A2 Announcements wallowa.com August 22, 2018 What’s Happening WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22 Zumba: 6:30 a.m. The Place, Joseph. No experience needed. Instructor: Tammi Chapman. Food Giveaway: 11:30 a.m. Wallowa Senior Center in Wal- lowa, 11 a.m. Enterprise Senior Center. Sponsored by Wallowa Fresh Food Alliance. Perishable food available. Rotary Club of Wallowa County: Noon St. Katherine Catholic Church, 301 E Garfield St, Enterprise. Discovery Walk: 3:30 p.m. leaving from Wallowa Lake Lodge Joseph. Free fam- ily-friendly stroll to explore the natural world. Hosted by Wal- lowology Natural History Dis- covery Center. Adult Clay Class with Mellica McIntire: 3 p.m. Jose- phy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. josephy.org Core Yoga: 5:30 p.m. above Lostine Tavern in Lostine. All levels, focusing on strength, flexibility, clarity and focus. Kickboxing Fitness Class: 6:30 p.m. Jensen Field in Enter- prise. Hurricane Point Fitness. No experience necessary. Cer- tified instructors. 541-398-2131. Elwood and Joey: 7 p.m. performing at Range Rider Saloon in Enterprise. THURSDAY, AUG. 23 Kickboxing Fitness Class: 5:15 a.m. Jensen Field in Enter- prise. Hurricane Point Fitness. No experience necessary. Cer- tified instructors. 541-398-2131. Mindful Flow: 6:30 a.m. The Place in Joseph. Increase flexibility while creating mus- cular strength and tone, provid- ing the benefits of exercise and mindfulness in one. Instructor: Jamie O’Neill. salutationsstu- dio.com Pilates: 9 a.m. Wallowa Senior Center, 204 E Second, Wallowa. Sponsored by Com- munity Connection. Tai Chi: 10 a.m. Enterprise EASTERNOREGONEVENTS.COM EXPANDED ONLINE CALENDAR Senior Citizens Center. Free. No registration required. Nature Journaling: 1:30 p.m. Wallowology in Joseph. Chess Club: 4 p.m. Jose- phy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. Community Connec- tion Volunteer Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Wallowa Senior Center. Includes dinner and prizes. Bus service available from Enter- prise to Wallowa at 4:45 p.m. Yoga Rotation: 6:30 p.m. The Place in Joseph. Classes vary from week to week. salu- tationsstudio.com Courthouse Concert Series: 5:30 p.m. Wallowa County Courthouse Gazebo. The Local Yokels will perform. Food trucks available. Bring picnic blankets and lawn chairs. Wallowology Evening Seminar –– Fanged Fisho- saurus: 7 p.m. Wallowology in Joseph. presented by Edward Byrd Davis, curator of fossil col- lections, Museum of Natural and 63327 Tenderfood Valley Road, Joseph. Social hour fol- lowed by a barbecue, live auc- tion and dance with Clyde and the Countryside Band. Jon Hatchett Dean Acker Cul- tural History, Assistant Profes- sor of Earth Sciences, Univer- sity of Oregon. FRIDAY, AUG. 24 Zumba: 6:30 a.m. The Place, Joseph. No experience needed. Instructor: Tammi Chapman. Bird Box Stewardship Day: 8:30 a.m. meet at the Land Great Summer Read Whiskey When We’re Dry by John Larison T HE B OOKLOFT Across from the courthouse in Enterprise 107 E. Main • 541.426.3351 always open at www.bookloftoregon.com • bookloft@eoni.com ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & WATER SYSTEM CONTRACTOR PUMPS • IRRIGATION HARDWARE• APPLIANCE PARTS 208 S. RIVER ST. • ENTERPRISE, OR www.jbbane.com • 541-426-3344 Brought to you by, ATHLETE PET OF K THE WEE Ed Staub & Sons Energy Community Service. Meet Siri e no k honor Just to prove we’r hlete of the wee co at k’s ee w is wboy. th s, outsider edin, a Baker City le in tit y bo goes to Br yce Sv Al w Co d l-Aroun Svedin took the Stockgrowers Ranch Rodeo the 2018 g. 18. udly Pro nsore y in Enterprise on Au o Sp d b Please contact Cassie or David at 541-805-1205 $40 adoption fee includes a neuter at any of our WC Vets when of age 201 E. Hwy 82, Enterprise • 541-426-0320 www.edstaub.com WEEK Available for Adoption Bryce t pr S ejud v ice e d d ag i ai n nst OF THE Siri is a short haired, male, black and white piebald, born approx. June 11, 2018. With the beautiful markings of the tuxedo cat, Siri will win your heart. He is very sweet, sometimes shy, and incredibly playful. His favorite playmate is his brother as they run and tumble through the house, and he can entertain him- self just as simply with anything he can find. Nap time? No way! This little guy has way too much energy! Litter box trained, has had his first shots and worming. He is very comfortable with people and other animals. Wallowa County Chieftain Trust’s office in Enterprise, 116 S. River St. Help place nesting boxes on the back of the East Moraine. Summer Parent and Child Playgroup: 9:30 a.m. Enter- prise City Park (or Building Healthy Families if it’s raining). For parents with children 0-5. Songs, story-time, games and activities. Discovery Walk: 10 a.m. leaving from Wallowology Nat- ural History Discovery Center, 508 N. Main Joseph. Free fam- ily-friendly stroll to explore the natural world. Purely Restorative: 9:45 a.m. above the Lostine Tav- ern in Lostine. A gentle style of yoga. Instructor: Esther Petro- cine. salutationsstudio.com Food Giveaway: 11:30 a.m. Wallowa Senior Center in Wal- lowa, 11 a.m. Enterprise Senior Center and noon at The Place in Joseph. Sponsored by Wallowa Fresh Food Alliance. Perishable food available. Introduction to Drawing, Painting and Fabrics: 12:30 p.m. Josephy Center. Taught by Dawn Norman. Drop-ins welcome. Adult Drawing and Paint- ing Class: 2-4 p.m. Josephy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. Instructor: Jennifer Klimsza. josephy.org Range Rider Presents –– Chris Acker and The Grow- ing Boys: 8 p.m. at Range Rider in downtown Enterprise. SATURDAY, AUG. 25 Dragons in the Wallowas: 8 a.m. Wallowa Lake. The races will bring fun and spirited com- petition as well as colorful boats to the lake. Wallowa County Farm- ers Market: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. downtown Joseph. Fresh local produce, eggs, plants, arts and crafts, food, live music with Nicole Freshly and Landra Skovlin. Wallowa Resources Barn Dance and Auction Fund- raiser: 5 p.m. The Blue Barn, SUNDAY, AUG. 26 Dragons in the Wallowas: 8 a.m. Wallowa Lake. The races will bring fun and spirited com- petition as well as colorful boats to the lake. Discovery Walk: 9:30 a.m. leaving from Wallowa Lake Lodge. Free family-friendly stroll to explore the natural world. Hosted by Wallowol- ogy Natural History Discovery Center. MONDAY, AUG. 27 Zumba: 6:30 a.m. The Place, Joseph. No experience needed. Instructor: Tammi Chapman. Food Giveaway: Noon at The Place in Joseph. Sponsored by Wallowa Fresh Food Alli- ance. Perishable food available. Kickboxing Fitness Class: 6:30 p.m. Jensen Field in Enter- prise. Hurricane Point Fitness. No experience necessary. Cer- tified instructors. 541-398-2131. TUESDAY, AUG. 28 Twigs & Tales Story Hour: 1:30 p.m. Wallowology. Curl up in the giant bird’s nest and listen to Stories. Free. Diabetes Prevention Class: 1 p.m. Enterprise Senior Cit- izens Center. Sponsored by Community Connection. Mindful Flow: 6:30 a.m. The Place in Joseph. Increase flex- ibility while creating muscular strength and tone, providing the benefits of exercise and mind- fulness in one. Instructor: Jamie O’Neill. salutationsstudio.com Pilates: 9 a.m. Wallowa Senior Center, 204 E Second, Wallowa. Sponsored by Com- munity Connection. Adult Drawing and Paint- ing Class: 9-11 a.m. Josephy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. Instructor: Jennifer Klimsza. josephy.org Sewing Group: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wallowa Senior Cen- ter, 204 E Second, Wallowa. Sponsored by Community Connection. Wine Glass Painting: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Josephy Cen- ter. Come and decorate a wine glass. Artworks are donations to the Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts. Range Rider Presents –– Jon Hatchett: 7 p.m. at Range Rider in downtown Enterprise. DEATH NOTICE Clyde Adams Clyde W. Adams, 87, of Enterprise, died at Wallowa Memo- rial Hospital Aug. 9. A full obit and memorial info will follow at a later date. Bollman Funeral Home entrusted with arrangements. MEMORIAL SERVICE Duane Wiggins Graveside services for Duane Wiggins will be 11 a.m. Satur- day, Aug. 25, at the Joseph Cemetery (Prairie Creek). Weather Forecast Courtesy of Weather Underground • wunderground.com High Low Conditions Aug 23 86 52 Sunny Aug 24 76 46 Sunny Aug 25 80 49 Mostly Sunny Aug 26 76 48 PM Showers Aug 27 68 45 Partly Cloudy Aug 28 71 45 Partly Cloudy Aug 29 76 48 Mostly Sunny Phases of the moon Aug 26 Sept 2 Sept 9 Sept 16 Full Moon Last Quarter New Moon 1st Quarter WALLOWA COUNTY SUNRISE & SUNSET AUG. 23-29 (from the U.S. Naval Observatory) THUR FRI SAT SUN MON TUES WED 6:00 7:43 6:01 7:41 6:02 7:39 6:03 7:37 6:05 7:36 6:06 7:34 6:07 7:32