Wallowa County Chieftain wallowa.com Announcements October 25, 2017 A3 School district runs on $25,000 budget (1917) OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Paul Wahl 100 YEARS AGO Oct. 25, 1917 Another shipment of knit goods was sent to La Grande last week by the Enterprise Red Cross, consisting of nine sweaters, three muffl ers, three pairs of wristlets and four pairs of socks. About 40 women and girls are now knitting, but the number is not large enough. The Red Cross has also begun making surgical dressings. Enterprise School District has announced it will oper- ate on a $25,070 budget for the coming year. The bulk of it, $15,390, will go to teacher salaries. Roughly $10,000 of the revenue needed will come from sources outside the dis- trict with the remainder borne by taxpayers. HELP WANTED: Saw- mill employees also teamsters and common laborers; married men preferred. Good wages and steady work. East Oregon Lumber Co., Enterprise. feet. Arly Evans, owner of Evans Jewelry in Enterprise announced he plans to close out the stock of his store and discontinue business. Evans has been in business in the city since 1949. 70 YEARS AGO Oct. 23, 1947 R. H. Bonny has been appointed superintendent of the Wallow Lake Park, suc- ceeding Supt. Lyon. He was previously at the Catherine Creek park near Union. Most of the stores in Enter- prise will be closed Friday afternoon for the football game at 2 p.m. Regular transit service has been established between Lewiston and Enterprise with stops in Asotin, Anatone, Field Spring Park, Troy, Flora, dag- ger Camp, Snow Hollow and enterprise. The bus stops at Enterprise Hotel. When you think of insur- ance, think of Ben Weathers. 50 YEARS AGO Oct. 24, 1967 Susan and Everett Rob- erts, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roberts, Wal- lowa, recently joined the U.S. Marine Corps. Everett is cur- rently at Marine Corps Recruit 25 YEARS AGO Oct. 22, 1992 This photo was drawn from a folder in the Chieftain archives called “schools.” We are think- ing it might be one of the county’s school boards. Two names are on the back of the photo –– Lyle Cherry and Bart Bartmess; however, no indication of when the photo was taken or where. If you recognize any of these faces, contact us at editor@wallowa.com. training in San Diego and Susan will fl y to Parris Island, S.C., in December for Woman Marine training. Two older brothers –– John and Erroll –– are also Marines. More than 400 feet of inte- rior wall framing at the new Joseph School was blown down Saturday during a vio- lent wind storm that swept across the upper valley. The wind scattered lumber across the building site and moved the construction offi ce shak six Two Wallowa County female juveniles are being charged with burglary and theft of $1,300 with of prop- erty from Sports Outlet in downtown Enterprise. They allegedly gained access to the building by throwing a brick through the front window. Two popular social events recently drew guests to Imnaha Store and Tavern for the annual rattlesnake and bear roast and the retirement social for postmaster Dick Patton. FOR SALE: Four acres near Wallowa remodeled three-bedroom two-story house, metal barn, sheds, fl ood irrigated pasture on Bear Creek $79,000. Program offers warm coats for children and adults Donations of children’s coats are needed Submitted photo Good Co, a Seattle-based six-piece electro-swing band, will perform a benefit concert for Wal- lowa Land Trust at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, at OK Theatre in downtown Enterprise. Good Co to play Land Trust fundraiser Nov. 3 at OK Wallowa Land Trust will bring vintage swing with a twist to Wallowa County Thursday, Nov. 3. Good Co, a Seattle-based six-piece electro-swing band, takes swing music and mixes it with modern dance-beats. In addition to an evening concert, Good Co will provide a free outreach program to the chil- dren of Wallowa County. The concert is 7 p.m. at OK Theatre in downtown Enterprise. All ticket sales and pro- ceeds will support Wallowa Land Trust. Tickets are available at M. Crow, The Bookloft, Joseph Hardware and online at wal- lowalandtrust.org. Good Co’s youth outreach program covers the history and origins of jazz music. The free outreach program for Wallowa County youth will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the OK Theatre. Students will have the opportunity to interact with a professional band includ- ing hands-on experiences to develop skills such as critical listening, performance tech- nique, intonation and rhythm. Wallowa Land Trust is coordinating with teach- ers throughout the county to include as many children of all ages and skill levels as possible. Wallowa Land Trust is a nonprofi t founded in 2004 by Wallowa County landowners and residents whose mission is to protect the rural nature of the area by working coopera- tively with private landowners, Indian tribes, local communi- ties and governmental entities to conserve land. The Land Trust uses vol- untary, nonregulatory tools to protect natural areas, wildlife habitat, open spaces and work- ing lands. The Wallowa County Rotary Club, in partnership with Building Healthy Fam- ilies, has new and donated coats available for area chil- dren and adults. Area residents are asked to donate warm coats, gloves and hats for distribution to children and adults in need in Wallowa County. The program typically dis- tributes 200 coats each fall. In addition to the tradi- tional donated Coats for Kids Program, the Rotary Club and Building Healthy Families distribute new coats through area schools and Head Start. Using input from area teachers and social workers, approximately 75 new coats will be distributed this fall. Individual Wallowa County Rotarians and local benefactors donate roughly $2,000 each year to purchase these coats. Donations of new youth size coats are also welcome; please bring them to Building Healthy Families at 207 NE Park St, Enterprise. Coat drop boxes are located at Safeway, the Bank of Eastern Oregon and Com- munity Bank branches in Joseph and Enterprise. Wallowa residents are asked to donate coats directly to the Wallowa Resale Store on Main Street. The program is especially in need of child- sized coats this year. In Enterprise, the coats are available at the Wallowa Val- ley Professional Building on the corner of First and Green- wood 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Monday through Friday. New items will be added weekly as they become available until the end of November. Contact Marilyn Dalton at Building Healthy Fami- lies 541-426-9411 or Rob at 541-432-4343. Elks Christmas Basket & Tree of Giving Program Christmas TOY & FOOD DONATION Each year many organizations throughout Wallowa County engage in the Elks Christmas Baskets and the Tree of Giving. This is an effort to ensure everyone in our county has a Very Merry Christmas with a nice meal and gifts for the kids! Each family will receive a Christmas Dinner food basket for their family and kids ages birth to 17 will receive a thoughtful gift! If you’re a single adult living alone you may also receive a nice meal and special gift! If you wish to receive the above, please complete this form and return it by November 10th, 2017, or AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Mail applications to Elks Lodge, PO Box K, Enterprise, OR 97828, or drop off at Enterprise City Hall or to the Juvenile Department at the Wallowa County Justice Center. Where can we find you and what’s on the wish list? Please Print and fill in all lines. Name ___________________________________________________________ Single Adult [Y] [N] ________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________________ Number of People in Household _______________________________________ Delivery Street Address _______________________________ City___________ House Directions ___________________________________________________ Child Information - Please circle Youth or Adult sizes for each child and be specific with suggestions! Number of Children in Household _______ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Age ______________ [Y] or [A] Clothing Size _______ Shoe Size _________ [Boy] or [Girl] Gift Suggestion: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ***Food Baskets and Gifts will be Delivered on Friday, December 22nd *** If you have any questions please contact: Lacey McQuead at (541)426-4196 or Amy Stangel at (541)426-3131