprise that he came out against Internet neutrality and against the interests of consumers like us. Since 2007, he collected $851,042 from the pharmaceutical lobby with $269,800 of that just since 2017. He voted to repeal sections of the Afford- able Care Act so that it would become unworkable, leaving people with no health insurance. He voted for a tax bill that runs up the federal deficit and is a give-away to cor- porations and the super-rich. He voted to disallow states like Oregon the ability to have their own new type of retire- ment plans. He voted to repeal the rule that energy companies disclose payments to for- eign governments. He voted to delay the implementation of ozone standards. He voted against regulating CO2 in our environment. He voted against protecting our streams from mining. He voted to authorize the importation of polar bear parts from Canada into the U.S. He voted to allow the import and export of ele- phant ivory. He voted to disapprove grants from the National Science Foundation for scientific research. He voted to repeal bank regulations that were enacted to protect consumers from another financial debacle. He hides from his constituents and is afraid to hold a public town hall. He has for- gotten who he is supposed to be representing. He is out of step with Oregonians. Vote for Jamie Mcleod Skinner. She will represent those of us in Oregon. Mark Lacey Joseph JOHN HILLOCK He is a tireless worker for community causes We own property in Wallowa County and live here several months a year. One of the first people we met here was John Hillock. Many winters ago, after a long day of travel from Florida, we arrived at our old double-wide trailer on a frigid wintry Fri- day night. Our water lines were frozen at the pump. We called Enterprise Electric. John answered and quickly came up the Slope to help us. He didn’t know us from Adam, but he didn’t hesitate to help a couple of strangers. Since then, we have had many encounters with John, both professional and personal. We know John to be a responsive, fair, hard-working businessman, but more importantly, he is a tireless worker for community causes. His enthusiasm for Wallowa County has motivated us into supporting local endeavors. See LETTERS, Page A5 Periodical Postage Paid at Enterprise and additional mailing offices Subscription rates (includes online access) Wallowa County Out-of-County 1 Year $40.00 $57.00 Subscriptions must be paid prior to delivery See the Wallowa County Chieftain on the Internet Wallowa.com facebook.com/Wallowa twitter.com/wcchieftain POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wallowa County Chieftain P.O. Box 338 Enterprise, OR 97828