A6 News wallowa.com THREE minutes with ... KATHRYN STANGEL Stangel Industries August 8, 2018 Kathryn Stangel, 35, of Enterprise is the daughter of Chris and Dennis Gisi of Walla Walla. He father was a banker and her mother was the first woman to graduate in the construction school in Walla Walla and became the first woman construction contractor in Walla Walla. She built houses. Kathryn went to school at Walla Walla High, graduat- ing in 2001. Then it was on to Gonzaga and WSU where she majored in business and social sciences. She didn’t find the job path she wanted, so quit university in 2004 and got her real estate license and started out with Windermere Real Estate in Walla Walla. She still holds her Washington State real estate license. Soon her whole family was in real estate and the fam- ily opened the John L. Scott Real Estate offices in Pasco, Milton Freewater, and Walla Walla. Kathryn still does the books for the family business, though she now works for Stangel Industry & Machine Shop in Enterprise. She came to Stangel Industries and Wallowa County because of her husband, Eric Stangel. Kathryn and Eric met in 2007 in Walla Walla when he was attending Walla Walla Community College and working at Douglas Gisi Fabrica- tion – Kathryn’s brother’s business. The couple married in 2011, and now has two daughters, Quinn, 4 and Lilly, 2. Eric belongs to the Elks Club and volunteers through that organization and the family also enjoyed coaching t-ball this year. They keep busy volunteering to support Wallowa County Chieftain community events including the Main Street Show and Shine car show (coming up Aug. 17-18) and the Wallowa County Fly-in (there are a number of pilots in the extended family). Q. Why live in Wallowa County? A. We came to help out in the family business. Eric grew up here, it’s beautiful, the weather is cooler, I like the small community. I thought it would be hard to live in a small community but I love it here. It helps that we travel back to Walla Walla now and then to visit family. Q. What have you learned from living in Wallowa County? A. I love it here. I think it taught me slowed down, laid back living. Everything closes here by eight or nine o’clock at night. There’s no traffic light. There’s no fast food. There’s no late night shopping. (But) there’s not really an adjustment (between Walla Walla and Wallowa County) as far as entertainment. We go to Terminal Gravity and listen to music and letting the kids play in the water and hang out. Q. Can you recall an early book that really had an impact on you? Can you recommend a book you’ve read recently? A. I remember “Hatchet” (Brian’s Saga Series No. 1) by Gary Paulson. It stuck with me. A boy survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness with nothing but a hatchet. That’s probably the earliest one I remember. I just finished “The Scavenger’s Hunt” by local writer Mike Rich. It was good. You should read that.” Who you are is an important part of what you are Joseph Miller Barton moved his family from Blue Mound, Ill., to the village of Moscow, Idaho, in the 1870s and from there to Wallowa County, in the 1880’s. He was my great-great grandfather. Joseph’s oldest child Harry Elmer Barton was my great grandfather and his son Everett Edson Barton, my grandpa. Gregory Fay Barton was my dad. These men are increasingly familiar to me, but I wish I had paid a little more attention to the stories that I had been told over the years. The older I get the more important it is to me to know who my ancestors were as men. I know my grandpa was born in Joseph in Novem- ber 1891, my dad was born at Homestead on the Snake River in December 1920 and was raised at Imnaha and Joseph. I’m thankful to have a long-standing family history in one place, but right now, I’m more concerned with the “who” than the “where.” Even as I say that, I real- ize the place where I live and grow up is a great contributor to who I am as a person; the culture of a place is important. Someone recently asked me why locals tend to say they are from Wallowa County rather than the town in which they live. I think it is because we feel the county defines us better than any single town. To each other, we are more spe- cific, but generally we only want to know, “Are you from the county?” Joseph Barton was born in Westmorland City, Penn., Feb. 3, 1838. He was 23 the year the Civil War began and served as a corporal in the cavalry — Company G, 4th Illinois. I can only imagine how that critical four years in our nation’s history affected and shaped the man who later brought his family west to Ore- T HE B OOKLOFT gon. Like many pioneers look- ing for a fresh start, he found a home in a place far removed from everything familiar. I would guess his for- mer place reminded him of the great losses of that time period, and he hoped this new place would help him forget. I wonder though, “how do you find your way to Wallowa County, from McLean County, Illinois?” I will probably never know in this life, but it is fun to think about all the possible scenarios that led to the arrival of the Barton family. I don’t think it was acciden- tal or purely coincidental. The Bible says “from one man He made all the nations of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in PASTOR’S CORNER Rev. Tim Barton history and the boundaries of their lands.” It goes on to say, “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” (Acts 17:26-27) We discover there is a great master plan that is playing itself out, and we are all hur- dling to a point of discovery that is of the utmost impor- tance. God is nearby and my life is about something it’s not random, he does care, there is hope. AND Skylight Gallery Finding books is our specialty 541.426.3351 • 107 E. Main • Enterprise • www.bookloftoregon.com Church Directory Church of Christ 502 W. 2nd Street • Wallowa 541-398-2509 Worship at 11 a.m. Mid-week Bible Study 7 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church Everywhere I go, every- thing I experience, is another step in the direction of Him who said “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Joseph Barton passed away in 1897 at 59 and I wonder, did he discover that underpin- ning truth? Did Joseph dis- cover the nearness of God? We know that he was a teacher at 22 before the war began and that a primary text book in the schools of that day was the Bible. In it, we read “all of my days were writ- ten in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139) This psalm ends with “Search me, oh God and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” Regardless of where I am in the journey of life, or how random my experiences seem to be, I have a certainty that I am being led to my destiny; and I know “in him I live and move and have my being.” (Acts 17:28) Rev. Tim Barton is lead pastor of Wallowa Assembly of God Church in Wallowa. 409 West Main -Enterprise SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Time for a Computer Tuneup? Aug. 5 - Communion Worship @ 2PM Aug. 12 - Worship @ 9 AM Aug. 19 - Communion Worship @ 9 AM Aug. 26 - Worship @ 9 AM phone (message): 541-426-4633 Spyware Removal • 541-426-0108 103 SW 1st St., Enterprise web: gracelutheranenterprise.com St. Katherine’s Catholic Church Fr. Thomas Puduppulliparamban 301 E. Garfield Enterprise Mass Schedule Sundays: St. Pius X, Wallowa - 8:00 am St. Katherine of Siena, Enterprise 10:30am Saturdays: St Katherine of Siena, Enterprise 5:30am Weekday: St. Katherine of Siena, Enterprise – 8:00am (Monday – Thursday and First Friday) St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church 100 NE 3rd St, Enterprise NE 3rd & Main St 541-426-3439 Worship Service Sunday 9:30am A Non-Profit Community Health Center All are welcome CLUES ACROSS 1. Political action committee 4. Where sauces cook 8. Type of horse 10. Heavy sword (Brit.) 11. __ Nui, Easter Island 12. A type of burner 13. Spanish island 15. Rapid alteration of a musical note 16. Where priests work 17. Most impoverished 18. Tom Petty’s band 21. Luke’s mentor __-Wan 22. No longer is 23. Mandela’s party 24. Legislator (abbr.) 25. A type of “zebra” 26. The common gibbon 27. American icon 34. Hunting expeditions 35. What a princess wears 36. Switched gears 37. Protege to Freya (Norse myth.) 38. Serves 39. Darken 40. Fencing swords 41. Middle English letter 42. Go slowly 43. A type of flute CLUES DOWN 1. One who is rejected 2. Suitable for crops 3. Per __, each 4. Indulges 5. Preoccupy 6. NIN frontman Reznor 7. Posted 9. Infamous Ukraine village 10. Bizarre 12. One who loves to read 14. The products of human creativity 15. Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand 17. Famed Chinese American architect 19. These can be used to burn trash 20. Corpuscle count (abbr.) 23. Pokes holes in 24. Peter’s last name 25. Offered as a prize 26. French river 27. Young woman 28. A pot has one 29. Of the ears 30. Full of parasites 31. Dole out incrementally 32. Citrus fruit 33. Hearty 34. External form 36. Turn violently Joseph United Methodist Church Summit Church 3rd & Lake St. • Joseph Pastor Cherie Dearth Phone: 541-432-3102 Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am Gospel Centered Community Service time: 10:30 am Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise 541-426-2150 Interim Pastor: Rich Hagenbaugh OHSU Resident Roheet Kakaday JosephUMC.org July 30 – September 6 www.summitchurchoregon.org Enterprise Christian Church Christ Covenant Church 85035 Joseph Hwy • (541) 426-3449 Pastor Terry Tollefson Church Office: 541-263-0505 Worship at 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship at 6 p.m. (nursery at A.M. services) Family Prayer: 9:30 am Worship Service: 10:00 am “Loving God & One Another” David Bruce, Sr. - Minister 723 College Street Lostine Lostine Presbyterian Church Enterprise Community Congregational Church Discussion Group 9:30 AM Worship Service 11:00 AM The Big Brown Church Childrens program during service Blog: dancingforth.blogspot.com 541.398.0597 Hwy 82, Lostine Stephen Kliewer, Minister Wallowa Assembly of God 606 West Hwy 82 Wallowa, Oregon 541-886-8445 Sunday School • 9:30 Worship Service • 10:45 Pastor Tim Barton wallowaassemblyofgod.com with an open door Pastor Archie Hook Sunday Worship 11am Bible Study 9:30am Ark Angels Children’s Program Ages 4-6th grade, 11am Nursery for children 3 & under Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00am to 7:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm 603 Medical Parkway Enterprise, OR 97828 Summer Shoe Sale! 2 0%- 4 0% Off Select Brands 301 NE First St. • Enterprise, OR Find us on Facebook! 541.426.3044 Stop by today! Seventh-Day Adventist Church & School 305 Wagner (near the Cemetery) P.O. Box N. Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-3751 Church 541-426-8339 School Worship Services Sabbath School 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00 a.m. - Noon Pastor Jonathan DeWeber Uptown Clothing & Accessories in Downtown Joseph 12 S. Main St. • 541-432-9653