Wallowa County Chieftain wallowa.com Community December 20, 2017 A5 Run, run, as fast as you can ... but no Olympic sprinter could run as far or as fast as these children’s imaginations did at a Gingerbread Mania party Dec. 15, hosted by Building Healthy Families. Imag i indiv nations r part idual tou an wild a ches of Gi s Fam nger on g children il b of st ies Dec. read Ma ingerbre put thei a a r 1 n emp tions for 5. The ev ia at Bu d cookie hasis ildin s ent i child as g H n r at ea ch. en with a cluded a ealthy v ging erbre ariety ad Juniper Man ka it a masterp -Brown adds one more iece at the fir fe st-ever Ging ature to her gingerbread lies Dec. 15. erbread Man In man before ia ca ects, includin addition to decorating cookies, child event at Building Healthy lling g making gin retrieve prize ren enjoyed Fami- gerbread slim a variety of s. Around 40 art proj- children atte e and poking a giant gin nded the ev gerbread man ent. to to and r a toothpick ile roundwork fo ng and math project wh g e th s ild bu ri n ee l ti in ra ar g M ve Kristianna chnology, en as one of se w science, te s a hand. The project w at Building Healthy marshmallo d d n el le h n efore ha Marti ad Mania her mom Tis the first-ever Gingerbre were eaten b s w lo al m sh g ar n m ri f u o d d er offere numb nterprise. A Families in E ome part of a tower. ec they could b Lakotah Steel punches a giant gingerbread man in the foyer of Building Healthy Families Dec. 15 to retrieve a prize. The “poke-a-man” was part of the organization’s Gingerbread Mania. Debby Wahl, right, was the program coordinator for the event. and Hale, left, and Weston Hale frost Sarah Miller watches as Dawson at 15 . Dec ia Man ng Gingerbread decorate a gingerbread cookie duri e. rpris Building Healthy Families in Ente Photos by Paul Wahl / Chieftain editor See more photos at Wallowa.com Grant may help area parents A grant to benefit parenting education services in Wallowa, Baker and Malheur counties has been awarded to Build- ing Healthy Families in Enter- prise. The $82,000 is part of a multi-year initiative developed by The Oregon Community Foundation in partnership with the Meyer Memorial Trust, The Ford Family Foundation, The Collins Foundation and Oregon State University. Specific benefits in the community include increased partnerships with the health- care community and expanded shared programming and in-clinic services. Other fac- ets include training of med- ical partnership staff, more parent education classes and expanded partnerships with Wallowa County school dis- tricts to increase parenting education services. Building Healthy Fami- lies has been able to become a community leader, provid- ing services to more than 475 families per month in a three- county region. Planning a get-away? PASSPORT PHOTOS in my Joseph studio. Last minute shopping can be fun! We still have lots of great choices and don’t forget, we will gladly gift wrap your Bookloft purchases T HE B OOKLOFT Across from the courthouse in Enterprise 107 E. Main • 541.426.3351 always open at www.bookloftoregon.com • booklofteoni.com 24-hour turn-around for prints. December-January Special: $35 for two different images, sized and printed to meet U.S. Passport requirements. Call for appointment! ELLEN MORRIS BISHOP NATURE’S LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHICS 103 N. Main Street, Ste 5, Joseph * 541 398-1810 (voice or text) paleobishop@gmail.com www.natureslightphotographics.com