A12 wallowa.com August 22, 2018 Wallowa County Chieftain Wallowa County Chieftain CLASSIFIEDS Find classifieds at www. wallowa .com To place your ad visit www.wallowa.com or call 541-426-4567 Business Hours Chieftain Location Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 209 NW 1st Street Enterprise, OR 97828 Call or Fax Advertising Deadlines Phone: 541.426.4567 Fax: 541.426.3921 Include name, phone number and address Classified liners• Mondays, 10 a.m. Display ads • Fridays, 5 p.m. Legals • Mondays,10 a.m. AD DEADLINES : CLASSIFIED LINERS, 10 a.m. MONDAY • DISPLAY ADS, 5 p.m. FRIDAY • LEGAL NOTICES, 10:00 a.m. MONDAY 651 Help Wanted GARAGE SALES Help Wanted Wallowa County Grain Growers Wallowa County Grain Growers in Enterprise, Oregon has a position open for Office Assistant in our Fuel Department. Candidate must be detail oriented, have strong computer skills, and customer service experience. Beginning wage range is $12.75-$14.50 per hour DOE. This position has benefits including health insurance, paid vacation, and 401(K). Successful applicants will pass a pre-employment drug screening. Applications and job descriptions are available in the Wallowa County Grain Growers business office located at 911 S. River St. Enterprise or available by emailing Darcey at droberts@wcgg.biz We are back with another BIG garage/estate sale. Up the Lostine River Canyon, 6 miles from the Blue Banana. Misc furniture including kitchen table/6 chairs, toddler bed, White sewing machine in cabi- net, queen mattress/box springs, W/D 6-7 y/o. Vent hood for a stove. Doors including double sliding closet with bracket. Tools - table & hand saws, contractor drill and more. Walking golf cart, motorcy- cle gear & lift, treadmill, 2 bicycles, bicycle racks - Trek transport & Hollywood. Large set Blue Danube/Blue Onion China, Phaltzgraff. Large variety household items including some vintage. Very nice bed spreads, variety linens. Girls and boys clothes/toys. Books. Priced to sell and negotiable. Come see us!Multi-Family, Clothes, Collectibles, Furniture, Household Items, Antiques, Tools, Toys. 64721 Eagle Rd Lostine. Aug 24 & 25 Aug 24 8-5 SPORTS REPORTER 3,154 acres of rangeland in Wallowa county. Township 1 S, Range 46 E, about 10 miles from Enterprise. Access by county public gravel road. Property is gated and fenced. Property will be encumbered by a working lands conservation easement held by The Nature Conservan- cy (TNC) that prohibits devel- opment (including any dwelling structure) and allows for contin- ued grazing under a TNC-ap- proved management plan. No existing structures on property. Adequate water for livestock is available. $1,265,000. Will con- sider seller financing. Contact: Bev Rinke (612) 331-0752 Office (218)324-1039 Cell $1,265,000. Near Enterprise, OR brinke@tnc.org The East Oregonian, a five- day daily newspaper in Pend- leton, Ore., is looking for a full-time sports writer, based in nearby Hermiston, Ore. Job duties will include print and online coverage of high school, college and commu- nity sports and outdoor ac- tivities. Small $10.66 per week Large $21.32 per week (13-week minimum) Call 541-426-4567 Wallowa County Chieftain Job Announcement #18-1802 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Full-Time/Excellent Benefits $36,269 - $44,934 DOE Full-Time Employment Arrowhead Chocolates is looking for motivated, pas- sionate, team-oriented peo- ple to join our crew of talented baristas! Prior barista expe- rience is not required, but excellent customer service skills are a bonus. Joseph, OR. 541-432-2871 info@ar- rowheadchocolates.com If you have an eye for real value, you’ll eye the classified ads daily! EEOC w/Veterans preference Follow us on Facebook! L S A C T O L OR your source for Follow Local Sports P S GOT AN OLDER CAR, VAN OR SUV? Do the humane thing. Do- nate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-877-246-1527. DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-239-9335 or http://www. dental50plus.com/25 Ad# 6118. DIRECTV SELECT PACKAGE! Over 150 Channels, ONLY $35/ month (for 12 mos.) Order Now! Get a $200 AT&T Visa Rewards Gift Card (some restrictions ap- ply). CALL 1- 855-502-2578. DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Chan- nels. $14.95 High Speed Inter- net. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Re- mote. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-866-373-9175. BUYER meets seller every day of the week in the classified columns of this newspaper. Donate your car for breast can- cer! Help United Breast Foun- dation education, prevention & support programs. Fast free pickup - 24 HR response - tax deduction. 1-855-252-2579. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vaca- tion, Tax Deductible, Free Tow- ing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-533-9173. A PLACE FOR MOM. The na- tion’s largest senior living refer- ral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obli- gation. CALL 1-888-651-5669. (503)624-6397 Earthlink High Speed Internet. As low as $14.95/month (for the first 3 months). Reliable high speed fiber optic technology. Stream videos, music and more! Call Earthlink today 1-855-977- 9436. Frontier Communications In- ternet Bundles. Serious speed! Serious value! Broadband max - $19.99/mo or Broadband Ul- tra - $67.97/mo. Both include free WiFi router. Call 1-855-972- 6641. INVENTORS - FREE INFOR- MATION PACKAGE. Have your product idea developed afford- ably by the Research & Devel- opment pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-855-404- 7583 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. Sleep Apnea Patients - if you have Medicare coverage, call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or no cost in minutes. Home delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and more - FREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-855- 691-5922. CLASS AD DEADLINE 10:00am MONDAY Find the crossword puzzle on page A6 SUPER AXE FIREWOOD is tak- ing orders now for firewood. Call for pricing. 541-263-2483. Please visit www.co.wallowa.or.us for complete job posting 651 Help Wanted 999 Statewide Classifieds 807 Fuel, Heating & Firewood ! Place your business in the Service Directory WALLOWA COUNTY om MONDAY 651 Help Wanted Send resume, clips and letter of interest to EO Media Group PO Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308-2048; by fax to 503-371-2935; or e-mail hr@ eomediagroup.com 999 Statewide Classifieds Community Connection, a pri- vate, non-profit community ser- vice organization serving Wal- lowa, Union, Baker, and Grant counties, is recruiting for the COUNTY MANAGER of its Baker County operations. This individual oversees senior meals, public transportation, and rent and utility assistance programs. Extensive community involve- ment including evening and weekend commitments; super- vise staff; prepare and manage budgets. $4,007 – 5,831 per month de- pendent on qualifications. Must pass pre-employment drug test and criminal history check. EOE. Applications and job description available on-line at www.ccno.org or at WorkSource Oregon. Applications must be returned to WorkSource. Allow time for test- ing. Closes August 30, 2018 at 5:00 pm. Job Listing #2167275. in e AM Enterprise High School has an opening for a Head Wrestling Coach. Send resume/applica- tion to EHS, 201 SE 4th, Enter- prise OR 97828. EOE nl DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Good driving record and reli- able transportation required. Benefits include Paid Time Off (PTO), 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan and insuranc- es. Part-Time Employment Order Fulfillment Shipping Manager Wild Carrot Herbals, a grow- ing skincare manufacturer in Enterprise, OR is seeking a self-motivated individual to join our team. Attention to detail, hand strength, the abil- ity to lift 50 lbs and stand for long periods of time are all a must. Duties include packing our glass containers so that they won’t break in transit, invoicing our customers in Quickbooks, and using vari- ous shipping software appli- cations. Hours are Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 3 pm. A good attitude and the desire to work well with others is required. Email resume and cover letter or drop off in per- son at our shop. Enterprise, OR. 541-263-5539 info@ wildcarrotherbals.com r o Senior couple with well behaved dog needs house to rent near Enterprise. References avail- able. Please call 541-408-7963. The position offers a compet- itive salary, a solid benefits package and the opportuni- ty to live in Eastern Oregon near the Blue Mountains, Co- lumbia River and abundant outdoor recreation. It is also home to the famous Pend- leton Round-Up rodeo and perennial high school state champion contenders. 651 Help Wanted ow a.c 634 Wanted to Rent We’re looking for a creative, energetic writer to produce compelling sports and out- door features and to write game stories quickly on deadline. We want someone with strong writing skills who avoids cliches. The person hired will also edit on a limited basis and work with the Web. 651 Help Wanted d o For 7 month winter lease at Wal- lowa Lake: Completely furnished (2) one-bedroom cottages. Full kitchen, dishwasher, microwave, propane fireplace, TV/DVD. $395/month & $495/month + de- posit & utilities. No smoking, no pets. 541-432-0525. The Wallowa County Chieftain in Enterprise, Oregon needs a skilled office coordinator to oversee general office operations. You’ll provide outstanding customer service to our phone and walk-in customers and provide support to the advertising team. The ideal candidate will have accounts receivable or other bookkeeping experience along with strong computer skills; sales skills are helpful. If you enjoy detailed work, like learning new things and have the desire to multitask to keep on top of a busy work schedule, then we want to talk to you. Benefits include Paid Time Off (PTO), insurances and a 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan. Send resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group., PO Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308-2048, by fax to 503-371-2935 or e-mail hr@eomediagroup.com with ysur lscal newvpaper hsme-delivered sr snline! re 631 For Rent OFFICE COORDINATOR Job Announcement #18-0716 DPSST CERTIFIFIED PATROL DEPUTY Full-Time/Excellent Benefits $39,395.20 - $53,996.80 DOE Please visit www.co.wallowa.or.us for complete job posting EEOC w/Veterans preference 516 Lots & Acreage 2 Bedroom duplex with garage, in Joseph. No pets, no smoking. Call 541-398-1833. HELP WANTED liv e 5 Acre Mountain View Parcels for Sale. Painted Pony Lane 1 mile from Lostine. Electricity, phone & city water. $135,000 - $145,000. 541-969-2949. See at: Painted Pony Lane, Lostine, Oregon. susanbrowncpa@gmailcom. WALLOWA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT 651 Help Wanted 209 NW First Street Enterprise, OR 741•426•4767 Wa ll Must See 651 Help Wanted de 516 Lots & Acreage 651 Help Wanted e- Kawasaki generator, light weight, 50 watts, good for camp- ing, battery charging. $50. Sea King outboard motor, 6hp, runs good. $50. 541-263-1796. Wallowa County Grain Growers is an equal opportunity employer ho m 490 Under $50 651 Help Wanted MENUS WALLOWA SCHOOLS Cereal, fresh fruit, vegetables & milk served daily Monday, August 27: (Breakfast: Mini pancakes & yogurt) Lunch: BBQ pulled pork sandwich Tuesday, August 28: (Breakfast: Egg patty & biscuit) Lunch: Turkey & cheese wrap Wednesday, August 29: (Breakfast: Frudel & smoothie) Lunch: Burrito & chips Thursday, August 30: (Breakfast: Sausage on a stick) Lunch: Pizza WALLOWA COUNTY SENIOR MEALS Meal site information: Wallowa 886-8971, Enterprise 426-3840, Home delivered meals 426-3840. To sponsor a senior meal, call 426-3840 or stop by the Community Connection office. Monday, August 27: Chef salad, bread sticks & Jell-o with fruit (sponsored by Community Bank) Weds., August 29: Chicken fajita on a flour tortilla with salsa & sour cream, refried beans, side salad & brownie (sponsored by Wallowa Valley Dental Care) Friday, August 31: Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes & gravy, buttered carrots, green salad & birthday cake (sponsored by Maag Farms)