A2 Announcements wallowa.com What’s Happening Rotary Club of Wallowa County: Noon St. Katherine Catholic Church, 301 E Garfield St, Enterprise. Dr. Gary Ziegler, Emergency Room Director at Wallowa Memorial Hospital will be the guest speaker. Public is invited. The Lonesome Heroes and Leo Rondeau: 8 p.m. perform- ing at Range Rider in downtown Enterprise. Arthur C. Lee will perform Thursday night in En- terprise. THURSDAY, AUG. 9 The Lonesome Heroes with Rich Russell and Leo Rondeau will perform Thursday in Enterprise. rm Thurs- Hunter Noack will perfo ke State La wa day night at Wallo Park. Wallowa County Chieftain OBITUARIES EASTERNOREGONEVENTS.COM EXPANDED ONLINE CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8 Courthouse Concert Series: 5:30 p.m. Wallowa County Courthouse Gazebo. The Wasted Lives will be per- forming Louisiana-Style Hill- billy-Fever music. Food trucks available. Bring picnic blankets and lawn chairs. OK Theater Presents –– Joni Harms and The Harms Way Band: 6 p.m. (doors open) OK Theater, downtown Enter- prise. Benefit concert for VFW Relief Fund, Tickets at the door, Dollar Stretcher, Joseph Hard- ware or The Bookloft. Arthur C. Lee Music: 7 p.m. Terminal Gravity, 803 SE School St., Enterprise. In a Landscape: 7 p.m. Wal- lowa Lake State Park. Concert pianist Hunter Noack will bring his nine-foot Steinway to the park. His concert is transmitted via wireless headphones. Movies in the Park: 8:30 p.m. at the Wallowa County Fair Grounds showing “Black Pan- ther” (PG-13), a 2018 Ameri- can superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Bring chairs and blankets, your own drinks and popcorn. Free. Donations accepted. Sponsored by Wal- lowa County Safe Communities Coalition and Building Healthy Families. August 8, 2018 Myron F. Gibbs Oct. 6, 1934 –– July 30, 2018 Myron F. Gibbs of Enterprise passed away at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital at age 83. Myron was born in Joseph, the son of Fred and Rose Gibbs. Myron grew up in Joseph and attended local schools. He was a 1953 graduate of Joseph High School. After graduating he moved to Sunnyside, Wash., where he began a life-long career as a mechanic. But he would soon move back to Enterprise where his mechanical abilities were put to good use in various businesses. In 1956, he married Phyllis Pace. In 1976, he started his own full-time saw repair shop. Myron enjoyed camping, gold panning, cutting wood and working on antique cars. Myron liked helping others and always maintained a good sense of humor. He was a member of the Enterprise Christian Church. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis, of Enterprise; a daugh- ter, Cindy Coleman (Kim) of Wyoming, a son, Dan Gibbs of Alaska, four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren one great-great-granddaughter and three sisters. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Dean Gibbs; and an “adopted” granddaughter Rachel Harvey. Memorial services will be 11 a.m. at the Enterprise Christian Church on Saturday, Aug. 11. Robert Long Aug. 25, 1945 –– April 25, 2018 The Wasted Lives will perform Thursday night in Enterprise. Leo Rondeau FRIDAY, AUG. 10 Night Photography with Ellen Bishop: 7 p.m. Josephy Center, Joseph. Come and learn from a pro. Class continues Sat- urday and Sunday morning. Enterprise Class of ‘73 Reunion: 5 p.m. at Terminal Gravity in Enterprise. Friends and family invited. SATURDAY, AUG. 11 All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast: 7-10 a.m. Hurricane Creek Grange, 82930 Airport Road (1 mile west of Joseph). Cost $8.00 including all you can eat pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausage or bacon, cooked to order eggs and beverages. Bring your appetite. Tick Hill Hike: 9 a.m. Meet at the Land Trust’s enterprise office, 116 S. River St., carpool to the Tamkaliks Grounds for pre- sentation by Nez Perce Wallowa Homeland’s Angela Bombaci. Wallowa County Farmers Market: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. down- town Joseph. Fresh local produce, eggs, plants, arts and crafts, food, live music with John and Debra Moro. Also, pie day fundraiser. Enterprise Class of ‘73 Reunion: 6 p.m. at La Laguna Restaurant in Joseph. Music provided by Jim and Meleece Joni Harms will per- form Thursday night in Enterprise. DeRoest. Friends and family invited. SUNDAY, AUG. 12 Volunteer Appreciation Bar- becue: Noon to 2 p.m. Hurri- cane Creek Grange, 82930 Air- port Road, a mile west of Joseph at the grange hall. Everyone is welcome. Hamburgers along with potato salad, chips and watermelon. TUESDAY, AUG. 14 Twigs & Tales Story Hour: 1:30 p.m. Wallowology. Curl up in the giant bird’s nest and listen to Stories. Free. Diabetes Prevention Class: 1 p.m. Enterprise Senior Citizens Center. Sponsored by Community Connection. Mindful Flow: 6:30 a.m. The Place in Joseph. Increase flex- ibility while creating muscular strength and tone, providing the benefits of exercise and mind- fulness in one. Instructor: Jamie O’Neill. salutationsstudio.com Pilates: 9 a.m. Wallowa Senior Center, 204 E Second, Wallowa. Sponsored by Commu- nity Connection. Alpine Meadows Golf Ladies Invitational: 9 a.m. Alpine Meadows Golf Course, Enter- prise. golfalpinemeadows.com Adult Drawing and Painting Class: 9-11 a.m. Josephy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. Instruc- tor: Jennifer Klimsza. josephy.org Sewing Group: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wallowa Senior Center, 204 E Second, Wallowa. Sponsored by Community Connection. Brown Bag Luncheon: noon at the Josephy Center Special “Music Bag” presentation with Stephen Adamas, an amateur musician, retired small-business owner and law teacher. Contractor SERVICE NOTICE Harry Harmon Harry “Jack” Harmon, 98, of La Grande, passed away on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, at a local care facility. A graveside service will be held at the Enterprise Cemetery 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 25. A full obituary will be published later. Loveland Funeral Chapel and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Specializing in Interior & Exterior Paint James Andrews Robert Gordon Long, also known to family and friends as “RL,” 72, passed away at home in Lostine. He was born in Pendleton to Stanton and Dorothy (France) Long. He grew up in the Wallowa Valley, attending Wallowa High School and graduated with the class of ‘63. During his high school career, he enjoyed sports, especially basketball, where he played in the state tournament and was selected as a first-team all-state player. After graduation, RL joined the U.S. Army, spending two years in the service. He spent most of his life in the logging indus- try and co-owned SRS Timber with his brother Tom for more than 20 years. He loved and studied the forest, constantly learning about the world around him. He had a passion for rock collecting and spent a lot of time obtaining, cutting and polishing rocks in his shop. Robert is survived by his daughter Sandy Bloodgood; broth- ers Tom (Carol) Long of Wallowa and Doug Long of Lostine. He leaves four grandchildren: Asia (Parker) Matthews, Wade Blood- good, Emma Bloodgood and Willow Rogers as well as one great grandchild Gwen Matthews. A graveside service will be 11 a.m. Aug. 11 at Lostine Ceme- tery, followed by a potluck gathering for remembrances at Wal- lowa Senior Center, 204 2nd Street, Wallowa. Kraftworks Contracting Kraftwrks18@gmail.com Phone # 470-685-1489 IN BRIEF P.O. Box 208 Wallowa, OR 97885 CCB# 221176 Enterprise year begins Sept. 4 MEDICARE BIRTHDAY RULE If you have a Medicare Supplement Plan you have 30 days after your birthday to compare and apply for a new Supplement Plan. Call Kathleen TODAY to discuss your options for a lower Medigap premium. 616 W. North Street, Enterprise, Oregon 541-426-4208 Locally Owned & Operated by Fiona Davis Enterprise schools has announced events marking the open- ing of the coming school year. An open house for students K-6 will be 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 30. The first day of school for students K-12 will be Tues- day, Sept. 4. K-6 students will have a full school day; 7-12 will be released at noon. Freshman academic conferencing is also planned 1-4 p.m. by scheduled appointment with the counseling teams. T HE B OOKLOFT Wallowa seeking board member Great Summer Read The Address Across from the courthouse in Enterprise 107 E. Main • 541.426.3351 always open at www.bookloftoregon.com • bookloft@eoni.com ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING SUPPLIES Summer is in the air! ELECTRICAL & WATER SYSTEM CONTRACTOR PUMPS • IRRIGATION HARDWARE• APPLIANCE PARTS Wallowa School District is looking to fill a vacancy on its school board in the wake of the resignation of Dave Flynn. Applicants must be a legal resident within the district a year immediately preceding the appointment. Applications are avail- able at the district office in Wallowa and may be dropped off there 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Deadline for completed application and letter of interest is 5 p.m. Aug. 15. The term will run through June 30, 2021. The board meets monthly. Weather Forecast Get out and enjoy it! Courtesy of Weather Underground • wunderground.com High Low Conditions Aug 9 107 65 Sunny Aug 10 98 58 Sunny Aug 11 83 51 Sunny Aug 12 86 52 Sunny Aug 13 89 53 Sunny Aug 14 84 52 Partly Cloudy Aug 15 85 53 Mostly Sunny Ed Staub & Sons Energy Community Service. 201 East Hwy 82 Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-0320 208 S. RIVER ST. • ENTERPRISE, OR www.jbbane.com • 541-426-3344 “We took our daughter to Dr. Allen on several occasions, and we were extremely happy with the care we received…” PET OF THE WEEK Brought to you by Enterprise Animal Hospital Meet Silver -Enterprise Mom Dr. Allen is a family practice physician and doctor of osteopathic medicine. Call Dr. Allen to schedule your appointment today! 541-426-7900 Phases of the moon Aug 11 Aug 18 Aug 26 Sept 2 New Moon 1st Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter WALLOWA COUNTY SUNRISE & SUNSET AUG. 9-15 (from the U.S. Naval Observatory) Available for Adoption Mountain View Medical Group If you are interested in this bundle of love contact Karen at 541-521-0811 or 541-432-1368 603 Medical Parkway (next to Wallowa Memorial Hospital) Enterprise, Oregon 97828 A grey, female tabby, 8 weeks old, born approx. May 23, 2018. Silver is very playful, easy to handle and friendly. Silver is feisty and very curious of her surroundings. She is adjusting very well to home life. Litter box trained, received first immunizations and worming. We treat you like family 601 Medical Parkway, Enterprise, OR 97828 • 541-426-3111 • www.wchcd.org Wallowa Memorial Hospital is a equal opportunity mployer and provider $40 adoption fee includes a spay from any of our WC Vets when old enough THUR FRI SAT SUN MON TUES WED 5:43 8:05 5:44 8:04 5:45 8:02 5:46 8:01 5:48 7:59 5:49 7:58 5:50 7:56