Wallowa County Chieftain News wallowa.com August 22, 2018 A9 c Wallowa County Fair 2018 c Fair Results 1st Year Jr Showmanship: TyLee Evans Red, Dawson Hale Red and James Royes Red 4-H Dairy Goat Showman- ship Jr: Tegan Evans Champion Agility Dog 1st Yr Jr: TyLee Evans Reserve Cham- pion, Owyhee Harguess Cham- pion and Mackynzie Melville, Champion Agility Dog Int: Dakota Delyria Champion, McKen- zie Keffer Champion, Devin Schreiber Reserve Champion and Bailey Vernam Reserve Champion Agility Dog, Jr: Tegan Evans Champion Agility Dog, Sr: Katelynn Diggins Champion, Jacob Falk Champion Archery, Spring Fair Tour- nament: Chance Arbogast Blue, Jordyn Ellis Blue, Cole Gomes Blue, Ian Goodrich Blue, John- Paul Matthews Blue, MaryCath- erine Matthews Blue, Charlotte McDonald Blue and Mackynzie Melville Blue Bareback Equitation Int: Bailey Vernam Reserve Cham- pion and Destiny Wecks Champion Basic Skills Level 1 - Gar- ment with casing but no crotch seam Jr.: Opal McDon- ald Blue Basic Skills Level 1 - Gar- ment with skills other than casing Jr.: Genevieve Matthews Red Basic Skills Level 1 - Items for the home Jr.: Opal McDon- ald Champion Basic Skills Level 3 - Gar- ment, med weight fabric Int: Iona McDonald Blue Beef Showmanship 1st Yr Jr: TyLee Evans Champion Beef Showmanship Int: Alex Albanez Blue, Hailey Cun- ningham Blue, Lute Ramsden Reserve Champion, Harlie Stein Champion, Jordyn Stonebrink Blue, Lannie Stonebrink Blue and Carrin Yaw Blue Beef Showmanship Jr: Karly Baremore Blue, Cade Cunning- ham Blue, Codi Cunningham Blue, Tegan Evans Blue, Zoe Her- mens Blue, Gunnar McDow- ell Reserve Champion, Han- ley Miller Blue Sophie Moeller Champion, Montana Post Blue and Sawyer Wentz Blue Beef Showmanship Sr: Tay- lor Baremore Champion Better Breakfasts: McKen- zie Harguess Blue, Abigail Hurley Blue, Opal McDonald Champion and Carisa Yaw Reserve Champi- onBlack Angus, Junior Yearling Heifer: Carrin Yaw Champion Canned Tomatoes Int: Devin Schreiber White Canned Tomatoes Sr: Deidre Schreiber White Cereal Marshmallow Bars Level 1 Jr: Paige Freels Blue Chicken Brown Eggs: Basey Dawson Blue and Destiny Wecks Blue Cookies Level 1 Jr: Cara Freels Blue Cookies Level 2 Int: Devin Schreiber Blue Costume Dog 1st Yr Jr: TyLee Evans Champion and Owyhee Harguess Reserve Champion Costume Dog Int: Dakota Delyria Champion, McKenzie Keffer Reserve Champion, Devin Schreiber Blue and Bailey Ver- nam BlueCostume Dog Jr Tegan Evans Champion Costume Dog Sr: Katelynn Diggins Champion and Jacob Falk Reserve Champion Cow Working Level 1: TyLee Red, Casidee Harrod Champion, Rosie Movich-Fields Blue, Bai- ley Vernam Blue, Destiny Wecks Reserve Champion. Carrin Yaw Blue and Quincee Zacharias Blue English Pleasure Jr: Lily Royes Red and Carisa Yaw Champion English Pleasure Sr: Brianna Micka Champion and Rylee Wil- cox Reserve Champion Expanding Skills Level 4 - Garment, med weight woven fabric Int: Flora McDonald Red Expanding Skills Level 4 - Personal accessory Int: Flora McDonald Blue Favorite Recipe Collection Int: Devin Schreiber Champion Feeder Hogs: Talluah April Blue and Cooper Nave Blue Feeder Steer: Alex Alba- nez Blue Fiber Goat Showmanship Intermediate: Caylynn Beck Champion Freezer Jam: Basey Daw- son Champion Gaming Barrels 1st Yr Jr: TyLee Evans Reserve Champion and James Royes Champion Gaming, Barrels Int: Chance Arbogast Blue, Libby Fisher Blue, Rosie Mov- ich-Fields Red, Addie (Ade- lene) Royes Blue, Devin Sch- reiber Red, Bailey Vernam Reserve Champion and Des- tiny Wecks Champion Gaming Barrels Jr: Lily Royes Champion Gaming Barrels Sr: Rylee Wilcox Champion Gaming Figure 8 Jr: Lily Royes Champion Gaming Figure 8 1st Yr Jr: TyLee Evans White and James Royes Champion Gaming Figure 8 Inter- mediate: Eva Anderson Red, Chance Arbogast Blue, Paul Wahl/Chieftain Libby Fisher Red, Rosie ht nig y da tur Sa on the livestock aucti g Movich-Fields Red, Addie rin du n tur a for g Waitin (Adelene) Royes Blue, Devin ir. at Wallowa County Fa Schreiber Red, Bailey Ver- nam Reserve Champion and Destiny Wecks Champion Gaming Figure 8 Sr: Rylee Evans Champion, James Royes Dog Showmanship Sr: Kate- Wilcox Champion Reserve Champion and Lily lynn Diggins Reserve Champion Gaming Key Race 1st Yr Jr: Royes Reserve Champion and Jacob Falk Champion TyLee Evans Reserve Champion Cow Working Level 2: Eva Drawing and Sketch- and James Royes Champion Anderson Reserve Champion, ing - Colored Pencil Int: Greta Gaming Key Race Int: Eva Jace Fisher White, Libby Fisher Carlsen Champion Anderson Blue, Chance Arbogast White, Addie (Adelene) Royes Drawing and Sketching Blue, Libby Fisher Blue, Rosie Champion and Devin Schreiber - Graphite Pencil Int: Greta Movich-Fields Blue, Addie (Ade- White Carlsen Champion lene) Royes Red, Devin Schreiber Crossbred (black face) Dressage Int Training Level Red, Bailey Vernam Reserve Fleece: Aubrina Melville Test 1: Casidee Harrod Reserve Champion and Destiny Wecks Champion Champion and Rosie Mov- Champion Crossbred Meat Ewe ich-Fields Champion Gaming Key Race Jr: Lily and own produce: Lilee Post Dressage Int Training Level Royes Champion Champion Test 3: Libby Fisher Champion Gaming Key Race Sr: Rylee Crossbred Meat Fall and Bailey Vernam Reserve Wilcox Champion Ewe Lamb: Mason McDowell Champion Gaming NSCA Flag Race Champion Dressage Int Level Test A 1st Yr Jr: TyLee Evans Reserve Crossbred Meat Producing Int: Carrin Yaw Champion Champion and James Royes Ewe: Lilee Post Champion Dressage Sr Training Level Champion Crossbred Meat Produc- Test 3: Brianna Micka Champion Gaming NSCA Flag Race ing Ewe with 4-H Production Electricity Level 1 First Year Int: Eva Anderson Blue, Chance Records: Lilee Post Blue Sr: Jalyn Radford Blue Arbogast Reserve Champion, Crossbred Meat Spring Electricity Level 2 First Year Libby Fisher Blue, Rosie Mov- Ewe: Lamb Madison McDowell Sr: Jalyn Radford Red ich-Fields Blue, Addie (Adelene) Champion English Equitation (Hunt Royes Blue, Devin Schreiber Crossbred Junior Yearling Seat) Int: Eva Anderson White, Heifer: Sophie Moeller Cham- Libby Fisher Red. Casidee Harrod Blue, Bailey Vernam Blue and Destiny Wecks Champion pion and Harlie Stein Reserve Blue, Rosie Movich-Fields Gaming NSCA Flag Race Jr: Champion Blue, Bailey Vernam Blue,Destiny Lily Royes Champion Dog Showmanship 1st Yr Wecks Champion, Carrin Yaw Gaming NSCA Flag Race Sr: Jr: TyLee Evans Red, Owyhee White and Quincee Zacharias Rylee Wilcox Champion Harguess Champion and Reserve Champion Gaming Pole Bending 1st Mackynzie Melville Red English Equitation (Hunt Yr Jr: TyLee Evans Champion Dog Showmanship Int: Seat) Jr: Lily Royes Red and and James Royes White Dakota Delyria Blue, McKenzie Carisa Yaw Red Gaming Pole Bending Int: Keffer Champion and Devin Sch- English Equitation (Hunt Eva Anderson Blue, Chance reiber Red Seat) Sr: Brianna Micka Cham- Arbogast Red, Libby Fisher Dog Showmanship Int: Bailey pion and Rylee Wilcox Reserve White, Rosie Movich-Fields Vernam Reserve Champion Champion Red, Addie (Adelene) Royes Blue, Dog Showmanship Jr: English Pleasure Int: Eva Devin Schreiber Red, Bailey Ver- Tegan Evans Champion Anderson Red, Libby Fisher nam Reserve Champion and Destiny Wecks Champion Gaming Pole Bending Jr: Lily Royes Champion Gaming Pole Bending Sr: Rylee Wilcox Champion Ground Training (yearling) Int: Libby Fisher Champion Hampshire Fleece: Basey Dawson Blue Hampshire Spring Ewe Lamb: Basey Dawson Champion Hereford Junior Calf (Bull or Steer): TyLee Evans Blue Hereford Junior Calf (Heifer): Tegan Evans Blue Hunt Seat Over Fences Int: Destiny Wecks Red Hunter Hack: Lily Royes Champion In-Hand Trail Int: Libby Fisher Champion Intermediate Horse Show- manship: Eva Anderson Red, Chance Arbogast Red, Libby Fisher Red, Casidee Harrod Blue, Rosie Movich-Fields Red, Addie (Adelene) Royes Blue, Devin Schreiber White, Bailey Vernam red, Destiny Wecks Blue, Carrin Yaw Reserve Champion, Mag- gie Zacharias Blue and Quincee Zacharias Champion. Junior Horse Showman- ship: Lily Royes Blue and Carisa Yaw Red Livestock Judging Inter- mediate: Eva Anderson, Chance Arbogast, Thomas Bales, Mor- gan Cameron, Greta Carlsen, Josi Coggins, Hailey Cunning- ham, Chase Duncan, Caden Fent, Cody Fent, Nevin Gold- smith, Ian Goodrich, Gideon Gray, Jada Gray, Landon Green- shields, Isaak Hoffman, Katha- rina Hoffman, Bernadette Mat- thews, MaryCatherine Matthews, Mason McDowell, Aubrina Mel- ville, Maclane Melville, Devin Schreiber, Harlie Stein, Jordyn Stonebrink, Lannie Stonebrink, Makenna Suter, Bailey Vernam and Carrin Yaw, all Blue Livestock Judging Jr: Karly Baremore, Lane Botts, Ella Bron- son, Nate Cameron, Dawson Cudmore, Cade Cunningham, Codi Cunningham, Owen Cun- ningham, Basey Dawson, Tessa Duncan, TyLee Evans, Vincent Finlayson, Cara Freels, Paige Freels, Lucas Goodrich, Zoe Her- mens, Emmerson Hook, Lucas Hulse, Caleigh Johnson, Kane Johnson, Jace Kassahn, Colton Keffer, Kellan Knifong, Gunnar McDowell, Alisha Melville, Kate- lynn Melville, Mackynzie Mel- ville Aimee Meyers, Annie Miller, Sophie Moeller, Xander Perry, Lilee Post, Kimber Stein, Evan Torres, Sawyer Wentz and Carisa Yaw, all Blue. Livestock Judging Sr: Geor- getta Falk, JohnPaul Matthews, Madison McDowell, Caleb Reed and Deidre Schreiber, all Blue Market Goat: Justin Bales Blue, Caylynn Beck Grand Cham- pion, Dawson Cudmore Blue, Owen Cunningham Champion, Ian Goodrich Reserve Grand Champion, Lucas Goodrich Blue, Colton Keffer Reserve Cham- pion, Maclane Melville Cham- pion and Devin Schreiber Reserve Champion Market Hog: Eva Ander- son Blue, Cecilia April Reserve Champion, Chance Arbogast Blue, Cadney Bacon Red, Lane Botts Champion, Ella Bronson Blue, Morgan Cameron Reserve Grand Champion, Nate Cam- eron Champion, Chelsea Camp- bell Blue, Greta Carlsen Reserve Champion, Aidian Clary Blue, Kellen Crenshaw Blue, Gracie Ellis Blue, Jordyn Ellis Blue, TyLee Evans Blue, Georgetta Falk Red, Caden Fent Blue, Cody Fent Blue, Nevin Goldsmith Blue, Gideon Gray Blue, Jada Gray Blue, Landon Greenshields Champion, Emmerson Hook Blue, Lucas Hulse Blue, Kellan Knifong Blue, JohnPaul Matthews Red, Ali- sha Melville Red, Kaesie Melville Reserve Champion, Mackyn- zie Melville Reserve Cham- pion, Aimee Meyers Blue, Annie Miller Reserve Champion, Mag- gie Miller Blue, Sophie Moeller Champion, Xander Perry Blue, Lucas Power Blue, Caleb Reed Reserve Champion, Emma Salmon Blue, Jayden Salmon Blue, Kody Salmon Blue, Har- lie Stein Grand Champion, Kim- ber Stein Reserve Champion, Makenna Suter Blue, Wyatt Suter Champion, Cash Tanzey Red, Lane Tanzey Red, Evan Torres Reserve Champion, Bailey Ver- nam Blue, Destiny Wecks Cham- pion, Carisa Yaw Red and Lydia Yost Blue Market Lamb: Thomas Bales Red, Josi Coggins Blue, Basey Dawson Reserve Cham- pion, Chase Duncan Blue, Tessa Duncan Reserve Champion, Vincent Finlayson Red, Cara Freels Blue, Paige Freels, Blue Isaak Hoffman Reserve Grand Champion, Katharina Hoffman Blue, Caleigh Johnson Reserve Champion, Kane Johnson Blue, Jace Kassahn Blue, Bernadette Matthews Champion, Gene- vieve Matthews Blue, MaryCath- erine Matthews Blue, Madison McDowell Champion, Mason McDowell Grand Champion, Katelynn Melville Blue, Lilee Post Reserve Champion, Jadyn Tanzey Red and Johanna Wells Blue Market Steer: Karly Bare- more Champion, Taylor Bare- more Reserve Grand Champion, Cade Cunningham Red, Codi Cunningham Reserve Cham- pion, Hailey Cunningham Red, Tegan Evans Blue, Zoe Hermens Blue, Gunnar McDow- ell Grand Champion, Hanley Miller Reserve Champion, Montana Post Red, Lute Rams- den Blue, Jordyn Stonebrink Red, Lannie Stonebrink Blue and Sawyer Wentz Reserve Champion,Mea- suring Skills (1st Yr Members ONLY): McKenzie Harguess Champion and Opal McDonald Champion. Meat Goat Showmanship 1st Yr Jr: Dawson Cudmore Champion Meat Goat Showmanship Int: Justin Bales Blue, Caylynn Beck Champion, Greta Carlsen Blue, Ian Goodrich Blue, Aubrina Melville Reserve Champion, Maclane Melville Blue and Devin Schreiber Blue. Meat Goat Showmanship Jr: Owen Cunningham Reserve Champion, Lucas Goodrich Champion and Colton Keffer Blue Meat Goat Doe Kid Born Jan. 1 - March 31: Aubrina Mel- ville Reserve Champion, Maclane Melville Blue and Maclane Mel- ville Champion More fair results in next week’s edition. MEDICARE BIRTHDAY RULE If you have a Medicare Supplement Plan you have 30 days after your birthday to compare and apply for a new Supplement Plan. WALLOWA COUNTY Health Line Call Kathleen TODAY to discuss your options for a lower Medigap premium. 616 W. North Street, Enterprise, Oregon 541-426-4208 Locally Owned & Operated 519 W. North Street, Enterprise 541.426.3413 ! h Salmon t o o T - r e b Sa th Salmon Saber-Too Mon-Thurs 9 to Noon/1-5pm; Fri. 9-1 “We took our daughter to Dr. Allen on several occasions, and we were extremely happy with the care we received…” SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE for advertising is 5pm Thursday Aug. 30th. Ad copy is due one Friday Aug. 31st at 10am. Ads must be approved by Tuesday Sept. 4th at 12pm. 209 NW First St., Enterprise • 541-426-4567 • wallowa.com d Natural an lection e S l a u x e S regon’s n Shaping O nt Salmo ia Extinct G PhD , s i v a D d yr Edward B 3 l History d Cultura f Oregon o Natural an ty f si o er m u iv ces, Un s, Muse ollection or of Earth Scien f Fossil C ss Curator o Assistant Profe ug 2 Thurs, A 7 pm -Enterprise Mom Dr. Allen is a family practice physician and doctor of osteopathic medicine. Contact Jennifer Cooney today for all your advertising needs! jcooney@wallowa.com 541-805-9630 Zumwalt Prairie Preserve Grazing Applications The Nature Conservancy is seeking producers interested in grazing leases on the Zumwalt Prairie Preserve. Lease opportunities may be under either full-care or self-care terms. Our standard lease is a two year term, with potential for renewals based on performance and program needs. The goal of the Zumwalt Prairie Preserve grazing lease program is to graze the Preserve in a manner compatible with the native grassland plant communities, to facilitate grazing research, and to develop relationships that further conservation on lessee property and the surrounding privately-owned prairie. If you are interested in leasing pasture on the Zumwalt Prairie, application materials are available at: 541-426-7900 Mountain View Medical Group 603 Medical Parkway We treat you like family 601 Medical Parkway, Enterprise, OR 97828 • 541-426-3111 • www.wchcd.org Wallowa Memorial Hospital is a equal opportunity mployer and provider The Nature Conservancy 906 S. River Street Enterprise, Oregon 97828 Or contact Mike Hale at mike.hale@tnc.org Telephone: 541-426-3458 x7 Joan Gilbert (org. photo: Oregon State University) Call Dr. Allen to schedule your appointment today! (next to Wallowa Memorial Hospital) Enterprise, Oregon 97828 LABOR DAY EARLY DEADLINES Natural History Discovery Center 508 N. Main • Joseph • 541-263-1663 • wallowology.org