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About Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 2018)
A16 News August 15, 2018 GRANGE AWARDS FAR LEFT Cher- yl Kelly accepts the Wallowa Coun- ty Pomona Grange 22 Community Vol- unteer of the Year Award on behalf of her husband, Greg, Thursday at the county fair. June Colony, mas- ter of the Pomona Grange, presented the award. LEFT Joanne Mc- Bride accepts the Wallowa County Po- mona Grange 22 Grange Volunteer of the Year award at the Wallowa Coun- ty Fair. Paul Wahl/Chieftain photos provides young women an opportunity to improve poise and self-assurance as they attend various community events, activities, parades, and rodeo appearances throughout the year. IN BRIEF Contestants are sought for court Would you like to be a member of the next Chief Joseph Days Royalty Court? Here’s your chance. Tryouts will be 1 p.m. Sun- day, Aug. 19, at Harley Tucker Memorial Arena in Joseph. Serving on the Chief Joseph Days Rodeo Court Church plans for block party Joseph United Methodist Church will host a community block party 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18, at The Place, 303 S. Lake St., Joseph. WALLOWA COUNTY Health Line A variety of events are planned along with food and beverages. The activities are offered free and are open to the public. The congregation is “a place to love God, love people and actively serve the world.” The Rev. Cherie Dearth is the pastor. Courthouse sets open house Officials at Wallowa County Courthouse will host an open house 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 17, to cel- ebrate the completion of remodeling and the installa- tion of an elevator. With the expansion, the board of commissioners and administrative offices have moved to the third floor. The district attorney’s office and Oregon Circuit Court have expanded to encompass the entire second floor. Finger foods and bever- ages, as well as guided tours, are planned. Free. LABOR DAY EARLY DEADLINES Wallowa County Chieftain Volunteers abound at Alpine Meadows Rochelle Danielson First impressions are important. Tuesday Ladies Day golf- ers, wanting to impress their guests from Union, La Grande and Baker who’d signed to play in the annual Gail Beck Ladies Invitational Aug. 14 at Alpine Meadows golf course, deserve a Thumbs Up for their part in helping to make the course look its spiffy best. This past week, the women discarded their golf glove for their gardening gloves and went about to perk up the tee box flower beds. These ener- gized bunnies also pulled weeds and thistles and cleared broken tree branches along the front fence and parking area. All Alpine Meadows vol- unteers deserve a thumbs up for the work they do at the golf course to make it an enjoy- able place for the public. So far this season, donated service amounts to 710 hours. Thumbs up to whoever began excavating the pile of dirt that someday is to become the forward No. 7 tee box. Their actions have certainly elevated women golfer’s spirits. Thumbs Up to Brad Gray- beal, an Emmett, Idaho, resi- dent, whose fondness for the course prompted him to vol- unteer his services to main- tain bunkers on a once-a- month basis. The work is time-consuming. Thumbs down to sandtrap golfers who don’t rake up after themselves and the same goes for smokers who use bunkers as ashtrays. And a word to the cats on the course that use the sandtraps as their litter box ... this is definitely thumbs down. Thumbs up to golfers who repair fairway divots with sand, and who also repair ball marks on the greens. Thumbs up to Terry Lamb who explains the skins game: A ‘skin’ is the lowest score on a hole made by a participant in the skins game. A gross skin is the lowest actual score made, and a net skin is the lowest score made after a person’s handicap is subtracted from actual score. Thumbs up to John Neil for his once-a-month coffee con- tribution to the clubhouse. Thumbs up to Bill Ables, Brad Stevens and Terry Lamb who played Pendleton’s Wild- horse Aug. 7. Ables shot 75. Stevens and Lamb shot 85. Thumbs up to all Wallowa County golfers who continu- ously donate their time to give Alpine Meadows that lasting first impression. Summer is in the air! SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE for advertising is 5pm Thursday Aug. 30th. Ad copy is due one Friday Aug. 31st at 10am. Ads must be approved by Tuesday Sept. 4th at 12pm. Get out and enjoy it! Ed Staub & Sons Energy Community Service. 209 NW First St., Enterprise • 541-426-4567 • 519 W. North Street, Enterprise 541.426.3413 Mon-Thurs 9 to Noon/1-5pm; Fri. 9-1 Contact Jennifer Cooney today for all your advertising needs! 201 East Hwy 82 Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-0320 541-805-9630 Annual Event & Ranch Rodeo Event A HUGE U O Y K N A H EERS T 400+VOLUNT TO Come meet the executive director of Western Resources Legal Center, Caroline Lobdell Cloverleaf Hall, Enterprise August 18th, 8am ur o o t d e t i v n All are i er n n i D u o Y k n a h T r e e t Volun 3pm • h t 9 1 t s gu u A y a d n u S m o o r r e d n at the Thu See ya there!